Thursday, June 20, 2024

HOTD: The war is inevitable

Since Aemond accidentally killed Lucerys, the Lady of Driftmark had not had the opportunity to see him again. He was avoiding her on purpose, leaving the young lady to the whims of his grandsire. His absence was felt deeply by the young woman. It was akin to a stab wound that pierced her flesh and went deep into her skin. Why didn't he visit her? Was it because he was obsessed with protecting the Red Keep and his family? Was it because he was upset with himself or he couldn't face her because he was responsible for the death of a kin?  Ceryse was confused, upset, and probably a little angry at the young man. She was forced to share the bed with her betrothed Otto Hightower but fortunately for her, he didn't try to force himself on her. Instead, he simply wanted her to warm his bed, to feel her breath against his skin, to watch her sleep as if there were no worries in the world. He wanted companionship, but not enough for her to know his secrets, just enough for him to enjoy her presence.  Any attempt at talking to him was shut down by the older man who required his beloved to remain pretty and silent, which frustrated Ceryse even more. 

Aemond isolated her when he decided to avoid her presence and she couldn't take it anymore so she took it upon herself to find the one-eyed prince. Ceryse was rather overlooked by the people working at the castle. Since she was rather pleasant and kind to them, they decided to mind their business and let her move as she pleased in the hallways of the Red Keep. She looked for Aemond anywhere she knew she could find him until she decided to walk towards the dragon pit inside the Red Keep. As the young woman hastily walked further into the darkest corners of the Red Keep, she could rely less and less on her sight. Everything became blurry and only what was directly lit by the flames was caught by her deficient gaze. She didn't notice Aemond closing in on her and certainly didn't feel his strong hand grab her arm to pull her around and force her against the wall. Ceryse eyes grew wide and she quickly drew the little knife she carried with her to his neck. Aemond felt the cold metal press against his neck and smirked at the young Lady whose chest was heaving up and down at a faster pace. 

"Aemond!" -She exclaimed, relaxing against his frame as his eye took in the beautiful feature of her face lit by the fire- "I have been looking for you for weeks!"

"And here I am, Ceryse.  I have been busy..."

"Busy? You mean, you killed Lucerys Velaryon and you didn't think that you could have come to me? He was my cousin!"

"And I didn't mean to! I--- I lost control of Vhagar and I couldn't stop her from eating... I couldn't stop her." -Ceryse's lips trembled and she slapped his face with her free hand. He didn't retaliate and instead grabbed the wrist of the hand that had slapped him. She swallowed hard and felt her heartbeats go harder- 

"You could have come to me. I couldn't grieve....properly. You should have come to me." -She whispered before her hazel eyes looked down to his chest.  Aemond fought the urge to press his lips to her wrist, to take in the scent of fresh roses she had. It took everything he had to stop himself from stealing yet another kiss, in the secrecy of the hallway leading to the dragons pit.-

"How could I have? You're spending your nights with my grandsire. I can't exactly come to his chambers to talk to you."

"How cruel of you, Aemond. Do you think I want to spend my nights with Otto Hightower? Do you think I want to share my bed with a man I hate?" She bit back a sob and looked up at his face once again. 

"Did he... Touch you?" -She shook her head- "Then why does he have you sleep in his bed  every night?"

"Company... Your old sire feels lonely. I'd rather he doesn't try to touch me. He... knows about us. He sounded upset when he confronted me." -She admitted, closing her eyes as the prince lost to his intrusive thoughts and pressed his lips to her wrist. "Ohh.. Should we?... I don't want to put you in trouble..." She moaned out, unable to resist the velvety sensation of his lips on her skin. He looked at her with his sole purple eye, an intense gaze, an apologetic one for the grief he caused her and the deep need for more of her. So Aemond kissed his way up to her inner elbow. 

Ceryse could feel her legs slowly starting to give up. Her breathing became more labored and she could feel her heart pound against her ribcage. Was he seriously considering kissing her in public? Was he seriously considering resuming their secret affair despite his grandsire taking hold of her? Ceryse was upset for Lucerys, she was upset for the loss of her baby cousin whom she loved dearly despite the death of her father. She was upset because he disappeared when he should have been closer to her, helping her grieve. Yet, as his kiss kept moving up, now attacking the soft arm of the young woman, she found herself unable to stop herself from sliding her fingers through his silver locks and holding a fist of them.  He kissed his way up to her neck, suckling the soft skin and eliciting another moan from the young woman. It was so improper, so risky, and yet she couldn't stop herself from wanting more. So the Lady of Driftmark held a fistful of hair a little tighter, pulling him off of her neck so he could look her in the eye. She was panting and shivering from his touch as his knee slid in between her legs, pressing the sensitive spot there. 

"I have missed you Ceryse. I have tried to stay away from you, thinking that you wouldn't forgive me for what happened to Lucerys. I have tried to..."

"I am upset. I am upset that you avoided me and left me alone Aemond. I'm upset that you didn't even try to see how I was doing. Ceryse Velaryon, the blind Lady of Driftmark... A perfect lamb to sacrifice for the honor and glory of House Targaryen."

"I don't want to.."

She put her forefinger against his lips, that he kissed as he was seeking more contact from her. He tried to push her finger towards her, in hopes that he would capture a kiss of her soft lips that were glistening under the sweet light of the fire but Ceryse moved her head and pushed him away so she could take a few steps away from the prince. He saw she was flustered. He knew the way her chest heaved up and down when she was overwhelmed. He knew the slight change in her tone, the raspy undertones of her voice that betrayed her arousal. She wanted the same thing as him but he understood that her anger towards the prince trumped the rest. So he cleared his throat and took a few steps back, so she could feel that he was not going to overwhelm her.  Ceryse, wiped her face to try and regain some composure before she turned around, her face a little stern, her eyes a little more focused as she was trying to notice his features despite the darkness and her near-sight. 

"We can't continue like this Aemond... I am not safe with your Grandsire. I am not safe here because I am just a pawn in this war..."

"Aren't we all pawns, Ceryse? I am well aware that despite what my mother and grandsire say about me, they see me as nothing but a spare. No one is important and even worse, the one responsible for this war they started. My mother and Aegon usurped the throne and because of that, we can't have the life we want to have. What do you want me to do, my Lady? What can I possibly do?"

"You're the prince...You're skilled and needed.. Surely, your grandsire could see how better it would be for me to marry you than him?" -She realized what she'd said and then covered her mouth with her warm palm.- "I must come across as desperate to you, don't I? You judged me for something I wasn't... You judged me for what Daemon did and what I let him do to me. You are upset at me for agreeing to marry Otto Hightower but what choices did I have when my parents and brothers are all dead?? What choices do I have as someone who is going blind? What choices, uh? Aemond!"

He watched as she sobbed, covering her face with both hands before she fell on her knees and sat on her heels. Ceryse was exhausted by the situation and she simply needed a break. She already stated her desire to marry Aemond, the one she truly loved but was well aware that he might just not be on board. She was no longer a virgin and to make matters worse, it was his sworn enemy who took her virginity. Why would he rescue her from Otto Hightower? Why would he?  His heart sank and he quickly put one knee on the floor and both hands on her shoulders. 

"Now now... My lady, please don't cry. I can't suffer this sight..." His voice was soothing but she kept crying, releasing the tension that had taken hold of her body and mind.- "You're speaking as if I would not want to make you my wife. You do know of my feelings for you. Yes, I was upset but not at you for what Daemon did. I was upset at him for tormenting you like he did. I know of his ways, of his brutality, of his conniving ways. I know he played your heart and innocence and took it for himself but I give no shit about whether or not you're a virgin, Ceryse. Seven Hells, we made love already. You gave yourself to me of your own free will. You... welcomed me as I was."He cupped her cheeks as she dropped both arms from each side of her body, defeated, exhausted, wet from all the tears that she cried- "I want you. Blind or not, virgin or not. I want you, Ceryse...Do not doubt me, my lady. I just couldn't face you after the accident. I didn't know how to handle your reaction given how poorly I was received by my own. I knew I had broken your heart and I didn't want to see for myself. I should have come to you. I should have.." 

He pressed a kiss on her wet cheeks, then her forehead, her cheeks again, peppering her with affection as she was still sobbing. He pulled her into a hug and gently stroked her hair. He would talk to her again, would make sure that she had her needs met but he knew that she needed to be comforted. She needed to hear that he wanted her and that he would fight for her. Aemond wasn't sure of how things would go but he was willing to try, for Ceryse... for him. 


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