(SOA): The queen and King are back.
A/N: Finally xD 

She didn't believe it when the sons started to celebrate and excitedly started to decorate and clean around. She didn't believe it when the pretty pistons came to her and asked for her help. "a homecoming ceremony"? really? Abel and Thomas were all over the place, excited beyond reason because they were told their father was coming home. Everyone was agitated, but amidst the chaos, there was some order. everyone knew what to do and how to do it. Everyone except Asma.
She had issues digesting what happened a few months ago, with Jessica disappearing and nobody telling her shit about it. She had issues going to prison to visit Blondie. Her tears couldn't be contained, her fears were plastered all over her face, but she held on, she smiled. however fake that smile was, she still smiled.
Tig wasn't around, he sometimes stopped by, but she could tell by the face he made that something important was to happen. Maybe he was involved in the neighboring towns' mayhem that was broadcasted all over the news. Maybe he was just conducting business as usual..; she had no clues and it was starting to become overwhelming. How could she marry a man who would keep her in the dark regarding his activities? why were they treating her like a kid? she didn't agree with it, not anymore and plenty of times, she had packed her bags and tried to leave.
To no avail.
She didn't want to leave. She never wanted to leave. So she found herself sitting in her bedroom, with her bags almost ready to go and tears on her face. she ended up crying because that was the only sane thing she could do during all this madness. Jessica's whereabouts were uncertain, she didn't call, she never texted... part of Asma knew she came back to do business...she knew. that part wasn't a problem. what was an issue was the level of danger she didn't know. Just how dangerous was the job? what chances did she have to come back alive? How could ASma lie to the kids when she didn't know if their mom would come back alive?
Not knowing was driving her crazy and upon learning that the queen and the king would come back, she couldn't really explode with joy. she wanted to, she wished she could just put a smile on her face and pretend that the past couple of months were easy peasy... but she couldn't lie.
"Bella?" -Tig's voice almost made her scream since she did not hear him come home.- "What's all this? you wanted to leave?"
"Even if I wanted to leave, I just can't. How can you call me your old lady if I know nothing? If you push me away from your actual life?"
"We talked about this, Bella." -he was firm in his tone. they had this conversation over and over again. she should know by now that he didn't want to involve her in the club's activities. she had enough on her plate as it was-
"I know.....We did." She sighed and wiped the tears off of her face. She knew he would want to talk about the bags, but today wasn't the right moment to talk about it. Tig would have to wait. "Where is Jessica?"
"Her place." He watched as she stood up and grabbed her purse. "I won't let you drive when you're shaking like that."
"I do what I want!" Asma replied, wiping her face clean. "And right now, I have to go see her and tell her my two cents..."
"Jax is coming home today. don't go there and ruin the mood."
But she wasn't listening anymore. Tig thought she would be happy to see him, he wished she would be but she didn't even acknowledge his presence. He wanted to talk about the bags, about her desire to leave and the sadness that laced her voice when she said she didn't feel welcome. he knew she hated the situation but feared she would not want him anymore. She rushed to her car and drove to JJ's home where everyone was busy preparing for the party. She waved at everyone, but her eyes scanned the place in search of the brunette and when chocolate locks finally popped near Ava and Abel, Asma simply walked closer.
Jessica was helping her little girl put her shoes on while keeping an eye on the youngest boy when she heard the familiar steps. Abel pointed at Asma with the big smile he always had when he saw her and Winston rushed to rub his body against her legs. It was Asma, no doubt about it.
"Asma..." Her voice was laced with apologies because she knew it was the least she could do to soothe her sister's heart.
"You're home." Was all Asma could say before she unclenched her fists and dropped her shoulders. "You're home," she repeated to herself. the heavyweight she had been carrying for months finally made itself felt and while extreme joy could be read on her face, she was devastated. Abel gently patted the stairs so Asma could join them there but Jessica stood up.
"I am. I'm home now." Her cerulean eyes were shifting from left to right as she wasn't sure she could face her sister, but she had to, so she turned around. "I'm sorry. I know you're hurt because of me... but I'm home now."
She didn't wait for an answer and wrapped her arms around Asma's frame to pull her into a tight hug. At first, Asma struggled against it, she was upset, confused, sad but relieved and that had her wrap her arms around Jessica's waist. Her sister was back, and alive. and while there would be a moment to sit and talk about what happened, and why she kept her in the dark for so long, today was about celebrating. so they were going to celebrate. The Queen and King of Charming were back home today.
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