Ah, I don't know if it's because people feel emboldened to be assholes or if they simply stopped caring about others. I don't know what it is that makes people so nasty to others.
I used to believe that as time moved forward, so would people. I believed that we would all be smart, empathetic, kind, and caring towards others. I believed that all the petty differences between us would be overlooked in favor of the content of our hearts. After all, we're humans. We roughly want the same thing: to be happy, to be healthy, to have a job, to be able to care for those we love...we want to feel safe and we want to be loved. I really used to believe that once this was known by everyone, then there would be no need for war, for violence, and for hatred.
That was super naive. Mankind is not like this.
I realized now, that we really do live in eternal cycles. For every progress, there is a setback whether major or minor. That we repeat the same mistakes and we can't escape our violent nature. That's what mankind is. A complex being with complex emotions that can't be controlled no matter how hard some would try. Humans make choices, every day. To be the better version of themselves, to be good, or to be a cunt just because they can. After all, it's easier to go this way rather than try and better oneself.
I know it, I've had a moment in my life where I was going through the slippery slope of fear and anger and I had to remind myself that the many are not responsible for the violence/ errors/ whatever you call it of the few. I had to work hard for me to stop seeing everyone as a potential aggressor because they weren't responsible for those who assaulted me. It took its time, but I was stronger for it. I chose love. I chose compassion. I chose to care. But I am also aware that many won't choose it.
Many would be assholes.
Many would hurt others.
And these days, it just feels as if there are too many of them.
not enough kind souls. But then, I remember that the weakest are the loudest, especially when they are mean. They can try to stir the pot, they won't make the world like them.
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