Saturday, March 3, 2018

Pride and Elpis: short solos

I can feel her growing stronger inside of me.

And I know that soon, her time will come because you will make sure it happens. It feels strange to me, to know that we're getting closer and closer to me losing you. To you erasing my memories and to me starting over as if we'd never met. It's poetic in a way because I would experience the same thing you did, save for me not being able to come back.

I am serene, I know it has to happen but I can't help myself but feel the need to hold onto you tighter, to keep you close and near, to make sure you won't forget me. Does that make me selfish?

I am only human, of course, I'd be.



Pride hates spending time with humans. He wasn't very happy when I suggested we should go out and eat at a restaurant but he did so anyway. I don't understand why he keeps trying to make me happy when he knows I would forget him as soon as his "beloved" would be free. I don't understand why he still tries to make me feel good and safe and protected when he could just....cast a spell on me that would make me bend to his will. He literally just let me be.

Could it be that he likes me? despite him saying the opposite? I would never know. I don't care to be honest. I just want any second he can give me, while I still can.

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