Friday, February 28, 2025

Klasma: jealousy

Lucius finally found the Hybrid and his witch. He decided to watch them from afar as he wasn't ready for a direct confrontation just yet. It irritated him to watch her smile as if she had no care in the world. She was smiling and laughing with that abomination. She held his hand and gave him a warm smile, far warmer than she ever gave the werewolf. He noticed her arousal in the way she was giving small pants and sighs. He noticed the way her cheeks turned darker as she blushed, and he noticed the way her chest heaved up and down at a fast pace.  It made him feel a pang in his heart as jealousy was taking over. It should have been him. She should have felt this way for him, not for Klaus Mikaelson! Who did he think he was? Just because he was an Original and the first Hybrid didn't give him the right to look down on others. Lucius had been a general; he had marked his times. What had Klaus done if not ruin the world for the rest of them? Klaus was nothing but blood, sweat, and tears. He was nothing but a fraud, and the sight of him was killing him. Lucius' blue eyes wandered from her face to her cleavage, and he noticed how elegant yet tantalizing she looked. 

His eyes couldn't tear off of her curves or the soft skin of her neck. He wanted to bite it. He wanted to mark her and make sure that Klaus knew she was Lucius's and no one else's. It was irritating him to watch as she was practically begging Klaus to fuck her that night. Her eyes were almost glowing. She kept biting her bottom lip and touching her neck as if she wanted to invite him to bite her and taste her blood.  Her natural scent was being overtaken by the scent of her arousal, and it was taking his whole attention not to give into his own arousal. The werewolf was on edge. His breathing was labored. He was holding onto his beer, and his right leg was bouncing against the table. He wanted to turn and pounce on her. He would have if Klaus was not here. He would have pushed her against a wall and would have tried to have his way with her. Why didn't he do it when she was still in his care?  Perhaps he cared too much about her comfort to indulge his own desires, or perhaps he hoped she would give in to him without him making efforts to get it. Either way, he didn't do anything, and now she had left him and belonged to another. Insulting! 

He couldn't bear the sight before him. He couldn't bear watching Klaus touching /his/ witch. He couldn't bear the sight of her nearly in heat without being the one to quench her thirst. He couldn't! He wanted to be the one to push everything on that table off of it so he could bend her over the table and slide his cock inside her tight little cunt. He wanted to growl in her ear, obscenities that would come to him naturally. How many times did he accidentally hear her jerk off in her room? How many times did he hear her wet fingers slip in and out of her wet cunt at night? He wanted to be the one touching her. He needed to be the one to make her moan and squirm. He knew she tasted good, but he wanted to taste it himself. He was plagued with daydreams and fantasies of the witch bouncing on his thick cock, scratched by his claws, bruised because he wouldn't go easy on her, her mind completely wrecked because of the pleasure he would give her. He wanted to see her in her full glory. He needed to, but the reality of things painted a different picture. He lost her because he wanted to use her as a weapon and made it clear to her rather than being subtle about it. He lost her because he didn't treat her correctly. 

He lost her, but he needed to make things right. 

He needed to take her back, and it would start by getting rid of Klaus Mikaelson. 

Now, the only thing missing was a plan to make it happen. 

TB: It's a cruel world, Sara -Sage x Sara-

"What's your goal, Sara?" -Sage's voice pierced the silence nicely settled in the laundromat.- 

It startled Sara, who gasped and turned around to face the person talking to her. It was a familiar face, despite never having met in person. Sara was certain she had already seen her somewhere, maybe on TV. As her mind tried to figure out the identity of the person talking to her, her eyes never left her.  The woman before her was wearing a long grey T-shirt and a pair of khaki cargo pants. She seemed innocuous, but something sinister was pervading the air. Sara knew by then that people were always more than they looked. She addressed her by name and stood there alone, confident as if she knew something she shouldn't. As if she had figured Sara out. Being careful, the singer decided to play dumb at first. 

"I'm sorry, have we met before? I don't remember you." She plastered a fake smile on her lips and decided to treat her like a fan of Unnamed Girl who had found where the megastar lived-

"We've never met; that's why.  I think I haven't been clear enough before, so let me rephrase my question. What's your goal with Homelander, Unnamed Girl?"

Sara froze. How did she know her secret identity? Who was this woman? Her eyes grew wide, and she took a couple of steps back, hitting the washing machine with her back. The woman who was wearing dreadlocks had a pair of sunglasses on and seemed so nonchalant about everything that crossed the distance between the two of them, making Sara feel cornered. She could have left right now, but if she exposed her powers, it would confirm to the woman that she was Unnamed Girl, and that was something Sara didn't want. 

"I am not Unnamed G--"

"Stop playing with me. I know that she's your alter ego, Sara. I also know that you're dating Homelander. Did you really think that it would go unnoticed by me? I get it; you started seeing each other before I was recruited. I get it. you wanted your relationship to be secret so you wouldn't have to deal with Ashley and her schemes or the press and their bullshit. I get it. But now? I need to know exactly what that relationship you have is about."

Sara panicked. She couldn't help but frantically start to tuck her hair behind her ears.  She didn't know how to get herself out of that situation because she felt exposed. Even if that woman was bluffing, Sara's reaction betrayed the truth. She couldn't keep her hands off of her hair and couldn't pretend that this woman before her was talking nonsense. What did she want? Sara was starting to wonder if she wanted money or maybe power over her. Should she kill her? The laundromat was empty right now, but it only was a matter of time before someone came back in. It was too risky to try anything and she couldn't fucking focus on her powers to use them correctly. Instead, she was frozen on the spot and unable to tear her eyes off of the woman. Where did she see her again? Her face was way too familiar for her to ignore.  Sara's eyes went from left to right and she looked up to her face. Sage! She was Sister Sage! She was the most intelligent person in the whole world, and lying to her was fruitless. 

"I remember where I saw your face. You're Sister Sage!"

"Sage! Just..... Sage." She dryly said.

"Sage! I knew it!" She ran her hand through her hair and chewed at her bottom lip.- "Why are you here?"

"I am the one who asked you a question first! " she pointed out and crossed her arms above her chest. "So be a good girl, Sara, and answer me!" 

"Why do you care?"-Sara defiantly asked, her black eyes slowly turning purple. Sage didn't budge. She expected Sara to try and show some bite, so it made her grin-

"I like to know things, especially about Homelander. I'd also want to know your end goal with him."

"My end goal?" -Sara scoffed and lifted a brow.- "My end goal? Not only do you come here, uninvited, but you start to spout my secret identity out loud because you fucking want to show off that you have a big brain? And you dare accuse me of having an end goal with the man I'm dating?? Sis, I'm sorry but I'm not giving you a pass because you're his right-hand man or whatever bullshit you're doing over there!" She straightened up, furious by the implication that she was not genuine with Homelander. She was, and she refused to be treated like a thief or a gold digger. Sage curbed a brow and then started to laugh-

"Am I supposed to be scared right now?" -Sara wasn't terrifying, at least not with the current display of emotions. If anything, it indicated that she had some spunk and an ego sufficiently big for her to react the way she did. Good! Sage could work with that.-

"Bitch, cut the crap! You think that I'm not a threat, that I'm a coward who would rather leave than fight, and in most cases, you'd be right! I don't like to get involved in bullshit and even less to put my life in danger. But here's where you're wrong about me! I don't play when it comes to kids, to Ryan, and to Homelander!" Her eyes flashed a bright purple light, and she pointed to the washing machines that started to shake. She was ready to use her powers against Sage if that could put that threat down. Sage didn't flinch, but she made mental notes about the whole situation-" You want to know what's the deal with Homelander and me? He's the man I love. He's the man I want to live with until one of us or both of us die. He's the man I will protect at /any/ cost! So let me make myself perfectly clear! You're not going to threaten me and get away with it! You're not going to threaten him with my life, and you're certainly not going to use me for whatever petty gain of yours!" 

Sara's anger was palpable. The washing machine at the extreme right of her started to crumble into itself, crushed by the supe's telekinesis. Sage realized that she had struck a nerve rather than intimidated Sara, which made her reconsider her approach to the young woman. She put her hands up, in a clear sign of surrender, and shook her head. No. She didn't want to threaten Sara when she came there. She wanted to see how the woman would react under pressure, and she also wanted to know how serious this relationship with Homelander was. Sara answered both her questions with her reaction, and in a bid to calm the supe down, Sage tried to appear harmless to her. She was bothered a little bit because, despite her beauty, Sara was far from being an airhead. She clocked her act rather quickly, and that could prove to be bothersome in the future. Could it be that her time at the orphanage helped Sara see past the smoke? Her reflection would have to be paused to calm Sara first. 

" Calm down. I didn't want to offend you. It's just that Homelander has been really secretive regarding his relationship with you. He has not said a thing to the seven and has not said a thing to me. I figured it out by myself, and I wanted to know exactly what was going on between you two. I'm not Ashley, I don't care about PR, and I don't want to get in the way of your relationship. But you have to be prepared, Sara. Our enemies aren't a walk in the park. Butcher and the Boys, if they learn about your existence, they are going to use you as a pawn. They'll turn you into a bargaining chip for Homelander."

"Do you think I don't know that? Even without Homelander, I already had my fair share of enemies. Some I even dated. I'm not so blind or naive to think that the most powerful man in the world doesn't have enemies who would want him dead. I know, Sage. I know about the boys, and I know that I have a target on my back because I love Homelander. I even started training more seriously just in case."

"Impressive.... But that's not enough. It's a cruel world, Sara, and if you aren't careful, you'll be swallowed whole." -She sounded almost sympathetic, but Sara felt nauseous upon hearing the woman talk. Nothing she said was genuine. Nothing she said was meant with actual care for her. She did perceive some condescension and that pissed her off-

"Oh! Here you go, lecturing me about the evil of the world as if I didn't know that already. Do you think I was born with a silver spoon in my fucking mouth? Do you think I don't know how cruel that world is already? Quit with he fake concern! I know you don't care! You come here and judge me because what?  Girl, I was given Compound V at 3 years old! I survived that shit! My powers manifested at 5! I relentlessly trained because my parents wanted me to become their cash cow. Did you think they loved me? Mom was too enamoured with money and dad with fame to give a shit about me. My family? They are a bunch of hypocritical religious nuts. They abused me and refused to take me in when my folks were killed by Vaught. I won't even give you the joy to know what happened to me from the moment I stepped into that orphanage up until today! But I have seen up close and personal how cruel this world can be, and I refuse to let it stop me from being happy!  So cut the fucking crap and tell me exactly why you're here."

The washing machine she crushed crumbled again, leaving nothing but a flat blob of metal on the floor. The electric surge made the lights flicker, and the other machines kept shaking. Sara wasn't joking anymore, and Sage realized that if she lost complete control of the situation, perhaps Sara would actually hurt her. So she took a deep breath and kept her hands up. 

"Touché! You're far clever than I gave you credit for, and I apologize for underestimating you. You're right. I wanted something when I came here. At first, I wanted you to stop seeing Homelander because I thought you were a liability to him. but after meeting you, I changed my mind and wanted to see if you were ready to face the ugliness lurking in the dark."

"And what do you think, Sage?" -Sara emphasized her name as if to tell her that she wasn't scared of her. Sage grinned and put her hands on her waist-

"I think you have some spunk. You are determined to protect Homealnder, and it was what I wanted to see. I do have to warn you though, Butcher has lost his freaking mind and if he gets his hands on you, you're as good as dead."

"I will give him hell then." -Sara's response was almost immediate. She then narrowed her gaze and pinched her lips together- "I am not convinced that you've been really truthful with me. It's fair; nobody ever bares their soul to anyone. I wouldn't blame you for wanting to protect yourself. However, Sage, if I see that you're using Homelander and you would not hesitate to throw him under the bus, I will make sure that you won't be able to use that brain of yours for the rest of your life. So be careful, sis.... Thread carefully." -Sara grabbed her bag of clean laundry and walked past Sister Sage.- "And one more thing. If there is a leak about my true identity, I would know it is you, and I will come for you. So you better keep your mouth shut!- She said before she left the laundromat in a hurry. 

Sage curbed a brow and shrugged. This whole exchange really went sideways, didn't it? She thought she had the upper hand and had managed to scare the singer, but it backfired on her. In truth, Sage was a bit flabbergasted at the reactions she got out of Sara Richardson, but she also learned new valuable information. Sara was genuinely in love with Homelander, given how far she was ready to go to protect him. She also was far more cunning than Sage gave her credit for, which meant that if she wanted to use her as a pawn, she had to change the way she went about it. She had to plan better. Sara was quite a traumatized person, which she could exploit for her benefit. After all, she lacked love and, given her career of choice and determination to keep her private life protected, it was clear that she didn't want to disappoint anyone. A people-pleaser? Much certainly! She had some bite, but Sage was the smartest person, and she knew exactly how she could use it to her advantage. It was a little challenge, which brought a smirk to Sage's face. 


Thursday, February 27, 2025

Peaky Blinders: She couldn't be there for him.

Mary leaned against the dining room door. Her arms were crossed above her chest, and she held a glass of wine.  It had been weeks since she last saw Tommy Shelby, and she had no bloody idea of where he was or what he was doing. Polly told her that it was business related, and Mary took it at face value but somehow.... She knew something was wrong. He had been spending more time away from home, and when she managed to see him, he was having more and more trouble hiding the fact that he couldn't keep track of time. He simply couldn't. Was he sick? Was he overwhelmed? Mary had no way to know the answers to her questions, and it was starting to weigh on her. Most people would say it was because she felt lonely, and, truth be told, she did feel lonely at times.  However, her worries were more about Tom's whereabouts and if he was doing well or if he needed help. They survived several attacks on their family, and Mary was still worried that Tom found his match and lost the fight to this person. So yes, she was worried about him more than she felt alone. 

It was well into the night, so Charlie was sleeping already, but she still remembered his disappointed face when she told him that his father was not home for the night. He didn't put up a fight and simply shrugged his shoulders. "Daddy is never home. I guess we'll have to wait." She tried to comfort him, but no matter what she told this little boy, she could see his pain. He knew his father was working hard to provide for them, but he still wished he could see him more often. Tommy was starting to feel like a stranger, and Mary was horrified.  She had to have a conversation with Tom. She had to tell him to at least talk to his son and be in his life in one way or another instead of being a ghost.  They had talked about it, about Tom's desire to be different from his father. He always wanted to be there for his children, to do right by them, and to be present, but Life had a funny way of bringing reality down on you. The truth was, Tommy couldn't be present in the lives of those he cared about. He couldn't because of his enemies. His "business," as he called it, was dangerous and lethal. He had to be careful; he had to take the danger away from his child and woman, and to do that, he couldn't always be home.  That was one reason, but the other one was that Tom couldn't stay home. He was a black stallion, and he needed his freedom. He needed to wander otherwise, he would wither away. 

She shrugged and took a sip of her wine. Tommy had always needed to wander the Earth, and she understood his need. She refused to have him bound to their home with little freedom! Of course, she wouldn't want him to be miserable!  But Mary wanted Tommy to have a relationship with his son. She wanted him to have a family of his own, not just by title or blood but because he would spend time with them. She wanted him to be in pictures with his son. She wanted Charlie to have memories with Tom and to be able to revisit them. She wanted Tom to watch his son grow into a man and be present in his life the way his own father never was.  She needed to make sure that they had a life and that it wasn't just a fever dream. Maybe she resented being alone more and more as time went by. He loved her, and a part of her thought that maybe it was enough. He loved her... even if he was not there. He loved her, and she shouldn't be asking for more than what he gave her. 

After all, she was a widow... A young one, but still one. Maybe she shouldn't be dreaming about getting married and having children of her own. Maybe she should just focus on the children still alive.  Mary put her hand on her belly and bit back a sob. No! She had the right to want things. She had the right to imagine a different life for herself. She had the right to be worried about him and to want him to survive. Truth be told, she knew he could kill himself at any given point. She had seen him at his lowest... The only thing Mary truly wanted was to be there for him. She wanted to be the rock he could hold onto. She wanted to be a beacon of light so he could escape the darkness of his heart. She wanted to be there for him, but he was out of reach, and he couldn't do much, and that was making her drink. She couldn't be there for the man she loved. 

She couldn't. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

The Day of the Jackal part 3

When Diane woke up, she found Alex fully dressed in linen khaki pants and a blue cotton shirt with a plunging neck. He had taken a shower and was ready for the day, which made her question about her own situation. It took her a minute, but she realized that she had fallen asleep right there and couldn't help but sheepishly smile. Wasn't she supposed to help him with her research? He didn't seem upset when he turned around and set his icy blue gaze upon her. 

"Morning, sunshine."

"MMhhhh... I'm sorry I fell as--"

"Don't mention it. Yesterday was quite heavy on you. You needed that sleep. Today you're well-rested, so you're sharp again. You should tackle that mission with a clear mind and a belly full."

"I have worked under worse conditions, you know?" -She pointed out "But you're right, I needed to sleep it off. I'm determined to catch that bastard. I also acknowledge that there is no talking you out of helping me." -he smirked and nodded. She was right about it. He wouldn't be talked out of helping her ever again-


1 year ago, London, air B'n'B: 

"I want to see you, Enora.  All of you.- " The Jackal said, almost pleading with her-

"You won't like what you see, Charles..." she sternly claimed. "Nobody can stomach it, not even me."

"Try me!" -He said in a stern voice. 

The Jackal's tone startled  Ghost who blinked several times. Why did he insist on seeing her naked body in the light? She thought he would be satisfied with having sex in the dark but apparently, it wasn't enough for him, at least that was what she thought-

"Sit on the bed then. I'll stand up and turn on the light. I swear to God, Charles, if you ever make me feel like a monster, I'll kill you." -She warned.- 

He couldn't see her but could hear her voice tremble. He knew she was about to cry and he felt a pang in his heart. He hated the panic in her voice, the quickness with which she stood, and the fact that she was preparing herself to be rejected. Why would he reject her?  She was shaking from head to toe but resolved herself to remain pro-active. She swallowed a lump and turned on the light. He watched her, a side he was familiar with. Her thick legs came first, with a few scars on them. He noticed one on her knee, a deep cut caused by a sharp object. He noticed the other scars on her legs. Bullet wounds on the top of her left thigh. They seemed more recent than the one on her knee. 

He noticed her taut belly,  also bearing scars: a mix of knife and bullet wounds. He could tell that these were recent and almost faded. He then noticed her face. She was defiant but he could see her shake. Her lips were still trembling and she swallowed a lump. His own gaze softened up as he wanted to encourage her to turn around. She took a deep breath, then another, and he watched the scar on her upper lip. He never asked about it but it became obvious that something sharp cut through her lip and he wondered when she got that cut. Was it when she was young or was it the business that caused that scar?   She lowered her head and swiftly turned around. She rested her forehead against the wall and bit at her bottom lip, hard, enough to draw blood to her teeth.

The sight made his heart skip several beats. Her back was covered with scars.  He could tell they were old given how they blended well with her skin. Something sharp gave her deep cuts, a knife? Maybe something bigger. He could figure out a couple of gunshot wounds, one on her shoulder and the other on her lower back. He also noticed the type of scar that only a body trailed over rubble could do. Had she been trailed over when she was younger? He couldn't quite figure out what had happened to her but one thing he was certain of, was that someone did it to her. Anger, cold-blooded anger overwhelmed him and he raised on his feet. He quietly walked towards her and put his hand over one of hers. She was still shivering and he could feel she was barely standing so he wrapped his powerful arm around her waist and leaned his chin against her shoulder. 

"I am sorry for what happened to you. All I see is that you've been hurt and all I feel is anger towards those who hurt you. I am not leaving you, Enora. I am /not/ leaving you." -he kissed her neck and nuzzled at the crook of her neck. The more he was giving her affection, the less she could hold it together, so she leaned into him and slowly slid down the wall so they ended up sitting on the floor.- "I have one question."

"Shoot." -She faintly said. He still didn't let go of her hand nor did he stop holding onto her waist, which surprised Ghost-

"Are the ones responsible for this dead? If not, I will find the ones who are still alive and I will kill them myself."

Ghost pinched her lips together, unwilling at first to speak about what she went through. The weight she carried on her shoulders ended up becoming too heavy for her, so the young woman sighed deeply and stopped fighting. The Jackal was the first person to actually stay after they saw her scars. He was the first person to actually hold her and the first to ask about those who were responsible for them. She felt that she could trust him with her burden and share her pain with him. It wouldn't change what happened to her, but she knew she wouldn't be judged if she spoke about it. She could trust him. Couldn't she? 

"I was 8 years old when that happened. I used to live in a very small city, almost a village in DCR Congo. I had good parents and a very fun and loving younger brother. I thought that my life would always be good because I was born into a good family. They sent me to school and on Friday I was allowed to help my aunt at the orphanage she was running. I would do some chores, I would help with the babies... It was a good life. One day, a couple weeks before I turned 9, our city was attacked. I was at the orphanage with my aunt so I couldn't figure out what was happening at the time. My aunt tried her best to protect the youngest of the orphans. She hid us in the church's basement but they found us. When they took us out, I saw the carnage, all the older orphans have been killed, and raped. my aunt was still alive, gravely injured and bound so she could watch her precious children die one after the other. The babies were killed swiftly. The children... Well... some were killed instantly, others were beaten and tortured, and I... I caught the eye of one of them."

She shook harder and started to cry. Jackal's heart twisted in rage. He knew what was to come, and he hated that it had happened to her. Ghost moistened her lips and wiped the snot and tears off her face with the back of her hand. She had to continue telling her story, even if she sounded very stoic and distant from the events she was describing. She had to keep going.  The Jackal remained silent, as he wanted her to keep talking until she couldn't before he said something. He couldn't take the risk to stop her as she was telling the story.

"I tried my best to fight him off but he was just so strong. He grabbed my arm and took me to the unfinished side of the church. Some of his buddies followed him because they wanted to watch what he was going to do to me. I felt helpless and I was so shocked, I couldn't even call for my parents. I couldn't speak.  He tore my clothes off of me, pushed me on the rubbles on the floor, and raped me. Once I realized he wouldn't listen to my pleas and that my pain was arousing him, I stopped fighting.  I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me in pain anymore so I remained there, lifeless. That angered him. It angered the other men with him. So he took his knife and he slashed my face. The scar above my lip that goes into my cheek? that was him.  He thought I would give in to him again and that I would scream but I couldn't. I didn't want to. I cried still, but I made no noise. So he took me harder. He hurt me but at this point, I was hurting so badly that I didn't care about how rough he was. I wanted to die."

How could he blame her for wanting to die? Anyone would want to if they were in her shoes.  He knew that the story she would tell him would make his blood boil and it really started to. He had a code of some sort, he only killed bad people. He only killed adults. He loathed those who killed, tortured, or assaulted innocent people. Heck, he even killed his own squad for killing innocent wedding-goers! He held onto her tighter and pressed his lips to the top of her head. It gave her some warmth and she found the strength to keep talking. 

"I prayed that I would just die but then I realized that my aunt was there and she saw me. She saw the blood between my legs, she saw my naked body violated by this monster. She heard them laugh at me, calling me names and she couldn't take it, so she managed to grab one of the guns within her reach. They had tied her hands in front of her, which gave her an edge I guess. She grabbed the gun, shot at the man she took it from, and killed him. That angered the rest of them and the man who was raping me. I watched as they killed my aunt whose only crime was to try and protect me. That sent me into a rage. I wanted to kill them all instead of dying, I wanted them to die. So I looked at their faces, looked at what they were wearing. I wanted to remember everything just in case I survived."

Ghost couldn't stop crying as she told her story. She realized that after keeping her story for so long, speaking the truth felt like taking her first deep breath. In this room, with the jackal, she was at her most vulnerable, but she also felt the safest. 

"And the man who raped me? well, he couldn't finish if he wasn't killing me so he turned me around. He took me from behind while he slashed my back with his machete. He cut deep and I felt him cum inside of me as he tore my skin apart with his blade. There was blood everywhere on him.  When he grew tired of slashing me, he withdrew from me and stood up. He grabbed his gun and shot twice at me, just to make sure that I was dead. I didn't move because I needed him to believe I was dead. He didn't even bother to check my face. He simply left.  I waited until  I heard the noise of their truck to painfully stand up and walk my way to the window, so I could see the type of truck they drove."

The jackal gritted his teeth as she kept talking. his mind was racing since he was trying to keep the details of her story in his mind. He already made a mental note to ask her about the man who assaulted her. He needed to get his name and whatever he could possibly use to track him down. He needed to know what she knew about him in detail so he could help and could kill that man himself. For her. For his selfish desire to see him gone from this planet. 

"It was a military jeep. They were wearing tactical gear, calling each other with military ranks... These guys were or at least had been in the military.  I walked to my parents' house, but they were all dead already. I remember I cried and passed out and only after a couple hours, was I found still breathing, by the survivors.. those who fled to the forest and later came back. I survived by sheer luck and determination. That day, all I wanted was to find these men and kill them. I still had an uncle, the one who found me. He treated me well, made me go back to school, and gave me to his British friends so they could take me to the UK and give me a proper education." 

She didn't have to tell him how she came about becoming Ghost but he acknowledged that she felt the need to tell her story to him. He acknowledged the trust she had in him and planted another kiss on top of her head, mind-absently so.  Unlike him, her past shaped her decision to become a hitman. She got blood on her hands out of revenge and a need to punish the bad guys. Somehow, for someone who claimed she didn't have any humanity, he found out that she was in fact, far more humane than he thought. 

"I researched, fine-tuned my skills, and learned to become an efficient killer once I was ready, I went to see my uncle on his deathbed and promised that those who came to our home and destroyed it would pay for it. He gave me his blessings and I went to work. One after the other, I found them all. Ex-military turned mercenaries; That's who attacked us.  they first worked for Wagner and then left because they wanted to make more money. One by one, I killed them and I made sure they knew it was the little girl in that small Congolese town who was cutting their throat. The only one I was able to find but couldn't kill was my rapist. He... Every time I see his face, I just freeze and I can't shoot. I can't stab... I can't get close to him so he's been eluding me for years now. I need to find him and I need to kill him so I can finish what I started and I could make him pay. Why aren't you disgusted by my scars? Charles? Why are you still here? Why did you want to know?" She ended up sobbing, unable to contain her tears any longer-

"Why would I leave you, Enora? Why would I be disgusted by your scars? I was in the military, and I've been to war. I know the horrors of war. If anything, this is familiar to me. What I want right now, is to find the bastard who did it to you and put a fucking bullet in between his eyes. He would pay for what he did to you and to countless others. He will pay. I swear!" 

He then gently cupped her chin and lifted her head so she could stare at him. She couldn't believe her ears but she could see that he was genuine. So she nodded and sobbed harder. That night, she wouldn't be able to speak more about what happened to her. She wouldn't be able to talk about /that man/. But she promised him that he would know soon enough. When she's ready to talk again. He put her back to bed and turned off the light to help her fall asleep again. As they found each other under the sheets again, this time Ghost knew that she was safe and the Jackal felt that there was no turning back from then. 

"Alex. My name is Alexander Duggan." -He admitted  as he wrapped his arm around her frame and pulled her into a tight hug.-

"Diane... My real name is Diane."

Indeed... There was no turning back from this.


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Random thoughts: I used to be naive.

Ah, I don't know if it's because people feel emboldened to be assholes or if they simply stopped caring about others. I don't know what it is that makes people so nasty to others. 

I used to believe that as time moved forward, so would people. I believed that we would all be smart, empathetic, kind, and caring towards others. I believed that all the petty differences between us would be overlooked in favor of the content of our hearts. After all, we're humans. We roughly want the same thing: to be happy, to be healthy, to have a job, to be able to care for those we love...we want to feel safe and we want to be loved.  I really used to believe that once this was known by everyone, then there would be no need for war, for violence, and for hatred. 

That was super naive. Mankind is not like this. 

I realized now, that we really do live in eternal cycles. For every progress, there is a setback whether major or minor.  That we repeat the same mistakes and we can't escape our violent nature. That's what mankind is. A complex being with complex emotions that can't be controlled no matter how hard some would try. Humans make choices, every day. To be the better version of themselves, to be good, or to be a cunt just because they can.  After all, it's easier to go this way rather than try and better oneself.  

I know it, I've had a moment in my life where I was going through the slippery slope of fear and anger and I had to remind myself that the many are not responsible for the violence/ errors/ whatever you call it of the few. I had to work hard for me to stop seeing everyone as a potential aggressor because they weren't responsible for those who assaulted me. It took its time, but I was stronger for it.  I chose love. I chose compassion. I chose to care. But I am also aware that many won't choose it. 

Many would be assholes. 

Many would hurt others. 

And these days, it just feels as if there are too many of them. 

not enough kind souls. But then, I remember that the weakest are the loudest, especially when they are mean. They can try to stir the pot, they won't make the world like them. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025


"What do you like about your partner's characters or the way they portray them?"


"The kingpin of Birmingham, the cursed gangster who is afraid to lose the woman he loves."

Me: "I think that discovering that we both watched and loved Peaky Blinders totally wrecked my world but in a good way. I didn't expect it and all the time spent watching the show, all I could think of was: "Oh N. would love it so much. He would love Tommy Shelby. He's right up his alley!" Color me surprised when we talked about it at the start of season 6 and we realized that we both loved the show!  I was so happy, so damn happy! And I knew N could pull him off. How could he not? At this point in our writing partnership, I knew him pretty well actually and I knew that he was capable of doing a lot of great things and he didn't disappoint. You know, I am such a slut for Tommy Shelby! (I can't help myself, look at his face! look at this charisma! look at this broken older man. I can't help it!). Like with all of our boys, he really respects Tom. He is faithful to his personality and we wouldn't see him act out of line or out of character because it's not N's style. This storyline is something I really love because we have broken characters who love each other fiercely and who are facing the worst thing possible. We know that Tom is a gangster and this type of life rarely leaves you unscathed. 

We know he has enemies everywhere and very few allies. (and even his allies betray him! Hell, even his family betray him!). We know he's very closed off and rarely speaks his mind or heart unless there is drama and he has no other choice but to spit it out. We know he's cautious and hurt and he's been through the worst Life could offer. I love it! I love him so much! Ugh! So so much! I love the way N makes sure that we know what's going on in his mind because our boy Tommy isn't really a talkative guy. He speaks in gestures. He is calculated and rather cold for those who don't know him. Mary does. and you know, they're both messed up in a way but they both make it work somehow. 

Mary isn't possessive of Tom in the common use of that word. She isn't trying to keep him to herself. What she wants and what she will always do her best to achieve is his happiness. She wants him happy. She wants him to have a life with his child. She wants him to give his family what his father couldn't give them. She wants him to feel that he deserves to have a life and he deserves to be happy too. She knows that it wouldn't be enough, because he needs to be a gangster and he needs to fight people above him but Mary also knows that he needs to have something to anchor him to this life. Something to fight for, something for himself.  So she works hard for this. She works hard to make sure he is still healthy and that he doesn't end up wounded or worse.... dead. She's possessive of this. I love that he knows what Mary needs and he is always soft with her, even when they argue, he never raises his hand against her because he knows her first husband was like that and he doesn't want to hurt Mary. He's soft when it matters. He speaks when it matters and he is also so possessive! It's a trait of Tommy I really love. I love when he's possessive like that and he can't help but want more and want her around and want her attention to be on him and no one else. Just the mention of another man possibly sweeping her off of her feet and away from him is enough to make him lose his mind. It's enough to worry him because he knows he can't lose her. 

I am honestly in awe when I look at N's portrayal of Tommy. It's so visceral, so deep, so good that I can't help but smile when something good happens or weep when something awful happens. I want / this version/ of Tommy to go through everything, from shit to pure happiness. I want his Tommy to experience all of it and to be honest, I love him so much that I'm mostly drawn to N's version of the character now XD I mean.. yeah of course, there will always be a lot of love for Tommy as portrayed by the actor. (I'm a simp, I confess) but you can't tell me that I would snub N's version of the character! He's everything Tommy is, even sexier!!! yes, I said it! (lmao Oh my god, you'll end up thinking I'm a thirsty bitch.. wait... I am thirsty!)  but he's phenomenal and I am so invested in their storylines. You know... N's fantastic and so is the way he writes his characters! I can't get enough of them. I can't get enough of his Tom. I can't get enough of all the other boys and I hope that he would still want to write with me wherever we decide to go :D 


"What do you like about your partner's characters or the way they portray them?"


"The hunter ready to go to Hell and Back for his family."

me: "Well... Dean... Dean will always have a special place in my heart. It's hard to explain it to people who aren't familiar with it, but Dean and Doya were the one true test (and testament) of our friendship. It was the storylines, the characters, and everything that happened between them that brought us closer together. Doya might be a bit silent these days but they are still there, still active, still living their best (and stressful) life.  Now, now, what made N's Dean better than the rest of them is that he respected the character. He didn't make him like the perfect man in the whole world, didn't make him like a superhero who made women drop their panties for him. He treated him like a person. He acknowledged his fears, traumas, and his co-dependency on Sam and Castiel. He acknowledged the fact Dean carries the whole world on his shoulders and feels that he has to atone for the sins of others. Dean is empathetic, he is in pain as well and despite his "debonnaire" attitude and bravado he puts on display, Dean is afraid. Dean feels lonely. Dean is in pain. N' respects that. He respects Dean with all of his idiosyncrasies. He respects him with his flaws and his qualities. he respects him and I love that he cares for Dean the way I do too. 

I don't play with him. Mostly because I identify a lot with Dean so I really want him to be taken care of by someone who genuinely cares about him and who better than N. to do it?  I fell in love with his Dean, with the fact that despite all this darkness and pain, sometimes there was light too. It felt so good to see him with Oya, learn how to trust again, how to be vulnerable again with someone who understood the type of life he was leading. He didn't have to compromise who he was because Oya saw him through the smoke and bullshit and she knew the job by heart since she also was a hunter. I love his Dean because he has his moments where he's cute goofy and relaxed. He also has his moments where he's tense, upset, worried and he can lash out. Through thick and thin, Oya is here.  It took me a minute to actually realize that my Oya was welcomed as she was and I wasn't going to risk being rejected again, not by Nate. She could be snappy, she could be cute, she could be vulnerable and everything and it still would be Oya and she would still be loved.  It honestly liberated me to write with Dean because I knew that we matched well as writers and our characters too. 

They balance each other out and they give strength to each other. A scene that stayed with me was when he asked Oya why everyone ended up leaving him. It broke my heart so much (I cried real tears when we wrote this scene) and I think it singlehandedly convinced Oya to never try and leave because she was wanted in this family. She genuinely wanted and loved there. But there were other moments I still have in mind (and you wouldn't believe just how good Dean is. When he cooks for her when he sings to her, and when he holds her after a nightmare (or during depending on whether or not he's awake when she's having one). Dean is giving Oya genuine love through everything he does. He doesn't need to voice it (yet, he still does because he knows how good it feels to hear "I love you" from someone you love), because his actions show that he loves her and Oya can recognize it.  She trusts his actions more than his words because words can deceive but actions always speak the truth.  I love that N's Dean while difficult to read at times, can open up to these people he chose to open up to. He trusts Oya and she can tell because every action of his is not random.  I love him so much. you have no idea how much I love him. N's touch with this character is essentially what keeps me in that fandom, to be honest XD You know how people are but N's approach to that fandom really is nurturing :) it just makes me want to write there and truth be told, I still do in solos. waiting for the moment both Oya and Dean would be ready to go back to the forefront. 

RP SFW Splove Jaime

"What do you like about your partner's characters or the way they portray them?"


"The loyal knight betrothed to the princess, ready to lay his life for her and his family."

Me: "Oh my where to start? Let me get something clear right away. N. Made me fall in love with Jaime Lannister as a character! I started the GOT series as a Jon Snow fan although, Jon disappointed me as soon as he bent the knee, speedrun his romance with Daenerys, and was just a poser and not an actual badass lmaoooo. But Jaime? Well...  I knew he was hot but I didn't get the appeal of this character up until N. and I started to write in this universe. You know, the magic with N. is that no matter where we go and no matter what we do, we'll always find a way to make it work. It just works, like butter on a slice of bread you know?  As soon as we started to write with Jaime and my little Bäahal, the chemistry between these two characters just exploded in our faces. 

I mean, it was so obvious that we were having fun with them and I surprised myself never wanting to stop writing in that universe. Jaime... N's Jaime was suddenly multifaceted, a victim of some sort of his feelings and bad decisions. He was a man driven by love, (for his siblings, for his beloved Cersei, for his people) and this love pushed him to do things he wasn't proud of. He accepted to ruin his reputation because he did the right thing and while he's being hated by the seven kingdoms, he found a fan in me and a lover in Bäahal. She loves him more than I can say. More than life itself because Jaime, the real Jaime is a gem.  he's not perfect, but his imperfections are perfect in my eyes! 

When I say N's Jaime made me swoon, I wasn't kidding! I literally fell off of my chair when Jaime confessed his feelings for Bäahal and explained that he wanted her to have better and that was why he was so harsh with her and tried to distance himself from her. He is tragic, he is intense, he is handsome and he can be frankly sexy! (oh my god, the modern version of Jaime and Bäahal made me sweat once, and I chuckle like an idiot when I think about them because they are hot together, it should be illegal to be this hot!) . It's just.. N's Jaime has a little flair for Drama and the way he speaks, the way he announces things, the way he just is! I think the scene I will forever keep in my heart among the most recent we did, was when he announced to Bäahal that they had Daenerys blessings. He was soooo dramatic but in a good way. And immediately after, the princess wanted more than just a hug. She was tired of waiting for the authorization to touch him. She was tired of having to wait without knowing if/ when she would be able to publicly love that man and it was bittersweet. Because she cried, he tried to comfort her, but she ended up saying "screw this! I want to make love to the man I love" and initiated it. 

It was delicate and clumsy when they showed their bodies and saw each other's scars and shame. And it was so moving when they comforted each other and showed that regardless of how they looked or what happened to them, the love between them was true and genuine and pure. My heart soars when Jaime tells Bäahal that what happened to her doesn't make her lesser in his eyes and that even if she was branded when she was younger, he doesn't care about that scar, it doesn't make her less appealing to him. And my heart soared again when Bäahal kissed his stump and embraced him so he could see and feel that she would never think of him as lesser than a man because he misses a hand. N's Jaime made me smile, laugh, cry, and swoon. He made me fan myself at times because that man knows he can be sexy as hell! He's the complete package and I would never want to stop writing with this character! I don't care if it's Regular verse or Modern verse, but I would always have Jaime by my side because he's magnificent! N's Jaime is everything I wish we saw on TV. He is everything I wish I could see in any novel or TV show. He's a well-rounded character with flaws and qualities that make him unforgettable and N captured it so well.  Jaime, especially when he's soft is my favourite Jaime. I love it when he goes to war and kills enemies to save Bäahal. I also love when he's passionate and they make love. when he snaps and is mean, I want to slap the shit out of his face but when he's soft? Jaime Lannister would be the death of me! Especially N's version of him. I love him, more than I can express but I really love him! (and Bäahal? oh, she's far gone! she's too deep into the "I love Jaime's rabbit's hole"! :p) 

RP SFW splove Klaus

"What do you like about your partner's characters or the way they portray them?"


"The lonely hybrid who found a companion but who still feels like he doesn't deserve to be loved"

Me: " It takes us way back. OH my god. I have always tried to write in this universe but it always fell flat for one reason or another. Back then I was very into Damon Salvatore XD but then I watched the Originals and it made me fall in love with Klaus. I loved this show, watched it until the end, and even cried when it ended. It felt so unfair. But in roleplay? My my my... I never was lucky when it came to writing with people.  It took me a lot of time, failed attempts, and finally, my writing Partner N. tried to give Klaus another shot. My witch was ready and one line led to another and a storyline started. It hit us like a truck! Like a motherfucking truck! By then, we knew each other very well, and we slipped into these new characters with ease. I love his Klaus. Period! I love him so much. 

 N has a way with characters like Klaus. He brings out their nasty side, their vulnerable side and he makes you want to slap that guy and then make out with him! yes yes, I know!!! I know!  but that's true, especially when it comes to Klaus. He makes me want to slap the shit out of him and then just cuddle him. you know? And my witch wants to do more than that. I leave that part to her since unfortunately we can't fuck fiction! (Please, I'm joking here! I do leave that part to her though!) The thing is, Klaus is a very tortured soul. that guy has been turned into a hybrid against his will and for 1500 years he's been suffering non-stop.  It can really mess you up. Just watch the Salvatore brothers (and even Elena as soon as she turned a vampire), it's torture.  N's Klaus is honestly my favorite because he is very flexible as a character. He surprises me, keeps me on the edge of my seat, and makes me guess his next move, and even then, he manages to make me lose my breath at times. 

I like how sharp his tongue is and the bickering with my character. They sometimes get on each other's nerves and it's nice to be able to do it with N's character. Klaus can be vicious and he pulls no punches when it comes to reading a character to filth or pushing them away.  He is very challenging (a bit like a wounded animal) but when you can get to his kinder side.. oh, it's so smooth, like butter. Klaus can hurt deeply but he can also love deeply and I love to see it unfold in front of me. N's Klaus is cunning, clever, and intense. It's so good to be able to know how he's feeling or watch him reflect on something, even if his actions and words would say otherwise. He can be deathly annoying and lethal when it comes to rejection (ask my witch) but it's so rewarding when he is there, caring and fiercely protective.  I like that with N's version, (and Klaus's in general) words have meaning and they are important. 

He is a man of his word and he expects people to keep theirs or to mean them. It's great, because the fact my witch can't lie (and doesn't want to because she doesn't want to feel excruciating pain), will force him to see that some people are genuine and who mean their words. I love that he can be impulsive and sometimes even do things he didn't think he would. We had a rescue scene we wrote some time ago, where my witch came to save Klaus. As soon as he was set free, he pounced and attacked. he didn't waste any second. Yet, even in all that commotion and fight, the only thing he was thinking of was finding her. He wanted to make sure she was safe. He needed to make sure that she was safe. I loved that. I loved it so much and even the next morning, upon waking up and hearing her painfully moan because of her injury, he forced himself to wake up and protect her if they were attacked. that type of things make me SWOON SWOON! oh my god! 

I think it's the best Klaus I had because there is no expectation to just "fall" for his character because he's Klaus Mikaelson. And my witch didn't fall just because she met him. As a matter of fact, she fell for him because he's very endearing in his own little way and she feels that they can understand each other well. After all, because she was forced into Immortality by her curse, she now understands how and why he lost his freaking mind at times and went on rampages. He's delightful to be with and she wants his company more than anything else. She's attached now.. because he is endearing. Because he made her want to see him again, and again and again to the point of her wanting to wake up to him and share her life with him. for all eternity.  Only N. could pull this off for me with this character."

RP SFW splove: Homelander

"What do you like about your partner's characters or the way they portray them?"


"A lonely man with a broken heart who found his perfect match in Sara and who will burn the world for her."

Me: " I remember when I watched the show The Boys. As soon as I saw Homelander I knew that he could become one of N.'s characters. He is very N-coded for me to be honest.  He is multifaceted, with some depths and far more than you can see. The twist here is that he's an asshole and a villain. A real villain and it adds something new and exciting to our roster of characters.  I absolutely love the way N. is writing him because he is far from being a caricature. He's not one-dimensional (N never writes one-dimensional characters) and N. brought his own flavor to Homelander which makes him irresistible to me. I am already a fan of this character in the show. Not in the sense of "Oh my god, he's an anti-hero or a hero". Not at all. he's a villain through and through and I refuse to change that core aspect of him. N knows it and he respects that side of the character. His Homelander is a villain just like in the show but his Homelander is not one-dimensional like so many around these parts seem to think he is. Dude is a traumatized child who never went past his traumas. I'm not going to give my full analysis of the character but this should be enough to explain what I mean. I find Homelander in the show interesting because you watch him spiral and lose control, you know the traumas he suffers and you see him take every wrong decision at every turn to try and make it better. I also love that he is not stoic like so many villains we see on TV. He is going through it and we can see it! His face is very expressive and he barely hides his emotions.  I think that N. nails that part really well. It's so exciting to see. 

The thing is, despite being head over heels for Homelander (what can I say? I'm a slut for him! the actor and that mean and villainous blonde head), I'm even more a fan of N's version of the character! You see, it has something that others lack. (no no, it's not that it's written by N. Well.. yes, obviously but it's not just that).  N understands his characters. he respects them. He always makes sure that we know what's going through their minds so we can see why they did what they did (or didn't do). I think that it's very rare for a writer to dive into the psyche of his characters and to make sure they're faithful, to some extent because they would also carry a piece of the writer (and in this case, N.) and act as he thinks he would act in some situations. N's very careful when he writes and I love that about him. I love that he gives the best version of Homelander a girl could ask for and that he does it with me. I love his Homelander and my character, Sara, is definitely dependent on him. She's addicted, devoted, and clearly can't breathe when he's not around (well, she's also dramatic because obviously she can have a life without him lol. She still wants him around and that need, oh that need would only have happened with N's Homelander).  I love it a lot when his Homelander is having a hard time accepting new things but tries... he hates it but he still tries it. and then maybe, he would decide to try it again because he wants to make Sara happy. And maybe, he would eventually like it and it would be no big deal for him.  

He's trying. He's not perfect. He's sometimes very wrong too (most of the time) but this one genuine thing he has for both his son and Sara makes him endearing. N's Homelander pulls you in and you don't want to leave him alone. I know Sara doesn't want to leave him alone and she makes such a scene when she hasn't seen him in a while. She's the most vocal of my girls, the most demanding, the neediest and it wouldn't have been the case if N's Homelander wasn't giving us the urge to want to see him. You know what I mean?  I love the balance of vulnerability and the disregard for any frustration N's Homelander has. it's very entertaining and I have a lot of fun with Sara and Homie. A lot! I don't know how to say it without looking needy myself, but I have A L.O.T of fun with Homelander and Sara and while I don't want anything bad to happen to them, there would be. The Boys would know about her, and Butcher would be awful to Sara, (as in, he won't hesitate to kidnap and torture her), Her exes would come back to haunt her and break them apart, and he is going to have a hard time reigning in the Seven (given he was betrayed by A-train and firecracker is a stalker he doesn't want around him). I want Homelander to go through everything because I know N. would be able to handle it with grace, with skills, and with passion.  I can't even begin to tell you the shit-eating grin I have whenever I read a response from Homelander and I see that he's everything Sara (and I) wanted and even more!  N gets him. He really does and I love Homie when he's at his most unhinged or when he's actually in a playful mood. The way I melt and my chair with me! Arrh! I love him! "

RP SFW splove: Pride

"What do you like about your partner's characters or the way they portray them?"


"The King destined to become an Emperor alongside his Light."

Me: "Pride will always be the OG for me. Not only was he the very first character I wrote with N. But also because he honestly kept me on the edge of my seat when we started writing together. Pride was always unpredictable and my Elpis/ Asma and I honestly never knew how he'd react if we did something or the other. He had very rough edges when we started this storyline, but he gradually softened them around Asma first, and later on around his goddess Elpis.  He conceded things, he started to take care of her, and he genuinely showed that he cared for her. She wasn't just something to possess. He genuinely wanted her by his side (and she genuinely learned to know and trust this new version of the Sin. The superior version of the Sin). He's very elegant, not only in the way he dresses but also in the way he speaks, the way he moves, everything he does. He made me swoon. I have never felt this way for a fictional character in a roleplay before (lol, I'm serious). 

I loved the way N. wrote him, the way he made a charismatic character, someone worth swooning over. I had dreams back in the days when he and Asma/ Elpis were our main characters. Oh, he always hijacked them and some of them were frankly hot too! Pride managed to become his own person and now when I see Chris Pine, I first think about Pride before I realize that it's the actor, not the character lol. I was (and still am) a rabid fan of him and would always swoon over Pride when I'm talking about roleplay. Pride grabs the most my attention when he's at his most intense. When he walks into a room all eyes are on him, when he commands the audience, just like a scene we're writing actually. Oh... mmhh. it's a very hot scene and Elpis and him are both larger than life here. They stole the show and are now running it!  I love when he's angry too and he gets his revenge. 

N. wrote a solo where he kills Leviathan and it was so satisfying to read. I had goosebumps because Pride was clever, powerful, clever, did I say he was clever?  and he used his powers and environment to perfection. I loved it! it's still something I love to revisit because of how well-written it was and how absolute Pride felt at that moment. He had just forged his blade, khaos, and he used it so well.  I think that N. is the only one who could have written a character like that. Interesting to read and follow, with depth, with charisma. A character you don't forget easily. A character you want to explore and see in new adventures. I want to see Pride when he's at war, when he's upset, when he's worried, or even worse when he loses his goddess because someone decided to take her from him. I want to see how he'll react and how deliciously evil he will be when punishing those who wronged him.  I think, and it's not a small compliment here, but I think that if he were a character from a book, he would have a lot of fans because he's well-written and intriguing. I am lucky to know he exists and to see his progression as time goes by. 

The day of the Jackal part 2

"You should get some rest, Diane.  We'll talk about it tomorrow."

" I won't be able to sleep. Let's get some coffee instead." -She yanked her head back and pinched her nose bridge-

The Jackal stood up and walked towards the kitchen. There was no point in arguing with her because she needed to be active. Diane couldn't sleep and now that he told her that he wanted to kill the man she crossed paths with, they would need to talk about it in detail. He went to the cabinets and took two cups of coffee. He rummaged through the cabinets and realized they lacked coffee, capsules, ground coffee, or even beans. There was some tea, so he turned on the water heater to face Diane. She had followed him and was standing in the middle of the kitchen. Her frame was barely covered by a short grey t-shirt and a pair of black underwear but he didn't let it distract him. instead, he watched as she put both hands on her sides. 

"You have to walk me through that encounter. What did you notice?"

"Alex..." she whimpered, biting her bottom lip hard enough to bruise her skin. It's a little foggy right now. I don't have all the details."

"I need to know if he lives here..."


"I need to make sure he hasn't figured you out." - He was growing impatient and 

"ALEX!" She shouted. Both hands held onto her skin tighter and she shook her head- "Please!... For the love of God, stop!" She then covered her mouth with her warm palm and shook her head. He could see she was still shaking and he felt his body stiffen at the sight. He hated to see her vulnerable like this. It was unlike her. It was... like a knife being twisted in his guts. He hated it but he didn't move closer to her. She didn't want him to.-

"Fine." That was all he said as he placed the cups on the table and returned to the water heater to pour some into a teapot. As he prepared the tea, Diane pulled a chair toward her and sat on it. The Jackal brought the teapot to the table, and he pulled the chair opposite her and sat on it. "We're running out of coffee, but there's some tea."

"I'm fine with it, " she replied in a soft voice. Leaning her arms on the table, she rolled her head to the side to look at him. He remained silent and observant, waiting for the teapot to be ready so he could pour some into their cups.- "I'm sorry for my outburst. I'm a nervous wreck..." -She admitted and chewed at her bottom lip-

"I know. It's okay."-His blue eyes softened upon staring at her. Diane shrugged and  started to scratch her  cheek- 

"I think he was here for a short time. He wasn't relaxed and kept looking at his watch. I noticed he took a phone call and then left the supermarket." -She then pinched the bridge of her nose with her left hand- "I would look into the files I have on him."

"When was the last time you updated it?"

"Two years ago... A short while after we met in Milan." -She confessed, scratching her cheek again- 

"Why is that?"

"I was... distracted...I was feeling good for a while and I thought.... I thought I didn't need to enact my revenge. I could hold onto something better."

"What are you saying?" 

"I'm saying /you/ made me feel good. I felt good for the first time in such a long time. I was so happy I thought I could put my past behind me, Alex! That's what I'm saying!" She stared at him and chewed at her bottom lip. His heart skipped a beat as he didn't expect her to speak about her feelings so clearly. He could feel his heart fluster and his cheeks turn red but he didn't flinch. She kept talking to refocus their conversation- "So... I haven't updated the file for this long but I'm sure we can find his whereabouts if we pick up where I left it."

"What was he up to?" -She leaned further into her  chair- 

"Last time I found him he was in South Africa. He was cozying up with the leader of the far-right party there. I knew because I was working a job in South Africa and after a couple years of absence, he resurfaced in the country.  He always goes on a hiatus after his jobs to cover his tracks and cut all the loose ends of his last jobs. He never gets satisfied with just giving advice... He always likes to get his hands dirty that was one of the ways I could track him. I know his work."

"How would you proceed if you were tracking him down?" -he asked, trying to make her focus on something practical. She furrowed her brows for a moment, the little crease on her forehead suggested she was genuinely thinking about his question. How would she do it if she was alone?-

" Now that I know he's in the country, I would first search for him in South Africa. See what was his job there. See if I can find him in pictures like I did last time. Is he still buddy with the president of that far-right party or was that man his target? Then, from there, if he's left South Africa for good, I would look into the big cases of the last years. I know his work, I would recognize it anywhere. I'll look into suspicious deaths, or perhaps massacres. I'll look at the victim profiles and then search for testimonies. He never works alone. He is a mercenary but he has a squad of faithful men who would follow him anywhere, including hell." -She took a deep breath and tilted her head to the side- "I'll also look into Budapest's recent crimes. Perhaps he came here for a job."

"It may be fruitless but at least this is a start. I need to have access to your files Diane." -She pinched her lips together and nodded- " I'll look into South Africa. You can check for any recent crime here."

He outstretched his hand, waiting for Diane to give him her files. She always kept it around her neck, in a makeshift necklace of some sort. Her hazel eyes stared at him and she pulled on her USB key and broke her necklace. She handed the USB key to him and the Jackal nodded quietly. He knew it was asking a lot from her and it was a testament to her trust in him. She pinched her lips together and once he took the USB key, she slouched back into her seat.  There was relief on her face, he could tell. It was as if she was breathing for the first time in a long time. 

He left the kitchen for a moment and allowed Diane some space for herself. She covered her mouth with her warm palm and cried into it. Her body moved back and forth as she was furiously trying to keep the Jackal from seeing her in such a vulnerable state. Heck! She didn't want to feel vulnerable like that again but meeting that man still made her react the same way. She froze and was unable to do anything but watch that man as he went about his day. She felt as helpless as she was all those years ago and panic mixed with anguish and disgust took over her. She cried into her hand and despite her best efforts, Alex could hear her. He knew what was going on but he also knew it was best not to intervene and let Diane cry it out. What it did, however, was cover his skin with goosebumps and make him angry. 

Yes, he was angry. Angry at the man for what he did to Diane. Angry at the horrors she and countless other children were forced to endure at the hands of adults. He was angry but also determined to find that man and put a bullet in his head himself. He would do it for Diane. he would do it for himself as well. Her enemy was now his and he would stop at nothing until he was sure that man was dead.  He started his research and after a while, as the sun had risen, he heard no more noise coming from the kitchen. He decided to check in on Diane and upon entering the kitchen again, he saw her sleeping body. She fell asleep there, her head resting comfortably between her arms. So he decided against waking her up and went to the bathroom to grab a bathrobe he could wrap around her frame. They would talk about what he found when she woke up. 


The Day of the Jackal: Part 1

A§N: Time jump of 2 years after the event of season 1. The Jackal has moved on from his life with Nuria and Carlito. He is in a new relationship with an old acquaintance, and her past is returning to bite them. Would they spiral? Would they fix the issue? We’ll see.


"Diane?" -The Jackal's soft voice echoed in the room as he felt a shift in the bed they were sharing-

She hummed her response and sat on the bed. The faint moonlight pierced the room, helping him guess her frame. His intense blue eyes stared at her form. He could only see her back from where he was. Diane didn't move from her spot, and he could hear her breathing get faster as if she were becoming uncomfortable. She tried to control her breathing and curled her fingers around the sheets. 


"Alex....He's in the city. I saw him yesterday while grocery shopping..."

"Are you alright?" -In one swift motion, the Jackal stood up and circled around the bed so he could face Diane. She chewed at her bottom lip and shook her head. No. She wasn't alright at all. He could feel her body shake as she was trying to collect herself. The hitman cupped her cheek and gently stroked it with his thumb and Diane leaned into his hand.- "Obviously, you're not. Did he see you?"

"No. He didn't. I froze on the spot." -She closed her eyes and tears rolled over her soft cheeks.-

 Her hand wrapped around his wrist, gently, and he cupped her other cheek with his other hand. Diane had rarely lost her composure like that, and it was unnerving, to say the least of the emotions that crossed his mind. He was furious, his anger was bubbling under the surface of his soft eyes. He knew why she was afraid of that man and he hated the fact that it happened to her. His icy blue eyes averted from her lips to her eyes and he steadied her head so the only thing she could do was to look into his eyes. 

"I know you're frustrated but you shouldn't be upset at yourself for reacting the way you did. This man hurt you, Diane." -She tried to push him away but he held onto her hands with his- 

"No!" -She whimpered, the strength leaving her arms the more she struggled against him- "No!" -She bit back a sob and dropped her head- "No!... Alex...."-She whimpered again- "I would never be able to heal as long as he's alive.-

"I'll do it." -She shook her head- "I'll do it, Diane!" -She lifted her head to look at his face, her hazel eyes were wide open and while they were still in the dark, he could tell how tense she was.- "I'll do it for free! Don't you dare think about paying me for this job!" -He warned her calmly. Diane swallowed a lump and crossed her legs on the bed. She put her hands on her lap, wrists exposed to him. She conceded.-

"Let me help you. I can't get close to that man but... I can help you."


Milan, 2 years ago, Caffetaria Rocca.

"Is Enora your real name?"

"Are you seriously asking me this, /Charles/?"  -She lifted a brow and grabbed her cup of coffee-

"Do I look like I am joking?" He asked, shaking his head. "I've looked into you." -She grinned-

"Have you? Seems like we share the same mind then... /Charles/" -He flinched and clenched his jaw. He hated the way she sarcastically said his fake name. It irritated him so much that he couldn't stop himself from clenching his jaw. She laughed a hearty and genuine laugh that disarmed the Jackal. He liked it. Far more than he wanted to admit to himself- "I'm not new in the game. I know it's not your real name just like Enora isn't mine. I do like Enora though,  and I like the way it sounds in your mouth." -He blushed and cracked his knuckles, betraying his lack of focus.-

"Touché! So, you've tried to look into me and what did you find?"

"As much as what you found about me. Let me tell you. You guessed my birth country right because of my faint accent. Probably figured out that I was an orphan of war. But nothing until I entered the game. You know about Ghost's exploits. You know what I'm capable of, and you know that I have principles but aside from that, you don't know shit about me. Am I right?" -She kept grinning and mind-absently started to stroke the rim of her cup-

"You guessed right. I don't have much info about you and I can't be at fault for that." -He grabbed his cup of coffee and took a sip. She still looked amused by the whole situation, which strangely enough, started to get to him as well.- "Give me your best shot, what did you find about me?"

"You're British. No matter how hard you try to hide it, you can't shake it off completely. Given your skills, I'd say you were ex-military.  I've followed your trail during the whole River affair and I've noticed you really liked Spain." -He flinched again. She's cunning!-

It reminded him of Bianca Pullman and her deduction skills that took her to Spain as well, as to his family. What family? Nuria had left him and as he found out, she had moved on from him completely. Carlito was too young to remember his father and he embraced Nuria's new fiancé as his own. The Jackal thought about tearing this new family apart. He wanted his wife back but what stopped him was seeing her relaxed and happy. She did find an honest man who genuinely loved her and treated Carlito as his own. Didn't she deserve peace? Didn't she? Didn't he? Ghost's smirk was distracting and he couldn't help but focus on her soft and plump lips-

"What of it?"

"You tried to escape this life when you were in Spain. I understand that. What use would we have of the money we get from our jobs if we didn't live to the fullest? You had a family there. A wife and child... A brother-in-law who forced your hand and had you reveal your location to those who really paid attention. Yet, since the hit on UDC, you've never been back to Spain."

"I have no family. I thought I could have one and I tried but it failed." -He honestly answered. It took her aback and she blushed. He watched as she blinked several times and pinched her lips together. She was flustered and that gave him an edge so he bent forward, invading her personal space-"So you've been looking into me and you nailed it. Impressive!"

"Relax Charles. My investigation led me to believe that you did something so foul that your government erased your existence from the world." -She had a knack for making him tense up, especially when her voice went lower rather than higher and became almost like a purr. Distracting!- 

"Is this the same with you? Why did you pick up the codename Ghost?" -She swallowed a lump and gave him a crooked smile. Why did he care so much about the reasons she picked her nickname? Her hazel eyes set upon his face.-

"This is all that is left of me in this world. I am but a ghost, with no past, no present, and no future." She confidently claimed before she leaned into her chair- " I have a question of my own now, Jackal." She said, taking another sip of her coffee before she put the cup back on the table. He narrowed his gaze and lifted a brow-


"Did we meet by chance or did you do it by design?" -His icy blue eyes stared at her gorgeous face.- 

He didn't say anything but leaned back into his chair. Why did he seek Ghost? Why did he go out of his way to meet with her? He couldn't admit to it but he had been intrigued with her work. Unlike Jackal, Ghost kills her targets up close and personally. She was a master of her craft, swift and efficient and he wanted to talk with her about their craft. No. It wasn't true. He was obsessed with her. What started like a simple research turned into a bona fide obsession with her. He couldn't say it out loud. He couldn't answer her. His heartbeat started to go faster as his eyes averted from her lips to her eyes.  Ghost was a beautiful woman. He liked her hazel eyes, stern and calculating. He liked that she was staring at him, in an attempt to decipher the mystery that the Jackal was. He liked that she was staring at /him/ and no one else.  He loved her plump lips and the nice curves of her larger nose. He loved her smile, and the whiteness of her teeth contrasting with her black skin and pink lips. focus! Jackal! Focus! 
