-Witchy hour-
Alas, poor unfortunate soul! How does it feel to realize that you've been used and manipulated by your only friend over the centuries? Your strong desire to help lost you and Elijah managed to make you believe you were in debt. How does it feel to hear that he had never considered you as a friend but rather a tool, or an asset? Something to use so he could keep an eye on his family and protect them. He didn't even mention your name. He never ever spent more time with you but oh, he loved telling you about his belles and the women he fell head over heels with. what were you for him? What was your worth if not your utility?
It hurts. it hurts. I know it does. He was the reason you were cursed in the first place and he never cared for you. You were convenient, you were available. and you were a fool to believe you were in love. Solitude made you think so. A desperate need for company and for physical touch made you believe you were in love with him, besides he saved you eons ago. That had to count for something, right,
Yet he hurt you. He still does. The curse makes it that you can't wear silver or drink vervain. It makes it so you can't befriend humans, let alone werewolves, vampires, and witches. you are their mortal enemy and an abomination to take down. Elijah hurt you because the curse is painful. every emotion has a physical impact, torment inflicted the more you feel negative feelings. Unbelievable pain that could only be relieved when good things happen. when your heart is sated and happy. when you feel good, which you haven't in centuries. All because of Elijah. All because of your kindness.
And now? now you're still kind. You bonded with Klaus. you started the cycle again. Are you sure he's not going to make you suffer? He is self-destructive, you know it, you feel it and yet, times and times again you choose to go against me, against Fate. Times and times again you make the boldest decisions that could end up tearing you apart or saving you. Times and times again. I'm curious now, little Witch. I'm curious now about what's going to happen. Perhaps I would relish in your pain once again. Perhaps.
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