Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Klasma: attempting to make her feel better -ElijahxNëela-

 "I don't matter."

Nëela's cracked voice echoed through the living room she and Elijah occupied. He had tried to rekindle his connection with her in a more controlled environement but she had given him the cold shoulder treatment. He understood her anger and acknowledged that he could have done better all those centuries ago but it irritated him to see such a drastic change in the way she behaved around him. The witch who once was bubbly and happy around him was now very cold and silent. She avoided him like a plague and while it annoyed the Original when she was confrontational, Elijah was starting to miss it. He was missing her. Her words felt like a punch in the gut and he furrowed his brows, ready to refute her claim. 

"Nonsense! You do matter."

"Oh... When I am useful to you, that is true." -She sarcastically pointed out. He snarled and cleared his throat.- "what is it? You don't like when I am dishing you some truths?"

"You can't say that you don't matter to me unless I need something from you."

She put the magazine she was reading on her lap and turned to face the Original who was sitting on the chair nearby. Her golden orbs stared at him with a hint of defiance and rage. She was hurt by his words, angry even and he realized that he might have said the wrong things. 

"Please, pray tell, what did you do to show me that I mattered to you?"

"I... visited."

"Only when you needed a spell or a potion or to save your family over and over again."

"I asked you how you were doing!" -He accused, his fists clenched. That made her shake her head and darkly chuckle.-

"Small talk, just to get me going! Elijah, you never really cared for me. If you did, you would have seen me more than on the occasional "I need your help" courtesy visit! You would have known what I like and what I don't like by now! You would have introduced me to your family!" -She accused, her forefinger pointed at him-

That....He couldn't justify hiding her existence to the rest of his family. Well, technically, the older vampire could have done it. It was best for the rest of them not to know about her life if he wanted to keep an asset in his pocket. He needed her to be safe and isolated from his family's shenanigans and various enemies. He needed her to remain a secret because once she wasn't, look what happened! Still, all of these would sound like excuses to her and he didn't want her to be more upset because of him. Elijah hated feeling like he failed something, he was not at ease sharing a house with someone who once was someone he cared about -with ulterior motives- and not be able to talk to her.  He didn't like to see the pain on her face, and for the first time since he met her, he genuinely hated to see her in pain. 

"I should have introduced you, I know I messed up and I apologize for keeping you a secret for so long."

"Damn right you should have! Do you know how it hurt me to hear that nobody in your freaking family knew who I was? I helped them several times and they didn't even know my name! I was nothing! I was nothing! To them! To you! To no one! I am nothing!" She raised her voice and the walls started to tremble. He saw the veins protuding on her hands and neck, he could see the strain on her face because she was literally in pain due to her anger and curse. 

"I never noticed you wanted a friend. I thought that seeing you from time to time was enough for us. I-- miscalculated." -She yelled at his words and started to sob. He stood up and tried to come closer to her but she put her hand before her, silently asking him to stop where he was- 

"I didn't want a friend! I needed a friend! I thought you were a friend, Elijah! I thought you considered me one to you. But you made me into a tool! a tool!  And now that I am close to Klaus, you want to get close to me again?? I felt indebted to you, Elijah, because you saved me... because you talked to me and you considered me as a person. You broke my heart! Fuck! You broke my heart!" She accused and stood up swiftly.- "I can't look at you right now! I have to go!" -She left the living room and Elijah didn't follow her because he felt that she didn't want to see him again.

At least she talked to him, didn't she? 

At least...

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