Monday, October 2, 2023

The Boys Headcanon:Starlight and Unnamed Girl / Annie and Sara.

Starlight and Unnamed Girl / Annie and Sara. 

Sara and Annie don't know their superhero identities. Obviously, if Sara started to search a little bit about who Annie was, she would have find out the truth. But she doesn't have time to do that, so she doesn't know. 

For Annie, Sara looks familiar but she can't put her finger on it. She's seen Unnamed Girl on Hughie's cd collections since Hughie is a huge fan. She would Still, she isn't aware of her alter-ego. 

The two met at a park and shared some chocolate together. Perhaps, in the future, these two could become friends. Maybe. Sara would definitely enjoy having a genuine friend, someone who would look out for her and someone she could confide in. The truth might come out, maybe... and it could either strengthen their relationships or break it altogether. who knows? 

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