Sunday, August 18, 2024

Colby: You can't compliment your way into Tommy Shelby's heart

Niceties wouldn’t get you far with Tommy Shelby. He didn’t like those who spoke to him with a silver tongue, mostly because he knew that they were hiding something. Tommy wasn’t vain and certainly couldn’t be swayed by a couple of compliments, he would perhaps entertain your attempt at stroking his ego but he would squash it into nothingness. Compliments weren’t his currency for he dealt with violence. He only struck deals with people he respected or he knew would guarantee his success. He could suffer a dinner or two with politicians - known ass-kissers and liars- to advance his goal but he would never fail for their words and promises. 

Still, some believed they could make him swallow their lies. Some believed they could manipulate and tame the black stallion when in truth he couldn’t be tamed. Nothing could keep him grounded, stuck with regular humans with little to no ambition. Nothing could keep him at home. Mary knew it and while she embraced the king of Birmingham as he was, she couldn’t hide the fact that his absences took a toll on her and Charlie. She couldn’t hide the fact she missed him. She couldn’t hide her feelings… no matter how hard she tried. And he saw right through her much to his dismay.

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