Tuesday, February 18, 2025

RP SFW Splove Jaime

"What do you like about your partner's characters or the way they portray them?"


"The loyal knight betrothed to the princess, ready to lay his life for her and his family."

Me: "Oh my where to start? Let me get something clear right away. N. Made me fall in love with Jaime Lannister as a character! I started the GOT series as a Jon Snow fan although, Jon disappointed me as soon as he bent the knee, speedrun his romance with Daenerys, and was just a poser and not an actual badass lmaoooo. But Jaime? Well...  I knew he was hot but I didn't get the appeal of this character up until N. and I started to write in this universe. You know, the magic with N. is that no matter where we go and no matter what we do, we'll always find a way to make it work. It just works, like butter on a slice of bread you know?  As soon as we started to write with Jaime and my little Bäahal, the chemistry between these two characters just exploded in our faces. 

I mean, it was so obvious that we were having fun with them and I surprised myself never wanting to stop writing in that universe. Jaime... N's Jaime was suddenly multifaceted, a victim of some sort of his feelings and bad decisions. He was a man driven by love, (for his siblings, for his beloved Cersei, for his people) and this love pushed him to do things he wasn't proud of. He accepted to ruin his reputation because he did the right thing and while he's being hated by the seven kingdoms, he found a fan in me and a lover in Bäahal. She loves him more than I can say. More than life itself because Jaime, the real Jaime is a gem.  he's not perfect, but his imperfections are perfect in my eyes! 

When I say N's Jaime made me swoon, I wasn't kidding! I literally fell off of my chair when Jaime confessed his feelings for Bäahal and explained that he wanted her to have better and that was why he was so harsh with her and tried to distance himself from her. He is tragic, he is intense, he is handsome and he can be frankly sexy! (oh my god, the modern version of Jaime and Bäahal made me sweat once, and I chuckle like an idiot when I think about them because they are hot together, it should be illegal to be this hot!) . It's just.. N's Jaime has a little flair for Drama and the way he speaks, the way he announces things, the way he just is! I think the scene I will forever keep in my heart among the most recent we did, was when he announced to Bäahal that they had Daenerys blessings. He was soooo dramatic but in a good way. And immediately after, the princess wanted more than just a hug. She was tired of waiting for the authorization to touch him. She was tired of having to wait without knowing if/ when she would be able to publicly love that man and it was bittersweet. Because she cried, he tried to comfort her, but she ended up saying "screw this! I want to make love to the man I love" and initiated it. 

It was delicate and clumsy when they showed their bodies and saw each other's scars and shame. And it was so moving when they comforted each other and showed that regardless of how they looked or what happened to them, the love between them was true and genuine and pure. My heart soars when Jaime tells Bäahal that what happened to her doesn't make her lesser in his eyes and that even if she was branded when she was younger, he doesn't care about that scar, it doesn't make her less appealing to him. And my heart soared again when Bäahal kissed his stump and embraced him so he could see and feel that she would never think of him as lesser than a man because he misses a hand. N's Jaime made me smile, laugh, cry, and swoon. He made me fan myself at times because that man knows he can be sexy as hell! He's the complete package and I would never want to stop writing with this character! I don't care if it's Regular verse or Modern verse, but I would always have Jaime by my side because he's magnificent! N's Jaime is everything I wish we saw on TV. He is everything I wish I could see in any novel or TV show. He's a well-rounded character with flaws and qualities that make him unforgettable and N captured it so well.  Jaime, especially when he's soft is my favourite Jaime. I love it when he goes to war and kills enemies to save Bäahal. I also love when he's passionate and they make love. when he snaps and is mean, I want to slap the shit out of his face but when he's soft? Jaime Lannister would be the death of me! Especially N's version of him. I love him, more than I can express but I really love him! (and Bäahal? oh, she's far gone! she's too deep into the "I love Jaime's rabbit's hole"! :p) 

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