Monday, October 2, 2023

chronicles of the primeval gods: Life of Elpis: I find comfort in your pain.


"I find comfort in your pain, brother. 

Knowing you are devoured by your guilt soothes my heart.

I am convinced there is cosmic justice, 

a justice that leaves no bad deed unpunished.

You tore my heart apart and violated the trust I had.

you cursed me in a never-ending cycle of pain

that erased my memory from all but you and our sister. 

You took everything, even my Superbia from me. 

All because you wanted me. 

All because you lusted after me. 

You coward! You weakling! 

you pretend you are the new All-Father 

yet all I see is a man-child who refused to grow. 

All I see is a manipulative asshole who wanted to force his love. 

You never could. You never could because I didn't choose you. 

And now that I am free, you wallow in your guilt, you fear me. 

you fear my wrath, you fear my justice and you are right to.

What I have in store (and what Pride has for you) is worse than you.

It's worse than anything you've ever known. 

I cannot wait for the day to come.

The day we cross paths again.

Your judgment day" 

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