A/ N: finally it's done :)
Sarah Thomas gave an unexpected visit to Oya, telling her that she wanted to return to the Hunter business. Of course, they argued about it, Oya telling her that she didn't really want to become a hunter but felt guilty of not being one. Sarah realized that she didn't want to be a hunter but knew that she had to get her family ready to face the supernatural. After she patched Oya up and took care of her, the blonde returned to Phoenix and Oya came home to recover from her injuries while the brothers wouldn't be home. When Dean came home, she entertained the idea of working again with him because it had been a while since they actually spent time together.
Sarah Thomas gave an unexpected visit to Oya, telling her that she wanted to return to the Hunter business. Of course, they argued about it, Oya telling her that she didn't really want to become a hunter but felt guilty of not being one. Sarah realized that she didn't want to be a hunter but knew that she had to get her family ready to face the supernatural. After she patched Oya up and took care of her, the blonde returned to Phoenix and Oya came home to recover from her injuries while the brothers wouldn't be home. When Dean came home, she entertained the idea of working again with him because it had been a while since they actually spent time together.
They talked about working together again and Oya and Dean finally made room to work Sam got busy helping another hunter who requested his help on a vampire case so he left the bunker. Oya noticed a case that took place in Lawrence, which would be the very first she would investigate at home. The local old people choir lost one of their members who was found stabbed in the back while he was locked in a room. It first was ruled as an accident but after a little digging, Oya discovered that there had been another death occurring five years ago and another one ten years ago, leading her to believe there was a pattern and they should investigate a little more.
The victim's name was John Jr Cena, the previous victim was his father John Sr Cena and after some digging, it turned out that the Cena were given the main control and leadership of the town's local choir in 1977 by the Jonas, previous leaders and the one who created the town's choir decades ago. Oya's first idea was that maybe it was jealousy from another member of the choir, so she tasked Dean with investigating from inside, while she would lead the investigation from the outside and find out the truth about who killed that poor John Cena. Dean didn't like the idea of spending time with an old people's choir. He already imagined it to be a dread but Oya encouraged him to go.
The first contact with the choir went surprisingly well. Donna Cena a fifty years old woman and younger sister of John Cena took a liking in the older Winchester brother. She had a few strands of silver hair that graced her features and was extremely attractive. Her presence in the choir riled up older women who couldn't help but bicker with her or send asinine comments her way. Saying that she should have been the one to die instead of John. The men of the choir seemed to be smitten with her, save for Steve Powell who seemed to hate the woman even more than the female members of the choir. Bored out of his mind with the songs the previous choir leader chose for them, Dean decided to spice things up and have them sing some ACDC songs, which was surprisingly accepted by a large margin, save for Steve.
Meanwhile, Oya visited the Cenas in order to understand what was going on. She was coldly welcomed by a man named Arnold Stranger, who was a distant cousin of John Jr. He explained that he never liked his family obsession with the town's choir. His mother told him the family used to make most of the choir but a tragedy happened in 1979 and most of the family, save for one, survived. Since then, only one family member was chosen to take the leadership of the choir and the other children were free to participate or not. It didn't prevent the deaths from happening and John Jr was the last of the long list of Cenas to have died while leading the choir. When asked about his theory, Arnold said that his family was cursed, the name Cena was cursed since only Cenas died. The offsprings of Cena women who took the names of their spouse didn't die and surprisingly lived longer. He cemented her doubts when he said that Donna was the only living Cena to this day, which made her a target of the vengeful spirit. When asked about the Jonas, Arnold simply claimed that they were friends for generations and that Tibault Jonas was truly Arnold Sr. Best friend and gave the choir willingly and as a gift for Arnold's friendship. With that information, Oya left and returned to the bunker.
Once Dean returned, both talked about their investigations and crossed information. Oya theorized that something happened between the Jonas and the Cenas and one vengeful spirit might have just decided to kill all the Cenas they could find. She realized that at some point, the Jonas were driven out of town and they had to bury their dead elsewhere since they weren't welcome anymore.Their house was sold, burned to the ground and rebuilt. Steve Powell -the resident historian- was the current owner, so Oya decided to break into his house and investigate him while Dean would lead the choir and protect Donna. When he informed her that he was training the choir to sing « Highway to Hell », Oya shook her head.
« I can't believe you made these old people do that. »
« I can't believe you even though I couldn't! » -He teased her with.-
« But they're old people! They can't sing blasphemy like that! » -She was laughing the whole time, thinking of how ridiculous this was. « Oh my god Dean, you're turning them into sinners! »
« Come on! It's a classic! Everybody would rock their jammies if they heard my choir sing like they did! It's really cool! »
« Are you telling me you're going to stay until their gala? » -Dean nodded and grinned broadly. Oya rolled her eyes and dropped dramatically on the bed.- « I see you, you're trying to ruin my fun. »
« I'm not! Oh Dickhead, don't be a baby. I'm just teasing you. »
« You're bad at that, bitch. » He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into a tight hug. « You'll stay and listen to them sing? » She nodded.
« How can I miss it? You're putting all your heart into it. » She turned her head and pressed her lips against his before she finally fell asleep.
As usual, her night was plagued with a nightmare, but Dean quickly succeeded in calming her with his voice and a tighter hug. The next morning, they had breakfast as usual and Oya mentioned her accident with Sarah Thomas and the fact her friend didn't understand how lucky she was. She walked out of that crappy life to start a family. Unlike most people, she was trained to be a hunter and knew about the supernatural so her kids would be better protected as well as her husband. He was being trained by her and so were her kids so they would be better prepared for the threats lurking around. Sarah could have that.
Sure, her brother Joshua became a hunter like their father but Sarah wasn't betraying her dad. If anything, she was making him proud because she could live a decent life. Dean didn't argue with Oya's argument and approved of her reasoning her friend and telling her to not try and act recklessly. However, he ticked when he heard her talk about the life of a hunter. It wasn't that he didn't agree with Oya, quite the contrary, but she seemed to be convinced the life she was leading was just a walk in the Pain Boulevard that even him had to blink at this. Strangely enough, it wasn't that far from his own line of thinking, but to be confronted with it by someone else was a little jarring. He shrugged his shoulders and kissed her back as they parted ways.
The choir was less quiet than Dean first thought they would be. They did put their energy into the training session but as soon as they had paused, people couldn't contain their anger at Donna. It seemed unusual but Dean could briefly notice the shape of a woman bearing a striking resemblance to Steve. As the band couldn't perform well, Dean suggested they took a break and took Steve apart to question him about the town, the story of the choir. As they were talking, Dean noticed that couldn't help himself but show his hatred of the Cenas. He blamed them for the Jonas expulsion and revealed that in 1979, Arnold Sr realized Tibault Jonas was actually a former spy for the KGB and his real name was Tiber Yonnas. Distraught and feeling betrayed, he revealed the information to the two during a gala and since the « red scare » was still very present in people minds, they expelled the Jonas. Steve believed it was an injustice that cursed the name of that family and forced them to hide and lie. And live in fear. Meanwhile, Oya was searching Steve's house. She found an old box hidden in his closet full of pictures of a woman wearing a necklace with a pendant the shape of a dove and an infant who looked just like Steve. There were many documents in the box but a death certificate caught her attention. « Sybelle Powell, born Thomas ». it all made sense and she dropped everything to run to the choir's house.
As Steve became angrier and started to shift his attention to his own situation, Dean started to piece everything together. He received a text from Oya saying she was on her way and knew who the ghost was. It only was after the man yelled that Donna kept the family tradition of ruining lives because she wanted to destroy the choir since she saw no use of it. He then ran away and the spirit manifested. Donna was alone in the main room, looking at a shrine filled with memorabilia of the choir. Among the objects, there was the necklace Oya had seen before on the picture. She was attacked by the ghost and screamed as she tried to escape.
Dean arrived and helped hold the ghost until Oya arrived The spirit was strong, and after throwing Dean against walls and breaking the window that protected the memorabilia, Oya arrived. She noticed the necklace and grabbed it. The ghost noticed and started to chase after her. Dean put Donna in a safe place before he ran after the ghost and Oya. He taunted the ghost, forcing it to pay attention to him so he could buy Oya some time to destroy the necklace. The vengeful spirit was tough, but Dean was able to hold his own, although, he did bleed from the top of his head. Oya started to burn the necklace, causing the creature to writhe in pain. She tried to attack the ebony hunter, but Dean had Oya's back so he was able to keep the ghost busy with him. As soon as the artifact was burned to a crisp Dean and Oya looked at each other. The ghost was defeated and a traumatized Donna Cena and Steve Powell had witnessed everything.
Steve explained the part of the story he left. His mother was the daughter of Arnold Sr. She witnessed her family being torn to pieces and forced to leave. She watched her father's health decline to the point of him dying and vowed to make the Cenas suffer. She was a witch and cast a spell that decimated all but one Cena family member. Her curse caught her a few years later, after the birth of her son Steve. She demanded her body be burned but her son kept her necklace. When he saw that John mock his family, he lost it and the spirit of his mother manifested. She killed John and decided to kill Donna as well. When he realized what the generational hatred could do to him, Steve decided to stop holding grudges against Donna and the woman decided she would not end the choir.
The choir resumed training and a few days later, at the due date, the gala took place. Dean appointed Donna as the new choir leader so he would attend the event as the audience. Oya and he sat on the front row and enjoyed the show. At some point, Donna turned and looked at Dean who nodded his approval and gave her a thumb up for their rendition of AC/DC classics. Oya was impressed, so impressed that she wrapped her arm around his and leaned her head against his shoulder to enjoy the rest of the recital. As they returned to the bunker, the hunter hummed a few notes.
«Gotcha! » Dean said, making her blush and shake her head.
« What are you talking about? » -She shrugged-
« You're singing their songs! You can't ever say you don't like them! »
« You're the only one who loves them here, Dean! » She said, grinning and shaking her head. « I don't care about the band. »
« But you're singing. » He wrapped his arms around her waist.
« But I'm singing. » She smiled and held onto his arms. « Well done, Dickhead. You did a wonderful job. »
« Do I smell some Pride? » He lifted a brow. « Are you proud of me? » Oya poked his shoulder.
« I am proud of you. » She cupped his cheeks and pressed her lips against his. « Well done Mr. Winchester. »
« I think we should celebrate. » He kissed her lips against and the two went back to the bunker.
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