Tuesday, February 18, 2025


"What do you like about your partner's characters or the way they portray them?"


"The hunter ready to go to Hell and Back for his family."

me: "Well... Dean... Dean will always have a special place in my heart. It's hard to explain it to people who aren't familiar with it, but Dean and Doya were the one true test (and testament) of our friendship. It was the storylines, the characters, and everything that happened between them that brought us closer together. Doya might be a bit silent these days but they are still there, still active, still living their best (and stressful) life.  Now, now, what made N's Dean better than the rest of them is that he respected the character. He didn't make him like the perfect man in the whole world, didn't make him like a superhero who made women drop their panties for him. He treated him like a person. He acknowledged his fears, traumas, and his co-dependency on Sam and Castiel. He acknowledged the fact Dean carries the whole world on his shoulders and feels that he has to atone for the sins of others. Dean is empathetic, he is in pain as well and despite his "debonnaire" attitude and bravado he puts on display, Dean is afraid. Dean feels lonely. Dean is in pain. N' respects that. He respects Dean with all of his idiosyncrasies. He respects him with his flaws and his qualities. he respects him and I love that he cares for Dean the way I do too. 

I don't play with him. Mostly because I identify a lot with Dean so I really want him to be taken care of by someone who genuinely cares about him and who better than N. to do it?  I fell in love with his Dean, with the fact that despite all this darkness and pain, sometimes there was light too. It felt so good to see him with Oya, learn how to trust again, how to be vulnerable again with someone who understood the type of life he was leading. He didn't have to compromise who he was because Oya saw him through the smoke and bullshit and she knew the job by heart since she also was a hunter. I love his Dean because he has his moments where he's cute goofy and relaxed. He also has his moments where he's tense, upset, worried and he can lash out. Through thick and thin, Oya is here.  It took me a minute to actually realize that my Oya was welcomed as she was and I wasn't going to risk being rejected again, not by Nate. She could be snappy, she could be cute, she could be vulnerable and everything and it still would be Oya and she would still be loved.  It honestly liberated me to write with Dean because I knew that we matched well as writers and our characters too. 

They balance each other out and they give strength to each other. A scene that stayed with me was when he asked Oya why everyone ended up leaving him. It broke my heart so much (I cried real tears when we wrote this scene) and I think it singlehandedly convinced Oya to never try and leave because she was wanted in this family. She genuinely wanted and loved there. But there were other moments I still have in mind (and you wouldn't believe just how good Dean is. When he cooks for her when he sings to her, and when he holds her after a nightmare (or during depending on whether or not he's awake when she's having one). Dean is giving Oya genuine love through everything he does. He doesn't need to voice it (yet, he still does because he knows how good it feels to hear "I love you" from someone you love), because his actions show that he loves her and Oya can recognize it.  She trusts his actions more than his words because words can deceive but actions always speak the truth.  I love that N's Dean while difficult to read at times, can open up to these people he chose to open up to. He trusts Oya and she can tell because every action of his is not random.  I love him so much. you have no idea how much I love him. N's touch with this character is essentially what keeps me in that fandom, to be honest XD You know how people are but N's approach to that fandom really is nurturing :) it just makes me want to write there and truth be told, I still do in solos. waiting for the moment both Oya and Dean would be ready to go back to the forefront. 

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