Oya ran her hand through her curly hair and leaned into her chair. The current case they were working on together with Dean was far more complex than she first thought it would be. She stroked her chin and furrowed her brows. It always was easy when the monsters were not humans. It was easier to fight them and easier to put them down. What was more difficult was when humans were involved in the evil they fought. Oya and Dean always tried to reason with them -unless these bastards willingly killed humans, kids, and babies-. They would always try to convince them to stop whatever incantations and rituals they wanted to achieve. More often than not, Dean and Oya managed to make these humans stop whatever shit they were trying to do but a good chunk of them were hardcore believers in Evil. They were rotten inside, and the only way to protect lives was to treat them like they treated most of the monsters they fought. They had to kill humans. Oya hated it, not because she did the right thing and helped rid the world of scums.
She hated it because it reminded her that humans could sometimes be worse than monsters. Humans knew better than to hurt others, and yet, some of them chose to do it. In this case, she honestly believed that the humans in there were evil. They were in a cult and wanted to sacrifice human lives to summon a lord of Hell to Earth. She knew they wouldn't be reasoned with, and the only way to deal with them would be to kill them. She dropped her head against her arms and sighed deeply. She hated to take lives, but it sure looked like she would have no other choice but to do it if she wanted to save lives. The hunter looked at her husband and bit at her bottom lip. Her hazel eyes stared at Dean, who knew what was troubling her. He had watched Oya in these circumstances. He knew that she was emotionally torn between her duties and her desire to protect human lives. He sat next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. This case would be dealt with like all the other cases they worked on. What mattered was that they saved lives, and if they had to take down some humans while doing so, then they were prepared for it. Oya made a little bit of noise and leaned into his touch, feeling comforted by his presence. They would focus on saving lives. She would focus on saving lives.
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