Friday, May 17, 2024

Lux Adora: An old face

// Just wanted to try my hand at my little Lux. 


Lux crossed her legs and pushed her sunglasses up the bridge of her nose. She played with her ring, a blessed artifact that allowed her to day walk. She dressed casually, which was odd for a creature that loved fancy clothes. Instead of luscious and frilly dresses, she opted for black pants with a white vest and a silky white blouse. Her red hair was tied in a high ponytail and her feet were adorned by a pair of black stilettos.  Her head was heavy with worries. Her Fath---Sire had become more and more unhinged. He tried to lock her in their current home, He was constantly restless and with a very volatile temper. It became challenging to talk to. How could she convince him to let her explore the world and resume her life instead of hiding from an unknown threat? Why didn't he want to talk to her? Who would possibly want to attempt on their lives if not vampire hunters? Weren't her Sire powerful enough to get rid of them? Wasn't she powerful enough to handle them herself?  

" You don't have to hide Alceste. I know you're here." -She whispered, slowly rubbing her finger around the rim of her glass-

"I wonder what betrayed me this time." -He chuckled and pulled a chair towards him so he could sit on it.-

Alceste was a handsome young man, forever stuck in his 20's he had luscious brown hair that teased his shoulders and beautiful blue eyes. He always dressed his best and followed the latest fashion trends, hence why he picked a well-cut black suit that fitted him to perfection. He looked at Lux and lifted a brow, noticing she wasn't dressed in her usual fancy attire. If he didn't know better, he would have thought that she couldn't find anything that suited her but that wasn't the case. She deliberately decided to dress like this. 

"Your footsteps. They are very distinct, I could recognize you anywhere." -She mentioned, tilting her head towards him so he could see her flash a grin.- "Why are you here? Is Father sending you?"

"You know damn well that if he did, I would have been far more violent with you."

"Aaawww, Alceste, how cute of you." -She lifted a brow- "I would give you points for trying though." -She kept running her finger over the rim of the glass.-

Alceste furrowed his brows, annoyed at her subtle jab at him and his powers. Yes, Lux was far more powerful than she let on, but he wasn't weak either. They fought a couple times in the past, starting from the day they met for the first time.  She cultivated her power and grew even more powerful as time went by. Alceste knew better than to tackle her without any preparation. She knew his frustration about their power gap and was amused by it. On another day, she would have teased him about it, but she was far too preoccupied to indulge in her favorite pastime.

"Lux. I am not looking for a fight.  Father has been asking about you for weeks, so I decided to search for you."


"And... I wanted to ask you why you left us." -She furrowed her brows and put both arms on the table.- "That is how Father feels about your absence. He worries that something might happen to you."

"If it does I can handle it.  Father is always speaking as if I was made of glass. I am not going to break, Alceste. /I/ am going to break anyone who comes my way." -She wrinkled her nose and flashed her fangs in a smirk-

"I know you're powerful, you don't need to convince me, Lux. You vanished without leaving a message. You last tried to contact us a few weeks ago. I don't know if you're upset with me, or with Father.. and if so, why would you be? He is looking out for us."

"He is suffocating us! He's never warned us about vampire hunters like this before. He's never considered humans to be a threat. All of a sudden we have to hide and cower in the dark? Either he knows something we don't, or he's losing his mind. Which is which?"

"He has not lost his mind, sister. I think he might be hiding something from us. You assume that the enemy is human... But what if it was supernatural? What if we had to face werewolves, witches... and I don't know what else?" -He curbed a brow and grabbed her glass of wine to take a sip from it-

"Nonsense! there is a truce between our species. To say otherwise would mean that we're on the brink of a war. Do you realize what that means?" Her red eyes flashed a bright light and she tapped her fingers against the table-

A war? A war in the supernatural world? It couldn't be. If there was a war, then they shouldn't be hiding but rather participate in the war, gather with their kin, and organize their defense. She would have felt it while walking the Earth. She would have noticed it. Lux prided herself in being clever and observant. A piece of the puzzle was missing and she had no idea of what it could be. A war would be a catastrophe for every supernatural creature and she couldn't see what would be the benefit of having one, especially with the threat of hunters.  Lux was cocky but she wasn't stupid, humans had the means to defeat her, with one clever plan and a flawless execution she could be dead and if they could come up with a plan to defeat her, they would come up with a plan to destroy the rest of the supernatural world. Why would they risk it?  She pinched her lips together and crossed her legs. Alceste noticed she was even more nervous given the way she was tapping her nails against the table. 

"I understand what it means. I do not think that the supernatural world is going to war. However, Father is terrified. Something is coming for us and he wants to make sure that you're safe."

"I would not come back until I know for sure what he is hiding from us. Keep your eyes peeled, Alceste, because if even Father doesn't want to tell us what he's afraid of, then the threat is bigger than we can imagine. Nothing human... Maybe not supernatural... Perhaps he's worried about his own Sire."

"An even older vampire? Does it exist? I thought they had all been killed."

"Perhaps... Perhaps not. We weren't there so what exactly do we know about who's dead and who's alive? Rumors have it that the prime vampire is still alive but still sleeping and would only awake when we would need him. Rumors have it... that older vampires were not all killed, so who knows? Watch after Father, brother. I would find out what is going on and when I have, I would find you again."

He put his hand over hers, his blue orbs stared at her face and he gently stroked the back of her hand. She averted her eyes from their hands to his face, meeting his worried gaze. Where was the annoying brother who couldn't wait for her to leave their home? Where was the stubborn vampire who thought he was better than her and wanted to prove himself to their Sire? Instead, Alceste was a worried creature, with a strain on his face she had not noticed before. He usually had a smirk on his face and an air of superiority that rarely vanished, so to see him feel this upset, and twisted her intestines. She smiled at him and removed her hand to pay and stand up. 

"Lux..." -She glanced at him.- "Father misses you. He laments your absence every single day so perhaps, before you go, you could say something for him?"

"Always so sentimental.." She shook her head and gave him a soft smile. "Tell Father that when I see a sparrow, it reminds me of him."

And before he could say anything about it, Lux had walked away from the table. Despite her behavior, she was actually happy to see her sibling. They argued a lot but they cared for one another. She was pleased to see him but it only increased her worries. Something was brewing in the air.  Something sinister.

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