Saturday, May 18, 2024

Doya: Oya's greatest fear

One of Oya's greatest fears was to become so comfortable in her situation that she would stop being careful. She would gain too much confidence in their ability to survive the odds. She would become more reckless and with a blink of an eye, she would lose everything. In their line of work, they couldn't be careless. They had to be ready for the other shoe to drop. Joshua was too comfortable and he ended up crippled so severely that he couldn't go on the field anymore. Sarah was trying her best to keep her eyes peeled to protect her family but she was the one who warned Oya about being too comfortable. 

Yes, her kids and husband could notice supernatural creatures. Yes, they could defend themselves now after an intense training. Yes she felt relieved in knowing they wouldn't be helpless against  the monsters they might encounter but still... still.. She found herself feeling too comfortable at times and that was where they were the most vulnerable. Oya was no exception to the rule. She had to be careful at all times if she didn't want to lose her family. 

The honeymoon -not the official name of Dean and Oya's little getaway trip- was making her feel comfortable. For a hot minute, she forgot that they weren't 100% safe from an attack. She forgot that they would have to wake up and work every single day of their lives until their demise. Yet, it felt good to be able to wake up and go on about their business as if there was no danger lurking in the darkness. It felt good to have simple desires, to wake up and enjoy the day as if they weren't one bloodbath away. She enjoyed to be pain-free for a couple days, a luxury for hunters. A luxury for her. A comfortable life where the only worry she had was to cuddle her husband. Still... Deep down, she couldn't fully relax. She couldn't truly ignore the truth of the world and the supernatural surrounding them. But what if she did?

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