Saturday, July 6, 2024

GoT: A strong desire to leave

"You should rest, princess. Would you like some poppy milk to help you sleep?" 

The gentle voice of the maid snapped the princess off of her own mind. Bäahal felt trapped in the Red Keep and while she understood how important it was that their enemies believed she was dead, she couldn't stand staring at the same walls and flowers and the same people every single day. Her purple hues stared at the mirror, hoping to meet the eyes of her maid. She shook her head, unwilling to take the beverage that was supposed to help her find some sleep. She hated poppy milk because it drowned her thoughts and made it difficult for her to think. Jaime returned to Casterly Roc for a couple weeks and since the princess was unable to leave the castle, she felt very isolated. Bäahal waited until the maid pinned her hair into a messy bun and turned around so she could look at her. 

"Thank you, for the suggestion, but I would like to try to sleep without it tonight. Thank you for your help, Martha. I can take it up from here."

The maid excused herself and left the bedroom without much of a sound. Now alone, the princess stood up and walked towards the window of her bedroom. What good was a dragon rider when there was no dragon left to ride? Drogon only accepted Daenerys, Rhaegal was kinder but Jon claimed him. Jon could ride him, not Bäahal, at least, not alone. Viserion was her dragon. He was her best friend and in lonely nights such as this one, the princess was craving his presence. She wiped fresh tears that had pooled in her eyes and took a deep breath. Riding a dragon was impossible for her, but riding a horse? That, she could do. That she did when she became her sister's ambassador. It was so good to let them run wild without a care in the world. Bäahal loved the feel of the cold breeze on her face, the freedom granted by the majestic animal that made her forget for a minute about her ordeal. Bäahal wished she could leave the castle and ride her horse until sunset but she could not leave these walls...

She furrowed her brows and berated herself for breaking down so easily. She survived a siege, got her blessings, reconciled with her sister, and was even allowed to befriend Lady Kyra without repercussions. She could start her family now... Yet, in the darkness of the room, something was amiss. Her sheets were cold, and she couldn't confide in her friend Lady Kyra Lannister. Her sister, the queen,  was busy ruling the seven kingdoms and the princess received so little visits that she felt that days were longer. She needed to leave the castle but Bäahal knew that she couldn't leave the castle, no matter what she wore. No one had seen a woman with her features, silver hair, purple eyes, and black skin. It was unusual, unique maybe, and even if she tried to disguise herself, Bäahal would be recognized by anyone she could meet. So she wouldn't try. 

She felt her tears roll down her cheeks and quietly sobbed into her hand. How long would it last? How long would they keep her locked in these walls? Bäahal was eager to live her life as she saw fit. She was eager to resume doing what she loved most, helping people, meeting those in need, and figuring out ways to soothe their pain. She loved to ride, and she wanted to spend time with Jaime Lannister. By the gods, Bäahal wanted to live! She had to do something. She had to find a way to leave that castle.

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