Saturday, June 22, 2024

40 facts about Ceryse Velaryion


A/N: All usual disclaimers!!!!!!! it's just for fun! Ceryse belongs to me, always


1. Her full name is Ceryse Velaryon

2. She is going blind and despite the hard work of the Maesters, she can't recover her sight.

3. Ceryse loves the sea. She is an excellent seafarer and considers the sea as her true home. 

4. She hates the Blacks more than she loves the Greens. 

5. She has two beauty marks on her face. one next to her nose and the other next to the corner of her mouth.

6. Her scent is a pleasant reminder of the sea.

7. Her appetite is tremendous, she's always snacking on something when left to her own device.

8. She can handle herself well with knives and swords. Her father taught her.

9. Ceryse hates Otto Hightower. She resents him for manipulating her into marrying him.

10. She was very close to Baela, Rhaena, Lucerys Jacaerys, and Joeffrey until her father died.

11. Daemon took her maidenhood and tried to manipulate her for his own selfish desires. It backfired.

12. She is in love with Aemond Targaryen. 

13. They fell for each other after she challenged him to a sword fight. He didn't expect her to manipulate a sword this good and that prompted him to try and get to know her better.

14. When she doesn't sail, she loves to run and swim.

15. She is distraught over losing her sight but is trying to be independent as much as possible.

16. She doesn't trust easily and because of this she didn't have friends growing up.

17. Her father tried to match her with a few strong men but they were canceled, all 5 of them.

18. Her father was her best friend. His death truly broke her heart and she's still mourning him.

19. She has not killed yet, but would not have any qualms about doing it to save her life or an innocent's.

20. Her matches rejected her because she was too adventurous, rebellious, opinionated, and strong for them. The last one also added that he couldn't marry a woman who was going blind for fear of having blind heirs as well.

21. After her last suitor refused to marry her, her father decided to let her marry for love.

22. Kyra Lannister is her first true friend and eventually becomes her best friend.

23. She wishes to become a mother to Aemond's children. Unfortunately, this is just a dream for now.

24. Her whole direct family has been decimated, she's the only survivor of Vaemond Velaryon's bloodline.

25. Ceryse doesn't think of herself as beautiful, she's extremely self-conscious of the scars on her back and ribs, her calloused hands from working the ropes, and her near-blindness.

26. She thinks women are beautiful, and attractive but hasn't explored those thoughts.

27. Ceryse has a lovely singing voice. She hasn't sung a song since her father's funeral.

28. Aemond has taken her to a ride on Vhagar, which both scared and excited her. 

29. She is 19 at the death of her father.

30. Otto Hightower has a complicated relationship with her. She is a pawn to be used by him and he cares nothing about her survival post-war. However, he is drawn to her, to her youth, to her stubborn attitude, to her fierceness, and finds himself lusting after her. No love. Just lust.

31. She allied herself to the Greens to avenge her father's death but her inexperience got her locked into a partnership she never desired.

32. She used to be very cheerful before her father's death. Since then, it has taken some work to bring that side of her out. Aemond noticed.

33. Ceryse can recognize a footstep after spending some time with the person. She is training her other senses hard to remain independent. 

34. Ceryse is worried that Otto Hightower would not follow through with his plan and would instead have her killed.

35. She deeply feels alone but has mastered the art of the poker face to keep some dignity.

36. Aemond can't forgive Daemon for manipulating his beloved into having sex with him. He knows Ceryse feels awful after the fact and she hates herself for enjoying making love to the man who killed her own father.

37. Ceryse is rather short but is strong and soft due to her seafaring years.

38. She worries Aemond is married off to someone else. What would she do in such a case? 

39. She is withering inside the walls of the Red Keep. Ceryse is meant to be by the sea, at least at the beach if she can't sail anymore.

40. She is rather blunt with what she thinks of others and doesn't hesitate to tell them exactly how it is. however, she refuses to talk about how she feels, mostly because she hides under the pretense she's doing fine.

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