Tuesday, June 18, 2024

KLASMA: trapped in a dream


A/N: Well... I do like the idea of him having a little nightmare :p Still in denial about his feelings for her though. as she is. 



His voice echoed through the room, panicked and confused. He barely slept but when he did, nightmares took control of his mind. It had been a while though, since he ever had a nightmare but with the recent events, it was almost impossible for anyone to have a correct sleep, let alone to avoid having nightmares. It wasn't the first time he ever had this nightmare. It was the same one over and over again. Nëela was dying in his arms because he wasn't able to protect her. He watched the woman he was deeply in love with, cross the veil between the living and the dead, and with him being helpless. Usually, when he woke up like this, he stayed in bed and fell asleep again allowing the same thing to happen over and over again but this time, it was different. 

Klaus was sweating profusely. His large chest was glistening with the sweat and his thick hair was now completely messy and greased up from all the stress accumulated. His fangs were released and he nearly growled as he sat on the bed. His senses were set ablaze and since too much information was overwhelming him, the hybrid wasn't able to realize that he was in a bad dream. He called her name, screaming it to the point he was starting to suffocate. Where was she? For the first time though, he decided to react. A quick glance at the bed and he noticed she wasn't there. A quick glance around him and he realized she wasn't in the room either. Framed photos were on the shelves, pictures of them together, taken over the years of living together. He stood up and put on some flannel pants before he exited his room. Her scent was still teasing his nostrils but at the same time leading his way towards the witch. Roses, she smelled like roses and the faint scent of the witch guided him out of the bedroom. Still, the hybrid wasn't put at ease, he didn't even feel better. Where was she?

He kept walking towards the kitchen where the lights were on. His heart was racing. Why was the manor empty?  Something felt off. They shouldn't be here. It has been destroyed by witches and werewolves months ago. Nothing remained and the family was scattered around the world. Furrowing his brows, he lifted his head up and noticed the destroyed roof. So it comforted him in walking furthermore towards the kitchen. Her scent led him there. She was there. When he finally pushed the door open, much to his horror he saw Hayley -or to be more precise, her corpse- Was she dead? When? The last thing he remembered was that Hayley was found bleeding profusely. Elijah was worried, his face unreadable but his stress obvious to the trained eye. Was she dead? She was, to him. She was lying on the floor with her guts ripped off of her belly. A gruesome sight that made him flinch for a second. He had to find his witch and fast! 

Klaus furrowed his brow and wrinkled his nostrils as he finally smelled something else. It was  Nëela's body, hanging on a solid rope. The vision was terrifying and Logan ran towards her. He wanted to remove the rope but wasn't able to see the end of it since the wall seemed bigger than it usually was. Shocked and panicked, he wrapped his muscular arms around her corpse and held her form as tightly as he could against his. She was warm, she was soft against him.. she seemed to be alive but he knew she was dead. She smelled like death mixed with her very own unique scent.

"You can't be dead... Love... Nëela, wake up!" -He said, on the verge of crying. She couldn't be dead. Why would she hang herself for? 

"Nëela.. you're not funny. Wake up. The joke's dead now... The joke's over... Open your eyes." But she didn't and he literally started to lose his shit straight away. 

He started to sway her body as if to reassure her and comfort her while he was growling and urging her to wake up.  He had not been able to form coherent thoughts. He looked up and she looked so peaceful, relieved almost, but it was cruel. It was hell for him and he tried to let her know. The only sounds that came out of his lips were groans and sobs. Yes.. sobs. He had lost his loved one.. he had lost everything and he didn't know what to do. Far away though, he started to hear a familiar voice calling his name but he ignored it. The voice was insisting though, so at some point, Klaus was forced to listen to it.


"Leave me alone. Don't you see I'm grieving? She's dead. She was the only thing that kept me sane.. she's dead."

"KLAUS FOR FUCK SAKE WAKE UP!! It's not real! All of this is not real! WAKE UP!!"

"What are you talking about?.. How come it's not.." He looked around himself and Finn had vanished. He then looked up at the manor's roof. "I'm not dreaming."

"The manor was destroyed completely remember? Hayley's injured.. and I am NOT DEAD! WAKE UP!!" -It was Nëela's voice. Now he could tell.-It was starting to make sense. The manor was destroyed so he was in a nightmare. He tried to snap out of it but it was impossible. Since he was convinced it was real, he couldn't leave this place. The witch's voice started to get impatient but she tried to remain calm.- "I will help you. Klaus. You have to listen carefully. I can't join you as long as you believe I'm dead. To create a larger breach in your mind, you have to convince yourself that the corpse you're holding isn't mine. Please. Do it... Do it so I can come and set you free."

Klaus nodded and looked up at the swaying corpse that was in front of him. She was still so calm that it became sinister. The lighting changed, making it more dramatic and focusing the attention on the body alone. Everything became dark around them. He sighed and forced himself to look up again. She embodied the fear he had of losing her just the way he lost his previous lovers. She was even more. She was his hope, the hope of an actual life with a companion, someone who loved him genuinely and cared for him. She reminded him of his own failures. He had to let her go, to accept the light, to accept a new hope.

"Baby please... trust me. do it. Let her go."

Klaus pulled away from the corpse and scratched the back of his head. "I don't want to lose you. Nëela. I kept losing you over and over again in my nightmares. I don't want it to happen someday."

"So do I. I have more chances of surviving you than you have at surviving me!... I am also scared of losing you. So stop your bullshit and come back to me! COME BACK TO ME!" She screamed, lighting up a fire inside of him. He looked again and finally made up his mind. After a while, the corpse vanished and Nëela's astral projection tore apart the darkness, bringing up light behind her. She outstretched her hand towards him and offered him the sweetest smile ever. "Come home." She said until he grabbed her hand and suddenly woke up.

Klaus looked around and noticed on his bed, the witch sitting next to him. Her hands were stroking his hair and her face was messed up with dried tears. He grinned and grabbed her cheek with his large hand. Some of his fingers were entangled with her locks "How long?.."

"Too much for me... a couple of weeks." She said as she nuzzled his nose with hers and planted several kisses on his forehead. "Don't do this to me again."

"I don't even know what that was...but yeah, I won't." He smirked and pulled her into a kiss. She was there, she was alive, she reminded him of home. He had several questions to ask but he would not because he was with her.

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