Monday, August 5, 2024

klasma: Only a mind

Only a mind that has been through the same path as Klaus can understand how much it takes from him to be both immortal and a hybrid.  Nëela might not have been a hybrid, it took her the curse cast upon her to understand how immortality worked on someone's mind. It fractured hers. After a couple of centuries, she lost her sense of self, lost her principles, and indulged far more easily her darkest urges. the last century was spent trying to reconnect to the human part of herself. It was spent trying to piece herself back together. 

Only a mind that has been through the same path as Klaus can understand why he did what he did. She understood him and she understood that he would try and push her away. He would try and make her angry. He would try to make her leave him. He would try to make her hate him because how could she not? How could she not after all the blood he had on his hands? How could she not want to part ways with him after his sharp tongue lashed out at her and threw venom her way? He couldn't believe she would not leave and break his heart. Yet, she was adamant to show him how wrong he was.  

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