Saturday, June 22, 2024

40 facts about GoT (modern) Bäahal

 40 FACTS ABOUT Modern Bäahal

A/N:  Here you are: 40 facts about this character I shall never write about! All usual disclaimers!!!!!!! it's just for fun! 


1.Her name is Bäahal Targaryen

2. She is the child of Aerys II and his mistress "Sunni"

3. Aerys loved her mother but could not divorce his first wife. His inability to make a tough decision threw Bäahal into the Dragon's Den.

4. She was genuinely happy until she turned 12. Her mother died and her father took her under his wing at the Targaryen Estate. Her childhood from then on was a mix of solitude, bullying from her siblings and stepmother, and warmth and love from her father.

5. She is angry at her father for his choices (or rather lack of) and for making her take the brunt of the consequences of his actions.

6. She cares for the family dogs. Viserion was hers but he died. She only has Drogon and Rhaegal.

7. She is a professional dancer but still wears a wig and contact lenses to hide her identity.

8. Her relationship with her siblings warmed up very recently.

9. Bäahal's best friend and one true friend is Kyra Lannister

10. She is dating Jaime Lannister

11. Her brother Viserys is trying to make amend for his past violent behavior towards her.

12. Her sister Daenerys has a much more complex relationship with Bäahal. She is clearly abusive but it comes from trauma, unresolved anger issues with her father and her mother's poisoning her ears for years.

14.Bäahal is a socialite. She is invited all over the world to attend events and represent her family.

16. She was publicly humiliated after a breakup with her Dornish ex-boyfriend. She's trying to recover but is still worried about going public with Jaime.

17. Daenerys paid her ex-boyfriend to dump Bäahal. He did it without thinking twice.

18. Bäahal tends to backpedal when she doesn't feel confident in what she's saying. Jaime finds it endearing.

19. She is rejected by the rest of the Targaryen family. They believe she isn't a full-blooded Targaryen and shouldn't be in the family. Besides, they're ashamed of what Aerys did. 

20. She has a habit of showing up unannounced. It's when she is silent that there is a problem and it concerns Jaime. 

21. She is extremely stubborn.

22. Bäahal thinks Kyra is extremely beautiful. She's proud of her friend and will always be her biggest cheerleader.

23. She lives in New York most of the time and is extremely wealthy

24. She dreams of being married and having children. 

25. She has beautiful amethyst eyes and silver hair.

26. People think she's an Alpha Bitch. She can come across as one with someone people.

27. She would love nothing more but to take Jaime and Kyra to her dance contest or recitals. 

28. She has a huge sex appeal and she knows it. She's not afraid to lean into it.

29. She loves to dance and is known to be one of the best dancers among socialites.

30. She's a model, but the one who walks the runways makes photoshoots on magazines or social media.

31. She does have a HUGE drawer for her clothes. She's a fashionista

32. Bäahal is way more cheerful and positive than her regular counterpart. 

33. She visits Naath every year to pay homage to her mother.

34. Bäahal adores pastries, it's the way to her heart. 

35. Cersei hates her and would do her best to convince Jaime to break up with her. It worked.

36. Bäahal was an excellent horse rider when she was a teenager. She does own a horse: Napoleon.

37. Bäahal's hair is soft and silky. Jaime loves to run his fingers through it.

38. Bäahal doesn't like other socialites. They usually are just very selfish young people who care only about their fame and superficial matters. She used to spend time with one called Eleonore Rigby who was all about drugs, sex, and gossip.

39. Bäahal misses her mom. She was raised by a blue-collared mother who kept her down to Earth.

40. Bäahal paints when she's not dancing. It relaxes more than she cares to admit.

40 facts about Ceryse Velaryion


A/N: All usual disclaimers!!!!!!! it's just for fun! Ceryse belongs to me, always


1. Her full name is Ceryse Velaryon

2. She is going blind and despite the hard work of the Maesters, she can't recover her sight.

3. Ceryse loves the sea. She is an excellent seafarer and considers the sea as her true home. 

4. She hates the Blacks more than she loves the Greens. 

5. She has two beauty marks on her face. one next to her nose and the other next to the corner of her mouth.

6. Her scent is a pleasant reminder of the sea.

7. Her appetite is tremendous, she's always snacking on something when left to her own device.

8. She can handle herself well with knives and swords. Her father taught her.

9. Ceryse hates Otto Hightower. She resents him for manipulating her into marrying him.

10. She was very close to Baela, Rhaena, Lucerys Jacaerys, and Joeffrey until her father died.

11. Daemon took her maidenhood and tried to manipulate her for his own selfish desires. It backfired.

12. She is in love with Aemond Targaryen. 

13. They fell for each other after she challenged him to a sword fight. He didn't expect her to manipulate a sword this good and that prompted him to try and get to know her better.

14. When she doesn't sail, she loves to run and swim.

15. She is distraught over losing her sight but is trying to be independent as much as possible.

16. She doesn't trust easily and because of this she didn't have friends growing up.

17. Her father tried to match her with a few strong men but they were canceled, all 5 of them.

18. Her father was her best friend. His death truly broke her heart and she's still mourning him.

19. She has not killed yet, but would not have any qualms about doing it to save her life or an innocent's.

20. Her matches rejected her because she was too adventurous, rebellious, opinionated, and strong for them. The last one also added that he couldn't marry a woman who was going blind for fear of having blind heirs as well.

21. After her last suitor refused to marry her, her father decided to let her marry for love.

22. Kyra Lannister is her first true friend and eventually becomes her best friend.

23. She wishes to become a mother to Aemond's children. Unfortunately, this is just a dream for now.

24. Her whole direct family has been decimated, she's the only survivor of Vaemond Velaryon's bloodline.

25. Ceryse doesn't think of herself as beautiful, she's extremely self-conscious of the scars on her back and ribs, her calloused hands from working the ropes, and her near-blindness.

26. She thinks women are beautiful, and attractive but hasn't explored those thoughts.

27. Ceryse has a lovely singing voice. She hasn't sung a song since her father's funeral.

28. Aemond has taken her to a ride on Vhagar, which both scared and excited her. 

29. She is 19 at the death of her father.

30. Otto Hightower has a complicated relationship with her. She is a pawn to be used by him and he cares nothing about her survival post-war. However, he is drawn to her, to her youth, to her stubborn attitude, to her fierceness, and finds himself lusting after her. No love. Just lust.

31. She allied herself to the Greens to avenge her father's death but her inexperience got her locked into a partnership she never desired.

32. She used to be very cheerful before her father's death. Since then, it has taken some work to bring that side of her out. Aemond noticed.

33. Ceryse can recognize a footstep after spending some time with the person. She is training her other senses hard to remain independent. 

34. Ceryse is worried that Otto Hightower would not follow through with his plan and would instead have her killed.

35. She deeply feels alone but has mastered the art of the poker face to keep some dignity.

36. Aemond can't forgive Daemon for manipulating his beloved into having sex with him. He knows Ceryse feels awful after the fact and she hates herself for enjoying making love to the man who killed her own father.

37. Ceryse is rather short but is strong and soft due to her seafaring years.

38. She worries Aemond is married off to someone else. What would she do in such a case? 

39. She is withering inside the walls of the Red Keep. Ceryse is meant to be by the sea, at least at the beach if she can't sail anymore.

40. She is rather blunt with what she thinks of others and doesn't hesitate to tell them exactly how it is. however, she refuses to talk about how she feels, mostly because she hides under the pretense she's doing fine.

Friday, June 21, 2024

DOYA headcanon: Pictures of Dean

Oya loves taking pictures of Dean too. She thinks the camera loves him and always finds a reason to do so. He's got a new jacket on? well, she takes a snap. He's got a new pair of slacks? She takes a snap. Is he looking hot while driving Baby? She takes a snap. They went to that cat cafe once and she took a picture of him. She's smitten over Dean, he knows it, she knows it, but she won't stop telling him she thinks he's beautiful and she loves his eyes and his smile above anything else. 

klasma:The greatest victory is to live

 The greatest victory one can have is to be the one who lived when the whole world wanted you dead. 

They wanted me dead. Not all of them... but way too many to count. My coven cursed me with eternal life and pain that can't be soothed unless I hurt or help someone. Fellow witches decided I would be better off dead. Werewolves, humans...I have lost count of who and what wanted me dead. 

I guess I should count myself in too. It happened, after a while, when solitude became overwhelming. I did want to die. I wanted to put an end to my misery but even at my lowest, even when I was crying my soul out, deep down I refused to die. 

I refused to die. 

I decided to live instead. 

And now, hundreds of years later, I can see that it was the best that could have happened to me. I survived. I live. 

Yes! I live. 

klasma Headcanon: Cooking

Nëela is a fine cook. She loves to cook for the people she loves (and for herself) and always makes sure to treat them to a delicious dinner. 

She loves food, all types of food and she does want to eat cheese and fruits with Klaus while he paints because she associates sharing a meal with showing love to someone. It's an act of love. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

HOTD: The war is inevitable

Since Aemond accidentally killed Lucerys, the Lady of Driftmark had not had the opportunity to see him again. He was avoiding her on purpose, leaving the young lady to the whims of his grandsire. His absence was felt deeply by the young woman. It was akin to a stab wound that pierced her flesh and went deep into her skin. Why didn't he visit her? Was it because he was obsessed with protecting the Red Keep and his family? Was it because he was upset with himself or he couldn't face her because he was responsible for the death of a kin?  Ceryse was confused, upset, and probably a little angry at the young man. She was forced to share the bed with her betrothed Otto Hightower but fortunately for her, he didn't try to force himself on her. Instead, he simply wanted her to warm his bed, to feel her breath against his skin, to watch her sleep as if there were no worries in the world. He wanted companionship, but not enough for her to know his secrets, just enough for him to enjoy her presence.  Any attempt at talking to him was shut down by the older man who required his beloved to remain pretty and silent, which frustrated Ceryse even more. 

Aemond isolated her when he decided to avoid her presence and she couldn't take it anymore so she took it upon herself to find the one-eyed prince. Ceryse was rather overlooked by the people working at the castle. Since she was rather pleasant and kind to them, they decided to mind their business and let her move as she pleased in the hallways of the Red Keep. She looked for Aemond anywhere she knew she could find him until she decided to walk towards the dragon pit inside the Red Keep. As the young woman hastily walked further into the darkest corners of the Red Keep, she could rely less and less on her sight. Everything became blurry and only what was directly lit by the flames was caught by her deficient gaze. She didn't notice Aemond closing in on her and certainly didn't feel his strong hand grab her arm to pull her around and force her against the wall. Ceryse eyes grew wide and she quickly drew the little knife she carried with her to his neck. Aemond felt the cold metal press against his neck and smirked at the young Lady whose chest was heaving up and down at a faster pace. 

"Aemond!" -She exclaimed, relaxing against his frame as his eye took in the beautiful feature of her face lit by the fire- "I have been looking for you for weeks!"

"And here I am, Ceryse.  I have been busy..."

"Busy? You mean, you killed Lucerys Velaryon and you didn't think that you could have come to me? He was my cousin!"

"And I didn't mean to! I--- I lost control of Vhagar and I couldn't stop her from eating... I couldn't stop her." -Ceryse's lips trembled and she slapped his face with her free hand. He didn't retaliate and instead grabbed the wrist of the hand that had slapped him. She swallowed hard and felt her heartbeats go harder- 

"You could have come to me. I couldn't grieve....properly. You should have come to me." -She whispered before her hazel eyes looked down to his chest.  Aemond fought the urge to press his lips to her wrist, to take in the scent of fresh roses she had. It took everything he had to stop himself from stealing yet another kiss, in the secrecy of the hallway leading to the dragons pit.-

"How could I have? You're spending your nights with my grandsire. I can't exactly come to his chambers to talk to you."

"How cruel of you, Aemond. Do you think I want to spend my nights with Otto Hightower? Do you think I want to share my bed with a man I hate?" She bit back a sob and looked up at his face once again. 

"Did he... Touch you?" -She shook her head- "Then why does he have you sleep in his bed  every night?"

"Company... Your old sire feels lonely. I'd rather he doesn't try to touch me. He... knows about us. He sounded upset when he confronted me." -She admitted, closing her eyes as the prince lost to his intrusive thoughts and pressed his lips to her wrist. "Ohh.. Should we?... I don't want to put you in trouble..." She moaned out, unable to resist the velvety sensation of his lips on her skin. He looked at her with his sole purple eye, an intense gaze, an apologetic one for the grief he caused her and the deep need for more of her. So Aemond kissed his way up to her inner elbow. 

Ceryse could feel her legs slowly starting to give up. Her breathing became more labored and she could feel her heart pound against her ribcage. Was he seriously considering kissing her in public? Was he seriously considering resuming their secret affair despite his grandsire taking hold of her? Ceryse was upset for Lucerys, she was upset for the loss of her baby cousin whom she loved dearly despite the death of her father. She was upset because he disappeared when he should have been closer to her, helping her grieve. Yet, as his kiss kept moving up, now attacking the soft arm of the young woman, she found herself unable to stop herself from sliding her fingers through his silver locks and holding a fist of them.  He kissed his way up to her neck, suckling the soft skin and eliciting another moan from the young woman. It was so improper, so risky, and yet she couldn't stop herself from wanting more. So the Lady of Driftmark held a fistful of hair a little tighter, pulling him off of her neck so he could look her in the eye. She was panting and shivering from his touch as his knee slid in between her legs, pressing the sensitive spot there. 

"I have missed you Ceryse. I have tried to stay away from you, thinking that you wouldn't forgive me for what happened to Lucerys. I have tried to..."

"I am upset. I am upset that you avoided me and left me alone Aemond. I'm upset that you didn't even try to see how I was doing. Ceryse Velaryon, the blind Lady of Driftmark... A perfect lamb to sacrifice for the honor and glory of House Targaryen."

"I don't want to.."

She put her forefinger against his lips, that he kissed as he was seeking more contact from her. He tried to push her finger towards her, in hopes that he would capture a kiss of her soft lips that were glistening under the sweet light of the fire but Ceryse moved her head and pushed him away so she could take a few steps away from the prince. He saw she was flustered. He knew the way her chest heaved up and down when she was overwhelmed. He knew the slight change in her tone, the raspy undertones of her voice that betrayed her arousal. She wanted the same thing as him but he understood that her anger towards the prince trumped the rest. So he cleared his throat and took a few steps back, so she could feel that he was not going to overwhelm her.  Ceryse, wiped her face to try and regain some composure before she turned around, her face a little stern, her eyes a little more focused as she was trying to notice his features despite the darkness and her near-sight. 

"We can't continue like this Aemond... I am not safe with your Grandsire. I am not safe here because I am just a pawn in this war..."

"Aren't we all pawns, Ceryse? I am well aware that despite what my mother and grandsire say about me, they see me as nothing but a spare. No one is important and even worse, the one responsible for this war they started. My mother and Aegon usurped the throne and because of that, we can't have the life we want to have. What do you want me to do, my Lady? What can I possibly do?"

"You're the prince...You're skilled and needed.. Surely, your grandsire could see how better it would be for me to marry you than him?" -She realized what she'd said and then covered her mouth with her warm palm.- "I must come across as desperate to you, don't I? You judged me for something I wasn't... You judged me for what Daemon did and what I let him do to me. You are upset at me for agreeing to marry Otto Hightower but what choices did I have when my parents and brothers are all dead?? What choices do I have as someone who is going blind? What choices, uh? Aemond!"

He watched as she sobbed, covering her face with both hands before she fell on her knees and sat on her heels. Ceryse was exhausted by the situation and she simply needed a break. She already stated her desire to marry Aemond, the one she truly loved but was well aware that he might just not be on board. She was no longer a virgin and to make matters worse, it was his sworn enemy who took her virginity. Why would he rescue her from Otto Hightower? Why would he?  His heart sank and he quickly put one knee on the floor and both hands on her shoulders. 

"Now now... My lady, please don't cry. I can't suffer this sight..." His voice was soothing but she kept crying, releasing the tension that had taken hold of her body and mind.- "You're speaking as if I would not want to make you my wife. You do know of my feelings for you. Yes, I was upset but not at you for what Daemon did. I was upset at him for tormenting you like he did. I know of his ways, of his brutality, of his conniving ways. I know he played your heart and innocence and took it for himself but I give no shit about whether or not you're a virgin, Ceryse. Seven Hells, we made love already. You gave yourself to me of your own free will. You... welcomed me as I was."He cupped her cheeks as she dropped both arms from each side of her body, defeated, exhausted, wet from all the tears that she cried- "I want you. Blind or not, virgin or not. I want you, Ceryse...Do not doubt me, my lady. I just couldn't face you after the accident. I didn't know how to handle your reaction given how poorly I was received by my own. I knew I had broken your heart and I didn't want to see for myself. I should have come to you. I should have.." 

He pressed a kiss on her wet cheeks, then her forehead, her cheeks again, peppering her with affection as she was still sobbing. He pulled her into a hug and gently stroked her hair. He would talk to her again, would make sure that she had her needs met but he knew that she needed to be comforted. She needed to hear that he wanted her and that he would fight for her. Aemond wasn't sure of how things would go but he was willing to try, for Ceryse... for him. 


COLBY: Stepping out in society

"I promise it's not going to happen again." -Tommy said but Mary didn't look at him-

The evening was eventful and quite a disaster. It was supposed to be her big night, the moment everyone would finally be introduced to Tommy Shelby's new woman. Her big reveal was a catastrophe. Some people freaked out because she was a black woman, attending their party as their "equal".  Some people tried to seduce her, aroused by her exotic features and curvaceous body.  Some just flat-out decided to ignore her presence. Mary was made to feel like a stranger, like someone who didn't belong to the high society and it took all of her willpower to maintain a poker face. Deep down, she was hurt, because she could see the disapproval on the faces of Tommy's supporters and colleagues. She could see the lust in some others that made her feel uneasy because she knew why they were looking at her like that. Perhaps she was nothing more than an exotic bird Tommy bought for his own entertainment. They didn't take her seriously, they didn't take Tommy seriously. She could not possibly be his new woman! 

"You don't know it, Tom." -His heart sank a little bit-

Her heart was aching and she had been holding back her tears ever since they left the party. Tom stood by her, especially as he noticed how passive-aggressive some people were to her. He hated the way they scrutinized Mary, judged her before even meeting her, and gossiped behind her back. He hated the way these men were looking at her as if she was candy as if they were undressing her with their eyes and at the edge of begging Tommy to sell her to them. Very few acted candidly nice to her. Very few managed to keep her calm and focused on their welcoming nature. Unfortunately, Tom watched as anger and anguish built over the night and when the gala was over, she didn't even wait for him to leave the premises.  She didn't mind the rain, she didn't care about being soaked from the rain as long as she could get away from these people.  So, Tommy found her soaked and crying her soul out next to their car. She refused to let him touch her, not yet not when she was still upset and could potentially hurt him

"It's true." He conceded "Mary." He began with, walking closer to her "Mary." His voice was softer now as he wanted to soothe her. It caught her attention and had her turn her head around and glance at him. "It's going to be okay."

"How? How is it going to be okay?" -Her lips were trembling-

"I don't know yet. We'll figure it out."

He tried to be reassuring but it had little to no effect on her. She shrugged and ran her hand through her wet curly locks. Her green eyes scanned the living room they were at and she just closed her eyes.

"I don't know Tom... I don't know..."

"I'm standing right there. Do you need something?" 

She turned around, nodding frantically before she opened her arms and walked towards him for a hug. As he wrapped his arms around her frame and kissed the top of her head, Tommy was thinking to himself about what would come up next. They would have to deal with the public eye and it was a very turning point for him on a personal and professional level.  He expected their reaction to seeing Mary and he commended her for being so brave in the face of adversity and never allowing them to decipher her true feelings. Still, he wanted to make sure that the world knew he chose her and should fucking respect her. As he was lost in his thoughts, Mary wrapped her arms around his frame and hugged him tightly. He stroked her arms and back and gently suggested that they should go and she should get dry lest she wanted to get sick. He would spend the night trying to comfort her, to bring back a smile on her face, and reassure her that he would want no one by his side but her. No one else. 

COPG: Training with the Scythe

Elpis enjoyed the freedom that came with the ring Pride gifted her. With it, she was now able to follow him anywhere he went. She was able to go wherever she saw fit without any care in the world. The ring was forged with the jointed efforts of Hecate and Pride, laced with magic that rendered her invisible to the inquisitive eye of the goddess of knowledge. Her pantheon couldn't find her! It allowed the goddess to roam the mortal realm she loved so much as freely as before and take the opportunity to train. Since she broke free from her curse, the goddess realized that she was far more powerful than her pantheon wanted her to believe. She wasn't just the mere goddess of Light and Hope, no! She was true balance, the lovechild of Creation and Destruction, of Life and Death!

She was the most powerful being of her pantheon and now that she was free of their mental manipulation, Elpis could see the truth. She could feel it, her connection to the world of the living was stronger than ever, rivaling the power of her mother, the All-Mother Gaea. Every day, her power grew to the point that it wasn't a matter of If but rather a matter of "when" she would take over and become the new All-Mother.  She promised her mother, in the rare time they could converse together; that she was coming for her crown, and once Elpis had set her sight on something, she would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. Gaea knew that her days were numbered and her daughter would come for her head. 

Elpis walked into the forest and after a quick spell chanted, protected her from mortal gaze. She summoned her scythe and twirled it with both hands.  Pride had been so generous with her when he decided to forge the weapon in the depths of Tartarus. It was a work of art, heavy but easy to manipulate at the same time. At the top of the weapon, there was a carved skull. The curved blade of the scythe was huge and sharp, and "The Lightbringer" was engraved in Sumerian, a rather cheeky nod to the time she destroyed that pantheon on impulse. The handle was made of fine iron and Elpis life was sculpted all over it. She could see the golden years in the gilded cage they forced her into, and the betrayal at the hands of her brother. Elpis marveled at the beauty of the Scythe, at how carefully crafted it was, and felt a surge of gratitude towards her beloved overwhelm her. She would make him proud. She would practice and she would make sure that she was ready for the war. 

So Elpis twirled her scythe and then hit a tree with the blade, slicing it in half.  She then used her powers to lift the trunk up in the air to use it as a target. It became a dance, where the scythe as if it was one with her. It followed her command, going where she wanted it to, cutting what she wanted it to, but she went overboard and the weapon escaped her hands and fell on the ground. The goddess sighed and landed on the grass. She walked towards the scythe and knelt before it. It was a start, it wasn't that bad after all. She did rather good for the first time testing the weapon in public. with a wave of her hand, the scythe disappeared and Elpis looked up to the sky, unbothered by the sound of the pieces of wood that fell on the grass.  It was a beautiful sky, clear and empty, and for the first time since the goddess had entered the forest, she could hear the sounds of nature.  The birds were singing, and there was a light cold breeze that brushed over her face. Life was good... And it would be better. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

TB: Mallory and Sara

Orphanage for supes children, Kitchen, 3 PM

The kitchen was empty save for one of the orphans who sought refuge there. It was Sara. the teenager needed a break from the bullying she was a victim of.  She decided to cook herself a dish she liked, something that could bring her some sort of comfort.  She was wearing a pair of denim jeans and a large t-shirt, and she tied her hair in a loose ponytail as she cut clean some cabbage.  Sara was focused as she didn't want to cut her fingers. She hummed happily when she heard a faint noise at the door. Suspicious, she grabbed the kitchen knife and walked towards the door.

"Who is this?" She asked calmly.

<Boizhe Moi! Sara! You can't even recognize my footsteps?>  -The voice was familiar but faint.-

Sara relaxed and opened the door to a vision of horror. Mallory was standing there, covered in blood. Her white pale hands were literally soaked with the crimson liquid and it appeared to be a mix of both her own blood and someone else. She was dressed in her usual hoodie and sweatpants. Her blonde hair was a mess, soaked with blood, saliva, and brain particles but it was her face that horrified Sara. That pretty face that made her heart soar was beaten up pretty badly. Cuts were visible on her swollen lips,
and cheeks. Her eyes were swollen and her jaw was stiff.

The blonde teen sat on a stool in the kitchen and coughed a little bit of blood. Sara took some raw frozen meat from her freezer and handed it to the blonde teen who applied it on her eyes. She winced and groaned at the pain but relaxed as the cold meat was starting to soothe her. Tonight was a dreadful night. You didn't need to be a genius to realize it and Sara was already starting to wonder what happened to her dear friend, that afternoon. A dark chuckle escaped from the lips of the teen and she mumbled.

« Sara ?... » She asked as if she was holding back her question.

« Yes ? » replied the black-haired supe with a curious look on her face.

« Do you really believe in the killer instinct? » Her thick russian accent echoed through the kitchen and the genuine question sent a shiver down Sara who didn't expect to hear it. She often wondered if she was the product of the training or if she had it inside of her all along. It should not be complicated to figure out, she thought,

Mallory and Sara were trained from a young age to become the next member of the Seven. They were taught to become violent, harness their powers, and find the most efficient way to take down an enemy, therefore it couldn't come from deep within. It shouldn't come from deep within. Mallory looked at her friend and nervously grabbed a knife she threw in the air and caught to distract herself. The blonde teenager became Sara's confident and genuine friend at the orphanage. They quickly dated before Sara realized that her friend had a much darker past than her.

 Mallory was unstable, she was addicted to drugs to cope with her traumas. She was very protective of Sara and always looked after her. Sara realized that the blood she had on her body came from the bullies who hurt her earlier today.  Mal probably just went after them and taught them a lesson. Sara found herself conflicted about it, wondering if her tormentors were killed in the fight or if they were just heavily injured. Mal shrugged, probably already drugged up before she showed up at the kitchen.

« A killer instinct? I don't think it exists » She tried to sound casual, but Sara failed and Mallory perceived the change of tone, the nervosity in her answer. « What about you? »

« I don't know babes... I don't. Part of me wants to believe that all I'm doing is because... It's because I've been taught that. That those are muscular memories and not who I really am. Yet...every time I grab a knife, I want to stab my enemies. Every time I grab a gun, I want to pull the trigger. It's in me! It's.... inside of me! festering like a disease... » -She sounded disgusted as if she realized she was sick with a nasty disease.-

« Mal... »  -Sara winced as her bruises were hurting her-

« Don't you feel it at times? When they bully you?» She asked, removing the cold meat from her eyes and staring at her girlfriend. Sara was staring at the other teen with eyes transfixed with fear and anguish.

« Every time. » The brunette admitted with a sigh. « .... I feel it every time !» She put her knife on the counter and grabbed the bottle of beer near the counter. « But, I know that  I am not a killing machine. I know, I know we've been taught to fight and even to kill to save lives. I know we've been taught to compete with the others so we would be the best.....But we were very young and it was all we ever knew! »  -She then walked towards her girlfriend and sat on a stool right next to her. Mallory rolled her eyes and put the meat back onto her face.

« I know.... » She then put her hands on her lap, wincing again at the pain she was experiencing. Sara gasped and quickly left the stool to go pick up a first aid kit, some towels, and a basin of hot water to cleanse her wounds. « Sara? »

« Yes? » -She replied as she was gathering the items.-

« You keep saying that we shouldn't give in to our instincts.. but you were taught to fight, to hurt, to kill... I know that you've thought about retaliating to the violence your bullies put you through but you have never acted on it. Have you ever... killed someone? Did you try to... kill your folks? » Sara dipped the tip of the towel into the hot water before she lifted her girlfriend's shirt and cleaned the cuts on
her belly. It made Mallory hiss but she simply shut one eye.

« I think of the lives I want to save instead of...those I want to take. I don't want to take lives. I feel relieved when I'm able to save innocents... that's the feeling I'm looking forward to. But if I'm being honest, I wanted to kill yeah... I wanted to kill my parents. I wanted to kill my bullies... I dreamed about it... I really did. What do you feel? What happened today? It's unlike you to be this beaten up. »

« ........ » A loud sigh escaped from Mallory's plump lips and she shrugged. « You were badly hurt today. I warned them to stop hurting you but they kept going on. I decided I would teach them a fucking lesson. So I did. I taught them a lesson. » She paused for a brief second and then shrugged. « I had to make sure I wouldn't end up killing them. I was this close...I wanted to. I felt the urge boil in my veins. I didn't even need a weapon, my hands were itching. That's why I'm asking you all of these questions. I don't know if I acted that way because I was taught to, or because It's who I am. » Her voice faltered and she took a deep breath.

She was scared of the answer, of her possibly being dangerous to people around her. Her swollen eyes couldn't see well given the meat that covered them but she felt Sara's gaze upon her and heard the shift of breathing pattern. Sara was calmer than before and a little more relaxed. The brunette realized that her friend was going through the very same ordeal she went through. She had so much blood on her hands that she was wondering how she could wash it away and if it was possible. She chewed at her bottom lip before finally removing the meat from Sara's eyes.

« Look at me. Look at me very closely. You are /not/ a monster! You are not a MONSTER! Tell me, if you were, why would you try NOT to kill these idiots? Why would you let them beat you up and cut you open? Why would you even try to protect me? You did it for me, didn't you? » Mal was staring at her, eyes wide open from the shock of Sara's sudden change of attitude. It did sound like she was talking for both of them but the blonde teen couldn't really grasp it just yet. She just felt her eyes fill themselves with tears. « MAL! Mal, please! Say something! » Sara's lips were trembling as she was inches from her girlfriend. « You did it for me, didn't you? You were thinking about my safety first when you took on those guys, didn't you? Mal! Answer me! »

« Yes...I did. » She managed to say, eyes finally crying the tears she was holding back. « I did... I did !! I did it for you! I did it for you! I just... I just... I'm not. I'm not a monster. I just... » She could barely speak and started to sob her heart out. Sara nodded and kept cleaning her wounds with the towel. « I'm not a monster! I'm not a monster, I'm not a monster, I'm not a monster... »

<See? I told you.>  Sara said in Russian before sitting on her chair once again. She helped her girlfriend clean her wounds up, take a bath, and then went to finish preparing dinner for the both of them. She knew that it would take more than just a conversation for Mallory to actually recover from the years of conditioning and torture she went through and even more to deal with the deaths she was responsible for.  Sara knew that Mallory wanted to atone for her violence and although she had to fight against her first instincts and the brainwashing she suffered from, she still made progress. 

Today she didn't kill regular people who attacked her girlfriend. She could have given in to her urges but decided to fight against and maybe that was how things truly were. Maybe they would never be able to completely move on from their past and would have to battle their darkness every day. Maybe they would forever need to check on each other and make sure that none of them would take a life for the wrong reasons. She didn't know but she decided to trust tomorrow and let it come.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

KLASMA: trapped in a dream


A/N: Well... I do like the idea of him having a little nightmare :p Still in denial about his feelings for her though. as she is. 



His voice echoed through the room, panicked and confused. He barely slept but when he did, nightmares took control of his mind. It had been a while though, since he ever had a nightmare but with the recent events, it was almost impossible for anyone to have a correct sleep, let alone to avoid having nightmares. It wasn't the first time he ever had this nightmare. It was the same one over and over again. Nëela was dying in his arms because he wasn't able to protect her. He watched the woman he was deeply in love with, cross the veil between the living and the dead, and with him being helpless. Usually, when he woke up like this, he stayed in bed and fell asleep again allowing the same thing to happen over and over again but this time, it was different. 

Klaus was sweating profusely. His large chest was glistening with the sweat and his thick hair was now completely messy and greased up from all the stress accumulated. His fangs were released and he nearly growled as he sat on the bed. His senses were set ablaze and since too much information was overwhelming him, the hybrid wasn't able to realize that he was in a bad dream. He called her name, screaming it to the point he was starting to suffocate. Where was she? For the first time though, he decided to react. A quick glance at the bed and he noticed she wasn't there. A quick glance around him and he realized she wasn't in the room either. Framed photos were on the shelves, pictures of them together, taken over the years of living together. He stood up and put on some flannel pants before he exited his room. Her scent was still teasing his nostrils but at the same time leading his way towards the witch. Roses, she smelled like roses and the faint scent of the witch guided him out of the bedroom. Still, the hybrid wasn't put at ease, he didn't even feel better. Where was she?

He kept walking towards the kitchen where the lights were on. His heart was racing. Why was the manor empty?  Something felt off. They shouldn't be here. It has been destroyed by witches and werewolves months ago. Nothing remained and the family was scattered around the world. Furrowing his brows, he lifted his head up and noticed the destroyed roof. So it comforted him in walking furthermore towards the kitchen. Her scent led him there. She was there. When he finally pushed the door open, much to his horror he saw Hayley -or to be more precise, her corpse- Was she dead? When? The last thing he remembered was that Hayley was found bleeding profusely. Elijah was worried, his face unreadable but his stress obvious to the trained eye. Was she dead? She was, to him. She was lying on the floor with her guts ripped off of her belly. A gruesome sight that made him flinch for a second. He had to find his witch and fast! 

Klaus furrowed his brow and wrinkled his nostrils as he finally smelled something else. It was  Nëela's body, hanging on a solid rope. The vision was terrifying and Logan ran towards her. He wanted to remove the rope but wasn't able to see the end of it since the wall seemed bigger than it usually was. Shocked and panicked, he wrapped his muscular arms around her corpse and held her form as tightly as he could against his. She was warm, she was soft against him.. she seemed to be alive but he knew she was dead. She smelled like death mixed with her very own unique scent.

"You can't be dead... Love... Nëela, wake up!" -He said, on the verge of crying. She couldn't be dead. Why would she hang herself for? 

"Nëela.. you're not funny. Wake up. The joke's dead now... The joke's over... Open your eyes." But she didn't and he literally started to lose his shit straight away. 

He started to sway her body as if to reassure her and comfort her while he was growling and urging her to wake up.  He had not been able to form coherent thoughts. He looked up and she looked so peaceful, relieved almost, but it was cruel. It was hell for him and he tried to let her know. The only sounds that came out of his lips were groans and sobs. Yes.. sobs. He had lost his loved one.. he had lost everything and he didn't know what to do. Far away though, he started to hear a familiar voice calling his name but he ignored it. The voice was insisting though, so at some point, Klaus was forced to listen to it.


"Leave me alone. Don't you see I'm grieving? She's dead. She was the only thing that kept me sane.. she's dead."

"KLAUS FOR FUCK SAKE WAKE UP!! It's not real! All of this is not real! WAKE UP!!"

"What are you talking about?.. How come it's not.." He looked around himself and Finn had vanished. He then looked up at the manor's roof. "I'm not dreaming."

"The manor was destroyed completely remember? Hayley's injured.. and I am NOT DEAD! WAKE UP!!" -It was Nëela's voice. Now he could tell.-It was starting to make sense. The manor was destroyed so he was in a nightmare. He tried to snap out of it but it was impossible. Since he was convinced it was real, he couldn't leave this place. The witch's voice started to get impatient but she tried to remain calm.- "I will help you. Klaus. You have to listen carefully. I can't join you as long as you believe I'm dead. To create a larger breach in your mind, you have to convince yourself that the corpse you're holding isn't mine. Please. Do it... Do it so I can come and set you free."

Klaus nodded and looked up at the swaying corpse that was in front of him. She was still so calm that it became sinister. The lighting changed, making it more dramatic and focusing the attention on the body alone. Everything became dark around them. He sighed and forced himself to look up again. She embodied the fear he had of losing her just the way he lost his previous lovers. She was even more. She was his hope, the hope of an actual life with a companion, someone who loved him genuinely and cared for him. She reminded him of his own failures. He had to let her go, to accept the light, to accept a new hope.

"Baby please... trust me. do it. Let her go."

Klaus pulled away from the corpse and scratched the back of his head. "I don't want to lose you. Nëela. I kept losing you over and over again in my nightmares. I don't want it to happen someday."

"So do I. I have more chances of surviving you than you have at surviving me!... I am also scared of losing you. So stop your bullshit and come back to me! COME BACK TO ME!" She screamed, lighting up a fire inside of him. He looked again and finally made up his mind. After a while, the corpse vanished and Nëela's astral projection tore apart the darkness, bringing up light behind her. She outstretched her hand towards him and offered him the sweetest smile ever. "Come home." She said until he grabbed her hand and suddenly woke up.

Klaus looked around and noticed on his bed, the witch sitting next to him. Her hands were stroking his hair and her face was messed up with dried tears. He grinned and grabbed her cheek with his large hand. Some of his fingers were entangled with her locks "How long?.."

"Too much for me... a couple of weeks." She said as she nuzzled his nose with hers and planted several kisses on his forehead. "Don't do this to me again."

"I don't even know what that was...but yeah, I won't." He smirked and pulled her into a kiss. She was there, she was alive, she reminded him of home. He had several questions to ask but he would not because he was with her.

GOT: My family

Daenerys ran her hand through Bäahal's silver locks. The princess fell asleep on her lap a while ago and the queen allowed her mind to wander for a while. The two of them had a complex history. One that was laced with tears, trauma, and laughter. One that was filled with hope and despair and love. It was love that helped Dany welcome Jon into her life and allow love to flourish in her heart once again. It was love that helped Dany believe in healing and step into her duty as a queen of the seven kingdoms with confidence. It was Bäahal's love that helped her stand when all she wanted was to fall. That love was unbreakable and Dany felt grateful. It took a while for Daenerys to fully embrace the fact she had a sister, still alive and around her age. 

That love resisted anger. Both Daenerys and Bäahal clashed when the queen learned that her sister was in love with Jaime Lannister.  It felt like a slap in her face, a betrayal of such a great magnitude that she didn't know how to forgive her. Jaime Lannister was the man who killed her father. He was the one who betrayed his vows. He hurt Jon's brother. His family was responsible for so much pain and suffering that Daenerys couldn't comprehend the bond that existed between him and her sister. What did she see in him? How could she look at him with love in her eyes? Every time the princess gushed about Jaime, the queen felt anger make her blood boil. She hated to hear her sister complimenting him. She hated to watch Bäahal's face full of love for the man she hated the most. How could they reconcile their differences? How could they make it work? Daenerys couldn't think of a solution and instead allowed her anger to take over. Bäahal would never marry Jaime. She would never let this man enter the family. Dany tried to make it so, but eventually, she realized that she was hurting her sister.  She realized that her stance on Jaime was driving a wedge between the two of them and she was about to lose her.

That love resisted her guilt. Daenerys felt guilty because she didn't realize that distancing herself from her sister would not go unnoticed by the princess. It hurt her sister, and it was so painful to see, so obvious, even to the untrained eye. Dany missed several events in the life of her sister, she wasn't there to comfort her when Bäahal needed it. She wasn't there to guide her when her sister needed it. She wasn't there to make her feel better when Bäahal needed it. It was heartbreaking to watch the face of her sister wet from the tears she shed and her body shiver from head to toe from fear. Bäahal refused to talk to her and each time she heard that the princess would not oppose her decision to marry her off to a total stranger, her heart sank. The sisters grew apart from each other. In fact... they lost each other.

But they found each other again. Daenerys came back to her senses, went past her anger, past her anguish, and past her fear of being rejected by her sister so they could have a decent conversation. They talked, for what seemed like days (and it was indeed). They talked and put everything on the table, the truth hurt more than once but it was so much needed. In tears, Dany asked her sister "I have been horrible to you, sister. I let you down every time you needed me and I only realized how much you were hurting when it was too late. I never wanted to hurt you, Bäahal. Could you forgive me?" to which the princess replied. "We are family. I forgave you a long time ago. I forgive you like you forgive me for what we put each other through." and just like that they rekindled their flame.

DOYA: A flesh wound

A flesh wound is just your flesh being torn apart. Your flesh was brutalized and a painful reminder of how reckless or outmatched you were. A flesh wound is a testimony of your mistakes and it would constantly remind you of not repeating them. A flesh wound would heal, but the ego wouldn't. Dean was bruised, both physically and mentally. His body was covered in the scars he earned during his hunting nights. Testimonials of the pain he endured ever since he started this job. He remembered the story of each and every one of his wounds, why they happened, how he learned his lesson from these and there were nights when Dean could feel them burn on his skin. There were nights when the weight of guilt overwhelmed the Winchester, to the point where he just couldn't sleep and instead worked the case to avoid thinking.

That was until Oya entered his life. Before her, very few of his dates asked questions about his scars. They simply assumed he earned them the night his parents were killed and that it would be rude to ask him about them. Most of them ignored his bruised flesh and pretended they didn't see what was displayed for their eyes to see and Dean was fine with it. After all, they were pretty nobodies he would forget the following day, why would he bother with whether or not they noticed his bruised body. Very few did notice, few women like Jo who was very comfortable with the story told by his marred skin. Oya went further. She wanted to know everything about his scars. She wanted to know his story and he told her everything without thinking about it twice.

Both had a collection of scars, Oya's biggest were on her arms, a painful reminder of her recklessness. She was the only one who could fully understand what he went through because they were doing the very same job. They saved people, they put down monsters and they protected the world as it was.  Oya understood she knew what this job cost Dean and the toll it took on him. They almost lost each other but Oya persisted and refused to let him go, much to his dismay and relief at the same time. Deep down, the Winchester knew he wouldn't have forgiven himself if Oya had gone away. He expected her to leave him any chance she got and yet, she remained there. She remained with him.  

His body kept the story of their previous fights on it and she couldn't help but kiss his scarred shoulder as he pumped into her hard. Each of his hands was holding her legs up, preventing her from moving as he dived into her at a fast and rough pace. The bed creaked and shook under their combined weight, the room was filled with her high-pitched moans and his loud grunts as he relentlessly fucked her little cunt. After so long without touching each other, Dean and Oya could not wait any longer. Her teeth grazed the skin of his shoulder while her hands sunk into the hard skin of his shoulder blades. Her toes curled as he went harder and she bit harder at his shoulder as her climax ravaged her. Her bite was strong and drew blood which made Dean wince and pushed him over the edge too. As soon as he came inside of her, Dean pushed himself away and pulled her into a tight embrace so they could enjoy the rest of the night.

A flesh wound is just your flesh being torn apart. It usually never is pleasant for it's been inflicted with the intent to hurt you. Dean had seen them all. From gunshots to monster bites, his skin had suffered enough to write his pain all over his body. A flesh wound heals but your ego never does and it burns every time you look at your scars because you remember. Dean while not ignoring his victories, never forgot his failures and each wound he earned by making a mistake or failing the victims reminded him to remain humble and work harder. He could count on a hand the injuries he received that came from love. But each bite and scratch left by his wife overwhelmed him with love and warmth. Each mark left by her was a reminder that someone actually loved him. Each mark was a reminder that someone saw him for who he really was. She was intoxicating Dean and he wanted more from her. He wanted more of her.

 Always and forever.

GOT (modern): Oh Father

Bäahal visited Rhaegar's grave at the Targaryen Estate's family vault. She had not visited him since his death because she couldn't bring herself to acknowledge his death. She blitz-walked her way into the vault and stood in front of his grave. Unlike other Targaryen family vaults, this one was very sober. The graves were made of the finest marble with gold lettering.  Rhaegar's was beautiful and surprisingly still cared for. On the floor were offerings and flowers which embellished the place and brought some well-needed color to it. Bäahal felt a pang in her heart, the weight of her grief suddenly crushed her shoulders and like she always did when she was upset or overwhelmed, the young woman lowered herself and sat on the floor.  She put the bouquet of lilies she brought to her brother on the floor, near the other bouquets, and crossed her legs. 

Her heart was beating hard against her chest, hammering so loudly that she could hear it clearly. Her breathing was uneven, and sharp as she was holding back tears. The reality of the death of Rhaegar was setting in. She chewed at her bottom lip and covered her mouth with her right hand. What could she say to him? What could she say to make up for remaining silent during his funerals? Bäahal was stunted, unable to process the death of the only sibling who tried to make amends with her. A moment before his death, Rhaegar came to her and apologized for the way he mistreated her before. He realized that she was just a child who not only didn't ask to be born to their father but who also lost her mother to illness. She was just a child who became the scapegoat of her mother's hatred and who was bullied by her own siblings. She was just a child and he treated her like an enemy. Rhaegar was the only one who took an interest in what she loved, who encouraged her to pursue her dancing career, and who apologized to her. Then he died. 


She shut her mouth and covered it with her warm hand once again. Could she really talk to him? Bäahal felt that she couldn't. It was above her strength. The young woman wanted to puke, she felt nauseous and her heartbeats went faster as she stared at the grave. Her eyes swelled up with tears and she fought a sob from erupting from her mouth.  She wanted to cry, she needed to puke... She couldn't just sit there and take in the fact that her older brother was dead and she lost the opportunity to know him better. She had worked through the anger she felt towards her father and had forgiven him for his shortcomings. He was a father who tried to be there for his children. He loved all of them and while he was not in love with his wife anymore, he still cared for her. She was still family to him. He was aware that falling in love with someone else would hurt her, but he couldn't fight his feelings for Sunni. He just couldn't. She was the one who asked him to stay with his family while she would raise their child by herself. She was the one who ensured that he didn't break his family apart to chase a feeling she knew could be fleeting. 

"Rhaegar... I..." 

Bäahal was still struggling to find her words.  Her breathing became more labored and she shook her head.  Aerys II hurt so many people with his choices. It was true that you couldn't choose who you fell in love with but his affection for her mother brought destruction to his family.  The physical and verbal abuse she received from her siblings and mother-in-law wrecked her self-esteem and her father, despite his attempt at making things better, couldn't fix it. He loved them until his death but they suffered because of him too. Rhaegar realized it and that prompted him to go on a healing path. Daenerys was slowly starting to follow their brother's steps but it took Bäahal's rebellion to get there. Viserys? Well, he was sober now and he did apologize for his violence towards her. Yet she was missing her father. She was missing Rhaegar. She needed to hear his voice again, to hear him speak to her again, and to see how proud of her he would be today. 

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry!"

She sobbed, unable to find her words. She turned around to puke on the floor as tears streamed down her cheeks. There was nothing she could have said, no coherent thoughts that could form in her mind because there only was sorrow in her heart. She was missing her older brother and only now, did she realize that he was dead, she didn't cry for him or speak at his funerals. He was dead and he would never come back to her. He was dead and he would never see how she was turning her life around and making progress with both her family and her personal life. A best friend, a lover... She was finally living instead of punishing her for existing and he was not here to witness it.  Bäahal sobbed harder, tears fell on the floor. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and ran her fingers through her hair.  Fuck.. Fuck.. Fuck! 

Monday, June 17, 2024

TB: Formative years

  • Birth. 25 years ago.
  • Given compound V at 3
  • powers manifested at 5
  • Training began at 5
  • Her parents started to exploit her at 7
  • They went on tour for years: talent shows, interviews, beauty pageants, boot camps
  • The parents want her to enter the seven and announce it when she's 13
  • Mother's gambling addiction worsens
  • The relationship between her mom and dad gets worse. 
  • Mother steals compound V again and triggers Vaught's response: Black noir is sent after them.
  • Black noir kills her parents when she's 15.

Orphanage years: 

  • Her family rejects her. They consider that her powers are unnatural and she's a demon. 
  • She discovers her talent for singing at 15 and uses it to reduce or avoid bullying. 
  • First Girlfriend (Mallory Johnson) and sex at 16
  • First heartbreak at 17 (Mallory escaped the orphanage and vanished)
  • Sara worries she will age out of the system and will be sent to the adult facility. 
  • She participates in a regional singing contest and meets Dotty. 
  • Dotty promises to become her legal guardian if she wins the contest and to take care of her when she turns 18. 
  • Sara wins the contest. Dotty officially becomes her legal guardian. 
  • Sara ages out of the system at 18. 
  • She tries to reconcile with her family and meets with her aunt and cousins but they reject her again.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

COLBY: A promise

Perhaps this is a promise of a better evening. 

I will be on the lookout during the night, in hopes to find your cerulean eyes set upon mine. 

In hopes it will be followed by a gentle touch, a firm grip, a possessive embrace from me to you. Perhaps...oh perhaps you will get the hint of my true intentions in the words I would whisper in your ear. 

I hope so. 

I need so.

TB: We hide our scars and imperfections!

We hide our scars and little imperfections to the rest of the world, thinking that nobody in their right mind could love them. We keep our thoughts to ourselves, in fear that someone might judge us and not love us for who we are. I used to think I had to cover my freckles because they were ugly and nobody could love me if I didn't hide them. My previous partners wanted me to hide who I was, to cover myself up in glamour so they wouldn't have to see the real me. I had to put on a fake persona so they wouldn't have to deal with the real me. Sara had to be hidden. Sara had to be forgotten.. Sara had to disappear. 

We hide our scars and little imlperfections to the rest of the world because they convinced us that we didn't matter. They drilled into our skulls that we should conform to their idea of what was beautiful. Baby, it really took Homelander for me to realize that I was beautiful, that I was worthy of being loved. And let me tell you something, I love myself. I love myself so much that you can't tell me shit about my body. You can't tell me shit about my skin or my curves or whatever! Baby, I'm beautiful! I know it now. I'm sure of it now. I am loved for who I am now! Yeah! I am loved!

Friday, June 14, 2024

Klasma: "I wonder at times."

 I wonder at times what it was that caught your interest in me. Our first encounter was refreshing, although we did bicker because I was trying to white knight you and you were having none of it. Still, we saw something in each other. I know I did. I did because when your fingers brushed over my cheek, all I wanted was to have more. All I wanted was to feel you more.  

I wonder, at times, what it was that caught your interest in me.  I know we feel it, the desire to be together, the desire to make the other feel safe. The desire to feel the other. I felt it when I realized you didn't stand me up, you were held captive somewhere. I only wanted to find you and set you free. I was worried they managed to kill you -silly me- and I wanted them to feel their wrath. 

I wonder, at times, what it was that caught your interest in me. I don't want to know, to be honest. I don't want to know what made us click together. It just is. It just exists. I just feel it in the pit of my stomach, the desire to share your life, to cover you with kisses and to lay my head against your chest so I could hear your heartbeats. I know what it is that I feel, what makes me want to be with you. I know it is because I love you. 

TVD headcanon: Nëela and Alcohol

 Nëela and alcohol: 

Nëela doesn't get drunk easily, partly due to her protective spells. However, she can switch it off at will and would absolutely get hammered if she wants to. She doesn't like being drunk, mostly because she's out of control. 

Got Modern: tell me, even if it's a lie.


"I am left wondering, Jaime... Are we to be Romeo and Juliette? Are we really going to live our lives hidden from the inquisitive gaze of our families? Are we to be collateral damage of the generational feud? Please, let me we won't be. Tell me that we will be happy...even if it's a lie, I need ot hear it."

Got: "The sun of Astapor"

 "They called me the Sun of Astapor, gravitating around me like planets around the star. They wanted me for my hair, for my eyes and sometimes for the stark contrast with my skin. They believed I would be just like the sun, always present, always used for somebody else's benefit. They thought they were clever and tried to make puns using my history, regardless of how it really happened. They didn't realize that, like the sun, I could burn. They didn't realize that, like the sun, I was cruel and could care less about their feelings. They didn't realize that, if they got a little too close, they would melt into nothingness. I no longer would entertain them, and no longer belong to anyone but myself. Like the sun, I would stand alone. Like the Sun, I will devour all."

Doya: how lucky did she get

It doesn't matter how many crappy motels they stay at, Oya loves it the most when they can just sit and relax, study cases while drinking beers and eating burgers. She sometimes just stops and looks at him in silence, wondering how she got lucky, and enjoying how beautiful her husband is.

SOA: Please come back

Radio silence....Mary looked at her phone, her fingers ready to tap on the keyboard to write a text to Maya. She pinched her lips together and put the phone against her chest. No... Not now. She couldn't write to Maya at the time. What if she didn't make it? What if she couldn't text her back because she was dead? She clenched her jaw and shook her head. No! Maya couldn't be dead! She couldn't be losing yet another family member. She couldn't cry, not now.. not until she was sure about what was happening. When Nakota texted her to tell her that Maya wasn't home because their cats had not been fed for a while, her heart sank. Maya was not negligent. She wouldn't have left their cats unattended. She wouldn't have stood Nakota up and certainly wouldn't have remained silent. They picked her outfit for the concert together, with Maya on a FaceTime conversation with her best friend. Mary remembered her girl waltzing around the room, trying on outfits she presented to her friend for her honest opinion. They picked the outfit together! They said "I love you" before Maya promised to text her when she arrived at the concert and to tell her about Nakota's reaction to seeing her. She honored the first part of her promise and then radio silence. 

Radio silence.... Perhaps she had forgotten? Mary tried not to make a big deal out of it at first because Maya was cautious and could protect herself well. So she simply worked. She tattooed her clients, took care of her dog Anubis, and enjoyed her solitude. All was well, right? Except it wasn't. Nakota texted her and her world crumbled. Anxiety took over as Mary was thinking about the worst. Anxiety took over because she knew that something had happened to her best friend. Maya had managed to escape SAMCRO. She wasn't a gangster princess anymore and she put this part of her life behind her.  She started a new life with Nakota, away from the turmoil and danger the life of a gang member could bring. So why? How? What happened to her between the moment she went to the concert and her disappearance? Mary held back a sob at the memory of her older brother Cody who fell victim to another gang. She had flashbacks of his body lying on the concrete,  riddled with bullets and soaked with his own blood. He played such a dangerous game and died because of it. Maya was out of that life, she couldn't meet the same fate, now could she? 

Radio silence... Soon after Nakota's text, he called her and they started to talk about what to do. Mary was ready to do anything in her power to find her sister. She needed to do something in order to keep her sanity because if she didn't, then she would have curmbled on the floor. Maya couldn't be hurt. She couldn't be hurt! She shouldn't be! After all she's been through, Mary wanted her best friend to finally enjoy a good life. She was her biggest support when Nakota entered her life, and she was the biggest supporter of them moving out of Charming. She needed to leave that cursed town to finally  start anew. She needed to leave to build her family, to make the life she wanted for herself a reality. Mary understood it and while the first couple months away from her friend were difficult, she got used to it. Maya was happy and it was all that mattered to Mary.  All was well... All was well until she received Nakota's text.  He told her what he knew, as he knew it. Maya had been abducted by her ex. Nakota had to go to her location and face that bastard. He was the one who held Maya's fate in his hands and that left Mary a nervous wreck, back at Charming. 

"I'm so useless... I can't help you from where I am. I don't even know if you're okay. What if Nakota dies? What if you... What if... It can't happen. It can't be. You can't be...oh Maya! Maya... If you die I would join you." She said, choking on her tongue as she bit back a sob. She couldn't imagine a world where her best friend wasn't alive. What could she do? How much more could she take?

Maya... She saved Mary's life. Plain and simple. When they met Mary was about to give up on everything. She was still an active alcoholic, nursing her broken heart with booze, crying herself to sleep at night. Her brother was dead, her parents were long gone and she was running away from an abusive ex who beat her self-esteem and drive down to a pulp.  Her shop was routinely vandalized and she didn't make a lot of money. Why did she keep on trying? When she met Maya, she took it upon herself to help the woman and stitch her up. It seemed like nothing but it was the first step towards a better life. Sobriety. Friendship. A future... A purpose. Maya became her sister, someone Mary would fiercely protect. Someone Mary would always support in whatever she wanted to do. Family...Mary couldn't lose her family again. She had to hear from Maya, maybe it was stupid, but she had to. She took a deep breath and started to type a text. 

"Hey, My favourite. I don't know in what fucked up state you're in but you better text me back and tell me that you're okay. I don't know what to do with myself and I've already ran out of theories about how you'll be back home.  I'm.. I love you. Please come home."

And she hit sent. 

And she still felt awful.

Monday, June 3, 2024

COLBY: Meeting Alfie

Mary exited the office of the headmistress of the Grace Institute. She held her belly and was not steady on her two legs. She had issues breathing for stress was slowly but surely strangling her windpipe. Henrietta delivered such bad news she wasn't fully sure she could process everything. She should have known, though, that the situation would take a turn for the worst as soon as Oswald Mosley created his new party. This man's hateful drivel poisoned the ears of a lot of people and was the direct cause of the rise of violence against people of color and people who treated them well. Not so long ago, it was Ada who was the target of a brick attack and an intimidation campaign because she had a child with a black man. These days, it was the Grace Institute that became the target of random attacks. the nurses found every morning racist messages painted on the walls, either a headless chicken laid on the front door or children of color were heckled by men on the street whenever they were outside.  Tommy had been informed, before Mary, about the situation and he doubled the security of the institute to ensure that the children were not physically attacked and to deter people from painting on the walls again. he also made sure that Mary's Peaky boys would be more experienced so she would have a better protection. Mary herself had been informed last to not worry her more than she already was. There was already so much to deal with: her mother's return in her life and attempt at killing her, Archer's recent demise but the revelation that Michael was the one who tipped him off about Mary and Tommy's Gin business... How could she focus? 

"Finally Ms Colson, You're quite rare to catch!" -A voice came out of nowhere. It startled Mary so much that she yelped and covered her mouth before looking in the direction of the man who spoke to her-

"I'm sorry... You have nothing to do here unless you have an appointment with the headmistress." -She managed to say but the name didn't seem phased by her reaction.  A quick glance around her and Mary noticed that her peaky boys were nowhere to be seen.-  "Who... Who are you?"

"I do have an appointment with the headmistress, Ms Colson. I'm having it right now!" -He said, offering his arm for her to take- "Let's go for a walk shall we? I heard you had wonderful gardens."

He was unnerving, to say the least. Mary didn't know who this man was for it was the very first time she ever met him. She couldn't help but notice the various scars on his face and knuckles. His left cheek was disfigured as if he had suffered a gunshot to the face. She noticed he was blind in the left eye and noticed that his hands had fought, maimed, and maybe even killed someone. His hands were like Tommy's, except he was adorned with rings.  at the top of his head was a black hat and upon careful observation, Mary noticed he was sharply dressed. He had money.  Her green eyes then averted from his face to the path before her. He knew where to go since he was the one leading the way. Had he been there before? She couldn't tell. He knew she wasn't the headmistress, everyone knew she was not yet, the headmistress yet he addressed her as if she was. Could it be that he wanted to see her?  Uneased by the situation but careful, Mary decided to play along but stayed prepared in case this was a trap and that man wanted to hurt her. 

"I heard you were the targets of attacks?" -She blinked and nodded, assuming that he might have seen the painted words a couple weeks before- "Do you know who is responsible?"

"We're looking into it... My priority is to keep the children safe." -She didn't want to risk angering the man so she didn't tell him her full thoughts on the situation.-

"Keeping them safe, eh? With what? Are you going to scold the perps with a stern look, Ms Colson? i"m not sure this is a safe tactic."

"Who spoke about scolding people? Do you think I am unaware of what the grief against the institute is?"

"No no.. I would not claim such a thing. You're clever, Ms Colson. You know damn well what's going on. These people won't stop unless they have a bullet right to the face, you know?"

"Are you suggesting you would be firing those bullets?" -He laughed and pointed his forefinger at her as if to say something or make a point go harder but instead he kept laughing which made Mary furrow her brows.- "You know who I am but I have not been introduced to you, sir. State your name and state your purpose otherwise, I am afraid I cannot keep walking with you like that."

He looked at her and as they were still walking through the hallway, he couldn't release her arm. If he did, she would just run away given how stiff she became since he took her away. The man stroked his chin, considering his options before he casually said his name. Given Tommy's reputation and the rumors around this romance of his with Mary Colson, she knew nothing about the business. She wouldn't know who he was which would make her retelling of the events to Tommy all the more grandiose. They met a short while ago and he had claimed to Tommy that he would remain a dead man for it gave him a more comfortable life, away from the crime, away from troubles but Tommy never believed him. He could never truly be far away from business. 

"Alfie Solomons, ma'am." -He said, a little grin crept on his lips. She didn't know the name so she was not phased at all by his answer -"I wanted to become a donor to your institute and see what my money could contribute." -Her face softened as she realized that it was a man who wanted to help invest in the institute and given the situation with Oswald Mosley and the likely decision for many to stop financing the Institute, money was more than welcome. Mary relaxed and offered him a soft smile as they took a turn to the right, getting closer to the garden.

"Mister Solomons. I am pleased to see that you want to become a donor. It's... uh... It's been rarer since the rise of a very negative sentiment across the country.  We believe in the education of our children. We want to ensure them a good education so they can have good jobs and succeed in life. We want to ensure their good health, so we work with doctors who visit regularly the children and care for them. We work with--"

"I'm not interested in this shit. We want the best for the children, here and there, look at us parading our top-notch education and our top-notch doctors and whatever shit you want to give the children these days. I don't care about it. I'm wondering how you're going to protect them if some savages decide to storm the place with machine guns and pull the trigger."

"Are you... threatening me Mister Solomons?" -She asked, swallowing a hard lump as she could feel her heartbeat go faster. What type of donor wanted to know how she was going to defend the institute in case of an attack? Where were her bodyguards? She realized that there was no one in the hallways since she crossed it with Alfie Solomons as if the institute had been emptied by someone. She could feel shivers go down her spine and her eyes grew wide open. 

"Threatening you? Nonsense! I'm asking you the real questions here, Ma'am. You have children under your fucking care and you're unable to tell me how you're going to protect them? What? Do you think that Oswald Mosley and the mob who think like him would not try and burn this place to the ground? Do you think they aren't dreaming about roasting your corpse after they hanged it? They started with paint and insults and the next step is going to try and do you some harm. Your defenses are weak. your protection almost inexistent. What are you going to do about it? Fucking answer me!"

"I am not afraid of fucking racists who try to intimidate or hurt the children of the institute. Don't you come to my place and lecture me about protection Mister Solomons. I am not naive and definitely not helpless. If they try to kill me, they better pray to their gods I don't get to kill them first." She squeezed his hand and sunk her nails into his hardened skin. 

It made Alfie curb a brow, surprised to see so much spunk from that woman who seemed easily impressionable. Could it be that he was wrong about her?  He looked at her face, which was hard to read. He could tell she was scared given the slight tremble of her bottom lip but nothing else betrayed her emotions. Nothing else betrayed her, which showed how strong her nerves were.  

"Good! That was what I wanted to hear. You have some spunk, I can give you that ma'am. You have a little "je ne sais quoi" that makes me understand the rumors I keep hearing about you." 

"What rumors?"

"OH, that you're Tommy Shelby's lover. That he is head over heels for you. That you are his liability. Anyone who hates him would find it very appealing to go after you." He released her arm, now that they were in the garden, and started to walk a little bit with his cane. She was too stunned to leave the place now that he had said something that caught her attention. her heartbeats went harder, so loud that she could hear them, so fast that it was making her feel dizzy.

"And what if that was true? What then?"

"Then I say you could have been killed a thousand times already during our walk. I say he's not looking enough after his wife and might end up a widow once more."

"I'm not his wife." -She said, in a desperate attempt to deflect and make him reconsider the connexion. She realized that she had to do her best to protect Tommy from anything that could happen to her and if she played it well, then maybe she could convince that man that she wasn't Tommy's lover.  "So these rumors you're talking about are bullshit!" She continued and wrapped her arms above her chest, to protect herself and seem taller, and stronger instead of close to collapsing. 

"Oh, I say that you're a very good liar, Ms Colson, but I am a master in the game of deception. I call your bluff right now. Don't fret, don't fret... I'm not going to kill you. that's not why I came here. I could have but I don't want to. You're too pretty for that and heck, even I am surprised by my own words! who would have thought that a negro could be so beautiful?"

"Watch your tongue Mister Solomons!" -She said coldly, which had him lift both hands and chuckle- "I see you don't take me very seriously."

"Oh, I take you very seriously Ms Colson. you could kill a man with your knowledge. you already killed despite your hands being made for saving lives. I know what you can do. I don't want to get you in a bad mood."

"Are you considering becoming a donor or not?" -She lifted a brow and he bowed before her, mockingly so-

"I'm not. I'm not gonna waste my money on it. What I truly wanted to do was to make you an offer. I wanted to ask you to do some business with me. I ensure the protection of your institute and yourself..... and in exchange, I would like to use your institute for some business of mine. OH don't worry, the children would never know what's going on. I am just looking for a place to store some of my stuff."

"Are you out of your mind? Do you truly believe I would accept to make a deal with you? A deal???  Fucking unbelievable! You come here, you try to intimidate me and now you say you want to use the institute to hide your bullshit inside and sell it???"

"You don't want to answer right now. I am but a humble jeweler you know? I just needed a place to keep my jewels safe since my people are targeted by the same fucking moron in power! So don't get heated. Don't tear a vein like that. Take your time, think about it and I will come back here in a week."

She was furious, her eyes were so bright that Alfie couldn't help but look at her. His old habit took control of him for a minute and he was left thinking about what type of emerald her eyes reminded him of. He didn't feel threatened by her, she didn't have any weapon on her and they were in the open, in the garden where she couldn't grab any hidden weapon to hurt him with. He knew she would be wise and wouldn't try to escalate the situation by attacking him physically so he stood there, looking at her fierce green eyes and complimenting Tommy on his taste in women, even those he wouldn't have looked twice at if Alfie was walking on the street. 

"I think we are done here, Mister Solomons. I suggest you leave and don't try to come back in a week."

"We'll see about it." -He said, chuckling to himself while quietly leaving the garden; he didn't oppose her decision to see him gone. He didn't have to. he knew she would be shaken by their meeting and knew that he would get Tommy's attention for another meeting. He did use Mary for his own gain, but part of what he said was true. He didn't want her to die, and he didn't want the children to be hurt in this pathetic rise of extremist violence. He still thought that she was far more badass than he thought she would be. She stood her ground to him and he intended to give his compliment about her to Tommy. As soon as he left, Mary covered her mouth and screamed into her palm. She sat on the bench near her and wrapped her arms around her legs to cry into her thighs. It was unbelievable! the whole day was unbelievable! Yet it was the truth. 


Doya: She knew what she was doing

It was a calculated move from her, to sit on the chair near the kitchen table wearing nothing but a white t-shirt and a white thong.  It was calculated to do so when Dean came back from his errand, thirsty for a beer and perhaps, ready to cook something for both Oya and him. Oya knew what she was doing. It didn't even take a second for him to notice her in the room. She was posed like a model and his emerald eyes couldn't help but travel from her shapely calves to her legs, to the string of her thong looking like a string of pearls against her ebony skin.  Did she oil her skin too? Dean couldn't stop looking at her, wondering if she did it on purpose just for him. He could feel his throat turn dry and his lips parched up for a thirst that had nothing to do with beer anymore. His eyes kept moving up, averting from her thong to the wet and sensual skin of her taut stomach, to the hem of her white t-shirt. 

It was so snug around her chest, so fitting, and yet it only outlined her chest. Oya rarely wore white, although the color was complimentary to her skin. So when she did wear white, Dean couldn't help but be struck by the perfect combination that was.  His eyes averted from her chest to her face and here she was, his beautiful wife. Oya's face was a work of art and if he had not seen her in action, he would have not believed she was a hunter. She was gorgeous and powerful. She was a skilled hunter just like him, a badass pint-sized woman who could give him a run for his money should she decide to. Her curly black locks crowned her doll face perfectly, so much so that when Oya turned her head to look at him, her hazel eyes stared at him, Dean swallowed a lump. 

Oya was perfect, every which way Dean looked at her, he couldn't help but marvel at his wife. He loved everything about her, how fierce her gaze was, the beautiful smile she always had on her face when she was looking at him, the scars on her skin (especially the scars on her arms). Everything about her was perfection, everything down to her attitude. She hooked her finger and motioned for him to come closer to her, to have a better view of the work of art she was and he indulged her request, taking it as a command.  As he drew closer, he noticed that yes, she did oil her skin from head to toe. She painted her nails to enhance her beauty and was wearing her wedding ring as the sole jewel on her body. Her thong and shirt were soaked by the oil and clung to her body, betraying each delicious curve she was hiding underneath. His mouth opened but he couldn't think of something clever to say, so he abstained.  She kept asking him to close the distance and slowly but deliberately said in her adorable accent "Have a seat." To which he complied and took a seat in front of her. Oya's face lit up as she had Dean exactly where she wanted him to be and Oya climbed the desk, sitting in front of him with her legs spread wide enough for him to sit his head between them. He watched as her hand slowly stroked its way down her stomach and she slowly pulled on the fabric of her thong. "Now now... Be a good boy." And a good boy he would be.