Monday, August 5, 2019


//Picture courtesy of my beloved Pride. <3

"You will see, when all is said and done, you will see that there is still something more to discover."

Elpis was talking about herself. She wanted Pride to realize that there was far more than what his eyes could see to what Elpis was. She was more than just an ally in his upcoming war against his siblings and her pantheon. She was more than the besotted goddess who would follow him to the deep end of the Hades. She was more than the lover he once had before Hades unmade him.

Her determined golden gaze set upon him as she was ready to show him what she meant by those words. That he didn't just earn an ally but he earned a partner. He earned someone with a similar ambition, with a hunger for conquest that matched his and a strong, if not endless desire to do it with him. To be his partner, his equal, his other half.  She wasn't interested in empty promises and petty desires. She wanted to build an empire on the whole world and universe, an empire she would rule with Pride and if it didn't work, then she wanted to die while trying. She meant "every" in the world everything.

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