Sunday, November 26, 2023

Sara Richardson TV TROPES

Most Recent History:

Following the "death" of Queen Maeve and the resignation of Starlight, Ashley (and Vaught) is seeking a replacement for the team and has started casting promising heroes. She wanted Sara but the young woman declined her offer. She met with Homelander and started a relationship with him after several weeks. A-Train started to beef with her and her ex, Brett is trying to come back into her life. 


• Action Girl: Inverted. She has power but she avoids putting herself in situations that could get her killed.

 Affectionate Nickname: Babygirl (by Homelander)

• Affirmative Action Girl: Well, she is the second African-American supe we know of.

• All Girls Want Bad Boys: Homelander. Have you seen him?

• All-Loving Hero: Averted BIG TIME! She has a strong Love-Hate relationship with humans. She does feel compelled to save them but at the same time she witnesses on a daily basis how they discriminate, exterminate, deny equal rights and downright act like douche towards nature (fauna and flora). She is split between loving humans (because some are really good) or hate them as a whole (because of all the bad things they did to them).

• Ambiguously Bi: Subverted! Although the only time her romance was public was with a man, so many people don’t know that she is bisexual. She doesn’t hide it either in her video clips or concerts. (people just choose to pretend it’s all make-believe)

• Author Appeal: With the cleavages and legs porn

• Anti-Hero: Whilst generally considered a sweet and kind woman, Sara grows cynical and amoral as soon as some of Vaught’s secrets got exposed. She stopped idolizing Homelander.

• Bad Liar: Semi-averted. She is an excellent liar but fails when you are a telepath or Homelander

• Because You Were Nice to Me: Homelander started to act nicely towards her, which has been the first time in a long time since someone was honest and genuine with her. He wasn’t a homicidal maniac with her, which prompted her to bond with him. (besides, he wanted to know about her, and she wanted to know about him)

• Bonding over Missing Parents: She and Homelander bond over missing parents.

• Berserk Button: Don't EVER of some sort threaten/hurt children. She would hunt your ass down and maybe kill you if nobody is there to stop her from doing so.

• Beware the Nice Ones: She's usually very sweet and fun until you play with the wrong nerve.

• Break the Cutie: Ultimately her backstory is this. Her parents broke her down, and betrayed her. She was turned into a money-maker tool for both of them. At the orphanage, she wasn’t very liked until she performed (hence why she was dancing and singing) and she had been bullied because of her freckles (including by her former partners)

• Boobs of Steel: She is known for her really large bosom.

• Broken Bird: Some incidents turned her into this, essentially the discovery of her parents’ murdered bodies, the bullying at the orphanage while growing up, the fact her family bailed on her because they were prejudiced, and her break-ups with her former partners.

• Celeb Crush: Sara had an innocent childhood crush on Homelander until the truth was exposed by the Boys. She is between Fear and Arousal.

• Character Tics: Sara tends to blabber and tuck her hair behind her ears under extreme stress to keep herself calm.

• Dating Catwoman: In her case, it’s dating Homelander.

• Deadpan Snarker: Almost every single time she wants to mock/call out someone.

• Family of Choice: Homelander and by extension Dotty her manager.

• Flight: She can fly due to her telekinetic powers.

• Good Is Not Soft: Her pride sometimes makes her prone to a quick temper tantrum that usually ends up with verbal jousts with her partners/friends/family.

• Guy Magnet: Hinted on. Given her godly looks, she does attract a fair share of men and women in both the human population and the others.

• I Am a Monster: She resented being a Super once she learned that she had been injected with compound V.

• Living Legend: She is a megastar.

• Love Hurts: She is dating the most feared/hated man in the whole world. Loving him is definitely about to break her heart.

• Memetic Sex Goddess: In-Universe — and out of Universe!! People just can't help falling for her.

• Ms. Fanservice: She wears very revealing outfits.

• Morality Pet: She and Homelander (sic) serve as each other's Morality Pets. He truly helps her retain some sanity and break her self-destructive behavior when she starts to take that road. She helps him calm down and not give in to his wilder and brutal side when he's ticked off/ pissed off/ about to murder someone. They really keep each other at bay.

• Most Common Superpower: Sara Richardson was never exactly under-endowed.

• Not Afraid of You Anymore: Once they become intimate with him, she joins the club of "Not Scared of Homelander" alongside Butcher and Stan Edgar. Subverted by the fact she still is scared of him.

• Not Quite the Right Thing: She makes many of these types of decisions — for example, her partners are not the best and kindest people. Her last one is literally a homicidal maniac.

• Official Couple: With Homelander.

• Overshadowed by Awesome: For someone who made fun of The Deep for being a joke, she is overshadowed and overpowered by any member of the team. That is because she doesn't train that much and doesn't use her powers to hurt others.

• Power Incontinence: Sara’s telekinesis makes her lactate when she’s under intense stress. She can’t control it.

• Sassy Black Woman: More subtle than most, but she's extremely imperious and willful and has been known to make more than a few sharp remarks, at friends and foes alike.

• Secret Public Identity: She isn’t recognized by people when she goes out. So while she’s not exactly hiding, they don’t recognize her so she’s relatively safe from the public eye.

• Second Love: Homelander will end up being the third person she falls in love with. He might even be her one true love.

• Sympathetic Murder Backstory: Her backstory has her family killed by Vaught.

• Trauma Conga Line: Oh dear. Sara has endured so much pain, loss, and tragedy in her life.

• Technical Pacifist: Subverted because she doesn’t really want to get killed and therefore would never intervene in any fights. She would not instigate any either.

• Twofer Token Minority: Ashley wanted to hire her for this exact reason. She is a very well-known celebrity with a very prolific singing career. Besides, she would be an African-American woman who would become part of the seven.

• The Unfavorite: Sara’s parents didn’t really care about her when she was growing up. They stopped giving her affection as soon as she became a source of income.

• Unkempt Beauty: As Unnamed Girl, Sara wears colorful make-up that covers her freckles but when she is not performing or attending public events, she wears casual clothes and is not recognized. She is still very beautiful.

• Women Prefer Strong Men: Averted. Sara doesn’t really mind the level of power of her lovers. What she really wants is someone who wants her for who she is, flaws and all.

Will Not Tell a Lie: Averted. She basically lies whenever it comes to her feelings or she manages not to tell the whole truth when it can save her life

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