Monday, September 23, 2024

Got: "The many faces of Bäahal Targaryen"

The realization that she had been different versions of herself truly shattered the way Bäahal thought of herself. She led different lives, each and every one of them had a lot of challenges to overcome. From being ripped off of a beautiful childhood and thrust into slavery. To witness the horrors of such conditions, to experience them once she got older and yet to remain resilient, to retain a part of herself so vital that no one, not even her masters could own was a victory in itself. She managed to keep the part of herself that yearned for freedom and wanted to carry her mother's dream with her. She succeeded in killing her masters and setting herself free. She managed to snatch her freedom from their dead cold hands and then met Daenerys.

Her third life started, not as a free child, not as a slave child or teenager but a life as a princess. She went to war, she met the love of her life, and she became used to her freedom. She became used to this new life of championing the people, of becoming the voice of the voiceless, of fighting for others. She became an ambassador for her sister and it transformed Bäahal and her view of the world. She discovered herself, parts of herself she didn't know existed, and for a while, it felt as if she had everything under control. Well.. not everything. At the time of the siege, she had discovered love and the pains of loving someone who (at the time) didn't reciprocate her feelings. She discovered that she couldn't stay at the Red Keep and needed to lead a life for herself. She discovered that she was still mourning the death of Viseryon and was still reeling from the impact of the war on her both mentally and physically.  Still, she kept going up until the siege. 

When the siege happened, Bäahal was left a shell of the person she used to be. She was traumatized by her near-death experience, confused, upset, and frustrated altogether. It brought the worst in her, and a version of the princess she refuses to be ever again. She was scared of everything, suspicious of anyone who came near her, and dependent on Jaime's presence... It took a while for her to recover but she did. She discovered the strength she had inside and that helped her become a better version of herself. A stronger version. One who knew who she was and what she wanted and one who decided to fight for her only desire "To be with Jaime Lannister, to become his wife and the mother of his children", on top of lending her blade and life to the crown and honoring her house and the queen. She fought for it and proved every day how genuine her feelings for the knight were and how much she loved him. It took a while, but she was granted permission to marry her love.  Oh, she was good at advocating for herself, but also for others and that was the path she would continue to walk. That was the path the gods had chosen for her and she was eager to show her growth to the rest of the world.

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