Sunday, December 31, 2017

sam and Oya: The odds

Sam and Oya: The odds

A/ N; continuing with this little sub-plot. Oya and Sam are spending some time together and already we can tell that communication is NOT their forte at all. Oya is still upset about Isaac's death and is afraid she might lose the brothers. Sam is upset because she's very stubborn and doesn't want to talk about the very fact she's afraid and he can see that. I'm 100% sure it's going to enter the DOYA storyline because I like this one.


Sam and Oya's case was finally leading them somewhere. They went to the single and widowers party organized by the Church of Light to talk to the last victim claimed by the monster. Her name was Roberta Denver. It was her husband, Phil, who discovered her one morning when he came back from work, dead, with her eyes burned. The poor man couldn't understand why his wife died the horrible death she had. Roberta was almost a saint, a woman who dedicated her life helping people in need. He wasn't interested in being with someone else, Roberta being the love of his life, but still attended the parties because the Church encouraged him to. His story confirmed what Oya and Dean suspected about the killer coming back every 5 years and claiming victims. The fact the numbers doubled was unusual, however, because usually, demons were methodical. If, however, it bonded with a serial killer, then everything made sense. There was an escalation, probably induced by the human host. They were narrowing down the list of potential suspects, all the while pretending to be a couple. It amused Oya who couldn't help but laugh because she embarrassed Sam; She didn't even need to go extreme in her tease, a simple contact and innuendos were enough to make him blush and swallow a lump. It was refreshing but even less than the oddity that having another case happen right in the same town as they were was.

What were the odds? A witch decided to play around and kill her relatives. It didn't take long for the hunters to figure her out and go after her. The fight should have been an easy one, but the witch proved to be more powerful than expected. Oya was a victim of one of her hex that compelled her to witness her greatest fears. Unlike what the ebony hunter believed, her greatest fear was to lose both Dean and Sam. The Thomas were family of course, but she was still under the illusion that they would fair well. Especially Sarah since she was out of the hunting business. Seeing the corpses of the brothers was enough to make Asma lose her mind. Instead of being broken like the witch hoped for, she attacked her. Oya lashed out and Sam witnessed it with horror. Oya was fast, maybe faster than usual as she leaped onto the witch and grabbed her neck. He saw as she took her hunting knife out of its sheath and stabbed the witch repeatedly in the neck.

There was blood everywhere and the witch tried to strangle Oya -it didn't last long because she died pretty quickly- Sam intervened when he realized that Oya wasn't done with he body. She started to stab her chest and screaming horribly. Sounds weren't even human or maybe they were. He recognized it. She was screaming in pain, in horror and he guessed that it had something to do with what the witch made them see. -He saw the very same things. The younger Winchester brother grabbed Oya's shoulders and forced her to her feet. It was the first time that she actually saw him be worried about her, to the point that she nearly froze. Her eyes grew wide as he kept asking how she was doing. She looked at him, understanding that he indeed was worried about her and then at his hands that were holding onto her shoulders. She couldn't hear his words, but just the noise of his voice. She then snapped out of it and put her hand over his. His mind was racing and she could tell by the way he was looking at her. He knew. He knew what had just happened and he knew why she did it. It was obvious. She brought her blood-soaked hands up to cover his with and nodded quietly, almost as if she was trying to comfort him. -maybe she was-

« I'm okay. » -Her voice was mechanical but she was focused in the present now. « I'm okay Sam. »

«Yeah? » He didn't believe her but she held his hands tighter.

« Yeah. I'm okay.She just really tried to kill me but messed with the wrong short girl. » She said, forcing a chuckle. Sam was confused but he cleared his throat and released her shoulders.

« Let's go back to the motel room. You need a beer and so do I. »

« That's an idea I can get behind! » She said as she walked away from the crime scene. « I can totally get behind drinking myself to sleep after a hot shower. 

« Sure... »

Sam tried to burn the thought in his mind, thinking that it might just be circumstantial and Oya would not behave like this in their current case. He wouldn't want her to take risks and end up being killed by the demon they were chasing after. His worried gaze set upon the ebony hunter as she sat on his right and leaned into the seat and he then turned the engine on and left the house.


Saturday, December 30, 2017

Oya and Dean

She was rough on the edges, quiet, almost cold. 
The only moments she let go of that mask was when she was with her family. The brothers and the Thomas when she thought about texting them. She barely kept contact, maybe a call once a week, maybe a text every two weeks but she didn't do more than this, she certainly didn't visit. 

However, she was in touch with the brothers and they had seen her smile and laugh more than once. Sam noticed that but only said that it felt good that she feels comfortable around them. Dean, maybe he did too -Oya was certain he knew she felt cosy with the band of misfits they were-

She was rough, for sure, and the brothers both have hit against those sharp angles but it strengthened their bond over the year and a half she spent with them.

It made them family. 

They were her family


She found comfort in his arms. A promise that the night would at least be good and she would feel safe. Oya led a fast life, paced by the cases she took one after the other. It became mechanical, almost as natural as breathing. 

But she needed to stop and breathe. Dean made her, when he realized that she'd been deep into her cases and came back with a huge collection of scars and bruises and the satisfaction of having saved lives coupled with the solitude he read in her eyes.

She was lonely. Despite what she said, Oya hated being alone. She hated it but couldn't actually tell a soul. Instead she kept a poker face, fake smiles, fake laughs, fake everything and moved on. She had to. So she hunted on her own and took all the joy she could from actually saving people and killing monsters but the real nightmare was when she was alone in her room. there, she couldn't hide and nightmares plagued her.

Dean soothed her soul with his mere presence and for a brief moment, she was not alone anymore and it was everything.


That moment when he gives you a rose. We already had to play dress-up to get close to one of our targets -you know, when we investigated- and he wasn't comfortable wearing a tux, I wasn't comfortable wearing those ball gowns but he still gave me a rose because he knows they're my favourite flowers.

I'm confused
He really makes me drop the mask and dare I say... smile.

A big fat toothy smile, not those smirks I always serve.

Jeez...he's adorable, but hush.

She filled her life with adventures. Her heart only beat for action. She was hooked on the thrill of the hunt and the harder the fight was, the best it was for her. Some said she was violent, bloodthirsty even and maybe they were right. She enjoyed taking down monsters and saving people in the same breath. hunting became her refuge.

It was the only way she found to feel alive. Going out there, doing her job. Day after day of the same routine, of taking bigger risks each time she left the bunker. It was the only thing keeping her sane. She knew she was a mess, one that couldn't be saved but she wanted to do the right thing and give her life a meaning.

A hunter's life was lonely, even with companions but she enjoyed it and wouldn't trade it for anything else. She never looked back but might consider it for the brothers.

Oya wanted to be there for Dean. She was his protector, his guardian angel, his friend. She was the one who would make sure he didn't do anything stupid.

She wanted to be there for Dean, to relieve him from the heavy burden he kept on carrying. To relieve him from the pain he kept on experiencing. She wanted to be that for him.

she wanted to be, but how could she when she couldn't help herself?

And then you have these two idiots. Okay, not idiots but you get my drift.

On the left there is....Bookworm and on the right there is Dickhead. The brothers. The Winchesters. They took me in when I needed a place to stay at and I never really left.

I like the noise they make when they're home. The bunker feels less empty, more alive. I never really got to tell them I liked their company, I'm terrible with words, but I guess they know? Sam does, we get along better I feel. Dean...he's quite difficult to get, but as long as we don't bump heads I guess we're fine.

They hunt together most of the time, which is better this way so I could go on my hunts on my own. Less problematic like that. We just crossroads or work together, when the opportunity comes.

Isaac asked me to say how I feel when I'm with these two. I'd say, I feel at home because they make me feel as such. A nice home for the short life us hunters have. I didn't do too bad.

Elpis and Pride: Last of 2017

She was the light in the darkness
The sliver of Hope that made you push it harder.
She was the last prayer before the decisive battle
And the first laughter after Victory
She was the promise of a better tomorrow
And the comfort sought after the heartbreak

The irony of it all, 
Was that she was convinced to be more of a disaster


Patiently waiting in the shadow is a goddess who had enough. Enough of the world, enough of everything and everyone....even enough of Pride and his vanity, his lack of compassion, his disregard for her ordeals, his disinterest in anything and everything that wasn't him. 

She knew he was selfish when she fell in love with him and decided to put up with it, but her own need for revenge was so powerful that she wouldn't want to deal with it, not now, not ever...



"I have rarely seen him smile. Everytime he would allow himself to flash his perfect teeth, I would feel a sudden rush of adrenaline through my veins. I would feel my entire being shake in fear and tremble from arousal. He was magnificent for the mortal I was. He was my everything but soon enough he wouldn't even be a memory at the back of my head. I suppose it's for the best...."


I sometimes wonder if he sees her when he looks at me. I am her perfect reflection but I am entirely different. weaker.... to be forgotten. I do not want to disappear, at least, not in his memory. 

As I can feel her grow stronger and stronger, I know that my time with the sin is limited. He barely has time for me since he's always fighting battles in the Underworld while I stay home.I am safe...and alone.

Yet, as curious as it is, I am serene. I know I would forget him as soon as Elpis is free.That is his gift for me, a better ending than a prophetized Death. I am worried about her instead. I know how she feels about him. I know what she is capable of in the name of love. I feel protective of her but I have good faith he would at least give her a room in his mind. I have good faith that the fact I looked like her helped Pride deal with finding her again.

I have good faith.

I worry about her.


Couldn't a deity dream?

Elpis didn't need Pride to crown her queen. In her mind she already was. She was the only rightful queen, the one who would care for mankind, She would vanquish her enemies, destroy what was left ofo the Pirmeval gods pantheon.

She didn't need ¨Pride to crown her queen, but she would certainly not be left behind either. Her goal was simple, she wanted to rule by his side and she would achieve her goal, be his queen.. the number 1. She already knew the work to reach out to his heart was tremendous but she was ready to try.


A black butterfly. Ayasha didn't pay attention to the creature that entered her chambers until it landed on her fingers. She was laying in her bed, her blonde mane spread over her head and felt the creature's lightweight at the tip of her fingers. A quick glance up and he realized that it was a black butterfly. In every pantheon, it was known that black butterflies were bearers of bad news. They usually meant that soon there would be a dead visiting. Leviathan was on Earth and determined to find Pride and kill him alongside with Elpis. Could that mean...

Ayasha, the goddess of knowledge straightened up on her bed and tried to shake the creature off of her hand. It didn't work. She started to look into her memory for a way to get rid of such creature but panic had settled in. If she was to be visited soon by a dead person, that meant Leviathan would die. That meant her plan was ruined, that meant Elpis would be out. That meant... She would try to avenge herself. It sent a shiver down the blonde primeval goddess spine who screamed and shook her hand, finally making the animal go.

She might lose her knight, that didn't mean she was checkmate. Ayasha recoiled at the corner of her bed, arms wrapped around her legs as she tried to reassure herself. It was going to be okay. Leviathan wouldn't die and those superstitious stories would never come to life.She wouldn't lose her Knight.

She wouldn't lose.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Sam and Oya: The Serial killer demon case part 2

A/ N: because I'm having fun with this case and it's the opportunity to see Sam and Oya interact.


Georgia, Church of Light, 1 pm

« How did you two heard of the church? »

Gina the interviewer who accepted to receive Sam and Oya in their flock was looking at both Sam and Oya with an eye filled with suspicion. She didn't believe that the two were actually a couple and even less than they truly wanted to join the church of Light. She was a middle-aged blonde woman who sincerely believed in the teachings of her church. Her green eyes stared at Sam who swallowed a lump and offered her one of his charming smiles. He was wearing a burgundy cardigan with a shirt underneath and a tie and completed his look with heavy glasses. Oya looked very vintage in the look she chose for herself. A beautiful red dress with a white cardigan. Her hair was tamed in a large bun and if Sam didn't know her better, he would have thought she was the sweetest and most innocent soul he'd ever met.

« I was Samantha  Newman's childhood friend. We kept in touch after she moved from Washington to Georgia. She couldn't stop talking about the Church of Light and invited me and my fiancé to join but we were trying to move in Georgia first so we could be close to her husband and her. I am afraid, we moved too late...she's gone now. » She said, sighing deeply and shaking her head.

« We also heard that Clarence, her husband died during the attack? » He held onto Oya's hand, intwining his fingers like a normal couple would. Oya wanted to chuckle but had to hold back or she would blow up their cover. Instead, she held onto his hand tighter.

« Yes, he did. Solange, one of the highest ranked members of the church went to visit Samantha and Clarence the day they died. She was the one who found the bodies. Mangled in such a terrible way. They were..... oh sweet Kindness! » She sighed and shrugged. « We haven't had any murders in...five years! And it was an accident. One of our practitioners died at home? Roberta was her name. I think her husband Phil is still a member of the church. Listen.. aside from the gruesome deaths, we didn't have that. We never had that. »

« Oh nooo. » Oya glanced at Sam and pretended to be more affected by the deaths than they were.

«Ah... Poor Samantha. She didn't talk much about her previous life in Washington. She was very discreet you know? Clarence and Samantha were very dedicated to the church and I am glad she could have picked your interest. However, we do not accept members as easily as you might think we do. » Gina tried to sound tough but she already was under the charm of this new couple in front of her.

« What mean? mean? » Oya asked, taking a handkerchief in her purse and pretending to clean some unshed tears off of her eyes. « I thought you were very accepting? »

« If I had to be very honest with you, ever since members of our church started to get killed, we became very cautious. We have to enforce an extreme vetting on the new members just in case a killer might slip in. » She said, drawing a cross on her chin with her forefinger and pressing the flat of her hands against one another. Oya lifted a brow, ready to say something corny but she held back her words and gave Gina a sympathetic smile. « We are scared but we also want to spread the message of our church. »

« I understand. Samantha told me that you put virtue at the center of your religion? »

« Yes. We believe that humans would benefit from being truly kind to one another, regardless of our background. We value good actions, purity of heart and of course, we believe in family. »

«F-family? So single people can't join your church? » Oya was interested and for a brief second, she almost forgot that she was investigating a murder. Could that really exist? A place where discrimination didn't exist?

« We...encourage people to get together. We organize parties for our single members or widows. There is not such a thing as being strong enough alone. We need companionship. So, how long have you two been together? I see a ring? » Here was Oya's response. There was not such a thing as a discrimination-free society. She looked at her ring and shrugged.

« Roughly two years. We've been engaged for about two years.. When is it that we will celebrate our anniversary again, honey? » She asked, teasing Sam as he looked even more embarrassed. He cleared his throat and answered 

« In two months. Our two years anniversary is in two months. » Which coincided with the anniversary of her time spent with the Winchesters. She smiled, unable to prevent herself from smiling and gently nudged him with her elbow.

« It's very soon. » She added with a grin. Gina lifted her brows, staring at the couple holding hand a little too tight, them looking embarrassed but their smiles were authentic. Oya furrowed her brows for a second and then cleared her throat.« If we are to be very honest, we decided to leave Washington because we wanted to have children. » Sam coughed and nodded.

«Children? How fantastic! » Gina exclaimed.

«YES! Yes indeed! Honey, I thought we would be talking a little more about the children... »

«Why? Samantha would have loved to hear we wanted to have a family like she was planning to. We would have raised our kids with the same values...Are you sure we don't qualify for the church? We thought of the Catholic church that is right around the corner, it would be close to home and easy to access. » Oya said, nonchalantly throwing out a rival so Gina would feel more inclined to take them in.

«What? Did I say we wouldn't want you? I think you two are perfect. »

« Good. What is the next step now that we're clear about it? »

« Next step? You have to meet the other members of the church. We are not that many but we are very close to each other. You'll feel at home. » She said outstretching her hand to check both Sam and Oya hands. « I will call you to inform you of the date and place. We'll throw a big introduction party for you two. Welcome, Chantal and Robert. »

« Good. Thank you, Chantal. » Oya checked her hand and quietly walked away. As soon as they reached their car, she sighed deeply and put her hands around her waist. «Well... I guess we'll have to talk to that Phil guy. »

« They seem to be a pretty tight community. They favor marriage, right ? Don't you think we should try and talk to him at one of those parties for widows and single people? »

« We could try. Do you think he would attend one of these? » Sam looked at her with disbelief in his eyes. « Okay.. okay! That was dumb. For now, I think we should pay a visit to the coroner. Let's change. »

« yes, ma'am!  I'll drive! »


Max and Phoenix :Christmas Break

A/ N: After she got shot in the back and their lead escaped from them, Max decided to take it slow and let the street talk to him. It gave some much-needed recovery time to Phoenix. Now, Christmas Eve is here and with it, lots of questions and impulsive decisions are made. This is one of them. I'm feeling mellow

xxx xxx

Phoenix woke up in their motel room. Two weeks after the fiasco that was confronting Martin Greene, which resulted in Phoenix being shot, Martin's son being traumatized, Martin being taken to prison and Max being pissed off because he had lost their first solid lead on the case. The Assassin tried to forget about what happened right after they left the crime scene. They found out she was shot and was bleeding out and while he patched her up they argued about her freezing at the sight of the kid. She thought Max was pissed off because of the failed mission but he actually was upset because she could have died. To have him worry about her life disturbed her, but she didn't say anything. She didn't want to acknowledge that she confessed what she did as an assassin and he listened to her and comforted her. She didn't want to remember how much in distress she felt at that exact moment and how badly seeing this kid impacted on her. But it happened. She rolled onto her side and looked at Max who was fixing them dinner. He was pretty simple when it came to food. It was either takeouts or cans. Tonight, he left and grabbed some Chinese takeaways. Her hazel eyes glanced at the watch on her wrist and she groaned quietly.

« How long did I sleep? » She asked with a sleepy tone.

« Two days since we arrived there. I've just changed your bandages. »

« Thanks. » She yawned and put one foot on the floor while the other remained on the bed. He handed her the Chinese takeaway. «Chinese? » He nodded.

« Not really a Christmas meal uh? »

« Who cares about Christmas? » She grumbled while she started to eat. « Do you have something new about Cesare? »

« They're laying low. I haven't heard anything, except that the drug is still in the fucking market. I guess we'll have to start over and ask the small guys about their bosses. » He said, chugging down his beer while she watched him from the bed. « How d'you feel? »

« Better. » She said, looking at her fresh new bandage. « Much better... You said it wasn't a Christmas meal? Are we on... »

« It's Christmas Eve. »

He sternly said, looking away from her disheveled honey hair. He hated the holiday season, mostly because it rubbed some salt on his very open wound. His family was dead and every fucking time the holidays reminded him that he was alone. After all these years looking for the people who killed his wife and child, he always spent the holidays on his own, ruminating his vengeance and reminiscing the good times he had with his loved ones. He would always get angry, break everything in the room and cry while looking at the only picture of his wife and daughter he kept in a locket that belonged to his wife. He would, every Christmas Eve, just do that. This year was different because he wasn't alone. Phoenix was there. She still was mysterious to Max, but as time went by, she started to reveal a little bit more of herself.

He didn't forget what happened a couple of weeks ago when she cried in his arms about the life she was forced to lead. He already thought she might have been a trained assassin or a special agent or both since the differences were blurred in his mind. She was a killer, a straight up stone-cold killer who had been forced into this life of crime ever since she was born. He suddenly understood why she was wary of being close to people, why she didn't want to be touched but insisted on sleeping next to him and all of her oddities. He understood her dire need to redeem herself.

« Christmas Eve uh ?....Have you ever celebrated it? » She genuinely asked while eating her noodles.

« A long time ago... » He turned the chair so he could look at her. « And you? »

« Once. I went on a mission and I had to attend a Christmas gala or some shit like that. It was the first time I ever saw a Christmas tree with all the lights on. It's... pretty. » She said as she put the noodle box on the night desk.

« Yeah.. it's bullshit most of the time. » He cleared his throat as she cleaned her lips with the back of her hand.

« But you're supposed to spend it with people you care about. »

« That's why I say it's shitty. How do you think /I/ feel? »

He shot her a dark glare, making her swallow a lump. That was silly of her to not take into consideration that he literally LOST his family and the holidays were just reminding him of what he lost. Phoenix cleared her throat and took another bite of her noodles

« I'm sorry... » She paused. He lifted his brow because it was the first time she ever apologized for doing something.- « ….I guess it never really rang a bell to me because I didn' didn't until I had someone I cared about. » -Max curbed his brow.-

« What happened? » Phoenix clenched her fists and stood up.

« I'm going to brush my teeth now. If you want, later on, we can watch the drug dealers of the town and see if we can find something about their suppliers? » He gave her a faint nod and watched as Phoenix walked towards the bathroom.

She took a deep breath and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Truth be told, she had dreamed of spending Christmas with Phaser, long before he faked his own death and forced her to go on a rampage against the rulers of the organization that kidnapped and raised her to become one of the most ruthless and skilled assassins in the world. She had dreamed of the Christmas trees and the treats and the mistletoe, long before she realized that Phaser was using her as a pawn to destroy the competition and build a new organization with him on its head. She dreamed of that before she went after him and killed him.

Rebuilding her life was more challenging than she thought and she realized since Max told her that he cared for her, that saving lives wasn't the only way to have a new and better life and atone for her past deeds. She also had to make herself happy. Max and she were broken souls, made of the same cloth. She empathized a lot with him and she knew he understood her as well. Phoenix felt it, the chemistry between the two of them when they were hunting criminals and killed their goons. She felt it that other night when he held her in her arms and had her hug him back. She splashed water on her face and turned on her heels to look at the tiled ceiling of the bathroom.

Max was confused as well. He hardened his heart, made sure that nobody could ever enter it. What he felt for Phoenix was confused and even he couldn't quite say what it was. He cared for her, wanted her to stay alive, wanted her to succeed and have a better life. He understood what she went through and was angry she experienced it. Her life was unfair, a string of mistreatment and violence.He recognized in her a kindred spirit, someone who could understand the broken man he was today and who wouldn't want to change him into his old self or a man he would never be. She also was as broken as he was and he recognized in her the will to eventually die as a way to atone for her life of crime. He himself had thought of dying several times.

His personal vendetta against the men who killed his family could end with his own death that he wouldn't care... but there she was, making it difficult to think of an « end » instead of a « beginning ». He couldn't stop but think of how nice it actually was to hold her in his arms. He couldn't stop but think of how beautiful she was that night, a beauty he acknowledged already in the past but never really admired than that night when he was stitching her up. He looked at the takeaway on the table and then realized she had been silent for quite some time so he stood up. He opened the door of the bathroom, only to look at her, wearing only black panties and a black thin strapped top. Her honey hair was cascading on her shoulders and teased the small of her back while her hazel eyes were looking straight into his blue ones. Max was panting softly and watched as her ample chest heaved up and down as she stared at him. Her sugary lips were half-opened as she intensely stared at him.

He looked handsome just right there, his stubble on his face, his square jaw, his deep piercing glacier eyes and the intensity of his gaze. He looked at her from head to toe for another second before he grabbed her cheeks and pressed his lips to hers. She moaned in between their lips and shut her eyes tight. The kiss was bruising, hard, demanding. She tasted good, sweeter than he expected her too but with a hint of metal since she was always firing guns and using knives. He tasted like menthol and cinnamon, somehow, and as she pulled away to take her breath back and stare intensely at him, Phoenix put her fingers to his lips. Her eyes shifted from left to right, her lips still half-open as she wanted to say something but words died at the back of her throat. Shivers went down their spines as he pressed his lips against hers. He used his powerful arm to lift her up so she would sit on the sink and he would push himself in between her legs.

Phoenix gasped and pulled away again. She was slowly getting overwhelmed with emotions she didn't welcome yet and so was he. The kiss was random but so desperately needed by both of them that it became a moment of truth. At this exact moment, both knew how they felt towards one another but it was too early, too young, too big for either of them to actually try and look into it. Phoenix closed her eyes. His hands held onto her face before he leaned his forehead against hers. Suddenly, the sharp pain in her belly reminded her of her last predicament and she groaned painfully, thus breaking the magic of the moment. Max chuckled to himself and put his hand on her taut belly before his lips pressed against hers one last time. He pulled away and left the bathroom to let her regain her composure. As he closed the door behind him, Phoenix stood back up and turned around to look at her image in the mirror. She ran her fingers over her plump lips to relish in his taste, just like he did for a minute before he sat back on the chair and worked on keeping a stern face. That was a one-time accident... Or was it?

Tig and Asma (Asex): Christmas special

A/ N: Let me be SAPPY! This is so happy I don't even know what to do with so much sugar!


Asma Jensen House, Christmas Eve, 11:55 pm

Once Asma made sure that Jessica and Ava came home safe and sound, she decided to let Jax enjoy his family and focus on herself. It had been two years now since Cody's death and Elias' departure that Asma spent Christmas at Charming. The last two years, she essentially drank herself to sleep on Christmas Eve because it was easier than dealing with her emotions. This year, however, things were different. As soon as she returned home, she saw Christmas decorations everywhere. At first, she checked the address to make sure it was her own and then called Tig because she didn't feel safe anymore. She had to blink and ask three times if she heard him well when he told her that he was the one who decorated her house with Christmas lights he kept in his garage. When she asked him why he said that he didn't know but felt it was the right thing to do. So, she welcomed the decorations, the Christmas tree and of course the socks. Asma rediscovered her house a few days before Christmas and considered Tig's suggestion to be together on that very day.

She was nervous. Mostly because it would be her first sober Christmas and one spent in good company. Tig was nervous as well, especially since it had been a very long time since he last spent the Holidays with someone, the « old way ». He enjoyed preparing Christmas for Asma, putting the lights in her house, choosing the tree and throwing old decorations he hadn't touched in years but kept in his basement. He made sure there was no alcohol in the eggnog he made for both of them and even went as far as to order food so none of them would have to worry about the meal. All Asma had to do was to let things happen and for someone who needed to control everything, allowing Alex to make a real Christmas for them was a huge step forward. Tonight, She looked cute, in her red and white Christmas onesie and he looked different, with his grey flannel pants and a black t-shirt. He called her in the living room because it would soon be time to exchange presents so she came with her eggnog and sat next to him in front of the boxes under the tree.

«  Where do we start? » Her voice barely contained her excitement, which made Tig grin.

«What did you get for me? » Asma tilted her head to the side and looked at him. She chuckled and outstretched her hand to grab a huge box she handed him. «Oh? For me? » She nodded and smiled as he opened the box. She bought him a customed Helmet, with the shape of a skull, the logo of the club painted on the back and his name on the side. Tig looked at it, visibly excited and pleased by the present and then grabbed her neck and pulled Asma into a kiss. « Thank you! It's perfect. »

« I thought you could use a helmet when you ride.I wouldn't want anything to happen to this beautiful face. » She said with a chuckle before she took another box and handed it to him. « Here's the second one. »

Tig grabbed the box, it was a smaller one. Intrigued, Alex opened it and shook his head at the sight. She had framed the first picture they took together. One genuine picture she took with her phone when they were at the park, laying on the floor and watching the clouds. She was laughing on this one, one of the few times he actually saw her genuinely laugh and he was smiling while his blue eyes were staring at her. She framed this one and had engraved in the frame the date this picture was taken.

« Bella.. » -A sheepish smile crept on her lips and she looked away, feeling blood rush into her cheeks.-

« It's just a picture. Come on. Don't make a big fuss about it. » He held her hand and stroked the back of it with his large thumb.

« I won't. » She kept searching the boxes and found the last one, an even smaller gift. The shape wasn't a dead giveaway so he didn't quite know what she gave him. « I just want to say that I love this picture of us. You're laughing, you look carefree  I like that. »

« I have never felt that way before...I thought it deserved to be framed and you deserved to have this with you. Your life as a 'mechanic' is dangerous, Tig..and dark and gritty and painful. I thought you needed a bit of light more than I did. I got you this picture to remind you that you now have a reason to smile. » She said, chewing at her bottom lip as she looked at him. Tig blinked and looked at the picture one last time before he put it aside and took the small box.

« I feel spoiled. » He was. He knew he was. But when he opened the box and realized it was a key, he thanked the sky that he was already on the floor otherwise, he would have fallen. She gave him the key to her house, subtlely welcoming him into her life. It was just like Asma, simple. « Asma... »

« Do you keep it? » She asked, her eyes averting from left to right as she stared at him and studied his very reactions. Tig looked at the keys and nodded «Really? » He nodded again and pulled her into a hug.

« Of course! » Was all he could come up with. Asma smiled and cupped his cheek with her hand.

« I'm glad you like my presents. I thought...I was wondering if you would. I am not great at making-- »

« They're perfect. My turn now. I didn't have three presents but I hope the two I got you would be enough. »

She pressed her lips against his and quietly pulled away. She looked at the big box and grabbed it first. Her hazel eyes glanced at him before she opened the present. Her eyes grew wide as she realized it was her own custom kutte he had made. There was her name on it, the logo of the club...She wasn't per say a member of the club, Asma always made it clear that she didn't want to know shit about their business but it was his way to say that she was welcome in his life, in this family that was SAMCRO. She wasn't just Jessica's friend or sister like she called herself. She was a member of the crew, an honorary member of it at the very least. The present brought fresh tears to her face and she looked at Tig, confused and happy and smiling.

« Babe... » He grinned, proud of himself because he got the reaction he wanted. « T-T-Thank you. » She said, as she put the kutte away. « I don't know what to say.. »

« There's nothing to say. You've always been part of the family. You knew it already, I just decided to make it more official. Give you your honorary member kutte..I'm glad you like it. »

« Are you kidding? I love it! Babe.. »' She then looked at the envelope that was on the floor. « Is this for me? » He nodded and invited her to take it. « Tig... » She shook it but it didn't make any noise, so she swallowed a lump and opened it. « I.I don't know what it is but it looks serious. » She whispered as she pulled the paper. It was a form she made her customers fill when they wanted a tattoo, besides, she recognized her logo and the name of the client was Tig. « Wait for what ? Are you trying to get a tattoo from me? That's your present? » She playfully teased Tig as she kept on reading. Alex indeed ordered a tattoo. He wanted something new and to have her ink him was for her, a great honor because he trusted her. When she read the description part of the form, where Tig described what he wanted, she dropped the paper. Tears rolled onto her cheeks and she started to sob.

«What? You don't like my present? »

« Are you fucking kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? Why? Why Alex? » She asked, confused. He knelt near her and put his hands on her shoulders. « Why did you do this? Why do you want my name on your skin? Do you know what that means? »

« I know.. Look at me. Asma! Look at me! » He said, holding onto her shoulders tighter so she would look at him. « I know why I asked this. I know why I want this. »

«Why? » She asked again in her adorable cracked voice.

« Because you came into my life like a fucking tsunami. Because I got you under my skin. Because... This is serious. /We/ are serious. »

It was clumsy, a very clumsy way he had to tell her that he wanted to be with her in the long run and was looking for a serious relationship. It was clumsy but she understood him. Something like this would have scared her a little while ago, but it was just the two of them in the safety of her house. It was just the two of them and the rest of the world was on mute mode. It was just the two of them and he had just taken the biggest engagement he could have ever made. He wanted her name on his skin and Asma didn't know what to say or what to do except cry and kiss him.

«Merry fucking Christmas, asshole. »

«Merry fucking Christmas, Bella. » -He replied, bemused at her hitting his shoulders with her fists.-


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

DOYA: All I want for Christmas is you

//All the usual disclaimers. Dean doesn't belong to me, Oya belongs to me. I was feeling extremely sappy that morning! blame it on Christmas.//

Christmas Eve, Boston, 11:30 pm

~I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need~

«Oya?  You're in the shower? » -Dean growled as he entered the motel's room.

Something was brewing in the air and Oya couldn't quite put her fingers on it. She did work a case with Kira several weeks ago, a case involving a werewolf serial killer. She then worked with Sam on a demon who bonded with a serial killer and only killed the purest souls they could encounter. Now with Dean, another case started to bear some similarities with the other two cases she worked before and it wasn't looking pretty. Oya was scratching her head about what it actually meant. Sam speculated that it could have been some sort of message but Oya didn't find any specific target on the mortal realm. It wasn't directed at the Winchesters otherwise, Castiel would have informed them that it was. While she was trying to figure this out, she and Dean went on a hunt while Sam and Castiel worked on another one involving the demon who kidnapped and tortured Castiel some months ago. The case, however, was of Jeffrey Dhamer's spirit who possessed a young man, -there again, one said to have been the sweetest soul- and started to leave a trail of bodies behind him.

«Yeah! » -Her voice echoed through the whole room as she was still taking her shower-

That night, Oya quietly put a wrapped-up box on the king size bed and went to take a shower. Dean had noticed the big wrapped-up box and curiosity led him to read the card on top of it. It was Oya's handwriting, telling him to check the box because there was something for him inside. He smirked, thinking that it was a very nice gesture she shouldn't need to make. The shape wasn't a dead giveaway so Dean couldn't guess what was in the box. He did, however, open it, only to see a beautiful blade inside. It looked ancient even so Dean grabbed it and started to give a few swings with it in his hand when he heard Oya's footsteps coming closer. He still looked the blade, in love with its shape and weight that seemed perfect for slaying monsters with, so he didn't notice that she leaned against the door between the bathroom and the bedroom and didn't see her smirk as she watched him enjoy her present.

~I don't care about the presents
underneath the Christmas tree~

« It's a Musede. A magical blade of the Kota people in Gabon. It's supposed to be strong enough to destroy a demon baron. » Her hair was wet and stuck to her face, neck and shoulder. Dean finally looked up to her delicious frame, barely covered by the towel. « Merry Christmas, Dean. »

« Merry Christmas to you too. Thank you, Oya. »

He cleared his throat, feeling awkward because he didn't bring her anything. Dean wasn't big on holidays. Oya knew it, but she was. She offered Sam the original book of Nostradamus prophecies, written by himself and as she wanted him to find the present when he comes home, she left it in his room. Christmas was one of her favourites because of the lights, the music and the food. It was a moment she enjoyed because she could spend it with her family. They were all dead today but her love for the holiday didn't wither with time. She spent the whole year with the Winchester being very vocal about her love for Christmas and how much she loved receiving presents. Sam left hers in her bedroom before he left the bunker with Castiel. He offered her a vintage ugly apron he found on Amazon. He knew her love for corny shirts and aprons -aprons she never wore- and decided that the best way to make her Christmas even better would be to get her something corny like that. Dean had been quiet the whole week they spent in town. He pretended he didn't notice they were getting close to Christmas.

« You're welcome. I found this beauty on my last hunt. There is a shop every hunter should visit that exists at Nashville. You're great with blades so I thought it would be the perfect Christmas gift. » She said in a sing-along voice as she crossed her arms over her chest. Dean smirked at her, his jade eyes stared at her more intensely before he finally pointed at his bag to her. « What? »

« Did you really think I wouldn't have had something for you too? » She tilted her head and shook her head. Actually, she was convinced he wouldn't think of Christmas. Curious and excited, the ebony hunter opened his bag and saw a wrapped-up gift. It wasn't a big box like the one she used to hide the blade she offered Dean. It was much smaller, Necklace sized box. Oya blinked and turned around.

« A necklace? » He shrugged and looked at her, determined to let her find out herself. « No way ?! It can't... » She nervously opened the box and dropped it at the sight of its content. « D...Dean ?... »

~I just want you for my own
More than you would ever know~

While Oya thought he didn't really listen to her, Dean actually paid attention to what she said. He listened to her talk about her father's adventures in America and how he actually met his best friend Henry Thomas. He listened when she said that her dad gave her a family necklace that was imbued with love and could protect its wearer from curses, akin to the one she sculpted to Dean. Instead of a heart with two thorns, it was a lion with the family credo engraved on it. Sadly the teenager she was at the time lost the necklace and Henry Thomas reported the loss to the Police. Shortly after, a distraught Oya returned to Cameroon and the artefact had been found by a collector. He sold it to a charity to a fine woman who happened to be fond of African art.

Dean took the opportunity of a hunt in the town where the rich young woman was living to talk her into giving it back to him. She was difficult to convince but agreed after he saved her life. For months the older Winchester kept the artefact in his bags, looking for a way to give it to Oya without it being too formal. He noticed she was shocked, confused between smiling and crying because she never thought she would see this artefact again. The ebony hunter collected her thoughts and after she took a deep breath, Oya turned on her heels and sat by the bed, next to Dean.

«Hey.. » He said, grinning ear to ear as he saw the joy on Oya's face. She was shaking and couldn't contain her smiles. It felt good to see her smile, which was rare when you thought of it. Oya was mostly focused on the mission and rarely allowed herself a break unless she was alone in a room with Dean and they had sex or he helped her find her sleep.

« Hey... » She said, her hazel eyes now staring at him.

« Merry Christmas. » His hand was still holding the sword she offered him. Her eyes averted from his beautiful face to his neck where the necklace she offered him has still wrapped around and then to his hand.

« Merry Christmas to you too. » She whispered before she tried to put her necklace on. As he noticed she was struggling with it, Dean put his blade into the box and the box on the floor and slid closer to her. « I've got it. » She said, but her fingers were shaking too much. « Shit. »

« Let me help. » Dean suggested. She turned to bare her back to him and, defeated, handed him the necklace. « It'll go faster this way. » He mused, as she held a fistful of her hair to give him access to the back of her neck.

« Thank you...It means... the world to me. » She whispered as Dean put the necklace on her.

« Don't mention it. »

~Make my Wish come true~

He wouldn't tell her he took it as his side-quest, quietly searching for it for more than a year in between cases. He did because he wanted to witness her joy when she would have it back. Oya gently held the pendant in between her fingers and shifty-eyed from left to right as she was trying to say something clever, but nothing came. Instead, she turned again and pressed her lips against his, as hard as she could. She pressed herself onto him so he would lay on his back and straddled him swiftly. Her hands roamed over his chest, urging him to remove his shirt.

Dean smiled and ran his fingers over the warm skin of her arms. Oya looked gorgeous tonight and much warmer than usual. There was a little more than their playful games in the way she was looking at him. He read gratitude on her face, relief and a sense of wholeness he hadn't seen in her for a while. His fingers unfolded her towel and let it drop into his lap before she grabbed and tossed it on the side. She bent forward and kissed his lips in a series of pecks before he flipped her around to be on top of her. Her hazel eyes looked at him and smile graced her features. His pale hand gently stroked her cheek and her lips before she put her hand over his. They looked at each other for a minute before her playful hand reached down his belt. Oya looked at him and cupped his cheek with her right hand before he kissed her lips once again and the began their night of love-making.

~All I want for Christmas is you~

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Oya and Sam : The Serial Killer Demon Case part1

A/ N: I thought of that case a while ago so I wrote that little bit. I also wanted to show the dynamic between the two of them. It might be a case that happened in the canon RP or not. I don't know yet. I might keep on writing and finish the story:)

xxx xxx

« Bookworm. » Oya tilted her head to her left so she could have a better look at Sam who was reading the spellbook she offered him a few months ago. Her voice took him out of his book and he glanced at her. « Relax. I wasn't going to attack you. »

« You sure sounded like it. » He cleared his throat and leaned into his car's seat. « You've been quite silent for a couple of hours. »

« I'm not that talkative. » Well, she wasn't per say but she did speak enough for Sam to notice when she wasn't. He lifted a brow, making her furrow hers. « Come on. Sammy ! There is nothing to worry about. » She then focused on the road. « Walk me through the case again. »

« We've done it a hundred times already before we even left the bunker. C'mon Oya, don't you want to talk about something else? » He asked, closing the book and leaning into his seat.

« What's wrong with working the case again? I want to make sure we didn't forget anything. » She was uncomfortable all of a sudden and he could tell by how clenched her jaw was. Oya was holding the wheel tighter « I'd still go with a demon. The only issue I have is the fact everything feels weird. A couple of weeks ago I worked with a friend on a serial killer who also happened to be a lone werewolf. Usually, they're in a pack..but he was alone. This case... this case makes me think that it's a demon who bounded itself to yet another serial killer. »

« You think there's a connection? Very few would think of the supernatural given the true nature of the perpetrator. So was it supposed to be undercover or a message to...hunters ?? »

« I don't have a fucking clue.....I guess we'll first have to solve this case and find out. » She said, tilting her head to the other side.

Sam stared at her, his eyes shifting from left to right before he opened the spellbook once again to distract himself from Oya. Since she lost Isaac, Oya was withdrawn. She took cases after cases and was rarely home and when she did, Sam noticed the bruises, the wounds, and Oya asking if they had a case for her. Save for when she fell asleep in Dean's room, Sam didn't know what went through the hunter's mind. She herself, didn't know what went through it. Oya thought she processed his death and found closure when she called his phone but it only opened the door to more questions. So she, who already was a workaholic, decided to work even more since he died. Sam tried to make her slow down -not get out of the job, but at least take a few days- but Oya refused, she instead suggested he go hunt with her since Dean was busy Chuck knew where. The younger brother accepted because at least he would get to watch after her. She came into his life like a hurricane and he didn't want to see her go away. Since she returned from the Thomas household, they never talked about what happened and he didn't have a way to check on her except working on a case with her. So here they were, going after one of the most uncanny cases they'd had before.

The victims were killed in the same fashion. Their hearts were missing, their eyes too, as if they had been burned down. It always was the same MO and the same profile. All these people were part of a cult « The Church of Light », that existed in seven states across America. It had been around for two decades and every five years, seven people died. -one in each state-. Oya didn't connect the dots the first time, she worked on the case of one of these people 5 years ago but never was able to catch the monster responsible for it. However, this year was special. 3 people died in just one state, and two didn't fit the victimology. Another 2 died in another state which prompted Oya to expand her research and discover the string of victims she hadn't noticed before. Another serial killer? That was welcome. If he was a demon? Even better. She was terrified of these creatures but in her pursuit of self-destruction, going down fighting one seemed heroic all of a sudden. Attractive even. Sam was well aware that something was up with the young woman but he didn't know how to address it. She, like Dean, was keeping her emotions in her pocket and he didn't want her to

« Okay, what's the plan, when we get there? » -She cleared her throat and tilted her head to look at Sam who was staring at her.

« We become part of the church of light. There was one person murdered already. If we're correct, the perp' would escalate and kill again. »

« Yes. We identify the killer and we get rid of them. We have to be quick so nobody else dies. » She nodded. « But we're going to have fun, Sam. I heard they were marriage supporters, so maybe we would have them talk to us more easily if we're engaged. What say you? »

«E-engaged? We never played this before. »

« All the better. Relax, I'm not going to be gross. I'm just going to make fun of you until we solve our case. » She chuckled and relaxed.

« I don't know. » He wasn't very comfortable with the idea of flirting with Oya even if that was for the sake of the case. They never did that before, not that Oya wasn't attractive but because she and Dean kinda had a « thing » going on. Sam wasn't a kid, he figured out that they became intimate pretty quickly so it was even more awkward to pretend to be Oya's fiancé. She looked at his face and couldn't help but laugh at his embarrassment. Sam furrowed his brows and cleared his throat. « It's not funny Oya. »

«Yes! Yes, it is! I cannot wait to see you in action Bookworm. I'm pretty sure I am going to laugh my ass off. » She needed to laugh, it became a need she realized she had to cater. Sam enjoyed the sound of her voice. She seemed to at least leave the darkness of her head and be in the present.

« Well, if you laugh at me, I'll have to make you pay. »

« Beers and burgers are on me. » She said, chuckling and leaning her head against the seat. For a while, her mind became lighter, as if her problems went away and she decided that she would focus on how she felt at this exact moment. The case was an exciting one and she was in great company, what could possibly go wrong?


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Max and Phoenix: the plan didn't work out

A/ N: That's for listening to Logan's OST. Fuck ! That made me think of Phoenix and Max. Max belongs to my friend, Phoenix belongs to me.


« Let me see. » -Max ordered but Phoenix shook her head, ashamed.-

A few weeks after they decided to leave Boston and chase after Cesare Marconi, Max and Phoenix finally got a credible lead as to where the crime lord was hiding. So much was at stake, between the end of the new drug's traffic to the rescue of reporter Kara Morgan and neither Max or Phoenix wanted to screw it up. For Max, it was a personal affair since Cesare was connected to the people who killed his family. He needed answers and Cesare was the best shot at learning the truth Max had. Phoenix wanted to find the crimelord to make amends for the life of crime she led. She was a victim of the Blue Eagle Organization. A child who was kidnapped and trained to become an assassin with nothing but violence and death. Saving lives became her obsession, her only raison d'être as she wanted to wash the red she had on her hands.

If Big Tony was known to be paranoid and very cautious, Cesare was every bit as cautious as his former boss. It was difficult to track him down but fortunately, the drug was easier to find. Chicago was the next stop. Their indicator led them to Martin Greene, one of Cesare's most trusted men would supervise the drug traffic in Chicago. Questioning him would eventually help Max and Phoenix know where Cesare was hiding. Martin Greene was a middle-aged brunet with brown eyes. He was fit, tall -taller than Max- and always wearing tailored midnight suits with sunglasses -even at night- to contrast with his sweatpants wearing goons. His routine was quite simple and a week after they learned of his existence, Max and Phoenix devised a plan. He was the most vulnerable on Wednesdays because of around 11 pm, he went to the gym he rented for the night so there would be no witnesses save for his goons. Because he was very careful, the man always had 6 bodyguards with him

« No. » She groaned, shrugging her arm so he wouldn't touch her. Max furrowed his brows and grabbed her arm, making her slap him in the face. Phoenix hated when she was being touched without her consent, even more, when she actually refused to be touched. He knew it but that didn't prevent Max from holding her arm because she needed to have her arm fixed. He took it but didn't flinch. « I said no. » She wasn't furious or upset as she usually should have been. Max noticed how empty her gaze was and how she tried to avoid looking at him.

« You're bleeding, it has to be taken care of. » -His tone was dry, leaving no doubt that he didn't want her to resist him. She glanced up at his face and shook her head-. « I am not asking you. » -He said as he took her to the bed and made her sit on it. He grabbed his bag and sorted out the first aid kit he always carried around with him.-

That mission was supposed to be easy peasy. They would rough him up until he gave her the information they were looking for and then they would waste him. He was a ruthless man, one who didn't hesitate to kill the teenagers who worked for him. He was deeply involved in the drug traffic and had expressed several times his will to expand the empire of his friend. Max and she showed up at that parking that night. She pulled her infamous black and white guns with silver phoenix engraved on it. Max pulled his Desert Eagle. Automatically, the bodyguards pulled their own guns and started to shoot at the pair. Very quickly -and because both Max and Phoenix were excellent marksmen- All the bodyguards were down. Max then proceeded to threaten and punch Martin's face to get the information he needed. Martin proved to be hardcore. He refused to give the information despite Max punching him out. Phoenix decided to search the car, in hopes of finding the information on papers or anything left behind. That was when she noticed the little boy who was hiding in the car. That was something they didn't plan. She didn't even know that Martin had a family. The boy was roughly 6 years old. Way too young to be aware of what was happening but old enough to remember the scene. He was shaking and covered his ears with both of his hands when his gaze crossed Phoenix who froze.

She didn't notice that one goon who wasn't dead yet. He slowly took his gun and pointed it at her chest. He was aiming at her head but the combination of him being exhausted due to blood loss and his boss yelling no because he could have killed his son, made him lower his arm and aim at her belly instead. He pulled the trigger, the bullet tore her vest and pierced her skin, making her gasp for air. The kid screamed and curled up inside the car. Phoenix didn't move, she looked at her shirt that was quickly getting soaked with blood and heard another gunshot, this time it was Max killing off the goon. Martin refused to snitch on his boss and the kid called 911. She could tell because he was yelling « Police please help daddy. » And while she should have searched the car, the woman simply couldn't. She was unable to make a move because of that kid, which was something Max didn't notice up until he heard the sirens of the police cars. He reluctantly left an injured Martin on the floor and grabbed Phoenix by the arm. She followed him, blankly staring at him until they reached their car. Phoenix zipped her vest up and put her hands into her pockets. This way it would distract Max who wouldn't realize she was bleeding out and sat on the car while Max drove them to their motel room. Tonight was a failure. They didn't get the information they were looking for. Martin Greene wasn't dead and there was a chance that he either would go to prison or walk a free man and tell Cesare about Max and Phoenix tracking him down. Max was pissed off and was about to yell at Phoenix as they entered the motel room when he noticed she'd been bleeding all the way to their safe place.

« …........... » -She didn't say anything as he pulled her top up to look at her wound.It was a nasty wound, the bullet didn't go through her skin so Max knew he would have to remove it with forceps. To help him work faster, Phoenix pulled her shirt off and looked at her belly. Max wasn't bothered by the sight and under different circumstances, he would have been appreciative, but she was still bleeding and if he didn't work fast, she might pass out or just die. She didn't flinch when he grabbed the bullet with the forceps and gritted her teeth as he pulled it out of her back. She shut her eyes tight and clenched her fists to control the pain she was experiencing.Max looked up at her face, his eyes cold as ice as he was trying to figure her out. She snarled and looked away from him.-

« Why didn't you tell me you got shot? » He inquired, pulling the bullet and extracting it from the bullet wound. She bit her bottom lip and looked away from him. Why didn't she? She was distracted by the kid. The sight of him shocked her so much that she lost her edge and could have died. The implication of what could have happened was slowly getting into her head. « You could have died back there. »

« You think I don't know? » She finally said, her hazel eyes stared at him. Her chest was heaving up and down at a fast pace due to the adrenaline still pumping through her veins.

« What happened? » He asked again, quickly cleaning her wound before he grabbed the needle holder and started to stitch her up. « Phoenix ?! »

« I can hear you just fine. » She said, snarling at the sharp pain from the wound. Her blood was still dripping onto her belly and her lap but he controlled the blood flood and she knew that the stitches would stop it. « The kid. We didn't anticipate the kid. I didn't even know he had a kid. »

« We'll have to plan again. Everything's changed now that he's alive and in prison. He might die before he talks or Cesare might know we're getting closer to him. Either way, we're screwed. » He grunted and closed the wound before he cut the thread.

« Are you saying it's my fault? What should have I done? Kill Martin in front of his kid? Kill his kid? » She sneered and stood up. He watched as she stumbled and stood up to help her.

« I didn't say that. »

« You thought it! You are angry, I can tell. You are angry and rightfully so. Cesare will know we're after him and we got very close to know where he's hiding. We lost our lead. They would be more careful. » She grunted and shook her head. « There was a kid in that damn car and I didn't expect it. I froze! That's what happened! I froze Max! » She ran her hand over her blood-soaked belly and considered taking a shower to at least clean herself up.

« I know. It isn't like you to freeze. I don't give a damn about the plan. I give a damn about your life. You could have died! I don't want you to die. » He growled at her, making her straighten up and look from left to right. What was that? She was baring her back at him, lips trembling as she realized that indeed, he was being worried about her. She felt tears fill her eyes and wiped them off of her face.

« I....did despicable things in my life Max. I have blood on my hands. I have killed indiscriminately, men, women, old, young and infants even. That was the only life I knew, when my masters pointed a target at me and gave me orders, I did it without questioning myself. They... »She choked up. « I remember when I was this young boy's age. How terrified of holding a gun I was, how terrified of these evil people I was. They made me kill my first target when I was 4. Seeing this little boy....reminded me of what it was to be afraid. It reminded me of the children I have killed. I couldn't move because of my shame and guilt...I don't want to be this person anymore, I am working hard to make amends for my old sins. » She covered her face with both her hands and tried her most damn not to cry but it was too late. Max's eyes grew wide as it was the first time she actually confided in him. He had clues here and there about her past but never did he imagine it went that far. His glacier gaze turned even colder as he was considering what she went through, the torture she refused to talk about, the way she was forced to become the infamous White Phoenix and her mental breakdown. She was good, deep down because if she wasn't, she wouldn't feel remorse and wouldn't want to turn a new leaf and make amends the way she did. She was good and her tears proved it. She was good and nearly died in front of him.

« Phoenix... » He said, walking closer to her. She shook her head, wiped the tears with the back of her arm and turned around to face him. Max never saw her be this vulnerable in front of him, but she was clearly distraught by what happened. He wasn't a man of words, so he didn't know what to say to make her feel better. He cupped her cheeks, both of them with both his hands and stroked them with his thumbs. « It's okay. It's okay. You're okay. » He pulled her into a hug and ran his fingers through her black curls. Phoenix was tense but she slowly brought her arms around his waist and allowed herself to cry. « I got you. I got you. » He repeated. So many thoughts crossed his mind at this moment, There was so much to say but so little time and he didn't know how to express it anyway. He didn't even want to express it. The thought of her dying had him upset because they formed some sort of bond. After months fighting side by side and tracking their common enemy, he grew close to the woman, to the point of allowing her where she shouldn't be. His mind. He cared for her in ways he didn't want to but here he was, infatuated and knee-deep into that thing called « feelings ». She should have died, she would have, but she didn't so he decided to focus on her tonight rather than his emotions.