Monday, October 2, 2023

GoT: Have you ever screamed?

"Have you ever felt like screaming into the void? 

I used to think that my prayers were not listened to. 

I used to believe that the Gods Old and New had forsaken me.

I used to cry myself to sleep, allowing no one to see my despair. 


Have you ever felt that no matter what you do, you'll screw it up?

I feared my dreams because I didn't know how to handle failure.

I feared my heart because I thought it would remain alone.

So what was the use of allowing it to dream? to Hope? To break?

What's the point, anyway? Who is listening to me? 

I'm still screaming into the void and no matter how long I do, 

It will never scream back at me. It would never acknowledge me.

Fitting....Isn't it?"

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