Monday, October 2, 2023

Doya: In the line of work

In her line of work, Oya often had to think about her own mortality and the meaning of life. She didn't have any answer to the following question: "Why are we alive?" what was the real purpose of humans? She only knew something: all that people wanted (and some monsters) was to be happy. They wanted to live a life they would be happy with. They wanted to be with family, they wanted to be with friends. They wanted to enjoy their time on Earth with a sated heart and a brain filled with happy memories.

Oya knew what she wanted. she knew what she would want from this life...she wanted to protect people and save them from monsters that shouldn't have been released to this world, to begin with. She wanted to return to her family, to enjoy some time with them. Dean, Sam, and Castiel were all she needed and all she could ever want in this life. Those she cared about died already, and all she wished was for them to peacefully exist in the afterlife and watch over her. Oya was fine with her mortality, she knew she wasn't immortal and someday, she would have to die. All she hoped for was that she had lived a satisfying life and she wouldn't have any regrets.

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