Thursday, October 17, 2024

Doya: shorts

"Don't talk to me about sacrifice if you haven't walked a mile in my shoes. You wouldn't survive a day in my life! You wouldn't survive the slaughter of my family, the endless hunt for the monster that did it, the loss of the life I had before, my ability to bear children to save a child's life...I gave everything, even my soul to protect the world so don't talk to me as if I didn't know what Loss was."


"We are the ones who run towards danger for the smallest chance we could save people. We are the ones who are willing to go to Hell if that means we can save the world. We are fucked up, that's for sure... but I know we will do it again without hesitation if we were given the choice. That is our calling, isn't it?"


Resilient and determined. 

A half-pint-sized badass hunter.

Oya had it rough, rougher than she likes to say but still manages to handle her business and retain her good heart. 

She still saves lives and kicks monsters' asses.


"It's You and me against Evil. It's You and Me for all eternity.  You and I share one heart, Dean, as you once said to me and I'd be damned if we don't enjoy the most of our life together before we meet our end. Hell, I'll find you wherever you are, even after our time has come!"


"I do mean business. Don't get fooled by my short stature. Don't get fooled by my little snark. If I decide to do something, I'll make sure there is nothing of a monster left behind. So tread carefully!"


“She is reckless, especially when she's angry, worried or scared. She is ready to sell her soul to the devil if that means she can save Dean and/ or the world.  Oya has an intense sense of guilt that gives her tunnel vision and makes her take unnecessary risks at times.  She's impulsive at times and this has caused her a lot of trouble in the past due to her ability to read to filth angels, monsters, and humans alike."


Oya has started to forget the sound of her loved ones. She doesn't mention it but she's in distress over not being able to remember. She has forgotten their faces. She has forgotten their scent. She still remembers some events in her life but the faces of her family are now blurred.  So, to remember, she wrote her memories on pieces of paper and journals. She sometimes goes back to read them when the memories are too old and she's started to forget enough for her to wonder if it happened or not.


We heal our younger selves with the love they should have had when they needed it. 

We love our present selves in a way that not even Chuck could destroy.  Forever and always.


We deal with Death every single day, sometimes we bargain and sometimes Death spares us. 

I am reminded that I am mortal and that the happiness I fought for could escape my fingers if Death decides otherwise. 

I used to be fearless...

But now I have way too much to lose. Family. Friends. A life I love more than anything else. 

I now fear Death...

How strange!


Hottest 40 years old you'll find around these parts of the world! 

but in all seriousness... Dean would never allow me to lean like that against Baby, not even to look cool!


"You can't tell me that I'm not the hottest Milf you've ever met!"

Also, I'm enjoying this little honeymoon trip with Dean. So far, we managed to avoid supernatural creatures. I consider us lucky.


before Oya decided to grow her hair and stop flat ironing it, she rocked a bob. You couldn't tell her anything about it because it framed her face perfectly and was giving "government cutie" vibes wherever she went. Sadly, the bob is no more, but it's okay. Oya evolved past it and when you see her today, can you really blame her?


"I didn't think I could live past 40, and yet, here I am. 43 and honestly the happiest I have ever been. Then again, how can I not be when I get to share my life with Team Free Will? How can I not be, when I get to share my life with you?"


It doesn't matter how many crappy motels they stay at, Oya loves it the most when they can just sit and relax, study cases while drinking beers and eating burgers. She sometimes just stops and looks at him in silence, wondering how she got lucky, and enjoying how beautiful her husband is.


It's you and me for all eternity. 

it's you and them a happy family. 

It's you and me, for all eternity. 

And I do feel blessed to wake up to you. 

I do feel blessed to hold onto you at night.

I do feel good to have someone to care for.

it's you and me for all eternity.

I found a reason to live in you, a home, my home... my safest place Dean! All in you! 

I found a reason to trust again, to love again, a reason for me to keep fighting, in you! 

It's you and me, for all eternity.

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