Tuesday, February 18, 2025

RP SFW splove Klaus

"What do you like about your partner's characters or the way they portray them?"


"The lonely hybrid who found a companion but who still feels like he doesn't deserve to be loved"

Me: " It takes us way back. OH my god. I have always tried to write in this universe but it always fell flat for one reason or another. Back then I was very into Damon Salvatore XD but then I watched the Originals and it made me fall in love with Klaus. I loved this show, watched it until the end, and even cried when it ended. It felt so unfair. But in roleplay? My my my... I never was lucky when it came to writing with people.  It took me a lot of time, failed attempts, and finally, my writing Partner N. tried to give Klaus another shot. My witch was ready and one line led to another and a storyline started. It hit us like a truck! Like a motherfucking truck! By then, we knew each other very well, and we slipped into these new characters with ease. I love his Klaus. Period! I love him so much. 

 N has a way with characters like Klaus. He brings out their nasty side, their vulnerable side and he makes you want to slap that guy and then make out with him! yes yes, I know!!! I know!  but that's true, especially when it comes to Klaus. He makes me want to slap the shit out of him and then just cuddle him. you know? And my witch wants to do more than that. I leave that part to her since unfortunately we can't fuck fiction! (Please, I'm joking here! I do leave that part to her though!) The thing is, Klaus is a very tortured soul. that guy has been turned into a hybrid against his will and for 1500 years he's been suffering non-stop.  It can really mess you up. Just watch the Salvatore brothers (and even Elena as soon as she turned a vampire), it's torture.  N's Klaus is honestly my favorite because he is very flexible as a character. He surprises me, keeps me on the edge of my seat, and makes me guess his next move, and even then, he manages to make me lose my breath at times. 

I like how sharp his tongue is and the bickering with my character. They sometimes get on each other's nerves and it's nice to be able to do it with N's character. Klaus can be vicious and he pulls no punches when it comes to reading a character to filth or pushing them away.  He is very challenging (a bit like a wounded animal) but when you can get to his kinder side.. oh, it's so smooth, like butter. Klaus can hurt deeply but he can also love deeply and I love to see it unfold in front of me. N's Klaus is cunning, clever, and intense. It's so good to be able to know how he's feeling or watch him reflect on something, even if his actions and words would say otherwise. He can be deathly annoying and lethal when it comes to rejection (ask my witch) but it's so rewarding when he is there, caring and fiercely protective.  I like that with N's version, (and Klaus's in general) words have meaning and they are important. 

He is a man of his word and he expects people to keep theirs or to mean them. It's great, because the fact my witch can't lie (and doesn't want to because she doesn't want to feel excruciating pain), will force him to see that some people are genuine and who mean their words. I love that he can be impulsive and sometimes even do things he didn't think he would. We had a rescue scene we wrote some time ago, where my witch came to save Klaus. As soon as he was set free, he pounced and attacked. he didn't waste any second. Yet, even in all that commotion and fight, the only thing he was thinking of was finding her. He wanted to make sure she was safe. He needed to make sure that she was safe. I loved that. I loved it so much and even the next morning, upon waking up and hearing her painfully moan because of her injury, he forced himself to wake up and protect her if they were attacked. that type of things make me SWOON SWOON! oh my god! 

I think it's the best Klaus I had because there is no expectation to just "fall" for his character because he's Klaus Mikaelson. And my witch didn't fall just because she met him. As a matter of fact, she fell for him because he's very endearing in his own little way and she feels that they can understand each other well. After all, because she was forced into Immortality by her curse, she now understands how and why he lost his freaking mind at times and went on rampages. He's delightful to be with and she wants his company more than anything else. She's attached now.. because he is endearing. Because he made her want to see him again, and again and again to the point of her wanting to wake up to him and share her life with him. for all eternity.  Only N. could pull this off for me with this character."

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