Tuesday, February 18, 2025

RP SFW splove: Pride

"What do you like about your partner's characters or the way they portray them?"


"The King destined to become an Emperor alongside his Light."

Me: "Pride will always be the OG for me. Not only was he the very first character I wrote with N. But also because he honestly kept me on the edge of my seat when we started writing together. Pride was always unpredictable and my Elpis/ Asma and I honestly never knew how he'd react if we did something or the other. He had very rough edges when we started this storyline, but he gradually softened them around Asma first, and later on around his goddess Elpis.  He conceded things, he started to take care of her, and he genuinely showed that he cared for her. She wasn't just something to possess. He genuinely wanted her by his side (and she genuinely learned to know and trust this new version of the Sin. The superior version of the Sin). He's very elegant, not only in the way he dresses but also in the way he speaks, the way he moves, everything he does. He made me swoon. I have never felt this way for a fictional character in a roleplay before (lol, I'm serious). 

I loved the way N. wrote him, the way he made a charismatic character, someone worth swooning over. I had dreams back in the days when he and Asma/ Elpis were our main characters. Oh, he always hijacked them and some of them were frankly hot too! Pride managed to become his own person and now when I see Chris Pine, I first think about Pride before I realize that it's the actor, not the character lol. I was (and still am) a rabid fan of him and would always swoon over Pride when I'm talking about roleplay. Pride grabs the most my attention when he's at his most intense. When he walks into a room all eyes are on him, when he commands the audience, just like a scene we're writing actually. Oh... mmhh. it's a very hot scene and Elpis and him are both larger than life here. They stole the show and are now running it!  I love when he's angry too and he gets his revenge. 

N. wrote a solo where he kills Leviathan and it was so satisfying to read. I had goosebumps because Pride was clever, powerful, clever, did I say he was clever?  and he used his powers and environment to perfection. I loved it! it's still something I love to revisit because of how well-written it was and how absolute Pride felt at that moment. He had just forged his blade, khaos, and he used it so well.  I think that N. is the only one who could have written a character like that. Interesting to read and follow, with depth, with charisma. A character you don't forget easily. A character you want to explore and see in new adventures. I want to see Pride when he's at war, when he's upset, when he's worried, or even worse when he loses his goddess because someone decided to take her from him. I want to see how he'll react and how deliciously evil he will be when punishing those who wronged him.  I think, and it's not a small compliment here, but I think that if he were a character from a book, he would have a lot of fans because he's well-written and intriguing. I am lucky to know he exists and to see his progression as time goes by. 

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