There is a war in your heart. Happiness is at the tip of your fingers, and you know it. Despair is at the back of your head, already planning your future loss. Why else would the universe bring me to you, if not to mess with you like it did before? Why not take away this piece of bliss you tasted? I could die tomorrow and you would survive me, like you survived your lovers, like you survived John and... I could die tomorrow and grief was all you saw when you looked at me. Even now, as you let your fingers stroke my coily hair.
There is a war in your heart. Happiness was at the tip of your fingers. You often realized when I wasn't around, that you were happy, truly happy, and fulfilled. Suddenly there was someone waiting for you when you returned home. Suddenly there was someone who saw you as you truly were and accepted you, all of you. You weren't alone anymore and that sweet warm thought made your heart lighter than a feather. " I can touch the sky." You told me while your hands ran over my leg. "I can't really breathe when you are near. You take my breath away." And I loved hearing those words. I loved being loved by you.
There is a war in your heart, and love on your lips. You would whisper to me words I have never heard of, and I would melt..... I would because I know how much you never let yourself be vulnerable in front of anyone but me. How can someone be this happy? How can someone with a life such as yours, be allowed to have another chance? I know you don't believe that what we have is real. I understand...I do. I know you wake up at night, sweating, upset, and worried about potentially losing me. I am sorry... I am sorry I can't take those worries away.
There is a war in your heart but peace reigns in your mind. You have never seen things more clearly than now. There is a future for you, A future for us.... a future where two broken minds can find comfort and love. You embrace it and you fear it all the same. I love you, Tom, more than you can ever think of. I love you, always.
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