Monday, October 2, 2023

Klasma: How long has it been since I last smile?

"How long had it been since I last smiled? I don't remember well, but I know that it had been quite a while before I met you, Klaus. I can't believe that I didn't challenge Elijah centuries ago and allowed my desire to pay my debt to him. How could I not see it? How could I not see that it was in his best interest to keep me locked up and alone? 

How long had it been since I last smiled? I don't remember well but I remember I started to smile with you. I remember the heat in my chest, the blood rushing to my cheeks, the way our eyes would meet and I would feel my heart skip a beat. I love it. I love smiling. I love laughing with you and I want to be able to laugh with you for all eternity. I mean, Eternity doesn't seem so bad if I can share it with you. I want to smile again, I want to smile always... and I want to smile with you."

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