Saturday, September 2, 2023

COPG: characters, artifacts and mythos 02.09

A/N : Massive update since 2018!


ARTIFACTS AND PLACES : (I'll complete and will add information as we go by.)

The Underworld:  It's the realm of the Undead. Former king: Hades. Current King: Pride.

The Prima Donna: The Primeval God realm. Once, the most beautiful place of all existence and now in shambles due to the war that broke after Elpis was cursed by Ishtar. Current King: Ishtar.

Earth: The neutral ground where Sins and Gods can interact with humans. Usually, the mortal realm is used for War.

The Garden of Everything: The garden where ¨Pride and Elpis first met. It's a place on Earth that had since been replaced by human buildings much to Elpis' Dismay.

The Dagger of Fate: It's the dagger used by Ishtar to curse Elpis. It's said to be the only weapon able to kill a primeval god. Former owner(s): Ayasha, Ishtar, Leviathan. Current owner : Pride

Khaos : A sword forged in the Hades by Pride. It's a god-slayer sword, which entraps the essence of any creature/god stained with and absorb its power. Only Pride can wield it.

Omega : Elpis Scythe. Forged by Pride. It will help her take the essence of gods/creatures out of their vessel and therefore make them more vulnerable to her own powers.

Crown of Creation: A crown made on Earth with the combined essence of both the planet and Elpis. It is a testament of her love for him and a crown fitting the king of the universe. 

The Seven SINS (or simply sins) 

SINS were created by Hades in order to slay the gods of the Olympian Pantheon so he could rule over Olympus. But he changed his mind and wanted to expand his power to other Pantheons as well. He was later eliminated by Pride who took over the Underworld.

Pride/Superbia:  (The first main character of this story, N.'s character.) The current king of the Underworld,  Was in a relationship with Elpis but forgot about her for millennia due to a curse and after being unmade by Hades. Succeeded in breaking her curse and setting her free. Unpredictable, always keep everyone second-guessing him, is extremely stubborn and quick to anger. He is known for being finicky and a Total Diva. He's also perfect and amazing! His ambition knows no bounds. He's hellbent on getting revenge on Elpis' pantheon. But he doesn't want to stop there. She convinced him to expand his ambition and now he wants to conquer the universe.

Lust/ Luxuria: Alive – It is an ally of Pride.

Gluttony/Gula: Deceased

Sloth/Acedia: Deceased

Greed/Avaritia: Deceased

Wrath/Ira: Deceased

Envy/Invidia : Deceased

Mythos  & Other pantheons  

Other Pantheons :

• Almost all of them have been destroyed due to Hades' expansionist ideas. Only surviving ones are the Indian, some native American and aboriginal ones, and some African pantheons. They were spared because they didn't oppose Hades and were the very few polytheist religions still existing.  (the Indian and Yoruba Mythologies being the most visible of them all)

• One of them almost self-destruct: it's the Primeval gods pantheon. The Primeval gods were the first gods to ever exist. Gaea for example, is responsible for all life in the universe and therefore left untouched during conflicts. Elpis relationship with the Sin kickstarted their destruction when Ishtar, the god of war, stabbed her with the dagger of fate. War broke between those who sided with Ishtar and those who disapproved of his actions and only a few survived : Update: Only 4 major gods remain for now: Ayasha the Goddess of Knowledge, Gaea the goddess  of Life, Ishtar the god of War, and  Elpis the goddess of Hope and Light.

Mythos : 

Mythos aren't always true in that case. Some of them are legends, some of them are ancient rules and some of them actually happened. We can expand or reduce the number of Mythos :) I do usually remember what I wrote in RP but I'll keep that list up to date to be more accurate:p

1. SINS and GODS have a neutral ground on Earth. They can influence humans to behave in a certain way.  (True,) 

2. Elpis destroyed the Summerian Pantheon while being the goddess of Despair because they disrespected the All-Father and herself. (True! Yes she did, the stories talking about babel Tower and how it crumbled were written after her) 

3. SINS can't have sex with each other. (True... Although it's more a matter of « Don't want to. »)

4. Only the dagger of Fate can kill a primeval god (False! Ishtar used it to curse Elpis into a never-ending cycle of reincarnation. God-killer weapons of great power can defeat them. Khaos for example,)

5. The Primeval god's realm is called Prima Donna(yes, it's true. It has other names that are now forgotten) 

6. When a goddess is a virgin, anyone who takes her claims her as theirs regardless of the circumstances. (Ares said so to Elpis when he tried to force himself on her. It was true in the past but fortunately, it is /not/ anymore) 

7. SINS can't be destroyed (Before it was true, But Pride found a way to kill his siblings with Khaos) 

8. Pride doesn't feel anything (this is a recurring idea that keeps running among the primeval gods and surviving pantheons. It fuels their fear and justifies their hatred. It's FALSE.) 

9. Elpis natural/basic powers are only defensive in nature. (False! The power of Light and Life can be extremely destructive).

10. Gaea is un-killable : (False!  She can be killed and Elpis might just prove it)


They are the very first gods. They existed before anything else in the universe -save for the universe itself- and because of it, they are insanely powerful.

Ayasha the goddess of Knowledge: (Alive) The real villain, and mastermind who hides behind Ishtar and manipulates him to have him do her bidding. She is power-hungry and has always wanted to be on top of everything and everyone. Her real goal is to become the All-Mother and only leader of Earth and to achieve her goal she would need to make sure every gods and creature die. Her ambition might be her downfall. Ayasha's true form has golden skin with white sparkles on her hands and things. She has golden sclera and green irises and wears only a loincloth. Her meat suit is a white green-eyed blonde woman with a slender figure.

Gaea the goddess of Life: Gaea is the first goddess that ever existed, she's the mother of the other pantheons and of life on every solar system they visited. She is neutral by essence and didn't take part in any of their conflicts. She is hiding somewhere on Earth and remains hidden. Her appearance varies according to her mood and the cultures that worship her. She is a selfish bitch who hides behind her "love for all life" when in fact all she wants is to be worshipped and remain on top of the world.

Ishtar the god of War: He is the main antagonist of this story. The very embodiment of war. He took it really badly the fact his sister chose a SIN to mate with because he wanted to be the one she chose. Self-claimed All-father he's now trying to prevent Elpis from coming back as well as finding a way to destroy the sins and avenge himself; Ishtar's true form is tall, with the skin as dark as the night and white sparkles all over his body like stars. His eyes are black, completely. He has long silver hair and wears either a loin cloth or more official clothes. His meat suit is of a brunet with short hair, and a strong athletic body. He hates Pride MORE than anything else in the universe and wants his demise.

Khrön the messenger/god of communication : Deceased (killed by Ayasha)

Sitäa the goddess of love: Deceased (killed by Ayasha)

Leviathan, the god of the Ocean: Deceased (Killed by Pride)

Elpis the goddess of Hope : (Second main character.) Her skin is black (chocolate) with golden sparks, her hair is pink and her eyes are bumblebee-like. She is known as the sweetest and warmest goddess of all Pantheons (save Gaea). She is also known for her tantrums and destructive angry fits. She is a very important goddess on Earth. She was cursed by her brother for millennia but managed to scratch the seal and make herself known to Pride. The goddess was set free by the Sin and is now preparing for war. She's determined to wipe her pantheon out and become the next All-Mother. Elpis gave up everything to be with Pride and is willing to embrace the consequences as long as she is with him. She is inherently good and extremely loyal to Pride

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