Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Klasma: wounded

I shouldn't believe your words, I know you spit them at me out of anguish and pain. 
I shouldn't take them personally, I know it, yet it hurts still and it hurts really badly. 
So I take the words as I would take the swords. I let you stab me with your truth.
I let you rip me apart limb by limb, I let you paint me with the darkest brush you have.
I let you pretend that I am the monster that preys on your suffering, 
A white knight who pretends she can help people when she's feasting on their pain.

I let you pretend that I am a monster who is looking for your downfall, waiting until you're weak enough.
I let you pretend that I don't care about you and that I am using you for what you can bring me. 
Power, is it? Fame, is it? Keep on finding new ways I could be using you, Klaus. 
I know you're used to others pretending they care because they need you. 
Truth be told, I do need you but not for something you can give me. I need you for you. 
I need you because I love you! yet I know that you won't believe me because why would I love you? 

What's there to love inside you? I watch you lie to yourself, convince yourself that you're unloveable.
When I know it's not the truth, how could it be since I fell in love with you? 

I shouldn't believe your words, I know you lash out at me out of anguish and pain. 
I know that you don't believe a word that you scream at me, but the truth is, It's hurting me. 
I cry before you, eliciting nothing but your contempt since you believe these tears are fake.
I hold back my sobs to save the last shred of my dignity but you mock me for it.
I stay when I should be leaving. I take the verbal beating you give me and I wait for the next one.
I'm pathetic, you're right about it, but I am because I know that patience is what you need.

Patience and understanding, are two things you've been deprived of since you became the hybrid.
Love and honesty, are two things you've been denied since you ceased to be a mere mortal.
I have them in abundance and I know that you need them, you deserve them... Still... I'm in pain. 
And who will comfort me? Who will care for my broken heart? Who will care for me? 
I take and I take and I take but even I can break but nothing hurts more than to see your cold face.
nothing hurts more than to hit the wall you've built around you when I need your warmth the most.

I guess I got what I deserved. 
I guess it's my tribute for what I've done to my coven.
I guess I just have to keep to myself and get on with it.
For I'd rather be in pain if that allows you to feel better. 
I guess...

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