"Hush, love, hush, come to me. Let me wrap my arms around your frame and keep you close to me. You have my heart, that much you know already. You have my trust and you know I will follow you anywhere you'll be. hush love, hush. Don't you fret. I know that you've been wondering if I would still be there. I'm not to go anywhere. I'm here to stay. Let your head rest against my chest, let me cater to your needs. Let me take your worries away and let me love you like you deserve. You give so much to everyone around you, let me give you back some of it. Let me keep your heart warm and your soul warmer. Let me remind you why you are the one who was given my heart."
Just a little blog about what I love to do the most: writing and drawing! follow the adventures of my characters, Asma Jensen being one of the most famous of them all. (and officially copyrighted) Her stories belong to me, do NOT steal my work or the work of others and claim they are yours!
Monday, November 27, 2023
COPG: Life and Death of Ishtar: The drums of War
He could hear them from afar, the deafening sound of the drums of War. Ishtar was the New-All Father but he also was the God of War so he knew. He knew when the planet was getting ready for battle, the scent of the Earth was different, heavier, muddier. He knew the sky was getting ready to lay waste on the battlefield, with rain, thunder and perhaps lightning. He could feel the unrest of the wildlife, preparing for an event of a global scale, a devastation so important that they knew they had to take cover.
Ishtar could feel it, the electricity in the air, the uncertainty in the minds of his soldiers preparing for battle. There would be war, a war he didn't ask for but a war he would have to deal with nonetheless. He used to love those moments. He used to anticipate with excitment the next war but this time things were different. This time he knew he wouldn't enjoy it as much because he wasn't the one who initiated it. He wasn't the one in control of it. There was a strange feeling that was strangling his throat, a feeling he never had before... Dread.
TB Vulnerability
I used to think that Love could conquer all. I believed that love would spare me and perhaps I would finally be able to leave all the pain behind. I used to think that I could become vulnerable with the people who were supposed to love me and take care of me, so they knew all of my secrets. They knew all the ways to hurt me because I lowered my defenses...Stupid me. They used it against me, the deep desire to be loved by someone. They used it against me, all the years spent loathing my parents and myself. They used it against me... I learned to love myself, to love my freckles and the curves I had. I learned to love myself despite the constant barrage of insults and negativity but deep down, the wound I carried since I was old enough to become my parents money-maker stayed opened. I wanted to please so much that I renounced myself. I covered my freckles to feed the ego of one and appease the ego of the other.
I worked hard, trying to be thinner in order to stay attractive to Tara. I forced myself to go out to famous restaurant and to live under the scrutiny of the media, for Brett.. because he loved to have a camera on him. I used to think Love would heal me and perhaps it can but with the right person only. They weren't right for me, I can see it now. They weren't Homelander. They didn't treat me like he did. They never wanted to see Sara, the real me. They never cared for me. I can see it now, if they did, they wouldn't have hurt me. If they did, I wouldn't have my heart in shambles twice. If they did, I wouldn't have met him. I guess I should be grateful they were so bad at loving me because now I have found someone who can love me much better. I believe he will, the rest of the world be damned. Ican be vulnerable with him. After all, don't they say that third time is the charm or something like that?
Klasma: Who would be crazy enough?
Got 'modern' : I only care about you.
"Does it truly matter how people look at us? I never truly cared about the way they saw me, I guess it was because I was always the ugly duckling. It made me stronger and if I can handle the way others look at me today, I think it has to do with what I've been through. I don't care about the rest of the world. They can hate me, they can love me, they can even envy me. All I want is you. All that matters is you."
GoT: Exhausted
I am exhausted, my love. As we lay in our bed, and my head rests against your chest, I can't help but think about what we've been through since we met. I didn't realize just how much we had to fight, how much I had to.... How much I couldn't... It was heavy on me, to see how much people hated your guts. I defended you tooth and nail because I couldn't bare the thought of allowing others to disrespect you. I couldn't bare the thought of people spitting on your memory. I made a promise to you, that I would always remember you and I think I will still keep my word, should you depart before me.
I had to convince you that you were worthy of being loved. You deserve to have a second chance at life, to be happy, to be a present father for your children and to be loved without conditions, without limitations...You deserve this... What we have I mean. However, as I look at the ceiling of our bedroom, I realize that we still have to fight. We might have our blessings, we still have to face the way others would look at us. We still have to face noble houses rejecting our union..I am exhausted, my love. I am but I am also hopeful because we are together now and nothing can come in between us. I chose you Jaime Lannister and I will always choose you.
Doya: "We're together in this."
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Sara Richardson TV TROPES
Most Recent History:
Following the "death" of Queen Maeve and the resignation of Starlight, Ashley (and Vaught) is seeking a replacement for the team and has started casting promising heroes. She wanted Sara but the young woman declined her offer. She met with Homelander and started a relationship with him after several weeks. A-Train started to beef with her and her ex, Brett is trying to come back into her life.
• Action Girl: Inverted. She has power but she avoids putting herself in situations that could get her killed.
• Affectionate Nickname: Babygirl (by Homelander)
• Affirmative Action Girl: Well, she is the second African-American supe we know of.
• All Girls Want Bad Boys: Homelander. Have you seen him?
• All-Loving Hero: Averted BIG TIME! She has a strong Love-Hate relationship with humans. She does feel compelled to save them but at the same time she witnesses on a daily basis how they discriminate, exterminate, deny equal rights and downright act like douche towards nature (fauna and flora). She is split between loving humans (because some are really good) or hate them as a whole (because of all the bad things they did to them).
• Ambiguously Bi: Subverted! Although the only time her romance was public was with a man, so many people don’t know that she is bisexual. She doesn’t hide it either in her video clips or concerts. (people just choose to pretend it’s all make-believe)
• Author Appeal: With the cleavages and legs porn
• Anti-Hero: Whilst generally considered a sweet and kind woman, Sara grows cynical and amoral as soon as some of Vaught’s secrets got exposed. She stopped idolizing Homelander.
• Bad Liar: Semi-averted. She is an excellent liar but fails when you are a telepath or Homelander
• Because You Were Nice to Me: Homelander started to act nicely towards her, which has been the first time in a long time since someone was honest and genuine with her. He wasn’t a homicidal maniac with her, which prompted her to bond with him. (besides, he wanted to know about her, and she wanted to know about him)
• Bonding over Missing Parents: She and Homelander bond over missing parents.
• Berserk Button: Don't EVER of some sort threaten/hurt children. She would hunt your ass down and maybe kill you if nobody is there to stop her from doing so.
• Beware the Nice Ones: She's usually very sweet and fun until you play with the wrong nerve.
• Break the Cutie: Ultimately her backstory is this. Her parents broke her down, and betrayed her. She was turned into a money-maker tool for both of them. At the orphanage, she wasn’t very liked until she performed (hence why she was dancing and singing) and she had been bullied because of her freckles (including by her former partners)
• Boobs of Steel: She is known for her really large bosom.
• Broken Bird: Some incidents turned her into this, essentially the discovery of her parents’ murdered bodies, the bullying at the orphanage while growing up, the fact her family bailed on her because they were prejudiced, and her break-ups with her former partners.
• Celeb Crush: Sara had an innocent childhood crush on Homelander until the truth was exposed by the Boys. She is between Fear and Arousal.
• Character Tics: Sara tends to blabber and tuck her hair behind her ears under extreme stress to keep herself calm.
• Dating Catwoman: In her case, it’s dating Homelander.
• Deadpan Snarker: Almost every single time she wants to mock/call out someone.
• Family of Choice: Homelander and by extension Dotty her manager.
• Flight: She can fly due to her telekinetic powers.
• Good Is Not Soft: Her pride sometimes makes her prone to a quick temper tantrum that usually ends up with verbal jousts with her partners/friends/family.
• Guy Magnet: Hinted on. Given her godly looks, she does attract a fair share of men and women in both the human population and the others.
• I Am a Monster: She resented being a Super once she learned that she had been injected with compound V.
• Living Legend: She is a megastar.
• Love Hurts: She is dating the most feared/hated man in the whole world. Loving him is definitely about to break her heart.
• Memetic Sex Goddess: In-Universe — and out of Universe!! People just can't help falling for her.
• Ms. Fanservice: She wears very revealing outfits.
• Morality Pet: She and Homelander (sic) serve as each other's Morality Pets. He truly helps her retain some sanity and break her self-destructive behavior when she starts to take that road. She helps him calm down and not give in to his wilder and brutal side when he's ticked off/ pissed off/ about to murder someone. They really keep each other at bay.
• Most Common Superpower: Sara Richardson was never exactly under-endowed.
• Not Afraid of You Anymore: Once they become intimate with him, she joins the club of "Not Scared of Homelander" alongside Butcher and Stan Edgar. Subverted by the fact she still is scared of him.
• Not Quite the Right Thing: She makes many of these types of decisions — for example, her partners are not the best and kindest people. Her last one is literally a homicidal maniac.
• Official Couple: With Homelander.
• Overshadowed by Awesome: For someone who made fun of The Deep for being a joke, she is overshadowed and overpowered by any member of the team. That is because she doesn't train that much and doesn't use her powers to hurt others.
• Power Incontinence: Sara’s telekinesis makes her lactate when she’s under intense stress. She can’t control it.
• Sassy Black Woman: More subtle than most, but she's extremely imperious and willful and has been known to make more than a few sharp remarks, at friends and foes alike.
• Secret Public Identity: She isn’t recognized by people when she goes out. So while she’s not exactly hiding, they don’t recognize her so she’s relatively safe from the public eye.
• Second Love: Homelander will end up being the third person she falls in love with. He might even be her one true love.
• Sympathetic Murder Backstory: Her backstory has her family killed by Vaught.
• Trauma Conga Line: Oh dear. Sara has endured so much pain, loss, and tragedy in her life.
• Technical Pacifist: Subverted because she doesn’t really want to get killed and therefore would never intervene in any fights. She would not instigate any either.
• Twofer Token Minority: Ashley wanted to hire her for this exact reason. She is a very well-known celebrity with a very prolific singing career. Besides, she would be an African-American woman who would become part of the seven.
• The Unfavorite: Sara’s parents didn’t really care about her when she was growing up. They stopped giving her affection as soon as she became a source of income.
• Unkempt Beauty: As Unnamed Girl, Sara wears colorful make-up that covers her freckles but when she is not performing or attending public events, she wears casual clothes and is not recognized. She is still very beautiful.
• Women Prefer Strong Men: Averted. Sara doesn’t really mind the level of power of her lovers. What she really wants is someone who wants her for who she is, flaws and all.
• Will Not Tell a Lie: Averted. She basically lies whenever it comes to her feelings or she manages not to tell the whole truth when it can save her life
Neela TVD Tropes
Most recent events:
Neela came to Klaus' rescue.
• Affectionate Nickname: Little Witch (by Klaus)
• All Girls Want Bad Boys: Klaus. He is a Big Bad.
• Battle Couple: Played straight with Klaus.
• Berserk Button: Do not hurt a child. Do not try to hurt Klaus or any of the Mikaelsons.
• Beware the Nice Ones: Is gentle and kindhearted, but you do not want to rouse her anger. She’s a very capable fighter on her own.
• Broken Bird: Neela’s backstory fits this trope. It has been misery, pain, and loss at each and every turn. She became more cynical, distant, and withdrawn, even pushing people away.
• Brutal Honesty: Neela doesn't seem to shy away from spilling the truth tea and she is rather blunt and frank. She can’t lie anyway.
• Character Tics: Nëela trails off when she's distracted. She also curls her fingers to try and reign in her physical pain.
• Chronic Hero Syndrome: To the frustration of Klaus. She always wants to white knight her way into the lives of others.
• Closer to Earth: Played With. Neela is a woman and the magic she practices is said to be closely related to nature and the planet itself.
• Color-Coded Eyes: Her golden eyes are a sign of her curse.
• Dating Catwoman: Klaus
• Dark and Troubled Past: See Broken Bird.
• Dark-Skinned Blonde: She is a black woman with dyed pink hair.
• Deadpan Snarker: Neela isn’t above snapping. She pulls no punches too.
• Despair Event Horizon: The night of her curse. Her whole coven was killed/ sacrificed by their supreme in order to grant Nëela immortality and to curse her into eternal pain.
• The Determinator: Neela isn’t the type to give up on wanting something. When she sets herself a goal, she will never give up. She displays this determined behavior in regards to her friends and family and she will do everything to keep them safe, even if she puts her life in danger.
• Dude Magnet: Several men have tried to court her, but she rejected them because she couldn't trust them not to try and kill her.
• Ethnic Magician: She's black, like most witches in the series.
• Family of Choice: Klaus and by extension the Mikaelsons.
• Fatal Flaw: She wants to help people and that ruined her life.
• Goal in Life: To find peace. To have a companion. To never be alone.
• Green Thumb: She's a witch who particularly excels at nature-related magic.
• Heartbroken Badass: She is clearly heartbroken over the fact Elijah didn’t consider her a friend and was just using her for his own gains.
• I Am a Monster: She was forced to accept the life force of her whole coven. She had to kill humans and supernatural creatures in order to survive. She is a healer and hates that she has to take lives.
• I Have Many Names: The forsaken one, The cursed one. The traitorous soul, the Hidden among us [by Witches], My little Witch [By Niklaus]
• Inconvenient Attraction: To Klaus. He slaughtered her family centuries ago.
• Living Emotional Crutch: To Klaus. She is one of the very few people who can understand him and wants him.
• Living Legend: She became some sort of Boogieman for the witches and a legend for other supernatural creatures.
• Love Hurts: She is capable of doing anything in order to save Klaus. And she can endure his many attempts at sabotaging their relationship because she can see through him despite the pain she feels.
• The McCoy: When she sees someone in pain, she feels compelled to alleviate it, with little regard for practicality or long-term ramifications. That irritated Klaus to no end when they first met.
• Morality Chain: To Klaus and eventually to Elijah.
• Ms. Fanservice: Neela is a Head-Turning Beauty who wears a lot of fashionable clothes... She also can act quite seductively when she wants to.
• Nice Girl: She's a kind girl and a kind friend. She's extremely loyal, selfless, and known for having many heroic tendencies as well, namely, being repeatedly ready to sacrifice herself for her friends.
• Not Quite the Right Thing: She makes many of these types of decisions — for example, she chooses to help Elijah and it results in her being cursed.
• Not so Above It All: Despite all she's been through, Asma is touch-deprived and seeks companionship.
• Official Couple: With Klaus. Averted as they are not officially together. There is a shared interest though.
• Older than They Look: Looks to be around her 30s, but is actually over 800 years old. She owes it to the curse that was cast upon her.
• Power Incontinence: Nëela loses control of her magic when she's feeling good. fortunately, it's just her telekinesis she can't control.
• Shameless Fanservice Girl: She knows how sexy she is, and she manages to wear very revealing outfits.
• Tragic Dream: Neela was so lonely and touch-deprived that she wanted Elijah to be her friend. She wanted his companionship, but he never offered it to her. Realizing thanks to Klaus, that he didn’t feel anything towards them and treated her like a commodity, she ended up being heartbroken.
• Trauma Conga Line: Oh dear. Neela has endured so much pain, loss, and tragedy in her life.
• Violently Protective Girlfriend: To Klaus, (should they date). She literally killed the witch and werewolves who had kidnapped Klaus and ruined their date.
• Vitriolic Best Buds: With Elijah and with Klaus. They do argue a lot and he gets on her nerves.
• Will Not Tell a Lie: She hurts when she lies or when she feels intense negative emotions so it's best for her to say the truth, even if it makes her cry. it's still less painful than to hold back the truth.
• Words Do Not Make The Magic: Most of the magic she does is non-verbal, to demonstrate how she truly is a skilled witch.
• World's Most Beautiful Woman: Her beauty is certainly uncanny. So much so that plenty of people call her a “beauty from another century”.
Most Recent History :
Bäahal and Jaime Lannister have the Queen's blessings. They are betrothed now. She has been ordered to stay at the Castle and let Jaime and Jon investigate the traitors.
• All Girls Want Bad Boys: Bäahal fell head over heels for Jaime Lannister who is considered the most hated man in the seven kingdoms.
• Arranged Marriage: Averted. She refuses to marry anyone but Jaime Lannister and rejects all of the suitors she has to meet.
• Beware the Nice Ones: Is gentle and kindhearted, but you do not want to rouse her anger. She’s a very capable fighter on her own.
• Blue Blood: As a Targaryen princess, this is a given. Played with, however: her background is way more impoverished and unstable than that of the average Targaryen. She was raised into slavery and only started to enjoy the “joys” of her position when Daenerys became queen.
• Broken Bird: Bäahal’s backstory fits this trope. It has been misery, pain, and loss at each and every turn. She didn't lose her optimism and kindness.
• Character Tics: Bäahal cries a lot when she's upset or happy. She also tends to storm into one's room when she wants to talk to them.
• Chekhov's Gift: Her former Master made sure that Bäahal learned how to speak Valyrian.
• Child by Rape: Aerys II raped her mother, an albino slave from Naath. She was sheltered from the truth in her early years but around age 7, she was forced to know the truth.
• Chronic Hero Syndrome: To the frustration of her loved ones. Lampshaded by Tyrion who assessed her actions as of a rescuer who simply will not let others suffer. That was the reason for the siege that nearly cost her life.
• Color-Coded Eyes: Purple eyes are the indicator of Valyrian ancestry
• Dark-Skinned Blonde: She is a black-skinned native of Naath, with white Targaryen hair.
• Dragon Rider: She used to ride Viserion and was riding him when he was killed by the Night King.
• Dragon Tamer: Bäahal Targaryen used to ride Viserion, one of her sister’s 3 dragons. House Targaryen, was known for being closer to dragons than other men as they used them in their conquests.
• Dude Magnet: Several men have offered to marry her.
• Fatal Flaw: She is naïve, whether or not she wants to be, she still is naïve and still sees the world through a certain optimistic view. She also is very impulsive, and this could cost her.
• Fish out of Water: It took her a long time to get used to being a princess. She was born and raised into slavery and had never experienced freedom.
• Foreign Ruling Class: She is the princess of the Seven Kingdoms, sister of Daenerys Targaryen, the actual queen of the Seven Kingdoms and she comes from the southern islands.
• Goal in Life: To have a home. To be free. And actually, to marry the love of her life: Jaime.
• Has a Type: Buff, dangerous bad boys.
• Honorary Princess: She's a downplayed example at first, as her family is royalty although they lost their throne in an uprising. However, she truly became a princess when Daenerys became queen.
• Ice Queen/Defrosting Ice Queen: Bäahal is quite aloof and distant. She warmed up since she met Daenerys and found herself a stable and warm family.
• I Have Many Names: Bäahal Targaryen, princess of the seven kingdoms, Blood of the dragon, The Sun of Astapor, (former) Bäahal the Hidden, (former) Bäahal the resilient, Champion of the House of the dragon, champion of the Great and the Last wars of Westeros (by Jaime)
• Impoverished Patrician: She was born a slave and when she wasn’t performing for her clients or her master’s friends, she didn’t have any special treatment.
• Inconvenient Attraction: To Jaime Lannister, the most hated man of Westeros.
• Informed Attractiveness: A lot of comments about her looks are made to her. She has always been called beautiful to her face and has learned to resent it given who complimented her.
• Kill It with Fire: "Dracarys."
• Lady of War: Not initially, but she grows into one, gaining experience as a general during the Last War and the Long Night.
• Last of His Kind: Dany and Viserys were believed to be the last surviving members of House Targaryen. Then she appeared.
• Living Legend: The siege she survived truly forged her reputation among common folks. She managed to survive and protect two dozen people.
• Lost My Appetite: Bäahal has a tendency to lose her appetite when dealing with stressful or upsetting situations.
• Lust Object: Unfortunately, many men had lusted after her ever since she came of age. Jaime Lannister even admitted that no sane man could not want to be with her. She had plenty of suitors trying to marry her, once she became princess of the seven Kingdoms.
• Made a Slave: It is explicitly said In-Universe she was born into slavery. She had to set herself free by murdering her master when Daenerys attacked Mereen.
• The McCoy: When she sees someone in pain, she feels compelled to alleviate it, with little regard for practicality or long-term ramifications. Jaime tries to play the role of The Spock to balance her out, but she sometimes is too impulsive to follow his pieces of advice.
Ms. Fanservice: She always wears beautiful outfits and is extremely gorgeous.
• Mystical White Hair: Like her entire family. Still, nothing says mystical like being able to ride dragons!
• Not Quite the Right Thing: She makes many of these types of decisions — for example, she chooses to travel the seven kingdoms with just two bodyguards and is betrayed by one of them -which leads to the siege she survived-
• Not so Above It All: Despite all she's been through, Bäahal maintains a playful sense of humor, for example, she still does bad impersonations of her family.
• No Pronunciation Guide: she is called “Bah! Hal”
• Official Couple: With Jaime Lannister.
• Practically Different Generations: To her deceased brother Rhaegar. Had his children survived, they'd be a few years older than her despite her being their aunt. This is due to Aerys and Rhaella marrying and having Rhaegar as teenagers.
• Pride: As Tyrion points out, it's all she's got to hold on to.Subverted as she found a lot more to hold onto since she set herself free.
• Princess Classic: Subverted almost point-for-point; the sole exception is her unusual beauty.
• Royals Who Actually Do Something: she had to fight most of her life to survive. Her last feat was holding off soldiers during a siege.
• Shameless Fanservice Girl: She is not above wearing beautiful gowns that enhance her beauty. When she was still a slave, she was made to dance and seduce people in public (unfortunately) at times.
• Took a Level in Badass: She's taken several of these as well throughout her adventures. She can swing her sword pretty well and can throw a punch if needed.
• The Ugly Guy's Hot Daughter: King Aerys II, near the end of his life, was a raving madman with filthy hair and beard and yellowed nine-inch fingernails. His daughter Princess Bäahal is a stunning Valyrian beauty with silver-gold hair and eyes like amethyst.
• World's Most Beautiful Woman: According to several of her followers and the rumors traveling about her from Essos to Westeros; remarkable beauty that couldn’t be imagined: “The silver princess is one of the fairest women in the world, only challenged by her own sister, the queen. Her hair is silver-gold, her eyes are amethysts and her skin is dark, like a lion’s skin.”
Mary TV tropes
Most recent history:
Mary and Tommy have confessed their feelings for each other. Archibald Worthington is now looking forward to killing Tommy.
• The Alcoholic: Mary drowns her issues with alcohol.
• The Chanteuse: She used to sing at the Garrison Pub before Tommy promoted her to Nurse at the Grace Shelby Institute.
• The Heart: She holds the family together. Tommy and Ada both love and respect her, even when they don't love or respect each other. Arthur relies on her for support.
• The Determinator: When she sets her mind on something, it’s very difficult to stop her.
• All Girls Want Bad Boys: Well, Tommy!
• Berserk Button: Do not try to threaten Charlie. Do not try to threaten Tommy. Hell, do not try to threaten any of the Shelby family members.
• Broken Bird: Well, she was abandoned by her mother, raised in an orphanage by racist and violent nuns, was seduced by a lying older man when she was just a young teenager and lost her first child at 15. She’s still dealing with her grief over her dead son, Paul.
• Character Tics: Mary has a tendency to hide her face (whether with her lap when she’s sitting or her hands, when she’s standing) when she’s scared. She also has the tendency to look at people with such a striking gaze that she could make, even Tommy, feel guilty.
• Damsel in Distress: Her husband’s ties with the gangs had her followed and threatened.
• Dating Catwoman: Falls for Tommy Shelby. A multi-murderer crime boss.
• Despair Event Horizon: The death of her son actually managed to traumatize her. Even to this day she has issues talking about it and doesn’t feel quite lovable as well. The nuns also brutalized her to the point of making her believe that she couldn’t be loved, not even by God.
• Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Has moments of incredible defensiveness and self-loathing, and as demonstrated with Lizzie or sometimes Polly, if you try to show her sympathy, she tends to lash out viciously.
• Family of Choice: The Shelby Family and the Peaky Blinders.
• Friend to All Children: Mary has always been good with children. As early as she remembers, she had always taken care of the youngest orphans at the orphanage.
• Heartbroken Badass: She was a poor girl who was used by a man who manipulated her. She lost her son and when she is introduced to the Shelby family, it is obvious that she is heartbroken.
• Ice Queen/Defrosting Ice Queen: Mary is quite aloof and distant, except when she's with Tommy or in the presence of children.
• Ignored Enamoured Underling: She is the head nun of Grace Shelby’s institute and is in love with Tommy. Tommy definitely cares for her, and her love is required. This is ultimately subverted several years later when Tommy and Mary get married.
• Informed Attractiveness: A lot of comments about her looks are made to her. She's dense though and doesn't really realize she's being flirted with.
• Knight Templar Parent: Try to hurt Charlie and you wouldn’t live to tell the tale.
• Living Emotional Crutch: Tommy outright admits to Mary that she is part of the reason why he didn't completely go over the edge after Grace's death.
• Love Hurts: Tommy's PTSD and seizures are a challenge at times. He tends to lose himself in his mind and his wanderlust sometimes leaves her feeling alone.
• Mama Bear: She would do everything she can to protect Charlie.
• Meaningful Rename: Her birth name is Victoria Mary, and when she married, she became Victoria Mary Colson. No one calls her Victoria though. They all call her Mary.
• Morality Pet: Seems to be Tommy’s when he chooses to acknowledge it. He listens to her and she calms him down.
• Ms. Fanservice: She always wears beautiful outfits and is extremely gorgeous. She is a beautiful plump woman.
• Nature Lover: She didn’t have a happy childhood which allowed her to go outside. It changes once she’s living with Tommy and she’s always outside.
• Odd Friendship: Arthur and Mary strike one up when she starts to work there. Arthur speaks to her like a sister. She also treats him like a family member.
• Official Couple: With Tommy.
• Only Known By His Nickname: Of a sort. To most, she’s known as Mary. If someone calls her “Victoria” this is going to both piss her off or stress her out. Played out when it comes to people who don’t like her “Saint Mary” is one of the nicknames she gets (Lizzie loves to call her like that)
• Parental Substitute: Charlie’s mother is dead, and so Mary acts like a mother to him. He calls her "mom" because she's his mother on Earth while Grace is his mother in Heaven.
• Sanity Slippage: Swan dives off the deep end after the death of her son. She started to drink in order to cope. She managed to hold on tight until she saw a newborn baby at the orphanage, which broke her mind for a while. She got better with time, though.
• Silk Hiding Steel: Mary has no problem drawing guns on people, even hardened criminals, and shooting people, all in perfectly tailored dresses, especially if that helps her protect those she loves.
• Sleeping with the Boss: With Tommy.
• Tranquil Fury: Mary is quite a calm and quiet woman. She’s very hard to read and would rarely fully show her feelings on her face. While she sometimes can have explosive bouts of rage, it’s really when she’s cold and silent that sends shivers down people's spines.
• Trauma Conga Line: Oh dear. Mary has endured so much pain, loss, and tragedy in her life.
• Will They or Won't They?: With Tommy. While they actually ended up having sex after John’s funeral, the question started to become serious when they both realized they had feelings for each other. Subverted as of Now, the question is: Are they going to marry now that they know they're in love with each other?
Most recent history:
A war is about to start between Elpis and Pride and the Primeval gods.
• Affectionate Nickname: My Light (by Pride)
• All Girls Want Bad Boys: Well, Pride!
• Alpha Bitch: Despite being the Goddess of Light and Hope, Elpis can be particularly venomous towards the other gods.
• A God Is You: She is an Elder goddess.
• Anime Hair: she has pink hair
• Anthropomorphic Personification: She is the embodiment of Light and Hope.
• The Baby of the Bunch: she is the youngest of her pantheon.
• Battle Couple: With Pride
• Because You Were Nice to Me: Pride’s first encounter with the goddess had been a nice one, which prompted her to try and meet him again.
• Berserk Button: When she is told that she was “sweet and kind” and had been “corrupted by Pride". She isn’t some kind of damsel in distress and is definitely able to take care of herself and make her own decisions.
• Born of Heaven and Hell: She is the lovechild of the goddess of Life and the God of Destruction.
• Color-Coded Eyes: Her golden eyes and black sclera are signs of her godhood.
• The Determinator: She will get her revenge on her pantheon no matter how long it takes for her to get it.
• The Dreaded: Ever since she managed to scratch the seal that kept her cursed, her pantheon is afraid of her. They’re still very wary of her given the destruction of a whole ancient pantheon she was responsible for.
• Family of Choice: Pride became her family from the moment they found each other again.
• Friend to All Living Things: She is the daughter of Gaea, the All-mother and creator of all living things on Earth.
• Gilded Cage: Her pantheon did everything they could to keep her in the confines of their pantheon.
• Good Is Not Soft: Elpis is a gentle soul who always tries to protect humanity, however, she is not to be trifled with. When she gets angry she can become destructive. She snuffed a whole pantheon for insulting her father for fuck sake.
• Hates Their Parent: She gradually started to resent her mother for staying away and not preventing the betrayal by her siblings (or the death of her father). She then started to hate them when it became clear they tried to keep her from exploring her powers and becoming the powerhouse she was supposed to be.
• The Heart: She was this to her family before the betrayal of Ishtar and Ayasha
• I Will Find You: She made this exact promise to Pride, right after she’d been cursed by Ishtar and she kept her promise.
• Love Epiphany: She realized she was in love with the sin after she was forced to stay away from him for a while to appease her siblings.
• Memetic Sex Goddess: In-Universe — and out of Universe!! People just can't help falling for her.
• Morality Chain: To Pride.
• Morality Pet: To Pride. He worships her and she manages to reign him in when he gets consumed with his own head.
• Ms. Fanservice: She always wears beautiful outfits and is extremely gorgeous.
• Official Couple: With Pride.
• Older than They Look: Looks to be around her 30s, but is actually over 3000 years old. She is a primeval goddess.
• Rebel Prince: She refused to stop seeing the Sin. She refused to give up on her love for him. She ended up dating him and even got cursed as a result of her stubbornness.
• Rose-Haired Sweetie: She is a woman with long pink hair, and is very sweet and approachable to Pride. However, it's still not a good idea to get on her bad side
• Snark-to-Snark Combat: She can hold her own in a verbal fight with anyone.
• Summon to Hand: The Scythe Pride made for her is not so much "picked up", they teleport to Elpis’ hands.
• Verbal Tic: Calls everyone Dear, except Pride who is the only person she calls “Beloved”
• Warrior Prince: She trained with the help of Ishtar the god of war.
• What the Hell, Hero?: She received it after she reduced the Sumerian Pantheon to dust.
• Why Couldn't You Be Different?: Ishtar wished that his sister would give up on the Sin. But she didn’t.
Most recent History:
Oya married Dean in a very personal ceremony. They have managed to defeat the overpowered god Pluto and have been working on local cases.
• Action Girl: Comes with being a hunter
• Action Girlfriend: Oya is busy kicking monster ass as a hunter.
• Affectionate Nickname: Shorty (Dean)
• Badass Normal: Oya is a normal human, yet she is an Action Girl who kicks ass.
• Battle Couple: Played straight with Dean.
• Berserk Button: Do not threaten a child. Do not take a child as a prisoner. Do not harm a child.
• Break the Cutie: A big part of her tragic backstory.
• Broken Bird: Well, the whole family is slaughtered. Her dad (sole survivor) dies from cancer. Her fiancé wants to dump her, but ends up being possessed, she has to kill him with her bare hands. She becomes suicidal at some point and tries to die only to find out that it nearly broke Dean’s heart.
• Character Tics: Oya tends to run her fingers over her scars when she's upset.
• Child Soldier: Oya was raised as a hunter growing up.
• Dark and Troubled Past: See Broken Bird.
• Deadpan Snarker: Played to its full glory when she is introduced for the first time.
• Despair Event Horizon: The death of both her brother and mother broke her mind. She believed she was responsible for their deaths and became a death seeker. She had intended to die during or after she killed the Asambosam, but Dean talked her out of it.
• The Determinator: Oya isn't the type to give up on wanting something. She would stop at nothing to get what she wanted.
• Fatal Flaw: She is a sacrificial lamb. (and would never hesitate to sacrifice herself for the greater good)
• Family of Choice: Team Free Will.
• Girly Bruiser: Oya is feminine and also knows how to kick ass and take names when she has to. She is involved in the rather male-dominated line of work of hunting and has been for basically her whole life.
• Girly Girl: Oya is a feminine and girly hunter.
• Happily Married: Oya and Dean got married recently. Before they tied the knot, they had been in a very happy relationship. Subverted as in, despite having a strong bond and being happy together, they have to deal with a lot of shit given their job and personal tragedies.
• Hidden Depths: despite loving her job as a hunter, Oya sought love most of her life. She wanted a home and she found it.
• Hot-Blooded: Oya is very feisty, spunky and opinionated. Not to mention she is a Blood Knight and an Action Girl.
• Hunter of Monsters: Oya was raised in the hunting life and is therefore a hunter herself.
• In the Blood: Her entire family were hunters and Oya was raised a hunter.
• Love Hurts: She would always do anything to bring Dean back to her. She would even join him because there is no way she can survive Dean.
• Morality Chain: To team Free Will.
• Not so Above It All: Despite all she's been through, Oya loves corny outfits and ugly aprons. She always buys them for Dean.
• Official Couple: With Dean
• Parental Substitute: She considers Dean's children as her own.
• Shameless Fanservice Girl: Her usual outfits complement her figure. Tanks tops show off her curves.
• Trauma Conga Line: Oh dear. Oya has endured so much pain, loss, and tragedy in her life.
• Violently Protective Girlfriend: Wife at this point. Nobody could hurt Dean and survive it.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
A vintage's touch: Breaking into a song
// This one is taking it back to the canon of the story :D I am so happy that finally after so long, Colby have moved forward! no more lies! no more false beliefs!
It had been a while since Mary had broken into a song. Months, maybe, days perhaps... she couldn't tell anymore. She remembered the days at the Garrisson Pub, where she would be singing and Tommy would sit on a chair, in silence as he usually did. He listened to her, he always did, even when they were in the confines of their bedroom. Her voice calmed his soul, it brought him back to their reality and anchored him to the present. She was a beacon of Light, a way for Tommy to find his way back and it had been way too long since he did. It had been a while, but her stubbornness forced him back together. She came to him, determined to bring him back to her and to their family. She came to him and forced him out of his own head. He had missed her, the sound of her voice, the warmth of her body against his, the gentleness of her touch and her nurturing nature. How did he forget about it? How could he stray away from it? Tommy didn't have the answer, and even to this day, he would rather have Mary believe it was by design rather than something he forgot over time.
It had been a while since Mary sang for him but here she was, cuddled against the Shelby, her voice gently humming an old tune he knew by heart. Here she was, her arms wrapped around his frame as both of them were recovering from the intense romp they just had in his office. And he realized just how far gone he had been. He realized just how much he's been missing it, her... he's been missing her. He realized just how much as she broke into a song with him. Mary cupped his cheek and gently stroked the sharp jaw. She wanted him back, all of him, in their house and to his family. She wanted him back so hard that she managed to find him again. Who did that? Who was ready to fight for him the way Mary was? She never let go of his hand, not even when he strayed away. She never left him behind and never considered giving up on him. Mary never did and while he couldn't express his emotions the way he wished to, Tommy held onto his woman tighter than before. He couldn't let go of her. He refused to let go of her. not now, not ever.
TB: headcanons
Only one person had tried to attempt at Sara's voice. Brett tried during one of their fights and ended up bruising Sara's neck. It strained her voice and it worried so much that she thought her career was done for. She is very cautious around people and would never put herself through the same type of danger ever again. Her voice means the world to her and her career too.
Sara and her singing voice:
Sara is meant to be a singer. She is an excellent singer who is versatile and can sing in any genre. She can sing the opera if she wanted to and has already made a few special showcases of that ability. Sara cannot imagine living her life without singing and one of the best way to punish her would be to damage her voice.
Homelander and his fetish:
Sara has no issue whatsoever with the milk fetish of Homelander. As a matter of fact, it actually works well for her given her power malfunction. They grew closer to each other through this shared interest and somehow it helped them get to know each other very intimately.
Klasma: headcanons
Nëela's dream is to live in a beautiful house by a lake and surrounded by a forest. She is longing for a quiet life spent traveling the world, living life with someone she loves. For so long she thought that her dream was nothing but that, a dream, but since meeting Klaus, Nëela thinks that there is a chance to at least have a little bit of that dream come true.
Nëela can't communicate with the dead. She can't talk to the spirits of the witches from her former coven. However, they can haunt her dreams. She does have such dreams from time to time where the spirits of those she knew before talk to her and taunt her about her situation. Most of the time, the witches predict her fall or Klaus' betrayal. most of the time, they taunt her about her loneliness and remind her that her curse will leave her alone until the end of times. It used to leave a huge impact on the witch, almost leaving her unable to leave her bed, but she learned to talk to them and reaffirm her desire to live and have a happier life.
Doya: "let's go home."
Oya barely stood up. her face was still swollen from the punches she received a while ago. She didn't have the time to clean up her face, so there was still dry blood on her chin and neck. her breathing was laboured but she was alive and she was still standing. She tilted her head to the side as Dean finally stepped closer to her and she gave him a sheepish smile. He checked on her face before he felt her arms wrap around his frame and pull him into a nice hug. They made it through another night, another fight against the creatures of the night and Oya felt relief at this instant.
She knew that given their line of work, it was only a matter of time before one of them if not the two of them met their demise at the hands of a powerful supernatural creature. She knew that they were on borrowed time, for as long as Chuck would allow them to be alive. Still, they were alive, bruised but alive and Oya was basking in the relief she felt for surviving yet another day. Dean ran his hand through her wild mane and planted a kiss on top of her head. She was shaking, which caught his attention. Could it be because of the children among the victims? He couldn't tell and she would tell him when she felt ready. She shrugged and hid her face against his chest. "Let's go home."
Saturday, November 18, 2023
A vintage's touch: Putting the doubts to rest.
A vintage's touch: Putting the doubts to rest.
"The woman I love."
Tommy's words echoed through the nurse's head. He didn't stutter when he said those words and while she was well aware that Tommy didn't fully confess his feelings, he managed to say the most important thing. He managed to let her know that he had feelings for her and she should stop believing that he didn't. Mary felt lighter after their encounter at his office. Her heart was pounding against her ribcage and she put her hand against her chest. Her cheeks blushed and she slowly tapped her fingers against the wooden table of his studies. It was his birthday night and she didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Tommy didn't like it, he was quite reserved, so she wanted to wish him a lovely birthday and offer him a handkerchief she made for him. It took several months for the nurse to sew him the piece of fabric, one where she would embroid their initials. It was discreet, a little way for her to claim her feelings for him without it being loud and obnoxious. It was a way for him to keep a piece of home with him, regardless of where he was and she hoped that whenever he would use it, Tommy would remember home and he would come back to them. to Mary and Charlie. This year would be quite different, mostly because she was now certain that they were in love with each other. He put her worries to rest and she knew that she had to talk to Polly and Ada and express her gratitude.
"The woman I love."
Mary didn't know how to react to these words, to the whole moment they had just shared in his office. He seemed to have been lost for so long that Mary felt relieved to see he was still there, somewhere. She helped bring him back to their reality and she asked him to come home that night, to his family and he agreed to do it. They had to catch up. He had to know what had been happening in the days he wasn't home. Her desire to attend a formal event with him and officially be with him. The incident with Archibald Wortinghton III who tried to force himself on her but was rejected by Mary and the Peaky Boy who was with her. There was a lot to discuss but the truth was, Mary just wanted to spend some time with him. She wanted to savor the news... the confession of his feelings for her and of her feelings for him. Well... no. The truth was, she just wanted to see him back home. She just wanted to sleep in the same bed again. She just wanted to hold him in her arms and make sure that he was safe. She just wanted him... she just needed him... she just wanted to take care of him.
TB: violent delights
Sara was carefree, especially when it came to her body. She had her fair share of body-shaming when she was growing up. However, to be honest, she had accepted to cover her freckles for her lovers who didn't like them on her. Covering them usually was her way to separate the artist Unnamed Girl from Sara Richardson, but Brett and Gina took it to such a length that it became something to be ashamed of.
She had to hide those freckles, never to be seen with them in public. Upon breaking up with Brett, Sara reclaimed her body. She reclaimed her freckles and made sure to flip the bird to anyone who decided to insult her freckles and try to make her feel ashamed of her natural body.
Homelander was unhinged, a killer, someone who had violent urges he couldn't overcome. Sara was well aware of these violent delights and truth be told, as long as he didn't hurt her, she was alright with it. Truth be told, she also had her own violent streak. Sara had been through the wringer but she turned her anger into something productive. She became a singer, and an entertainer and thrived off of the love from her fanbase. However, she still had a violent streak, and would never hesitate to lash out at those who hurt children and some members of her family.
Perhaps, she found comfort in knowing that someone could physically punish those who did wrong to her. Perhaps, she found comfort in knowing he would never judge her for her own violence. why would he? when he was indulging these emotions and feelings in himself? Perhaps, she found comfort in knowing she found a kindred spirit in the arms of the most unlikely man. And Sara was fine with it. She was fine with everything!
Klasma: Of gods and monsters
GoT (modern): hiccups
GoT (modern): hiccups
// Just a little something about Vis trying to make amends with Bäahal and how shaken she still is because of the way he treated her.
Viserys voice echoed through the kitchen and sent shivers down the young woman's spine. She swallowed a lump and shifted her eyes from left to right. She bit her bottom lip and dropped her head in an attempt to gather herself before she could turn around and look at her brother. Viserys' voice was much calmer these days since he went to therapy but Bäahal was still expecting her brother to snap at any given moment. It didn't matter if he was sober, when he was a young boy his violent streak was out of his control and he ended up hurting the young girl. To this day, hearing his voice awoke an old wound on her shoulder and made her wince.
"You can look at me, I'm not going to hurt you." -He tried again, his voice almost apologetic-
"I'm not.... worried about what you will do Vis.."
She whispered, her hand gently stroking her shoulder before she turned around and looked at him. Viserys were wearing a white shirt and a pair of black pants. His purple eyes set upon his sister's frame. She was wearing her gym outfit and had a towel wrapped around her shoulders. He could tell she was still on her guard, ready for him to act up on an impulse and the sight broke his heart. Her behavior was the consequence of his own actions.
"I've just...I just wanted to know how you were doing." -He cleared his throat- "I mean, I wanted to share a meal with you someday during the week. Would you...be interested?"
He stumbled in his words, which made Bäahal run her hand through her hair. He was trying, she could tell that he wasn't comfortable speaking to her at all, but he was trying. Bäahal wanted to believe that he truly wanted to become better. She wanted to believe that he was trying to atone for his past deeds and the pain he caused her and she was willing to open her arms to him, to give him room for growing. Her purple hues set upon his pale face and she dabbed the towel on her forehead, anything really to distract her from the stress she was under.
"We can. We could have lunch this week. I'll... come back to you with a date if you want?" -He nodded- "uh... I appreciate you taking the time to come to me. That you want to have somewhat of a relationship."
"It's the least I can do, Bäahal. I'm trying to get better. I'm trying to be a better person." He cleared his throat and made a step forward. He stopped once he noticed Bäahal took a step back and leaned against the kitchen sink. She was clearly not comfortable being this close to him but he will give her some time. "I'll just, text me when you have the day okay?" She nodded and he left.
Baby steps, they said. it would take baby steps to get there but he was determined to keep trying.
GoT regular: Sobering up
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
sexual intimacy: elpis edition
Girls and their sexual intimacy tics (spicy)
Elpis: (WIP)
* “Oh my king. Yes, my beloved.” She is submissive. However, she has a power play kink. She challenges Pride until he shows her who’s boss.
* she loves saying « please. » especially when she wants to urge him to fuck her.
* She is so horny for Pride. If her vessel couldn't contain herself, just imagine how the goddess feels.
* she loves it when he orders her around. Really loves it when he gives her commands.
* she has a thing with being spanked. choked. trash talked.
* when she’s about to cum she likes to tell Pride « I need to cum. Please.. let me cum. » sort of a request he has to grant her for her to cum.
* She is curvy and plump. Soft and so warm.
* She loves to praise him. It turns her on so much.
* She also loves being praised. It drives her even crazier.
* Loves when he chokes her as they fuck.
* Loves to beg for him as well. But sometimes she would be a little brat and tell him she wants something instead of that she needs something.
* She can be messy
* She doesn’t mind being bound when she fucks.
* She can’t hurt him so she goes all out.
* He can’t hurt her either.
* She wants to know how depraved he can be
* Has really a thing with his fingers wrapped around her neck. when he's deep inside her and he chokes her, she's closer to the edge.
* She is loud and very vocal.
* She is in a mood whenever he talks about a gruesome fight or the demise of their enemies
Sexual intimacy: Sara edition
Sexual intimacy:
Sara: (still discovering )
* “Oh baby!” Calls homelander baby.
* She speaks to him in the 3rd person sometimes «Your slut. » she likes to call herself that.
* Is very sloppy and messy (milk dripping everywhere, her juices are everywhere, she drenches sheets, panties, and even him)
* Can be hyper-focused on getting fucked / satisfying her lover. Sometimes it’s all she thinks about.
* She is needy and has a strong appetite. She can calm down though.
* masturbation doesn’t satisfy her in the long run.
* She loves to be in control of the most powerful man and has him wrapped around her nipples 😛
* Loves being a slut.
* She is so wet and so tight (seriously dripping wet and getting messy as soon as she’s horny. Tight too… but it’s not uncomfortable for her or homie)
* Loves being told how good she feels.
* Is very soft and blushes a lot.
* Likes to make a show of herself (lots of rubbing herself, fingering, and tasting herself in front of him)
* she is a switch.
* she loves to watch him fuck her pussy.
* She is chubby and loves it!
* She praises homie a lot too
* He asked her to call him John.
* And it’s Homelander when he’s not in a good mood.
* she is turned on by their age gap.
* She loves when they fuck in semi-public places. And would never mind initiating or teasing him under the table.
* She has taken a liking to choking and slapping and being physical with her homie to show her pleasure. She really pushes the envelope with him and is probably the roughest she’s ever been with anyone.
* Calls him « good boy » when she feels like being in control
* Loves to be on top of him and to ride him. She also loves to feel him deep inside her.
* She fakes complaints about how big he is. He really is the biggest cock she ever had. And she’s a size queen! Loves to tackle bigger cocks than she used to have before.
* She loves to feel helpless when she’s being fucked so the illusion of not being able to escape him when he fucks her turns her on like crazy.
* She will always say “I’m losing my mind “ when getting closer to her climax.
* She loves it when Homie pulls on her hair
* She’s sensitive and her nipples really are. When homie plays with them she folds. And when he drinks from her? She folds even more. It feels so good.
* She’s impatient but loves to hold back when they are out until she can’t. She also loves to tease homie whenever she can.
sexual intimacy: Oya edition
sexual intimacy:
Oya: (WIP)
* Absolutely dominant. She is so eager that she titillates him all the time.
* Oya loves giving blowjobs. She knows Dean loves to get them too and gets off from both giving and seeing his reaction to her work on him.
*Oya loves to send pictures, selfies or videos. Dean has/ had a lot of nudes or half-nudes from her from the beginning of times XD
* “Good boy” is Dean’s little pet name.
* “Puppy” is a new one.
* “Boss” is hers. She loves to make him admit he likes it and wants her. It turns her on.
* what she loves the most is work in order to make them both feel pleasure. Take charge of everything so he doesn’t need to think about it.
* She is a fucking tease even during sex. She can take all of her time before she grants him relief. She loves when he begs for her to suck him or go faster or harder against him when she rides him.
* She loves to make him beg. He makes the sweetest faces and sounds. She loves to see his pleasured face so much.
* She does love when he fucks her standing. :p
* She loves to scratch Dean’s skin to blood. Loves to leave him marks of her love. She loves to look at it in the morning.
* She loves to encourage him to let loose. Especially when she wants to get fucked harder. She would request him to go harder and he would do it.
* She thinks he has the best ass she’s ever seen so she’s turned on when she sees him from behind.
* she loves when he Carries her up and fucks her standing against the wall. 😛
* she usually tells him «Oh Chuck… I’m about to cum…babe, go harder. »
sexual intimacy: neela edition
Sexual intimacy:
Neela: (in progress)
* “My hybrid. Yes! Come fuck your pussy.” She loves to give him pet names.
* She calls him « pet » when she is in charge. It’s a new thing.
* She speaks of her in the 3rd person sometimes “your witch” is usually her go-to.
* She loves to be bitten. It turns her on so much. She often cuts herself open so he can drink her.
* She can’t control her magic when she’s feeling pleasure but fortunately it’s only telekinesis that works and destroys everything around her.
* She is a switch. She can take charge and would gladly let him take it back when she wants it.
* She loves to grab him. She usually would hold onto his ass whenever she can. And to urge him to fuck her harder.
* She trails off when pleasure is too intense for her. That’s usually when he knows she’s closer to her release.
* She has no issue initiating sex, as a matter of fact, she's very eager and needy.
* She used her magic on him to heighten his senses. She loves to edge him with her magic or naturally.
* She usually tries to run from him when he’s fucking her too good and she’s about to cum. He never lets her do that.
* she loves when he spanks her and fucks her add-up and face down.
*Her ass is truly her best asset and is very sensitive. It's a nice bubble butt, soft and plump. larger than her breasts.
* « by Hecate » when she’s feeling really good! And sometimes she would whisper « I want you again. » when she was ready for round 2.
sexual intimacy: Baahal edition
Baahal : (in progress)
* “My golden lion! You have such a big cock!” She’s vocal. Crude. Crass. She expresses herself in ways she couldn’t do before. She’s eager and has a strong appetite.
* She is inappropriate most of the time. She will always tease Jaime in public, let him know she’s horny. Let him know she wants him.
* Also very cute « my love » and can easily let him take charge.
* She’d never loved sex before she met Jaime. And he never had sex with someone who doesn’t manipulate and use him
* She is a switch but mostly a tease.
* she loves when Jaime is passionate ('rough) and when he asserts himself.
*She can also be very assertive when she's in control. Jaime usually gets hard in the worst places and worst time ever XD
* She loves to hear him moan and tell her how it feels.
* She also loves the age difference between them. A lot. So much so that it turns her on when he mentions it.
* Jaime plays into it when they are together. He’s the older and experienced cock and she’s the younger sweeter cunt.
* She is extremely enthused and willful when it comes to sex with Jaime and will always make sure to let him know that he’s wanted.
* «Seven hells » or « by the gods » are her curses when she feels good.
* she has such an intense purple gaze. It seems even brighter when she’s lost in her lust.
* she’s flexible. The most flexible of the girls due to her dancing background.
sexual intimacy: Mary intimacy
sexual intimacy:
Mary : (in progress)
* “Fuck you, Shelby. fuck you, Tommy.” Likes to curse when she’s getting close. Only when they are fucking. The more she cursed the better she felt 😛
* Likes to tease him with another man’s cock inside of her. She knows he gets all riled up and fucks her harder whenever she teases him like that. Additionally, she loves to rile him up by denying him « his right to take her » or some other bullshit claims. (Last one was: «Where is that cock? » when he was balls deep inside her.
* It also works on her like magic. She’s territorial as fuck. Whenever a woman tries to seduce Tommy or get into his pants she would either try to assert her position or she would try to take that foreign scent off of him by fucking him.
* Likes to command him to watch her / grab her/ fuck her harder. She can take initiative. And when she does it’s explosive.
* she loves it when he says her name. So fucking much!
* Mary is soft and plump. While she catches the eyes of those who know 😛 plenty aren’t able to handle her curves. Tommy Shelby can.
* Mary is loud. There is no way to make her tone it down. She doesn’t care if people hear her moan or scream.
* She is excellent at giving blowjobs and she’s a good rider too.
* Mary loves when Tommy eats her plump little pussy. He does it so well that when his blue eyes are set upon her, Mary loses all control.
* She gets red upon feeling pleasure. On her face and chest.
* She tries to hold back her moans until she can’t. It’s a kink of her.
* She loves to be taught a lesson, especially when she misbehaves like recently.
* Mary can’t speak clearly when she’s strangled by pleasure. She also can’t lie and can’t tell him bullshit when he’s deep inside her.
Physical intimacy: Elpis edition
Elpis: (in progress)
* loves to run her hand over his chest. She finds great comfort in his embrace.
* She would praise him, all the while running her hand through his hair. He’s perfect, isn’t he? He has to be told so.
* She dances with him a lot. They love to attend balls and she loves to waltz with him.
* She loves it when he plays with her neck, a gentle touch, a gentle reminder that he is here. It soothes her.
* She loves it when Pride pulls her into a tight embrace when they reunite with each other. His firm hold makes her focus on him.
* Elpis peppers his face with kisses. She adores him and shows
physical intimacy: Neela edition
Physical intimacy:
Asma: (in progress)
* giving her blood is a love language. She will let him bite her or she will cut herself to let him drink her.
* Literally fighting for him and getting wounded by a werewolf in the process 😮
* She seeks his touch, constantly. Be it a little kiss on his shoulder, his hand, holding his hand, leaning against his shoulder…
* She loves it when he touches her. So of course when he will slip a hand into a pocket to grab her ass? She would love it.
* When his fangs tease her skin.
* When he hugs her. She craves it. She's been touch-deprived so she craves it.
* When she hugs him.
* When they dance together
*She will always try to hold his hand when they're outside.
*When Klaus is upset, she will try to hold his arm, pull him into a hug or grab his hand. she'd try anything she can to comfort him physically.
physical intimacy: Oya edition
Physical intimacy
* Oya loves to be the big spoon when they sleep. Hugging Dean is a way for her to show him she loves him.
* She loves that he holds her when she sleeps.
* She loves when he patches her up
* When she patches him up (she insists on doing it sometimes.)
* She loves running her hand through his hair to soothe him when he is upset. She would hum songs he likes.
* She jumps on his back to be carried through the bunker.
* She can’t help but touch him any way she can. When he drives she has a hand on his thigh and she strokes it.
* Sometimes she smacks his ass because he has that ass! 🥵
* She loves it when he runs his hands through her wild mane.
* She loves that he cooks for her!
*She washes baby (she doesn't drive it but she can take care of it)
*when they watch telenovelas, she wraps dean in a duvet and she snuggles him.
physical intimacy: Baahal edition
Physical intimacy
Baahal (in progress )
* Baahal loves to dance with Jaime. It’s her way of communicating her love and desire for him. (The dance can be emotional, sweet, sexy, or downright criminal )
* She loves it when they rest their foreheads against one another.
* She loves to kiss his stump and doesn’t hesitate to rest her face against his maimed arm.
* She always kisses him randomly and usually initiates kissing his lips.
* Believe it or not, crying is also a love language. She loves them so much that she cries at times for Jaime’s safety and for their love to prosper.
* Baahal enjoys it when he strokes her hair or brushes it. It’s gentle and tender.
* She enjoys Jaime's neck kisses too. (All of his kisses tbh)
* She looooves when he breathes on her skin. Shivers galore!
* And when he speaks to her ear!
* She loves when Jaime pulls her into a hug
*She loves it most when he kisses her scars and branding.
Physical intimacy: Sara edition
Physical intimacy
Sara: (in progress )
* Sara loves hugging Homie
* She loves to cook for him
* She loves to take him out for a date.
* She buys him clothes or anything he needs to be set up for civilian life. She kno
* When She reads she puts her legs on his lap.
* When they hold hands 🥹
* She is the bigger spoon
* She runs her hand through his hair whenever she feels like it.
* Believe it or not, but she pumps for him. she knows milk doesn't just satisfy a fetish. it comforts him too.
* She kisses his forehead whenever she can
* She loves it when he kisses her neck or anywhere he can.
* She loves it when she jumps on him and he takes her around her flat.
* When she falls asleep he strokes her back. (Until he gets in another mood)
* When he’s asleep, she leans her head against the crook of his neck and falls asleep too.
Physical intimacy : Mary edition
Physical intimacy
* Tending to his wounds (and the family’s)
* Cooking for him (and Charlie) during the weekends
* Singing to them while running her hand through their hair.
* Being the little spoon with Tommy
* Resting her head against his chest to hear his heartbeats
* Kissing Tommy Shelby
* She loves to feel his arms around her waist so he could hug her from behind.
* Crying in front of him. She never cries in front of people
* Smiling genuinely. Her smiles are very rare.
* Massaging his shoulders to help him relax when he's sitting on his chair.She knows it's comforting.
* Holding onto him when he wraps his arms around her for a tight hug.
* Stroking his forehead when he’s deep into his thoughts
* Cupping his cheeks and moving his head so he could focus on her.
* Guiding him back to their reality while holding his face in her hands. She could either talk or sing to him
* Kissing his wrists and knuckles because she's not afraid of those hands.
* Biting her bottom lip and blushing.
*She is a manual girl, she always makes things with her hands for others. she made Tom a handkerchief