Thursday, October 17, 2024

GoT: shorts

She was the people's princess, the warrior maiden, the voice of the voiceless. She witnessed the horrors men could do to one another. She was a victim of said violence, of said hatred, and yet despite it, Bäahal kept an innocent heart. She kept her joy and she kept her love.


I remember the days I couldn't scream. Days spent wishing for a quick end... Days spent wishing for a better future. I am not sure I can explain what I've been through... I am not sure I remember everything either... I just know the pain is there, hidden deep into the scars on my flesh. I remember... But there is light in my life now. There is happiness...There is a desire to live to see another day."


Bäahal had been fighting from the moment she was born. An unwanted child, born out of an unwanted relationship and forced into slavery at a very tender age. A young girl who had to keep her mind from breaking down upon seeing the countless horrors done to others and herself. A young woman who fought to take her freedom from the hands of her slaves. And since then, she'd always fought for her choices, for her family, for others... especially the voiceless. She was terrifying in her own right and didn't need to have a dragon to cast fear upon her enemies. She was a force to be reckoned with yet, her soul was pure, tender, and soft. Yet she maintained some sort of innocence and joy. and love... yes, love.


"And she graced the crowd with her presence and they were too mesmerized to find the right words."


She was the princess of the seven Kingdoms, a woman with a beauty so uncanny that very few believed she existed. but Bäahal was real and those who were lucky enough to see her could testify.


"This is our land, these are our people and while I am not queen, I still have a part to play to ensure peace. I will fight for the people, for their freedom and peace of mind. I guess, it is a huge burden to carry on my shoulders, but it feels right to me. it feels right to us. We're breaking the wheel. Aren't we, sister?"


He longed for the chance to kiss her lips in public, without being afraid and without having to hide. He longed for the chance to be with her and start a new chapter of his life."


I am not invincible and I certainly do feel. I fail. I try. I regret that I mess up. I am

Not invincible, and sometimes I might even need to be protected. But I live. I love. I find my strength in it. In my imperfections and shortcomings. In my emotions and my desire to keep trying.


"We're swimming in troubled waters, but one thing is sure, I will always try to swim towards you, Jaime."


"They didn't stop to think about the impact of their words on her. Words, like arrows, pierced through the tough skin of her heart and made her bleed. They didn't stop. They wouldn't stop."


A dragon and a Lion. Who would have thought it could ever happen? I fell for you, I'd fight the gods old and new for you. I know our fate lies in the hands of the queen, and I pray she would see the genuine feelings we have for each other. I pray she grants us her blessings. I pray.


SHe held the world in her hands. Perhaps more than she could imagine. With the strength of her love, the princess managed to bring back a man to life, and she might even reconcile two families.


I'm not /your/ baby. I'm not your side-chick, I'm not your sinful angel or whatever shit you wanna call me. I am a Targaryen. I am Fire and Blood."


"Young in age but with an older soul. I might seem reckless and I sometimes am, but I have more to offer than just my youth. More than just my beauty."


And all I could see were cowards who hid behind their principles to justify their behavior. They were scared of me, of the power I had. Of my sex-appeal they couldn’t resist. They were afraid of their own weakness.


She was known as the daughter of Aerys II, champion of the Long Night, Dragon Rider, The Saint of the Siege, The Jewel of Astapor, and the sister of the Queen. Her name was Bäahal Targaryen


You would quickly know what the princess would feel. From the moment she was able to express her true emotions, she'd never stopped."


"All I want is to help people, make sure that those who suffer have a chance at a peaceful and happy life. Al I want is to be happy...because I believe that after all the thunder and lightning, a little sun and rainbow are well deserved."


"Viserion is no more, Viserion fought his battle.

Don't be fooled by the lack of dragon by my side. I might not ride them anymore but I am Dragonborn. I have the blood of the dragon and I will burn my enemies to ashes."


"I wish for my mother to witness how happy her daughter is today. Her sacrifices bore fruits and I am a testament to her resilience. I wish she could see me today. "


"I wish for my mother to witness how happy her daughter is today. Her sacrifices bore fruits and I am a testament to her resilience. I wish she could see me today. "


And all I could see were cowards who hid behind their principles to justify their behavior. They were scared of me, of the power I had. Of my sex-appeal they couldn’t resist. They were afraid of their own weakness.


I will always champion the people and their needs. If we are going to be wheelbreakers, sister, I have to be the one knowing what the streets are saying and the one to meet our people, wherever they are


She was the princess of the seven Kingdoms, a woman with a beauty so uncanny that very few believed she existed. but Bäahal was real and those who were lucky enough to see her could testify.


She believed in Jaime Lannister, in a way that not even the gods could. She believed in his right to a second chance, a right to be truly happy. She believed he could be a better man.


“It’s like a knife to the heart, yes, being so far away From him feels like it. A pain that never goes away, a life filled with what-ifs and regrets. Please sister, I beg of you. Reconsider.”


We have the right to live.

We've earned it, all of us.

You've earned it."


"We have to be better than our forefathers. We have to be better for the children to come. We have to be better for ourselves."


"I am a firecracker. The daughter of the Dragon King. You should be careful when you're around me or you could get burned."


"I know who I am. I know what I do. I'm a passionate woman, one who gives her all and when I say something, I fucking mean it."


She was his princess, the last memory of her mother Aerys II had. She was the child made out of true love and despite his genuine feelings, he still ruined her life.


"She was known as the Jewel of Astapor, the sweet and kind heiress of the Targaryen empire. She was known as the Firecracker, the one who would burn those who dare touch her. 


"Family before individuality. My sister before myself. Loyalty, Honorability, despair...The House always wins."


She was known for her uncanny beauty, and her hot temper. She was known for her strong determination and her loyalty. She was known for being confident and some even said she was distant. Yet, all she wanted was to be loved as she was, known as she was, truly seen."


"They call my sister and me, the 8th wonders of the world. thinking that flattery would take them far. What they fail to understand is that what makes us great isn't the front. the pretty. the skin and bones. it's not the hair or the eyes. no. what makes us great is the fire that burns in our veins. it's the ruthlessness we can sometimes show our enemies. it's the hunger that drives us and the determination to see the end of whatever we put our minds on. we are dragonblood. we are the daughters of the Dragon King and so much more


You matter. I will remember you. you said. I used to think that my life did not matter. I didn't know what to do once free. I was willing to give my life to my sister, die for her, fight for her... but not live. I realized that living required a lot of effort. I realized that living required a lot of strength and a reason to move forward. I realized my life was worth living when you were in it.. you taught me that. you made me feel that. I.. Jaime. my life is nothing without you. "


Bäahal, once angry, was a force to reckon with. A force of destruction that could only be matched by the amount of love she was able to give."


Bäahal had a lot of love to give despite the tragedies that ravaged her heart.

The princess loved her family, her friends, even the commoners who had never seen her, but more importantly, she loved Jaime Lannister.

He was her first choice ever, as an independent person. right after she became free, right after she chose to remain free, she chose to love the knight

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