Friday, October 11, 2024

ELPIS (COPG): profile

Main Faceclaim: Vanessa Morgan

Other FC: Beyonce

Real Name: Elpis

Titles: Goddess of Light and Hope, True Balance, Child of Gaea and Khaos, 

Nicknames: My Light (Pride)

Age: Eons (she is one of the oldest gods to ever exist. The last child of Khaos and Gaea).

Height: 175 cm

Weight:  80 kgs. 

Special features: She has golden eyes with black sclera. Her hair is cotton candy pink and extremely long. She has a beauty spot under her left eye. 

Physical appearance: 

As her usual self: 

Elpis is a gorgeous and voluptuous woman with flawless skin. Her natural pink hair is huge, and wavy which reaches her ankles. She has beautiful golden eyes with black sclera shaped like almonds. Her lips are plump and soft and when she smiles there are dimples on her cheeks. When she glamours herself to blend in among humans, the black sclera disappears and her eyes are a muted gold color. 

In her true form: 

Her hair is impossibly long, wavy, and cotton candy pink. Her skin is brown and marred with golden sparks in her true powerful form.  Her eyes turn fully gold. 

At her most powerful, her skin makes it seem that she's made of pure light. 

Sexual orientation: Pansexual but only ever interested in Pride.

Relationship Status: Taken (Pride) 

Alignment: Chaotic good

Specie:  Primordial Goddess

Occupation: Conqueror (currently), Goddess of Hope and Light (currently) Queen of the Underworld (Currently), Regent of Earth (formerly) 

Residence: Prime garden (former), Earth (current), Underworld (sometimes)


  •  Father -  Khaos † (killed by Ishtar)
  •  Mother -  Gaea (alive and hiding)
  • Older Brother - Leviathan  † (killed by Pride)
  • Older Brother - Chrön  † (killed by Ayasha)
  • Older sister - Sitäa  † (killed by Ayasha)
  • Older Sister - Ayasha (Alive)
  • Older Brother - Ishtar (Alive)


  • Hecate: Former best friend. The current status needs to be clarified.
  • Pride: Lover, currently her only family. 

Universe:   Chronicle of the Primeval Gods, crossover friendly, Greek/ Norse/ Egyptian/ Yoruba/ Japanese/ Chinese mythology.

Status:  Alive. Active.


Elpis is a complex being. On one hand, she can be very kind, loving, and loyal. She is known as the sweetest and warmest goddess of all Pantheon. She has always had a soft spot for humans and genuinely loved her siblings before their betrayal.  Elpis is a gentle soul who always tries to protect humanity, and who would choose peace before war. However, she is not to be trifled with. When she gets angry she can become destructive. Despite being the Goddess of Light and Hope, Elpis can be particularly venomous towards the other gods and any other creatures. She snuffed a whole pantheon for insulting her father. She is also known for her tantrums and destructive angry fits.

Elpis is very empathetic and compassionate. However, she learned to focus that energy on herself during her curse. Upon returning to existence, she is far less giving and more balanced. She is the goddess of Light and Hope and to these two concepts, she doesn't apply a human perspective. She answers to anyone, including those with malicious intent for it is not her place to judge the desires of others or the goals they seek. She simply gives them Hope to succeed in whatever plan they have.

Current events: 

❜ - Elpis is discovering her true potential. She has become more powerful since she was free.

❜ - Pride forged a ring with the help of Hecate which allows her to freely walk the Earth. 

❜ - She now has the ambition to become the new All-mother and kill Gaea for betraying her.

Abilities:  (Non-exhaustive list)

  • Enhanced Attributes: She has all attributes (senses, balance, speed, durability, strength) enhanced.
  • Gamakinesis: Elpis is the goddess who controls the life force in mortal organisms. She gained it from her mother, Gaea.
  • Supernatural Beauty: Elpis is the most beautiful goddess. 
  • Immortality:  As a primeval goddess, Elpis is so strong that she cannot die of "Old Age", Poisoning, or Disease.
  • Geokinesis: Elpis can manipulate the battleground and have complete access to the flora. She can use it on the battlefield to ensure victory. could make the soil more fertile, create tremors, or unleash outright earthquakes. Often used to increase the output of crops.
  • Power over the Lesser Gods: Elpis holds power over the gods from the younger pantheons and, and a small degree over her own siblings able to bend them to her will. 
  • Telepathy - Gods can read the minds of mortals. Older gods can read the minds of younger, weaker gods. 
  • Shapeshifting: Elpis, like all gods,  has the power to transform her body.
  • Zoopathy: Elpis could talk to any animal and had their loyalty. She can summon and control animals to an extent.
  • Chlorokinesis: Elpis had supreme mastery over all plant life. As the daughter of Gaea, she has divine authority and absolute control over plants. She can also grant fertility to the earth, allowing plants to grow where they could not grow before. She aids plants in growing simply by being near them. And she even managed to make life grow in Tartarus.  She could either grant or enhance the fertility of the earth, turning barren plains into fertile fields and encouraging orchards to bear fruit and flowers to bloom.
  • Light manipulation: Elpis can control the light and bend it to her will. She can use it either to comfort, or heal but it can also hurt.
  • Chaoskinesis: Elpis can tap into the power of her father, especially when she's extremely angry. It is a destructive power that, if not controlled, could destroy the whole universe.  Her parents (and the rest of her pantheon) feared she would destroy the universe because she couldn't control her emotions but they were gravely mistaken.

Skills: (non-exhaustive list)

  • Multilingualism: She speaks all the languages (Earthly, Common Tongue, Primordial, Universal)
  • Swordsmanship: She is an excellent sword-wielder and is efficient with all sorts of swords, daggers, knives, etc...
  • Omega: Elpis scythe forged by Pride in the fires of Tartarus. It is a formidable weapon that separates the essence of the gods from their vessels and makes it easier to influence them.
  • Ring of power: It is a ring that Pride forged with the help of the goddess Hecate. The rings allow her to walk the Earth without being noticed by Ayasha, Ishtar, and any other god of her pantheon. This way she can finally be free.

Weaknesses/Crippling fears:

  • The Dagger of  Fate - It's the dagger used by Ishtar to curse Elpis. It's said to be the only weapon able to kill a primeval god. Former owner(s): Ayasha, Ishtar, Leviathan. Current owner: Pride
  • Khaos- A sword forged in the Hades by Pride. It's a god-slayer sword, which entraps the essence of any creature/god stained with and absorbs its power. Only Pride can wield it.

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