A/ N: part 2: Stumbling. Those kids are not in front of the most powerful being of the universe. -relatively speaking. Death is the most powerful or is he?- and they are very tense because of the fight they just had. What would the Keeper teach them?
Lux was standing tall, a few footsteps away from Tenebrae who had crossed his arms over his chest. He didn't want to look intimated by the creature that appeared in front of them. The keeper of secrets had a golden crown of roses, a long black lace veil that covered their face. It was difficult to know their features, but they seemed to appear soft, round and small. The veil was long enough to cover the rest of their body, body that was itself covered in a thick layer of black fabric that put together made some sort of a toga with a golden belt wrapped around their waist. The only skin Lux and Tenebrae could see was their white with green hues feet. Lux glanced up to the Keeper and crossed her arms over her chest, her eyes flashing brightly and her brows furrowed. Tenebrae was standing tall next to her but despite him being tall, the Keeper was even taller. It was an actual giant which was sitting on a moving ebony wooden throne. They looked down at the pair but didn't move from the chair.
« We have a question. » Tenebrae started, forcing Lux to turn around to look at him. She clenched her fists and furrowed her brows.
« I am aware of this. You have been looking for me for a long time, Son of Death. » They said, grinning behind the veil. They turned their head to look at the puny goddess who was still staring at them with anger in her eyes. « As I am aware you also came with a question in mind. »
« How many answers can we have? » Inquired Lux.
« Many... but you only have one question to ask. » She opened her mouth to protest their words but they kept talking. « I know it sounds unfair, but this is how things work. I will only answer one question and one only. » She looked at Tenebrae and folded her arms above her chest.
« Please...ask them about my attackers...ask them about my memories. I need to remember. »
« You will remember in due time, I would never know how to defeat my father and the likes if I ask about your memory. »
« Are you willing to risk my memories? » She asked, eyes wide open. He looked at her and nodded quietly. Yes, he was. He was willing to risk their love to know how to defeat deities like his father because he knew how valuable this information was. She couldn't understand and he didn't blame her for wanting to regain her identity and the missing memory from her mind but it would come back to her, at least Tenebrae was willing to bet his life on it. « I don't. I don't want to risk that because of a petty feud you have with your father. I would like to. »
Tenebrae touched her hand, causing sparkles to emit from their joint fingers. He held tighter and forced the sparkles to become more intense. In the Astral plane, their hands touching would only sparkle without any consequence. It was just an explosion of light and darkness but here on Earth, their hands touching created something different. Something unexpected. It was enough energy to push them away from one another and make them a nosebleed. The white-haired prince touched his nose but used the fact the goddess had not recovered fully and was half-conscious to ask his question.
« We might not agree on this, but I Tenebrae have a question for you Keeper » Of course, there was a special incantation to say when one wanted to ask the Keeper of Secret a question and Tenebrae learned it a long time ago when he first heard of the entity. « There is an answer to each question and to each question, there is an answer. And the one before me holds the key to knowledge. I bow before thee, Keeper of Secrets, ready to ask the question that burns my lips ever since it existed in my mind. I bow before thee, Keeper of Secrets, ready to know what you know. »
« Then speak son of Death. I am all ears. » The Keeper asked, moving their crooked fingers to encourage the young god to come closer. Tenebrae cleared his throat and looked up to the Keeper.
« I want to know how to kill my father. »
« You cannot. » -The answer was dry. Lux slowly came to her senses and held onto her dress as she knelt. She was too late, Tenebrae had asked his question. It made her groan and she rubbed the back of her neck.
« I can't? » He blinked and straightened up. He put his hands on his waist.
« Yes. You cannot kill a deity like Death or Life. You can't kill Time or Fate. You can't even kill me. When I am on Earth. However, do not look disappointed, child. There is an answer to your question. You can't kill Death but you can defeat him. »
« How can I defeat him? » His eyes turned fully black as he was now curious about what the keeper would tell him. He realized that it was foolish of him for trying to kill Death because ultimately, Death was needed. Tenebrae didn't even consider Lux who was still sitting on her heels. She was awake enough to listen to the conversation between the two deities...
« A long time ago, long before you were even an idea in your father's mind, a similar ritual was performed. To banish a deity as powerful as your father, you will need the Alpha and the Omega, holding hands. They would chant the sacred spell. 'Together, at last, we will banish thee to the Vanishing Point'. You will need the Alpha and the Omega to have a strong connection, a link that can't be defeated. Only their true affection for one another would create a bond strong enough to lock Death away. »
« What's the vanishing point? »
« I have answered your question. » The keeper's voice boomed through the room.
« No. No, you haven't. You left me with more questions. You left me with--- »
All of a sudden, the pair found themselves in the streets once again. Lux had recovered from the little shockwave caused by their mutual touch and she looked at Tenebrae. He was shocked, his eyes returned to the normal black orbs they were as he clenched and unclenched his fists. He was this close to having all the answers yet he didn't have all of them. Was the Keeper lying? Were they trying to mess with the Prince's mind? He kept in mind the answer but who was the Alpha and the Omega? What was the Vanishing point? The white-haired god didn't even have time to think through that Lux slapped him. She didn't even think twice about doing it. He purposely ignored her pleas, sacrificed her memory in order to ask a selfish question and on top of it all, they didn't even have an answer. They were left with more questions. He took the slap, feeling that he deserved at least this and rubbed his skin with his fingers.
« You asked this stupid question. » She blamed him with. He nodded quietly. « You asked this stupid question and now look where we're at! We don't know more than when we went there. I don't remember you. I don't know who I am. I can't figure anything out. Do you know how it feels? Of course not! You never had to experience this! » She accused him of.
« I understand why you're upset and I can't say 'sorry' enough. I disagree, however. We know more than when we went there. We know it happened in the past. We know we need the Alpha and the Omega. We know about the Vanishing point. We'll find those answers. »
« How do you exactly plan to find them? By asking your father? » Tenebrae shook his head but didn't dismiss the possibility to ask his father. He first intended to find the Harpies. They raised him and might be more willing than his father to explain the past to him. She sighed, disappointed and upset at him. « That's what I thought. You don't know. »
« I will find the answers, Lux. For both of us. » She sighed again and flinched when he walked closer. He put his hands on her shoulders, relieved that the shockwave they experienced before didn't happen again.
« Convince me then! Convince me because so far, all I see is a selfish prince who lusts after his father's power. I am just an excuse you use to hide behind. » She spat at him. He shook his head and cupped her cheek, sending shivers down her spine.
« It's not true and you know it. I care about you. I have always cared about you because I love you. »
« I don't know what you're talking about. I can't feel it because I can't remember you. Stop.. stop... » She held onto his chest and leaned her head against his. « I just want to remember everything and help my mother. I want to remember you. » She shut her eyes tight. « I want to remember everything. »
« You will. I promise. »
But it seemed more and more that this was a promise he couldn't keep. Or could he?
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