Monday, October 2, 2023

Klasma: Don't come closer

*Witchy Hour*

Don't come closer or you'll prick your finger. 

I am like a Rose. Ethereal beauty, seductress extraordinaire.

I am like a Vine. Thick, heavy, and prickly. Oh, I sting! oh, I tear!

Don't come loser cause I am a monster. 

I see myself as a monster, for the constant pain I feel. 

I see myself as a beast, with anger lying beneath the skin.

Under the surface, there is an abyss, a black hole of solitude

A pit of despair, an unlimited supply of tears, mine or yours...

Don't come closer or you'll prick your finger.

I protect my heart, I keep it safe, wrapped in barbed wire. 

I protect my soul or the shell of what it used to be.

And I pretend I do not care, and I pretend I do not see. 

I pretend I am heartless, cold, and distant, 

yet all I want, all I ever really wanted was just...

Don't come closer, I'll break your heart.

Don't come closer, I'll break your soul. 

Don't come closer... Or maybe do. 

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