Monday, August 12, 2024

Klasma: freya and Nëela girls talk.

Klasma: Girls talk

// Had this little convo in mind. I think Freya would be the biggest supporter of Nëela and Klaus. I love how she points Elijah in the right direction and if he reconciles with our witch, then you can thank Freya for this. 


"What are you doing here Freya?" -Asked the witch behind the half-opened door. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a large t-shirt-

"I wanted to know how you were doing" -She said with a slight smile on his lips. She knew she'd be mad and she was right to be.-

"I said I didn't want to talk to any of you.  Are you kidding me, right now?" -She angrily said, tilting her head to the side and staring at her with her gleaming  golden eyes-

Freya looked at her and nodded quietly. Yes, moments ago Nëela ran to her bedroom at the mansion and screamed that she didn't want to talk to any of them. Freya watched her brother Klaus leave the mansion with haste and it didn't take her a long time to figure out that they had a fight. Klaus fought with everyone and it wouldn't be a surprise that he touched a nerve or two. Usually, they would let him throw his tantrum and let him sulk for a day or thousands if he needed to before they found him again.  This time it was different. This time he argued with someone, not a Mikaelson and Freya decided she would check on her. 

"I...know that you don't want to but I thought that... maybe you need to vent to someone? You haven't had the chance to talk or to introduce yourself to us. So I figured why not? Why not come and talk to you?" -She admitted with an apologetic expression in her eyes-

"I thought that you didn't care that much about me. I have been here for a week or so and you didn't really try. So now... now... " -She ran her hand through her curly hair and softened her facial expression when Freya showed her a big paper bag.-

"I bought some beer, let me in? We won't talk about my brother, I promise." She lifted her brows and smirked softly. "Come on, Nëela! "

"..... Alright Freya, come in. I was about to watch a movie and eat some popcorn anyway." -She said while she opened the door. "Be my guest, I'm taking the popcorn"

She informed the Original as she stepped into the room. The blonde witch smiled as she glanced at the bedroom. It was quite homely, filled with plants, books, and parchments scattered on her bed.  The room was large enough to contain a large black leather couch and a medium-sized TV. The decoration was really simple.  Freya sat on the couch and put the beers at her feet. 

"I am exhausted... Do you know what I mean? Exhausted to be a witch and cursed" -Asked Nëela who was standing near her with a pop-corn-filled bowl.

"That I can relate to... I have always wanted to live a normal life. I wanted to grow old, to have a family... to experience life as I was supposed to. I was robbed of that choice...I had to watch the people I love grow old and die." -She said as Nëela sat next to her and put the bowl on her lap-

"The first century alive was difficult. I'm not saying it became easier with time, it's just... It became my new normal. Meeting people, loving them... losing them. I decided to live like a recluse. It was easier that way." -She said with a light smile-

"Yeah... Easier... Until it wasn't. I think I could have done better without being hunted down." -Freya took a few popcorn from the bowl- 

"Ah... Tell me about it. " -She said with a broken voice. - "I have a coven of witches after me... Have had them for centuries now." - She ran her hand through her curly hair.-

"Why?" -She asked, her blue eyes staring at her with a deep concern in her voice.-

"Why?.. I forgot that Elijah didn't tell you about me." -She ran her hand over her face and bit her forefinger as hard as she could.- "The first time I met Elijah, he saved me. I was about to be assaulted when he arrived and killed the man who was trying to rape me.  I... felt grateful for it, for him... so when he came back a couple of years later, I didn't think twice about helping him." -She shrugged and outstretched her hand- "Can I have a beer please?"

"I...Yes, of course! " Freya grabbed a beer and gave it to the witch who opened it and took a few sips.

"My coven didn't appreciate it. They fought that I committed treason because I helped our sworn enemies. I tried to defend myself. I told them about Elijah rescuing me and about our oath to protect Nature and all of its creatures. They didn't want to hear me. I didn't sway them. I was a traitor so I had to be punished."

"You didn't deserve this, Nëela. You helped someone who helped you. You did the right thing. You have principles and honor." Freya's eyes grew wide open as she noticed how sad Nëela was. She was still angry at her coven for cursing her, but deeper than the anger lay the heartbreak. Freya never had a coven but she could compare Nëela's feelings to the ones she had when it came to her own family. 

"Thank you. I knew I was taking a risk when I helped Elijah but he came to me because he needed my help. I couldn't deny him. He loved his family and that proved to me that he still had some humanity left inside. He wasn't the cookie-cutter monster my coven and most of the witches thought he was. I assumed that if he was still able to have feelings, positive feelings like love then maybe the rest of the family could be the same. " -She said as she leaned into the couch and took another sip of her beer.-

The TV was on, and a procedural was airing during their conversations. It helped fill their silence and offered a very welcomed distraction to the two women.  Silence settled between the two of them, a comfortable one where Nëela could lean her head against Freya's shoulder. 

"I survived for centuries... Upon meeting Klaus, I realized that I wanted to live. He can be a pain in the ass but I'm not going to give up on him, no matter how hard he pushes me away."

"He tends to be a cunt, whether he wants to or not. I'm sorry he's been one to you today. I overheard your arguments." -Freya took a few popcorn and chomped on them.-

"He was...I can't say it didn't hurt me." -She bit harder on her forefinger, almost drawing blood to her teeth- "It fucking tore my heart in pieces... But I just need some time to recover. I don't want to talk about Klaus right now, it's too raw, it's too painful."

"Yeah? We don't have to talk about him. Screw Klaus. I don't have a coven after me but you know you can always come to me if you need some help with them."

"I appreciate that. The same goes for you. Freya.. I heard you grew up isolated from your family. How was it to reconnect with them?"

"......" -Freya took a handful of popcorn and munched on them, stuffing her face as she didn't want to answer the question. "Truth be told, there are still moments I don't feel fully like I belong to the family."

"Yeah? So you're still struggling... I understand. I struggle to feel like I fit in. Elijah kept me a secret for so long that now... now... I feel like I'm imposing myself." She said, furrowing her brows. Nëela put the bowl on the wooden table near her side of the chair and crossed her arms over her chest.-

"Trust me, you're not. I actually like you around. You do have quite the temper don't you?"

"I'm angry, part of it comes from the curse... It fucking hurts, especially when I'm overwhelmed." -She said, tossing her hair on the right and pulling her legs up-

"And the second part?" -Freya lifted a brow-

"And the other part of me is dealing with anger issues. How could I not be angry? Between being punished for helping a Mikaelson, to being in constant pain every single day, and to meeting people who either hate me, fear me, or like me but die on me.... I honestly don't know how I can handle going on day by day! I am so fucking angry! So angry!!!" -She growled and hit on the leather couch-

"Hey! Hey... Në's okay. I understand! We all do. We do have anger issues in the family, don't we? So in a way, that makes you fit in even more." -She said taking another sip. It made the witch chuckle a little bit and she nodded-

"You're right... You're right... It's just... Like I said before, I am exhausted. so Exhausted..."

"Then I suggest we let you rest a little bit. I understand why you're upset with my brother. I told him to leave Klaus and you alone and give you the space to process everything" - She turned to look at the witch and gently put a hand on her shoulder.-

"Why are you so nice to me?"

" You saved Klaus... More than once. You saved him and you saved Rebekah and you always made sure that my family was safe. You didn't owe us anything and yet you helped us. I feel grateful for you..." -She said with a slight grin- "Besides, you're pretty cool and you can tell off my brother."

"Thank you. You're pretty cool too." -She said with a slight pout on her lips.- 

She wanted to thank her for her kindness. Freya was the first one to actually take some time to talk to her and try to get to know her better. That simple gesture made her feel less isolated and much more welcomed. For the first time in her life, she managed to forget about how painful her curse felt while talking so openly with Freya. For the first time in her life, she might just be making friends with a kindred spirit and it felt good. Yes, it did. 

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