Sensual questions: Mary edition
About you:
Big spoon or little spoon? Little spoon.
Have you ever been on a blind date? No.
What's the best kiss you've ever had? It was Tommy's kiss on my birthday now.
What's the best date you've ever been on? We went to a picnic, riding horses to get to our biggest tree.
Favorite way to be affectionate with someone? I love to sing songs to my loved ones and tend to their injuries.
Favorite place to be touched? My breasts, my lips, my arms.
What's your favorite memory of you together? When Tommy told me I was in his Will. You don't understand.... he was telling me that I was his family.
Do you prefer to give or receive? I love to give.
What's your favorite type of kiss? I love the passionate kisses, sensual, a real dance of the tongue.
Juicy questions to ask about your relationship:
What initially attracted you to him/her? His love for his family. His magnetic charisma. His eyes.
Would you change anything about the way you met? No.
Have you ever been in love? I thought I was in love with my first husband. he manipulated me.
Why did things end with your last ex? He died.
What's one of your dating deal-breakers? Physical violence is a no-no.
Is there anything about the future that scares you? I dread the day he would die.
The most forbidden person you've ever had a crush on? Tommy Shelby, The king of Birmingham.
What's the wildest thing you've ever done for love? I agreed to work for both of us for his profit.
Do you want to have a family someday? Yes! I want to marry Tommy and have his children someday.
What's something you've always wanted to ask him/her but haven't? "Do you love me, Tommy?"
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