Friday, June 14, 2024

SOA: Please come back

Radio silence....Mary looked at her phone, her fingers ready to tap on the keyboard to write a text to Maya. She pinched her lips together and put the phone against her chest. No... Not now. She couldn't write to Maya at the time. What if she didn't make it? What if she couldn't text her back because she was dead? She clenched her jaw and shook her head. No! Maya couldn't be dead! She couldn't be losing yet another family member. She couldn't cry, not now.. not until she was sure about what was happening. When Nakota texted her to tell her that Maya wasn't home because their cats had not been fed for a while, her heart sank. Maya was not negligent. She wouldn't have left their cats unattended. She wouldn't have stood Nakota up and certainly wouldn't have remained silent. They picked her outfit for the concert together, with Maya on a FaceTime conversation with her best friend. Mary remembered her girl waltzing around the room, trying on outfits she presented to her friend for her honest opinion. They picked the outfit together! They said "I love you" before Maya promised to text her when she arrived at the concert and to tell her about Nakota's reaction to seeing her. She honored the first part of her promise and then radio silence. 

Radio silence.... Perhaps she had forgotten? Mary tried not to make a big deal out of it at first because Maya was cautious and could protect herself well. So she simply worked. She tattooed her clients, took care of her dog Anubis, and enjoyed her solitude. All was well, right? Except it wasn't. Nakota texted her and her world crumbled. Anxiety took over as Mary was thinking about the worst. Anxiety took over because she knew that something had happened to her best friend. Maya had managed to escape SAMCRO. She wasn't a gangster princess anymore and she put this part of her life behind her.  She started a new life with Nakota, away from the turmoil and danger the life of a gang member could bring. So why? How? What happened to her between the moment she went to the concert and her disappearance? Mary held back a sob at the memory of her older brother Cody who fell victim to another gang. She had flashbacks of his body lying on the concrete,  riddled with bullets and soaked with his own blood. He played such a dangerous game and died because of it. Maya was out of that life, she couldn't meet the same fate, now could she? 

Radio silence... Soon after Nakota's text, he called her and they started to talk about what to do. Mary was ready to do anything in her power to find her sister. She needed to do something in order to keep her sanity because if she didn't, then she would have curmbled on the floor. Maya couldn't be hurt. She couldn't be hurt! She shouldn't be! After all she's been through, Mary wanted her best friend to finally enjoy a good life. She was her biggest support when Nakota entered her life, and she was the biggest supporter of them moving out of Charming. She needed to leave that cursed town to finally  start anew. She needed to leave to build her family, to make the life she wanted for herself a reality. Mary understood it and while the first couple months away from her friend were difficult, she got used to it. Maya was happy and it was all that mattered to Mary.  All was well... All was well until she received Nakota's text.  He told her what he knew, as he knew it. Maya had been abducted by her ex. Nakota had to go to her location and face that bastard. He was the one who held Maya's fate in his hands and that left Mary a nervous wreck, back at Charming. 

"I'm so useless... I can't help you from where I am. I don't even know if you're okay. What if Nakota dies? What if you... What if... It can't happen. It can't be. You can't be...oh Maya! Maya... If you die I would join you." She said, choking on her tongue as she bit back a sob. She couldn't imagine a world where her best friend wasn't alive. What could she do? How much more could she take?

Maya... She saved Mary's life. Plain and simple. When they met Mary was about to give up on everything. She was still an active alcoholic, nursing her broken heart with booze, crying herself to sleep at night. Her brother was dead, her parents were long gone and she was running away from an abusive ex who beat her self-esteem and drive down to a pulp.  Her shop was routinely vandalized and she didn't make a lot of money. Why did she keep on trying? When she met Maya, she took it upon herself to help the woman and stitch her up. It seemed like nothing but it was the first step towards a better life. Sobriety. Friendship. A future... A purpose. Maya became her sister, someone Mary would fiercely protect. Someone Mary would always support in whatever she wanted to do. Family...Mary couldn't lose her family again. She had to hear from Maya, maybe it was stupid, but she had to. She took a deep breath and started to type a text. 

"Hey, My favourite. I don't know in what fucked up state you're in but you better text me back and tell me that you're okay. I don't know what to do with myself and I've already ran out of theories about how you'll be back home.  I'm.. I love you. Please come home."

And she hit sent. 

And she still felt awful.

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