Monday, October 2, 2023

TB: the Matters of the heart

Sara tilted her head to the side. She listened to the music played at the restaurant, tapping her fingers in tune with the beat. It was a nice evening, she was on her own but she didn't care. It felt good. She was free. Nobody knew she was Unnamed Girl and that allowed her to have some privacy, some time for herself. 

Sara was wondering why she bought Homelander some new clothes. What could possibly prompt her to do something like this for someone she had just met? Sara was unable to answer the question. She simply felt a connection with him. A connection she couldn't explain. A link so raw, so powerful that she was drawn to him regardless of his crimes and unhinged behavior. She liked him. She said so. 

Sara wasn't ready yet, to discuss the matters of the heart, mostly because she was trying to protect herself. She only dated three people and had a few one-night stands in between them. Three... and all three were messed up. One turned into a drug addict and vanished from her life. The other manipulated her and dumped Sara because she couldn't deal with her celebrity. The last one.. Brett... He left her because she was too much for him to handle. Deep down, he was intimidated by her fame and would rather date a regular person, to feel superior. All three broke her heart. What could guarantee that Homelander would not? 

Still... She couldn't help but act in such a way that if she was critical of herself, that implied she was giving him a chance. She was going to see how things would go and she would fall for him if he was sincere and if he cared enough for her to treat her right. Sara didn't ask for more. She just wanted to be loved. To be seen... to be cared for and protected. She wanted someone who would make sure harm never came her way and if it did, they would face it with her, together. So... She bought him clothes because she cared for him because she wanted him to experience something different. Because she wanted him to feel more like himself, his real self."

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