Tuesday, July 16, 2024

colby: shorts

 Tommy aged gracefully. Mary was head over heels for him and had been for quite some time. She thought he was beautiful, from the intense blue eyes to his lips. She loved to run her hands through his rich black locks and her fingers traced his features, his thick brows, his deep-cut cheeks, his square jaw. She loved to trace his ears with her fingers, press her lips to his neck, nuzzle his neck and shoulders. He was a handsome man and the only thing she wished she could do was to grow old with him


Mary's green eyes were a rare sight in Birmingham. Her caramel skin contrasted so well with her eyes that it was difficult to forget her face. Mary was beautiful, far more than she could imagine but  she doesn't realize just how much she captivates those who set their eyes on her.


"I wonder at times if you understand my heavy silence. I wonder if you realize that I feel I can't say the words I want to say or express the thoughts that plague my heart because I'm worried... I'm worried you would not understand and you would be angry with me. I'm worried because you might feel that I don't trust you...When I would put my life in your hands in a heartbeat. When I would trust you would survive anything you might want to do. When I gave you my heart to keep. 


Sometimes I wonder if you realize that  I can't bear the idea of your death. I can't bear it...Despite your desire to keep moving until you find someone stronger than you. Despite your desire to play daredevil so you could feel alive. Despite your anguish and guilt over the deaths of your family. I fear your death. I fear losing you. I fear losing you,... I don't want to be in a world where you're not but how could I tell you these words without you lashing out? So I swallow my words. I swallow my tears. I put a smile on my face because I trust you will survive your enemies. I trust you will come back to me. I trust we would live together and raise our children...should we have any together...God's willing...God's willing.


GoT: shorts about love.

"I remember the days I couldn't scream. Days spent wishing for a quick end... Days spent wishing for a better future. I am not sure I can explain what I've been through... I am not sure I remember everything either... I just know the pain is there, hidden deep into the scars on my flesh. I remember... But there is light in my life now. There is happiness...There is a desire to live to see another day."


"They called me the Sun of Astapor, gravitating around me like planets around the star. They wanted me for my hair, for my eyes and sometimes for the stark contrast with my skin. They believed I would be just like the sun, always present, always used for somebody else's benefit. They thought they were clever and tried to make puns using my history, regardless of how it really happened. They didn't realize that, like the sun, I could burn. They didn't realize that, like the sun, I was cruel and could care less about their feelings. They didn't realize that, if they got a little too close, they would melt into nothingness. I no longer would entertain them, and no longer belong to anyone but myself. Like the sun, I would stand alone. Like the Sun, I will devour all."


Bäahal had been fighting from the moment she was born. An unwanted child, born out of an unwanted relationship and forced into slavery at a very tender age. A young girl who had to keep her mind from breaking down upon seeing the countless horrors done to others and herself. A young woman who fought to take her freedom from the hands of her slaves. And since then, she'd always fought for her choices, for her family, for others... especially the voiceless. She was terrifying in her own right and didn't need to have a dragon to cast fear upon her enemies. She was a force to be reckoned with yet, her soul was pure, tender, and soft. Yet she maintained some sort of innocence and joy. and love... yes, love


"This is our land, these are our people and while I am not queen, I still have a part to play to ensure peace. I will fight for the people, for their freedom and peace of mind. I guess, it is a huge burden to carry on my shoulders, but it feels right to me. it feels right to us. We're breaking the wheel. Aren't we, sister?


"He longed for the chance to kiss her lips in public, without being afraid and without having to hide. He longed for the chance to be with her and start a new chapter of his life.


I am not invincible and I certainly do feel. I fail. I try. I regret that I mess up. I am

Not invincible, and sometimes I might even need to be protected. But I live. I love. I find my strength in it. In my imperfections and shortcomings. In my emotions and my desire to keep trying.


"A dragon and a Lion. Who would have thought it could ever happen? I fell for you, I'd fight the gods old and new for you. I know our fate lies in the hands of the queen, and I pray she would see the genuine feelings we have for each other. I pray she grants us her blessings. I pray."


She held the world in her hands. Perhaps more than she could imagine. With the strength of her love, the princess managed to bring back a man to life, and she might even reconcile two families


And all I could see were cowards who hid behind their principles to justify their behavior. They were scared of me, of the power I had. Of my sex-appeal they couldn’t resist. They were afraid of their own weakness.


"She was known as the daughter of Aerys II, champion of the Long Night, Dragon Rider, The Saint of the Siege, The Jewel of Astapor, and the sister of the Queen. Her name was Bäahal Targaryen."

Klasma Headcanon: Nëela's desire for a family // klaus' peaceful face.

 Klaus' peaceful face when he's asleep is something the witch would never grow tired of. She loves that he can be at peace with her. She loves that he can feel safe enough to drift into a peaceful slumber. It doesn't always happen but when it does, she counts her blessings.


It is unheard of a hybrid to have natural offsprings. 

It is unheard of a cursed witch to find a creature willing to mate with her and give her a child. 

It is not something Nëela is thinking of, not that she doesn't want to become a mother someday, but because her life has been so difficult and so lonely for centuries that she is convinced she would never be able to become a mother.

So it became a dream she buried deep inside her. A thought she wouldn't dare say out loud in fear of worse things to come.

TB: headcanons: Homelander and Sara's love!

 Homelander's passion only matches Sara's. She loves his kisses, she loves his cuddles, and she loves when he touches her and holds her in his arms. She loves the way he loves her and she honestly can't think of living her life without him in it. Homelander gives Sara what she has always lacked: love and affection.


Homelander's hair dye and stubble work so well that nobody can tell it's Homelander. Sara loves his blonde hair but she also loves when he grows a beard and when he dyes his hair. It turns her on so much that she can't keep her hands off of him when he is "John".


Sara has freckles that cover her whole body. It took a while for her to grow comfortable into her own skin. She discovered a new love for her body, for her freckles and the affection from Homelander transformed her.


"Look, Homelander is the one the word "scarouse" was made for. I mean, he's handsome as hell, hot as hell, and I need my baby okay? but when he's upset and dangerous? He's scary... and he's hot at the same time! So I end up having the heebies jeebies and the wetty wetties. okay?"

Klasma: attempting to make her feel better -ElijahxNëela-

 "I don't matter."

Nëela's cracked voice echoed through the living room she and Elijah occupied. He had tried to rekindle his connection with her in a more controlled environement but she had given him the cold shoulder treatment. He understood her anger and acknowledged that he could have done better all those centuries ago but it irritated him to see such a drastic change in the way she behaved around him. The witch who once was bubbly and happy around him was now very cold and silent. She avoided him like a plague and while it annoyed the Original when she was confrontational, Elijah was starting to miss it. He was missing her. Her words felt like a punch in the gut and he furrowed his brows, ready to refute her claim. 

"Nonsense! You do matter."

"Oh... When I am useful to you, that is true." -She sarcastically pointed out. He snarled and cleared his throat.- "what is it? You don't like when I am dishing you some truths?"

"You can't say that you don't matter to me unless I need something from you."

She put the magazine she was reading on her lap and turned to face the Original who was sitting on the chair nearby. Her golden orbs stared at him with a hint of defiance and rage. She was hurt by his words, angry even and he realized that he might have said the wrong things. 

"Please, pray tell, what did you do to show me that I mattered to you?"

"I... visited."

"Only when you needed a spell or a potion or to save your family over and over again."

"I asked you how you were doing!" -He accused, his fists clenched. That made her shake her head and darkly chuckle.-

"Small talk, just to get me going! Elijah, you never really cared for me. If you did, you would have seen me more than on the occasional "I need your help" courtesy visit! You would have known what I like and what I don't like by now! You would have introduced me to your family!" -She accused, her forefinger pointed at him-

That....He couldn't justify hiding her existence to the rest of his family. Well, technically, the older vampire could have done it. It was best for the rest of them not to know about her life if he wanted to keep an asset in his pocket. He needed her to be safe and isolated from his family's shenanigans and various enemies. He needed her to remain a secret because once she wasn't, look what happened! Still, all of these would sound like excuses to her and he didn't want her to be more upset because of him. Elijah hated feeling like he failed something, he was not at ease sharing a house with someone who once was someone he cared about -with ulterior motives- and not be able to talk to her.  He didn't like to see the pain on her face, and for the first time since he met her, he genuinely hated to see her in pain. 

"I should have introduced you, I know I messed up and I apologize for keeping you a secret for so long."

"Damn right you should have! Do you know how it hurt me to hear that nobody in your freaking family knew who I was? I helped them several times and they didn't even know my name! I was nothing! I was nothing! To them! To you! To no one! I am nothing!" She raised her voice and the walls started to tremble. He saw the veins protuding on her hands and neck, he could see the strain on her face because she was literally in pain due to her anger and curse. 

"I never noticed you wanted a friend. I thought that seeing you from time to time was enough for us. I-- miscalculated." -She yelled at his words and started to sob. He stood up and tried to come closer to her but she put her hand before her, silently asking him to stop where he was- 

"I didn't want a friend! I needed a friend! I thought you were a friend, Elijah! I thought you considered me one to you. But you made me into a tool! a tool!  And now that I am close to Klaus, you want to get close to me again?? I felt indebted to you, Elijah, because you saved me... because you talked to me and you considered me as a person. You broke my heart! Fuck! You broke my heart!" She accused and stood up swiftly.- "I can't look at you right now! I have to go!" -She left the living room and Elijah didn't follow her because he felt that she didn't want to see him again.

At least she talked to him, didn't she? 

At least...

got modern: what happens when I misbehave?

 And what happens when I am testing your limits and you can't resist any longer? What happens when I've been a brat all night and you must teach me a lesson? You told me I was beautiful. You told me I was sexy and that I should behave so you could keep control of yourself. I didn't! I knew you were looking at me. I knew you watched as I was courted, touched, and invited to dance. I danced and laughed all night with an eye always set on you. You were patiently drinking your glass of whisky. you were patiently waiting until I was done misbehaving. When we walked to your car at the end of the night, you pressed me against the car, you wanted to scent mark me, you wanted to wash the night off of me but you knew you couldn't do it in public, where anyone could find us. So you grabbed my throat, firmly enough for me to feel your intention. You brushed your thumb across my lips and pulled me towards you so you could press a long kiss to my temple. Your voice dropped and you whispered in my ear, asking me how long I thought I could get away with testing your patience. You gripped tighter and I couldn't contain my moan. There you were! assertive, hot, and bothered! There you were, overwhelming me with your intensity. Here was my reward for having been such a bad girl tonight.  

Sunday, July 14, 2024

TB: Then there is

 Then there is the way he looks at me which makes me weak in the knees. 

He sees me as I am. He loves me as I am. I know he loves me, he hasn't told me yet but I just know he does. Why wouldn't he? 

There it is. The way his face lits up when he sees me. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy because I can see that he's happy to see me. He always drops whatever he's doing to come to me and he wraps his arms around my waist. 

I love it when he pulls me into a hug. 

I love it when he loves me like I deserve. 

I love him.... that's as simple as this. I love him.

Colby: heavy silence

 "I wonder at times if you understand my heavy silence. I wonder if you realize that I feel I can't say the words I want to say or express the thoughts that plague my heart because I'm worried... I'm worried you would not understand and you would be angry with me. I'm worried because you might feel that I don't trust you...When I would put my life in your hands in a heartbeat. When I would trust you would survive anything you might want to do. When I gave you my heart to keep. 


Sometimes I wonder if you realize that  I can't bear the idea of your death. I can't bear it...Despite your desire to keep moving until you find someone stronger than you. Despite your desire to play daredevil so you could feel alive. Despite your anguish and guilt over the deaths of your family. I fear your death. I fear losing you. I fear losing you,... I don't want to be in a world where you're not but how could I tell you these words without you lashing out? So I swallow my words. I swallow my tears. I put a smile on my face because I trust you will survive your enemies. I trust you will come back to me. I trust we would live together and raise our children...should we have any together...God's willing...God's willing.


Colby: Michael Gray

 Michael Gray was ambitious. He wanted to take over the family, in hopes he would lead it to something better. He wanted to save the people he loved from the wrongdoings of Tommy Shelby, the man with the touch of death. He wanted to protect his mother from a certain death because there would be nothing else for her but Death. 

Michael Gray was ambitious. He wanted to prove himself to his family. He wanted to prove himself to his peers, to his friends, to whoever gave him a speck of attention. He wanted to show that he was a man, a leading man and Tommy Shelby was unfortunately like a thorn stuck in his side. Tommy was seen as the rightful leader, the messiah of the Shelby family. They all looked up to him and followed his orders as if he could never be wrong. Michael hated it.  He wanted to take over. 

Michael Gray was ambitious. He wanted Mary's love. He wanted her affection. no matter what he did, she always chose Tommy. He was popular with the ladies, wasn't he? He was desired, demanded, courted even and any other woman wouldn't have made Michael angry. Mary's love for Tommy set him on fire. He hated that she picked Tommy. He hated that she rejected him (no matter how polite she had been when she did that). He hated that she didn't love HIM! Michael lusted for Mary. He dreamed of her at night, fucked her when he was fucking his wife...Daydreamed about her and wished he could have had her. 

But he didn't. 

So if he couldn't have her, then he would make sure that Tommy lost her. Archibald was a mistake but he would try another time. He would try anything to make her fall out of love with the King of Birmingham. Trust Michael Gray to at least try.

Friday, July 12, 2024

40 facts about Mary Colson


A/N: All usual disclaimers!!!!!!! it's just for fun! Mary  belongs to me, always


1. Her full name is Victoria Mary Colson but everybody calls her Mary Colson.

2. She has two beauty spots, one on her upper lip on the right side and the other on top of her forehead on the left side.

3. She was raised by abusive nuns and has always felt that God had forsaken her.

4. Her husband was a predator who forced her into a life of misery: He was an adult chasing a teenager. he seduced her when she was the most vulnerable. She got pregnant and he managed to force the nurse to get them married. He abandoned her when she delivered their baby Paul. He hid his gangster past and pretended he was a crippled man to avoid going to war. When they were forced to run away from London, he forced her to work for the two of them. And when she's starting to make a life for herself, his past catches up to them and he's murdered. 

5. Mary used to be a singer, she has a very beautiful voice and could have become famous. 

6. She smells like roses.

7.  She loves to run her fingers through Tommy's hair and hums lullabies to help calm him down. 

8. She can handle herself well with a gun. Tommy taught her how to use a variety of firearms.

9. To spend some more time with Tommy, Mary learned a lot about horses. She now can ride and care for them. They took advantage of it and had moments spent together riding horses and having picnics. 

10.  She has a sweet tooth and loves dark chocolate a lot. So any dessert can win her heart. 

11. Mary doesn't smoke. However, she has the occasional cigarette. 

12. She loves to dance and wishes to dance with Tom someday (he is an excellent dancer )

13.  She used to have a pet cat called Princess.  One day the cat escaped only to never return which broke her heart. 

14. her favorite color is blue. She wears salmon a lot because it looks good

15.  Tommy Shelby is her lover. They are already living as a family unit with Charlie and he's just recently introduced her as his woman to high society.

16. She is very warm and nurturing. It's one personality trait that is something Tommy loves the most.

17.  She adores Cyril, the dog Tommy brought home one day and they bonded really quickly. 

18. She is very familiar with Arthur's addiction problems. She took over Ada and helped the older Shelby the best way she could. Arthur considers her his sister and is fiercely protective of her. 

19. She has not killed yet, but would not have any qualms about doing it to save her life or an innocent's.

20.  Polly is very close to Mary. She is a big sister/ mother figure of her.

21.  Michael Gray has an obsessive relationship with her. He used to be in love with her and badly reacted to her polite rejection and her choosing of Tommy Shelby. He wants to own her, he wants to take her, and he absolutely wants Tommy to lose her. 

22.  Her eyes are green and her brown skin gives her very exotic features easily recognizable. 

23.  Her natural hair is curly and is shoulder-length. 

24. Mary is the headmistress-in-training at the Grace Institute. She is officially a nurse there and is very close to the children under her care. 

25.  Mary is very close to the Shelbys. She's loyal to them and has a solid relationship with Polly.

26. She is straight but has experimented with women.

27. Mary is very determined and stubborn. She can be stern and her opinion is valued by those close to her.

28. Mary's father was a Jamaican soldier who died during the war. 

29. She is 30 at the start of the story.

30.  Mary's mother, Helen, is still an active political figure.  She hates Mary and is now trying to kill her daughter.

31.  Mary has met Alfie Solomons and they respect each other. He tried to intimidate her but she didn't yield.  He has a little bit of affection for her. 

32.  Tommy and the Shelbys have decided to keep her out of the loop of the business. She doesn't know what he does exactly but she knows he's a gangster and supposes that he's doing gangster shit. 

33. Mary wishes to become a mother again. It took her a while to grieve properly the death of her son but now that she's more comfortable with her loss, she is ready to move forward and have Tommy's child(ren).

34. Mary has noticed that Tommy is more and more absent. She's aware of his PTSD but doesn't know about his seizures. 

35. She is very close to Charlie, Tommy, and Grace's son. She loves him like her own. 

36. She is in Tommy's will. His first entry was to ensure she would own the Grace Institute as the headmistress if anything happened to him. 

37. Mary is a very curvy woman. She doesn't fully conform to the standards of the time but she's comfortable with her curves and knows that they hold the attention of plenty of men.

38. Tommy and Charlie are the beneficiaries of her will. 

39. Mary is an amazing cook. She insists on cooking at least once a month. Frances helps every time.

40. Mary is very difficult to read. Only very few people can understand who she is and can read her face, enough for them to know when Mary's disappointed in them or hurt. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

40 facts about Nëela Olusegun


A/N: All usual disclaimers!!!!!!! it's just for fun! Nëela belongs to me, always


1. She has long forgotten her true name. She wouldn't even answer it if she was called that.

2. She is a powerful witch, far more powerful than she's given credit for. 

3. Nëela is connected to the goddess Hecate. Her magic is the most powerful when she's fully worshipping the goddess.

4. She also gets her powers from the thirty lives of the witches merged with hers.

5. Nëela is very blunt. She doesn't lie because holding onto her emotions would hurt her more than expressing them. So she doesn't hide lies and doesn't hold back.

6. Her scent is a pleasant reminder of dawn.

7. She's very aloof because the very nature of her curse makes it impossible for her to bond with others. Every time she tried, they always betrayed her, died because of her, turned on her, or feared her.

8. She considers herself a healer but she also has a darker side. when she's upset, angry, or vengeful, Nëela relishes the pain she inflicts on others.

9. Nëela lost her family to Klaus' murderous rampage. For a long time, she wanted revenge on him but her curse made her understand what he was going through.  She then decided to help him instead.

10. Elijah rescued her from a rape attempt. That is the origin of her bond with him.

11. Elijah is very upset that Klaus discovered his secret. He used to consider Nëela as a useful tool and an asset to keep close and monitor from a distance. Unfortunately, Klaus exposed him and severed Elijah's relationship with Nëela.

12. She is in love with Klaus Mikaelson.

13. Despite her disappointment and heartbreak over Elijah's true feelings about her (He never saw her as a friend and didn't even mention her existence to his siblings.), Nëela deeply cares about him and about his family. 

14. She dreams of living a quiet life, in a mansion where she would be Klaus' muse, eat cheese and drink wine. 

15. She has been extremely lonely and it has impacted her more than she lets on.

16.  Nëela still has a little savior complex. She needs to white-knight anyone she meets who needs help.

17. When she's in a vengeful mode she looks terrifying. Her eyes are glowing so brightly that they look like two golden pools of light. She sports a slasher smile and her voice is deeper.

18. Nëela is touch-deprived and is very much sensitive when it comes to touch.

19. She rarely apologizes, because she has a big ego. However, when she does it is serious business.

20. She's tried to stay away from others to protect them and to save her peace of mind but no matter what, Nëela needs company so she tried to befriend people. It always ended badly except with the Mikaelsons.

21. Her real hair color is black but she always dyes her hair pink to blend in. Turns out as time goes by, it would become her most defining feature.

22. Nëela has a familiar which is a cat. He doesn't appear much because he works better in the astral plane. 

23. She doesn't want to turn into a vampire. She wants to remain a human witch.

24. Upon being introduced to the Mikaelsons, she would get closer to Rebekah and Freya. Elijah would work hard on rekindling his relationship with her and Kol still keep his distance from her.

25. Nëela is fully aware of her sex appeal and would never hesitate to take advantage of it. 

26. She thinks women are beautiful, and attractive and probably had tried more than once to woo one.

27. Nëela is always seen brewing potions, learning spells, and training. She keeps herself sharp and ready.

28. She loves chocolate, it's literally what could buy you peace with her.

29. She is 825 years old and has been living a very long life

30. Nëela has a vintage beauty about her. She looks like one of those fine paintings women people revered in the past.

31. She can be very clingy when she cares about someone.

32. She used to be very cheerful and curious about the world. Since then, it has taken some work to bring that side of her out.

33. Nëela tends to lose control of her powers when she's feeling extremely good (during sex) and when she's angry. Usually, it's her telekinesis that takes over and she breaks furniture, breaks glass, and breaks anything that is in her way.

34. Nëela is terrified of being abandoned by Klaus. She finally has some company and she doesn't want to lose it. Besides, she is in love with him, so obviously, she doesn't want to lose him.

35. She is hunted down by a coven of rogue witches who seek her destruction and have been for centuries.

36. She tends to lose her trail of thoughts when she's distracted. Usually by something pleasant. She would not finish her sentence when she was feeling really good.

37. Nëela is badass. She went face to face against witches and werewolves/ hybrids who had kidnapped Klaus. She fought them, got injured, and kept going. She will stop at nothing until she gets what she wants. What's a little blood, after all? 

38. She dresses in jeans and t-shirts but she cleans up nicely when it's time to go on a date. Klaus has yet to see her dress to the nines.

39. It takes a long time for her to truly know how she feels. She is in love with Klaus but doesn't recognize it just yet. It will take her some time before she does but once she does she will not give up on those feelings.

40. She is rather blunt with what she thinks of others and doesn't hesitate to tell them exactly how it is. 

40 facts about Sara Richardson


A/N: All usual disclaimers!!!!!!! it's just for fun! Sara belongs to me, always


1. Her full name is Sara Richardson

2. She is a supe. She received compound V when she was still an infant and was gifted with Telekinesis.

3. Sara is a super famous singer. She is Taylor Swift and Beyonce's level of fame.

4. Her extended family refused to take her in when her parents died. They hate her for being a supe.

5. She has freckles all over her body. When she's Unnamed Girl, she covers them with makeup. 

6. She smells like Roses.

7. She used to feel self-conscious about her curves as a teenager but grew to love them.

8. She is not lucky when it comes to love. Her first love Mallory escaped the orphanage and was never seen again. Her second girlfriend, Tara was a manipulative and narcissistic bitch and her last ex, Brett was a violent man who hated her true self and only wanted to benefit from her fame. 

9. Sara is not a bad seen but she's definitely always self-serving. 

10. Sara constantly tucks her hair behind her ears when she is upset or scared. She can't help herself.

11. Sara doesn't want to take part in superheroics. She would not save people if her life was in danger. she's a coward (but she says it's a self-preservation instinct kicking in). However, she would always try to protect children and infants, a far cry from her determination to work with children and protect them from harm. 

12. She is in love with  The Homelander

13.  If Sara had to train and use her powers to their full potential she would have been extremely powerful. 

14.  Sara possesses a high level of telekinetic ability that enables her to psionically levitate and rapidly move about all manner of animate and inanimate matter. She can use her telekinetic abilities on herself or others to simulate the power of flight or levitation. If she trained seriously, she would be able to stimulate molecules to increase friction, create protective force fields out of psychokinetic energy, or project her telekinetic energy as a purely concussive force. The outer limits of her telekinetic power have never been clearly established, though she was capable of lifting approximately fifty tons of rubble with some strain.

16. She is very loving and cuddly. Unfortunately, very few have allowed her to fully express that side of hers.

17. Sara's powers tend to spill when she's under stress. She lactates as a result.  It used to be an inconvenience until she met Homelander. 

18. Dotty is Sara's manager but also a mother figure in her life.  (much to Sara's dismay).

19. She has not killed yet, but would not have any qualms about doing it to save her life or an innocent's.

20. Sara suffers from PTSD from physical and emotional violence against her by Brett and Tara.

21.  Sara loves her double life. She enjoys the quietness of being anonymous when she's her true self.

22. She used to have a sexual relationship with her neighbor Duncan, following her break-up with Brett. They stopped it after a couple months and long before she met Homelander.  He still watches after her and makes sure she's doing fine. 

23. Her apartment has very few pictures of her. It has all of her accomplishments (awards) but very few candid shots of her. It's both a testament to her abusive past relationships and also to her desire to move forward with her life and pretend that part didn't happen. She's not comfortable seeing the faces of the people who wronged her in the past. 

24. Sara's hair is long and bone straight. She does like to curl it up from time to time.  People have accused her of wearing wigs for as long as she can remember but it's simply a side-effect of compound V. 

25. Sara doesn't think of herself as beautiful, she's extremely self-conscious of her freckles and her curves which were not appreciated by her former partners.

26. She is bisexual through and through. 

27. Sara is friends with all the kids. She is usually very kind to them and patient. She loves children and wants to protect them. 

28. Sara is very dramatic. Some of it comes from the trauma of losing her parents young and some of it comes from the fact she's an attention-seeker as well. 

29. She is 25 at the start of the show/story.

30. Sara hates when she's disrespected. She always reads people to filth when they attack her but she could escalate if needs be.

31. Her trauma response can be A breakdown, a meltdown, or even violence.

32.  Due to being abandoned and exploited by the people in her life who should have protected her, Sara is highly dependent on the affection of others. 

33.  One way to fully make Sara fold is to love-bomb her, or if you're more genuine, it's to compliment her and genuinely want to spend time with her.

34.  She loves ice-creams. They are her favorite treat. 

35. She deeply feels alone but deludes herself into feeling otherwise because she has the love of her fans.

36.  Sara suffers from acute loneliness and her visceral need to be loved and to be adored. She fills the void with the love of her fans and her only fans but it is never enough and she ends up craving some more. In truth, she needs to be loved. She needs to be loved properly. 

37. Sara enjoys reading. it's her favorite hobby when she's resting at her home. She lives a very homely life, she bakes, cooks, goes to the laundromat, reads, and drinks at her balcony. She loves to go to the ice cream shop on the corner of the street and she loves it even more when she can go for walks at the park, go to clubs so she can dance all night long, and just live an anonymous and mundane life. 

38.  Sara has a lot of fans but also equally a lot of haters. She ignores them and doesn't focus on their negative remarks and comments. Publicly she says that a hater is just an obsessed fan and she's blessed that she lives rent-free in their head.  however, deep down, she hates it when someone doesn't like her. 

39.  She's a people pleaser and suffers greatly when she is disappointing someone. Her exes took advantage of it to mess with her self-esteem. 

40. Sara is very clever. If she wasn't a singer she would have been a science teacher. She loves to know the inner workings of the universe. Unfortunately, her career is so huge that it now has just become a hobby rather than an actual interest of hers. Sorry Nasa, the glitters of Hollywood took over. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Colby: They would be alright

Safehouse, Sunday morning, the beach.

Mary felt the fresh breeze of the sea wind brush over her face. She tucked some rebellious locks behind her ear and walked on the sand. Before her, Charlie and the family dog Cyril were running and that beautiful, exhilarating youthful joy was contagious. Charlie grabbed a tree branch and threw it so he could play fetch with Cyril and Mary picked that moment to stop and stand on the beach.  Charlie waved at her, asking his mom to watch him as he played with the dog and Mary waved back at him.  The nurse felt a warm fuzzy feeling wash over her and she put her hand over her heart. Charlie was a loving child and his affection for the young nurse helped her heal her own trauma. She felt Tommy's arm wrap around her waist and pull her into a hug. Her eyes averted from the child to Tommy's face. The gangster was silent, observant as he always was. She could see the relief he felt by the way he carried himself. His features, usually hard and tense were relaxed and soft. Mary stroked his face and as he looked down at her, she gave him a sheepish smile. 

"I know you didn't want to come here, but I think we needed to have a moment together, as a family."

"Charlie seems to enjoy himself, eh?" -She nodded- "Then you were right." -She looked back at the little boy who was petting the dog and sighed happily.-

Upon learning that she received the visit of Alfie Solomons, Tommy was upset. How come the institute allowed for such a thing to happen? She ended up alone, without Peaky's protection and that was the point that made him flinch. Not so long ago, Mary was a victim of an attack by Archibald Worthington III.  It was a man who tried to woo her and when he couldn't get her, resorted to violence. Tommy almost lost his mind at the idea that anything could have happened to her. She had to defend herself, scratch that man to blood, and run for her life. She had to endure a punch in the face because he was frustrated and he even went as far as to gloat in front of him about touching his woman. Tommy heard that Archer was informed of Mary's existence and of Tommy's Gin business by Michael. This only fueled his rage and desire for revenge against Michael. 

So Alfie only added fuel to the fire and he was restless until he found the gangster and told him to never come closer to Mary ever again. It required a tough explanation from the Jewish man, thinly veiled threats, and a shouting contest between the two before Alfie assured Tommy Shelby that he didn't want to hurt Mary, but he wanted to see how vulnerable she was. Her protection wasn't enough, that enough was made clear and he enjoyed the conversation he had with the young woman. She had spunk, she was fierce and she was far more beautiful than rumors gave her credit for.  She didn't hesitate to confront him and didn't yield when he became more menacing. That didn't make Tommy feel better about the whole situation and Mary witnessed it. She requested they leave Arrow House so they could spend some time together and he agreed to it. After all, they needed a break, didn't they? 

"We're safe here, aren't we?" -He stroked her shoulder and she looked back at his face. He nodded and planted a kiss on top of her forehead.- "I want you to know that I'm not afraid. I know what it entails to love a Shelby. I know this life isn't a simple one. I know...And I'm not afraid of it. " She then tip-toed and kissed his cheek while Charlie sat on the sand and watched the sea. "I can only imagine how worried you are. I know your brain is always working and you're always thinking of the best way to protect us and I know that you've been overworking since I met Alfie Solomons."


"No, Tom. Listen to me. Whatever it is that you will face, we will face it together. I'm not going anywhere, I won't stop loving you, no matter how difficult it is. No matter how dangerous this life is. I chose this life. I told you so. I chose you and I will always choose you." 

She cupped his cheek and slightly turned his head so he could bend forward and kiss her. His kiss was soft, his lips gently pressed against hers as he wanted her to understand all the things he couldn't say. Mary happily sighed between their lips before he wrapped both of his hands around her waist and pulled her into a hug to help her keep some balance. She was a loyal and fierce woman, Tommy always knew about it. She was fearless and so open with the way she felt about him that he couldn't help but kiss her. Tommy wasn't a man of many words, but he definitely could express his feelings in more than one way, so he did. He kissed her with a tenderness he had never shown before.  He kissed her with a passion that made her feel weak in the knees, and that made her heart flutter. They would be okay. They would be, wouldn't they? 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

TB: little freak out

Sara ran her fingers through her hair in an attempt to self-soothe. All these years, so carefully crafted to suit her needs went down the drain after one encounter. Was she this fragile? Sara claimed that she overcame the need to be loved and cared for. She loved to claim that she was stronger than they gave her credit for and that nothing and no one could hurt her like Brett and Tara did. She convinced herself to have a thicker skin and reinvent herself well enough to be able to withstand any attack sent her way. Yet, she lied. She was still needy. She was still demanding attention and affection from others. She was still the child exploited by her parents, the teen abandoned at an orphanage, and a young woman abused by her exes...  

Her biggest fear was to be alone, to die alone... To lose the love of her life because of something she did or said. Everyone in her life had left her behind. Her parents were the first to abandon her. Did they even love her? If they did, they never showed it to her. If they didn't she wouldn't be surprised given how cold they always were with her. She had to perform to please them and she did her best (including hurting herself) to make them smile. Mallory, her first girlfriend, escaped the orphanage and left her behind. Tara grew bored of her and dumped her without a warning. She was never pleased with Sara unless she went above and beyond for her. She always put her down any chance she got. And Brett?  Brett hated her. She now realized that. He manipulated her, kept putting her down, and abused her, violently so. Even he fucking left her. So why wouldn't Homelander? Why wouldn't John?  

She pinched her lips together and kept tucking her hair behind her ear. it worked, and after a while, she finally calmed down. How ridiculous it was. Why would her relationship with John sour? He loved her.. he didn't say he did but she could tell he felt the same thing as she did. He cared for her. He protected her. Sara didn't have to hide her true nature or change herself to please him and he didn't need to pretend either. There always was some bravado, she could understand that, but he was more and more himself as time went by. Why would she be worried about it? She was Sara Richardson! She was a megastar! She was loved! She was scared... She was terrified about being left behind once again...Fuck! 

GoT: A strong desire to leave

"You should rest, princess. Would you like some poppy milk to help you sleep?" 

The gentle voice of the maid snapped the princess off of her own mind. Bäahal felt trapped in the Red Keep and while she understood how important it was that their enemies believed she was dead, she couldn't stand staring at the same walls and flowers and the same people every single day. Her purple hues stared at the mirror, hoping to meet the eyes of her maid. She shook her head, unwilling to take the beverage that was supposed to help her find some sleep. She hated poppy milk because it drowned her thoughts and made it difficult for her to think. Jaime returned to Casterly Roc for a couple weeks and since the princess was unable to leave the castle, she felt very isolated. Bäahal waited until the maid pinned her hair into a messy bun and turned around so she could look at her. 

"Thank you, for the suggestion, but I would like to try to sleep without it tonight. Thank you for your help, Martha. I can take it up from here."

The maid excused herself and left the bedroom without much of a sound. Now alone, the princess stood up and walked towards the window of her bedroom. What good was a dragon rider when there was no dragon left to ride? Drogon only accepted Daenerys, Rhaegal was kinder but Jon claimed him. Jon could ride him, not Bäahal, at least, not alone. Viserion was her dragon. He was her best friend and in lonely nights such as this one, the princess was craving his presence. She wiped fresh tears that had pooled in her eyes and took a deep breath. Riding a dragon was impossible for her, but riding a horse? That, she could do. That she did when she became her sister's ambassador. It was so good to let them run wild without a care in the world. Bäahal loved the feel of the cold breeze on her face, the freedom granted by the majestic animal that made her forget for a minute about her ordeal. Bäahal wished she could leave the castle and ride her horse until sunset but she could not leave these walls...

She furrowed her brows and berated herself for breaking down so easily. She survived a siege, got her blessings, reconciled with her sister, and was even allowed to befriend Lady Kyra without repercussions. She could start her family now... Yet, in the darkness of the room, something was amiss. Her sheets were cold, and she couldn't confide in her friend Lady Kyra Lannister. Her sister, the queen,  was busy ruling the seven kingdoms and the princess received so little visits that she felt that days were longer. She needed to leave the castle but Bäahal knew that she couldn't leave the castle, no matter what she wore. No one had seen a woman with her features, silver hair, purple eyes, and black skin. It was unusual, unique maybe, and even if she tried to disguise herself, Bäahal would be recognized by anyone she could meet. So she wouldn't try. 

She felt her tears roll down her cheeks and quietly sobbed into her hand. How long would it last? How long would they keep her locked in these walls? Bäahal was eager to live her life as she saw fit. She was eager to resume doing what she loved most, helping people, meeting those in need, and figuring out ways to soothe their pain. She loved to ride, and she wanted to spend time with Jaime Lannister. By the gods, Bäahal wanted to live! She had to do something. She had to find a way to leave that castle.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

TB: I don't care about the world

The world is in shambles but I do not care about it. 

I do not care about whether or not supes would reign supreme. 

I do not care about those who hate me or those who don't care about it. 

I care only about those who love me, those who want my company, and those who want to be with me. 

The world is in shambles but I do not care about it. 

It could crash and burn for all I care, why would I bother with the world when it didn't do shit for me?

Why should I care about the well-being of others when I and plenty of children, rotted at the orphanage? 

They watched me crave affection, do pony tricks to please others and shrink myself for them.

They watched me cry myself to sleep without any tender gesture to comfort me. 

They watched me hate myself, pick my body apart, and try to hide my freckles so people would love me.

They watched me suffer from the fists and kicks of the one who was supposed to love me for me.

So why should I care about the world? 

Why should I care about others? 

There's just Sara, her needs, her desires, and her dreams. There's just Sara and the people who love her.

There's just... Me! 

Doya: "we deal with Death."

We deal with Death every single day, sometimes we bargain and sometimes Death spares us. 

I am reminded that I am mortal and that the happiness I fought for could escape my fingers if Death decides otherwise. 

I used to be fearless...

But now I have way too much to lose. Family. Friends. A life I love more than anything else. 

I now fear Death...

How strange!

GoT: I have disappointed those I love the most.

isn't it true? Isn't it true that I have disappointed my mother? 

Isn't it true that I have disappointed my siblings? 

isn't it true that I have disappointed Jaime? Kyra? 

I have been told that I hold myself to high standards 

and that I should probably try and be easy on myself.

I tried, I really tried but I still think that I am undeserving of love.

I still believe that I don't make my mother proud.

I still remember the tears and anger in the face of my sister.

I dread the day I would disappoint Kyra so much that she would disavow me.

I dread the day Jaime would want nothing to do with me anymore.

Still.. I can't help but feel that no matter what I do, it will never be enough. It would never be...Ah...

Klasma: wounded

I shouldn't believe your words, I know you spit them at me out of anguish and pain. 
I shouldn't take them personally, I know it, yet it hurts still and it hurts really badly. 
So I take the words as I would take the swords. I let you stab me with your truth.
I let you rip me apart limb by limb, I let you paint me with the darkest brush you have.
I let you pretend that I am the monster that preys on your suffering, 
A white knight who pretends she can help people when she's feasting on their pain.

I let you pretend that I am a monster who is looking for your downfall, waiting until you're weak enough.
I let you pretend that I don't care about you and that I am using you for what you can bring me. 
Power, is it? Fame, is it? Keep on finding new ways I could be using you, Klaus. 
I know you're used to others pretending they care because they need you. 
Truth be told, I do need you but not for something you can give me. I need you for you. 
I need you because I love you! yet I know that you won't believe me because why would I love you? 

What's there to love inside you? I watch you lie to yourself, convince yourself that you're unloveable.
When I know it's not the truth, how could it be since I fell in love with you? 

I shouldn't believe your words, I know you lash out at me out of anguish and pain. 
I know that you don't believe a word that you scream at me, but the truth is, It's hurting me. 
I cry before you, eliciting nothing but your contempt since you believe these tears are fake.
I hold back my sobs to save the last shred of my dignity but you mock me for it.
I stay when I should be leaving. I take the verbal beating you give me and I wait for the next one.
I'm pathetic, you're right about it, but I am because I know that patience is what you need.

Patience and understanding, are two things you've been deprived of since you became the hybrid.
Love and honesty, are two things you've been denied since you ceased to be a mere mortal.
I have them in abundance and I know that you need them, you deserve them... Still... I'm in pain. 
And who will comfort me? Who will care for my broken heart? Who will care for me? 
I take and I take and I take but even I can break but nothing hurts more than to see your cold face.
nothing hurts more than to hit the wall you've built around you when I need your warmth the most.

I guess I got what I deserved. 
I guess it's my tribute for what I've done to my coven.
I guess I just have to keep to myself and get on with it.
For I'd rather be in pain if that allows you to feel better. 
I guess...

Doya: Sarah Thomas and the plight of the hunter famliy life.

Sarah was sitting on a chair at a family-friendly restaurant where she stopped with her husband and her twin daughters. She looked exhausted, battered, and bruised. Her left wrist was wrapped in a makeshift bandage after an injury left by a monster a couple nights ago. Her bottom lip now had a deep cut, a permanent scar left by another monster she hunted months ago. Her hair had thinned out and was now minimally cared for. A shampoo here and there when needed, a couple minutes of combing, and then tied on a ponytail. She switched her fancy dresses for a more practical look, a pair of denim jeans, t-shirts, and a leather jacket with boots.

Her husband was no longer the naive man she used to know. Discovering the supernatural world and encountering monsters on a day-to-day basis forced him to become far more wary of his surroundings than before. He learned how to defend himself and his family in most monster attacks, the rituals and sigils to use to protect their peace of mind. He took it upon himself to teach their twin girls the same basis, usually as a game so they could easily remember the safety measures but they were too young to fight, way too young to defend themselves against the bigger and scarier threats. 

Daniel was exhausted too but he remained cheerful in the face of adversity, taking it as yet another family adventure they were able to share together. He didn't mind sleeping less than before, he didn't mind moving around now that their house had been targeted by swaths of monsters from the time Oya and Joshua were working a huge case in the area. He found joy in this new life, he took pride in showing his little girls the wonders of the world and even managed to find a job he could do remotely. A regular job for a family dealing with monsters? Sarah didn't know what to make of it, but somehow they made it work. 

< I remember when you told me that I had to protect my white-picket-fenced life. I was perplexed that you wouldn't let me return to being a hunter back then. I'm starting to see why you said it. Life's fucking hard, O. Right now... the only house I have is with them.>

She texted Oya and took a deep breath. She knew that it would be foolish to expect her life to be the same as those blissfully ignorant humans but Sarah was raised to become a hunter, she couldn't ignore the supernatural world. She couldn't afford to let her family become a target of monsters. One way or another, they would have had to fight and hit the road, so why not do it when they still can have some control over it?  Her eyes averted from her phone to her husband who yawned and pinched the bridge of his nose.  Daniel smiled at his wife and glanced at the twins who decided to focus on their food. Sarah shrugged and mouthed "I love you" to Daniel who returned the favor before her phone buzzed again.

<Yeah? I'm sorry. It really sucks. I was wrong when I said that because the supernatural world doesn't forget or forgive. No matter how hard we try to escape this world, it always finds a way to pull us back in. I'm sorry Sarah. I didn't want this for you.>

The blonde hunter looked at her phone and sighed at Oya's reply. What else could be said in such a situation? It was better to be prepared than to be collateral damage. Monsters didn't discriminate and she would be damned if she didn't give her family the tools to fight back. Sometimes, she wondered if her desire to have a family didn't doom them to an unhappy life? Could it be that she made a mistake in bringing these children into the world and forcing their innocent father into a nomadic life?  There would obviously come a time when Daniel would not be able to work remotely. There would be a time when they would have to find a way to get some money and feed their children. Could they send the girls to school? questions kept filling her head and she typed her reply to Oya. 

<I regret having the twins.  Kinda. I don't know. I feel guilty for bringing them into the world.  O... If you didn't drink that potion and could still have kids.. would you have them?>

<Without a doubt. It would have been challenging, for sure. It would have been fucking hard but...I would have tried my best for that kid, you know? Just like I know you would do the best for your twins. They love you and  I know you'll find a compromise for them. They'll be ready for whatever comes next. I just know it!>

Sarah couldn't help but smile upon reading Oya's answer. She was right! She would find a way to raise her girls right. She would find a way to make this life worth living. Oya's encouraging words managed to make her feel much better about her decision. She met the love of her life and they both decided to bring into this world, two new lives. It was an act of love. Teaching them about the supernatural world was also an act of love, a way for them to ensure their safety and survival. Sarah realized that compared to those blissfully unaware of the dangers lurking in the dark... Compared to them, Sarah and her family could make a difference, they could save lives... And they would just do it! Daniel looked at her and gently put his larger hand over hers. He gave her a soft smile and stroked the back of her hand.

"Hey, babe. It's going to be alright. How about you rest today and I take care of the twins?"

"Oh, Daniel, I do need to sleep for a while. Are you sure you want to keep doing it with me? This life I mean?"

"Always. I'll go wherever you go, Sarah. This is our life now and I'm fine with it as long as I am with you." -She smiled and lowered her head so she could leave a couple kisses on the back of his hand.- 

"I love you."

"I love you too."