Monday, October 2, 2023

A vintage's touch: Mary's soliloquy.

 Mary tied her nightgown around her waist. She walked into her bedroom and used a towel to dry her curly hair.  She looked at the empty bedroom and chewed at her bottom lip. Tommy had been away for a couple weeks by now and the nurse felt lonely. Their bed was empty, cold and Mary couldn't sleep because Tommy wasn't there. It happened a lot, his absence. Tommy was so focused on his work that he sometimes forgot about himself, and his family. What could she do to make him take a break? What could she do, to make him stop working and give some time to his family? She was missing him and her hands gently pressed her stomach. She was missing his arms around her waist and his lips to her neck. She was missing his scent, a mix of menthol, tobacco, and musk. She was missing his voice in her ear and his warmth against her body. 

A soft smile graced her features and the nurse sat on the bed. She would make him realize that he needed to spend time with their family, and build a bond with his son and with her too. She would go to his workplace, and demand an audience just so they could speak to each other. Mary bit her bottom lip and brushed the sheets of their bed. Tommy was hiding something, she could tell. He was so lost in his mind that the nurse believed he was going through something and he didn't tell her. She could tell he was upset, worried even and he refused to tell her why. Perhaps, he didn't want to worry her. perhaps... he didn't know what he was going through. Either way, Mary wanted to help him. She would... yes, she would.  

She clenched her fingers on the sheets and felt her lips tremble. What of her? what about her?  There was a joy she couldn't fully describe, a joy to have Tommy in her life but there was also a fear that clung to her guts and squeezed her heart. She was worried about him more than she was worried about herself but there would be a time when the young woman would faint from exhaustion. She was stretched thin and wasn't able to see it. 

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