Most recent events:
Neela came to Klaus' rescue.
• Affectionate Nickname: Little Witch (by Klaus)
• All Girls Want Bad Boys: Klaus. He is a Big Bad.
• Battle Couple: Played straight with Klaus.
• Berserk Button: Do not hurt a child. Do not try to hurt Klaus or any of the Mikaelsons.
• Beware the Nice Ones: Is gentle and kindhearted, but you do not want to rouse her anger. She’s a very capable fighter on her own.
• Broken Bird: Neela’s backstory fits this trope. It has been misery, pain, and loss at each and every turn. She became more cynical, distant, and withdrawn, even pushing people away.
• Brutal Honesty: Neela doesn't seem to shy away from spilling the truth tea and she is rather blunt and frank. She can’t lie anyway.
• Character Tics: Nëela trails off when she's distracted. She also curls her fingers to try and reign in her physical pain.
• Chronic Hero Syndrome: To the frustration of Klaus. She always wants to white knight her way into the lives of others.
• Closer to Earth: Played With. Neela is a woman and the magic she practices is said to be closely related to nature and the planet itself.
• Color-Coded Eyes: Her golden eyes are a sign of her curse.
• Dating Catwoman: Klaus
• Dark and Troubled Past: See Broken Bird.
• Dark-Skinned Blonde: She is a black woman with dyed pink hair.
• Deadpan Snarker: Neela isn’t above snapping. She pulls no punches too.
• Despair Event Horizon: The night of her curse. Her whole coven was killed/ sacrificed by their supreme in order to grant Nëela immortality and to curse her into eternal pain.
• The Determinator: Neela isn’t the type to give up on wanting something. When she sets herself a goal, she will never give up. She displays this determined behavior in regards to her friends and family and she will do everything to keep them safe, even if she puts her life in danger.
• Dude Magnet: Several men have tried to court her, but she rejected them because she couldn't trust them not to try and kill her.
• Ethnic Magician: She's black, like most witches in the series.
• Family of Choice: Klaus and by extension the Mikaelsons.
• Fatal Flaw: She wants to help people and that ruined her life.
• Goal in Life: To find peace. To have a companion. To never be alone.
• Green Thumb: She's a witch who particularly excels at nature-related magic.
• Heartbroken Badass: She is clearly heartbroken over the fact Elijah didn’t consider her a friend and was just using her for his own gains.
• I Am a Monster: She was forced to accept the life force of her whole coven. She had to kill humans and supernatural creatures in order to survive. She is a healer and hates that she has to take lives.
• I Have Many Names: The forsaken one, The cursed one. The traitorous soul, the Hidden among us [by Witches], My little Witch [By Niklaus]
• Inconvenient Attraction: To Klaus. He slaughtered her family centuries ago.
• Living Emotional Crutch: To Klaus. She is one of the very few people who can understand him and wants him.
• Living Legend: She became some sort of Boogieman for the witches and a legend for other supernatural creatures.
• Love Hurts: She is capable of doing anything in order to save Klaus. And she can endure his many attempts at sabotaging their relationship because she can see through him despite the pain she feels.
• The McCoy: When she sees someone in pain, she feels compelled to alleviate it, with little regard for practicality or long-term ramifications. That irritated Klaus to no end when they first met.
• Morality Chain: To Klaus and eventually to Elijah.
• Ms. Fanservice: Neela is a Head-Turning Beauty who wears a lot of fashionable clothes... She also can act quite seductively when she wants to.
• Nice Girl: She's a kind girl and a kind friend. She's extremely loyal, selfless, and known for having many heroic tendencies as well, namely, being repeatedly ready to sacrifice herself for her friends.
• Not Quite the Right Thing: She makes many of these types of decisions — for example, she chooses to help Elijah and it results in her being cursed.
• Not so Above It All: Despite all she's been through, Asma is touch-deprived and seeks companionship.
• Official Couple: With Klaus. Averted as they are not officially together. There is a shared interest though.
• Older than They Look: Looks to be around her 30s, but is actually over 800 years old. She owes it to the curse that was cast upon her.
• Power Incontinence: Nëela loses control of her magic when she's feeling good. fortunately, it's just her telekinesis she can't control.
• Shameless Fanservice Girl: She knows how sexy she is, and she manages to wear very revealing outfits.
• Tragic Dream: Neela was so lonely and touch-deprived that she wanted Elijah to be her friend. She wanted his companionship, but he never offered it to her. Realizing thanks to Klaus, that he didn’t feel anything towards them and treated her like a commodity, she ended up being heartbroken.
• Trauma Conga Line: Oh dear. Neela has endured so much pain, loss, and tragedy in her life.
• Violently Protective Girlfriend: To Klaus, (should they date). She literally killed the witch and werewolves who had kidnapped Klaus and ruined their date.
• Vitriolic Best Buds: With Elijah and with Klaus. They do argue a lot and he gets on her nerves.
• Will Not Tell a Lie: She hurts when she lies or when she feels intense negative emotions so it's best for her to say the truth, even if it makes her cry. it's still less painful than to hold back the truth.
• Words Do Not Make The Magic: Most of the magic she does is non-verbal, to demonstrate how she truly is a skilled witch.
• World's Most Beautiful Woman: Her beauty is certainly uncanny. So much so that plenty of people call her a “beauty from another century”.
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