Monday, October 2, 2023

GoT: "My mother told me."

« My mother always told me that Life was beautiful. I used to ask her that if so, why did we suffer? I didn’t understand the idea of finding joy when all we knew was pain. 

She told me that Life was a struggle. From the moment we crawl out of our mothers' womb, we have to experience pain with our first breaths.  She told me that the small moments of respite were the place we found happiness.  She hated the way I was conceived for it was a heinous act, but she loved me unconditionally. My sole existence trumped my origins. My laughs filled her aching heart and she tried to preserve me. She tried to save me and lived with the hope I would see freedom. 

I managed to set myself free. I managed to travel the world. And upon my journey to self-discovery, and despite the pain I experienced, I found joy. I found a new family, I rekindled some old friendships, I became a princess and I found my soulmate. Moments of joy… crumbles of rest in a sea of constant pain. We navigate through the cold water of life and I can see joy even in desperate times.

My mother taught me well. Her hope transcended time and space and I carry her legacy with me. I am lucky to be alive and enjoy life. I am grateful for those moments of peace. I am grateful, despite my ordeals. And I understand why my mother told me that Life was beautiful. Life is beautiful. It is when I am with you all. »

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